Thursday, June 11, 2009

Keith Olbermann and Margaret Carlson weigh in on what has become my favorite Palin story of the day. Oh and they agree with me!

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As you can see it has become obvious to just about EVERYONE that Sarah Palin is milking this thing for every bit of publicity she can possibly get. But what she does not seem to realize is that the more she talks about it the less sympathetic she appears.

By the way there is extensive video shown of the Palins' with Giuliani at that ballpark that Willow was supposed to have attended with them. Can anybody find her in ANY of the shots? Because I sure as hell cannot.

(And thanks to Kajo for pointing out the fact that Willow seems to be MIA from the stadium that night in my comments section. I apologize for at first doubting you, but damn I think you may be right.)


  1. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Isn't anyone paying attention to poor Sarah, Todd and family anymore? As Keith pointed out, accept the apology and look big. Keeping the fight going benefits Letterman (ratings), and keeps the Palins in the media if that want to continue acting like the Tabloid Family. Chris Matthews said it best earlier today when he advised not picking a fight with a comedian because the comedian has all the best lines. By the time the Palins are done on the Today Show, Letterman's gag writers will be rewinding the tape, picking out the highlights so she can once again be on TV-- that is, if he hasn't taped Friday's show in advance. Doesn't she remember how long Letterman kept it up against McCain? As I remember, it didn't work out very well for McCain, did it? Oh, and if the Palin's keep this going, Craig Fergusen has been making Palin jokes, and we've got Maher, Stewart, Colbert in the wings. Too bad Saturday Night Live is done for the season.

  2. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Letterman is a Court Jester, and a darn good one. The function of the Court Jester is to bring EVERYONE down a peg, esp. those in power, in order to humanize them, and keep their egos in line. This includes movie stars and politicians in our country.

    Every "King" has a Court Jester to help the "kingdom," by making sure the leaders "stay human." Even McCain knows the late night comedians function this way in 21st century America, in the court of public opinion in a true democracy.

    But Palin just "doesn't get it." As usual. (Sigh.) Or maybe she is just against democracy. She sure doesn't get humor or satire.

  3. Anonymous7:09 PM

    P.S. No "King" ever actually fights the "Court Jester"! If the Jester threatens you, can you imagine what an actual enemy would do?

    (Personally, I think Palin would give away state secrets for free haute couture items, but that's just me. Maybe Exxon gave her a gift certificate to Neiman's this week?)

  4. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Her actions this week are true to form--- like a Narcissistic Blamer:

    Narcissistics fear being inferior:

    *exaggerated sense of self
    *wants excessive attention
    *expects special treatment
    *lacks empathy
    *takes advantage of others

    Overcompensates with:

    *constant bragging---does she ever!
    *attacks if feels insulted---does she ever!
    *disdain for others---yes
    *tries to control others---does she ever!

    May manipulate others ---!!!!
    May use seductive charm--yup

  5. onejrkitty7:38 PM

    Nothing, nothing and I mean NOTHING makes my heart gladden than to think of Letterman socking it to Palin in PUBLIC and HUMILATING her the way she deserves.

    Her remarks insuinating he was making fun of raping a 14 yr old ( which he has already addressed) was bad enough, BUT SHE STUPIDLY FOLLOWED IT UP WITH THE "KEEP WILLOW AWAY FROM LETTERMAN" remark insinuating Letterman was a pedophile will unleash fury like Palin has never seen.

    Letterman will have control of his humor making his remarks all the more biting.


    The worse thing she could do would be to sue him. Oh the cost, Oh the negative publicity, Oh the distraction from state business Oh van Flein so inadequate against a real attorney.

    Oh the fun of it all :)

  6. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I think if the Palins keep lying and sending out fundraising letters which completely fabricate what Letterman actually said, Letterman will have a STRONG CASE of slander, libel or defamation of character against the Palins. Now it's in print from Palin; that was really dumb of them. And we KNOW Letterman will have much better lawyers than Van Flein.

  7. The Palins and their sycophantic followers are like the nasty little dog who won't stop worrying his toy until it falls apart...

    Now Adam Brickley -- he of the grad school Sarah Palin blog from a couple of years ago touting Palin as VP to the Republican powers-that-be -- has climbed on the "oh, poor Sarah, now she's been attacked again!!" bandwagon.

    He's a regular contributer to that somewhat bonkers Palin-worship site we all refer to occasionally. But now HE'S taken umbrage at David Letterman's #3 in the Top Ten List from Monday night. Because he's a Jew.

    Anyway, Brickley's question is, "Why Aren't We Angrier at Letterman Labeling Palin an Anti-Semite?" if the Palinistas haven't worked themselves up into enough of a rabid lather over #2.

    (one of the see2peers quietly pointed out that Letterman is Jewish, too, but that comment was largely ignored)

    Further, Brickley says "those of us who admittedly spend too much time tracking Gov. Palin know that she has not only met Jews in her life, but keeps a small Israeli flag in her office."

    Yeah, most of us who know that Sarah Palin is an End-Timer also know that End-Timers feel that Israel is the key to the End Times. So it's no surprise Palin feels Israel is near and dear to her Evangelistic doomsday heart.

    You can just about guarantee that there will be another wave of outrage after Brickley's dropped brick over at see2pee.

    The ironic and cunning thing about this is, they were SUCCESSFUL in getting the "Palin is a plagiarizer" story off the front pages of the blogs and news outlets.


    P.S. Gryphen... I feel so much like such a tease... I looked at the clips of the Palins-at-Yankee-Stadium in the KO video above, and saw another dark-haired young woman sitting directly behind the Palins and the Giulianis, between 2 guys wearing navy blue polos or shirts.


