Thursday, June 11, 2009

Levi Johnston gets movie role!

If you click the title you can literally see Levi being offered and accepting his first feature length movie role.

My advice to Levi is to take some acting classes because he still has a tendency to mumble and his face is not exactly expressive now is it?

I wonder where Tank was during this interview, I thought all offers had to go through him before they were accepted or not.

Hey Tank your slipping man!


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Having watched an excerpt of a film which included the divine Miss Oregon I don't think that Levi need worry his pretty little head over his acting skills.

    He'll do just fine.

  2. Levi needs to get it in writing - have Rex look at contract STAT. Bristol will be so envious! But think about the $$$ they could make if they were willing to do a movie TOGETHER? What say kids? (and NO, I do NOT mean an "x' movie). It would make mommy Sarah's head explode.

  3. Levi and Tank are on TMZ.

    Levi Johnston Practices Unsafe SPF

  4. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Good for you Levi!! Palin used you, not it is fair that you use the fame she brought you to your advantage. Milk it for all it is worth. I cannot imagine the pain you and your family have been through at the hands of the Queen.

  5. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Are they serious about a movie? I wish Levi luck and lots of diaper funding. Another beauty queen, heh?

    I hope Levi was in Hollywood all last week. Bristol has been left to her own devices, I wouldn't want to hear that Levi was blamed for anything more.

  6. Say it ain't so, Gryph. THAT broad is producing a movie? I know it's hard for Levi to say no to a hot chick but I sure hope he doesn't cheapen himself any more.
    Levi, get an education to equal those good looks, work on your elocution, and open your mind beyond Wasilla. Travel-Broaden yourself.
    Be a good daddy and stay the hell away from beauty queens…
    The sky is the limit.

  7. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I noticed that Levi was smiling in the video. I was beginning to wonder if he ever did. I wonder what changed?

  8. Bones AK10:41 PM

    I wish him well


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