    . wasn't Willow. :)

    This gal's facial structure and profile didn't resemble a Palin, and her hair was in an uncharacteristic face-hiding 'do. And she showed a lot of cleavage, something we haven't seen Willow do (at least I haven't).

  8. Anonymous8:10 PM


    I'm willing to start the RECALL petition. Do you think there's enought support out there. I talked to many people this weekend at the Ocean Festival, and they said that they would sign. Is it worth my time?

  9. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Palin makes me sick. Please Gryphen tell us that something is still coming that could help bring her down! PLEASE!

    The way she uses her kids, she is such an opportunist!! Letterman did not bring the words rape, 14 year old and pervert into it. The Palins did. They are HORRIBLE parents, simply HORRIBLE. Using your kids and turning this into a big media circus so she gets more attention? It is outrageous.

    We should all write David Letterman and tell him about babygate. He probably has the means to crack it and he is probably furious right now.

    I wonder if he will talk about it tonight..

  10. Anonymous8:40 PM

    They tried to make Letterman look like a pedophile, because most likely the great cover up with Trig is she is protecting not only her daughter but TP as well. There is no reason ever to stay with a man who would abuse a child, especially in a case like this. This is why her hard core supporters get so uptight over it. Attacking, even when no mention of Trig is made. SP has told them to guard that secret and they go over the top to do so. The sad thing is their religion allows a man to do whatever they please and the women must obey. So even if the worst is true they will not condemn her. This is my opinion, but as dark as this family is this is a real possibility. Todd has to be sick himself to stay with such a twisted personality.

  11. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Palin is going to look the fool on the Today Show. She is all set to argue how Dave insulted her family and her, yet that was already a few days ago, gone, forgotten, oh yeah, unless the Palins need to keep it going. On tonight's show, Dave had one joke about Sarah Palin, saying that she called to say that everything was all right, in fact, she invited him to go hunting with her. Just how thin is her skin? Isn't there any pressing government business to tend to?

  12. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Letterman is NOT Jewish. He grew up presbyterian. And I don't remember him calling Sarah Palin and anti-semite! These are the dumbest stories, the whole thing is out of hand......


  13. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Knowing the way Palin treats invites -- will she appear or not?? What I would like to see is Sarah accept Letterman's offer to be on the show, either overbook the show or run long with a guest. Have her in the Green Room and then he run's out of time -- OOPS!!! So Sad -- Too Bad!!

  14. bones AK10:33 PM

    Good on you Gryphen. See you at Shanny's?

  15. I wonder if Todd got to read "his" statements before they sent them out. Gotta make him look like a "concerned" parent after all. Is he supposed to intimidate Letterman? HA! Can't help thinking about his remarks in (I think) Esquire when asked about their giving sex education info to Bristol said "Oh, it's out there." Some concern. Keep it up Palins, you just prove your "class" more every day.

  16. Anonymous10:51 PM

    check out this Kathy Griffin interview with Dave. the Palin part of it is somewhere in the middle.

  17. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Dave Letterman is of good old midwestern conservative stock. His humor is typical Indiana, which by the way is the home of the John Birch Society and one of strongholds of the KKK. Dave is not like that though.

    He is enough of a gentleman to not go after the Palins anymore, which folks, even though I agree with you about Palin using her family as she does, is the best way to handle this.

    If he just ignores her, she won't go away, but the silence may incite her enough to let her make herself and family more of a fool.

    Indiana is the heartland of America. Filled with real Americans, with a softer kind of human to them. Sadly, one of the characteristics of someone with a mental health problem is their inability to deal with humor, especially when it's directed at them. Like SP.

    Get a life Sarah. Go home and cook some moose stew and take care of your family like a good mother.

  18. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Charles and Dianna of the Klondike.

  19. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I think Palin keeps this up because she can't admit she was wrong about her assumption that it was Willow Letterman was speaking of.

    Saying she was wrong is way worse for her than accusing someone of being a sexual

    Shes such a fool. Matt Lauer did a good job this am

  20. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:55 AM

    The peelanders and dud & GINO are blowing this up b/c they took a BIG hit last weekend over the Plagiarism speech!
    That is what's going on here, with their made up sanctimonious false indignation!!!
    DON'T FORGET IT? Don't fall for the "red herring"!

  21. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I am firmly in camp Bristolx2. However, there has been lots of mention of Willow especially because she is so young and could have been abused. Could Sarah have made a Fredian slip regarding Willow? Or does Sarah keeps the blogs in front of her (tiny) mind so much that she knows the idea is out there? No rational person I know would have immediately went to Willow. After all, it was Bristol walking around pregnant and on the front page of People. How many average people even know Sarah had another daughter named "Willow". Everyone knows Bristol.

  22. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I'm pretty sure that Willow was at that game. If you look at the third photo in the HuffPo piece about them being there, it looks like her (part of her head and face) in the row below SP:

  23. You're right, Anonymous @ 9:20 PM, Letterman is noted as being raised Presbyterian on Wiki (I should have checked first! WHO was I thinking of??)

  24. Anonymous @ 9:59 AM, that's not Willow.

    Willow doesn't have a sharply sloping forehead nor an uneven fairly low hairline as this person does, and Willow's eyebrows are more defined.

  25. mlaiuppa11:17 AM

    Sarah has gotten the National Organization of Women to induct David Letterman into their Hall of Shame. Why NOW swalloed the B.S.of a raving lunatic who made women pay for their own rape kits, I'll never know.

    I can't wait to hear what Olberman says about this now.


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