Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Keith Olbermann discusses whether David Letterman's Top Ten List about Sarah Palin went too far.

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I LOVE Keith, but on this topic he and I are not in agreement.

Everybody knew that Letterman was referencing eighteen year old teenage mom Bristol Palin and NOT fourteen year old Willow. Sarah Palin's argument that this was confusing is pure unadulterated moose shit!

Palin once again uses her family to ward off criticism and to play the victim.

As all of us who have watched this woman over the last ten months know full well, this is a typical Sarah Palin ploy. Her loathsome use of her family as a kind of human shield was horrifying at first, but we have all now come to understand that there are no depths that Governor Palin will not stoop to attack her critics.

So did Letterman, as Keith suggests, go too far?

Hell no! He pointed out her ignorance, her often slutty attire, and the hypocrisy of trotting out her daughter, the teenage mother, as a spokesperson for abstinence only education.

In my opinion David Letterman did not go far enough.


  1. I agree, not far enough. He was spot on. I love Letterman.

  2. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Gryphen, when I heard his comments, I knew he was talking about Bristol, but I also knew that Sarah would spin it that he was attacking Willow since she was the one there. He assumed it was Bristol, since when was the last time anyone actually saw Willow. And I fully expected that once he knew which daughter it was, he would apologize. Now the thing that gets me is Sarah and Todds response saying that sexual jokes about underage girls "contribute to atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others" My question is, as governor what has she done to lower the rate of sexual abuse and domestic violence in this state? Anyone, anyone.

  3. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Palin has again used her kids to keep herself in the news cycle. This would have gone away after the joke was told but OH no -- not Sarah.

    Todd growing a set now to play roll as Daddy -- too late for that.

    So much for having true family values. Gryphen -- you might want to send a gift of a book defining Family Values to Palin!!

  4. Actually, Gryphen, it IS more logical to assume Letterman was talking about the Palin daughter that was accompanying the elder Palins on this trip, because Letterman made reference to the ARod "misbehavior" occurring during the 7th inning of the game the Palins were attending.

    And last night in his riff about Elliott Spitzer, he mentioned that Palin would have to keep Spitzer away from the daughter (still talking about the same one that was accompanying them).

    Now, I suppose it's conceivable that he either didn't know that the traveling daughter was Willow, or didn't care, assuming everyone who was a fan of his show but not a fan of either the Palins or baseball would figure he was talking about Bristol -- whom EVERYBODY surely has heard about by now.

    But you know what I think is weird? I spent an hour today online trying to find any pictures of Willow Palin attending that game with her mother and father as guests of Rudy Giuliani -- and I could find NOTHING. Nada. There's quite a few pictures by the various news agencies featuring Palin herself, rather close-cropped, and a couple with her and Todd in the same frame, and one with her and the Giulianis.

    But no Willow. I'm betting that David Letterman heard that "a" Palin daughter was in upstate New York and Long Island with her parents, and created his consecutive two night riffs based on that, and that alone.


    PERHAPS this whole thing is a tempest in a teapot, and the Palin clan are getting all huffy over a joke about something that could not have even happened because Willow was elsewhere, in Heather Bruce's custody.

  5. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Knocked Up = Bristol Palin

    That much was obvious.

    SCREW POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!! Once again, she can preach it, but can't follow through.

  6. akmtnbum7:36 PM


    Not far enough and it was funny which is really the point of what Letterman's purpose on TV is. Also want to thank for your informative and entertaining take has been. It has made my exile from Alaska more bearable. But I get back for good Sunday and hope fully I will be able to add to the discourse of the crazy life under the midnight sun again after being away for a few years. Thank you

  7. OK....(blush)....I finally looked at your MSNBC video above. Willow WAS sitting next to her mother.

    Never mind anything I said in my previous post.

    (tiptoes quietly away)

  8. scotia7:56 PM

    What's surprising is that Palin did not say that it was Piper and not Willow or Bristol that Letterman was talking about. She almost always takes the lowest road becuase of her insecurities.

    She does nothing but complain about messengers, media and comedians. She is pathetic.

  9. Anonymous8:17 PM


    Speaking of anti-Semitism, it's Jerry Falwell and other fundy leaders who've gleefully predicted that in the future EVERY nation will be against Israel (an international first?) and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed, right?
    Wrong! It's the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah who predicted all this in the 13th and 14th chapters of his book! The last prophet, Malachi, explains the reason for this future Holocaust that'll outdo even Hitler's by stating that "Judah hath dealt treacherously" and "the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this" and asks "Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother?"
    Haven't evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and Jewish persons? Then please explain the recent filthy, hate-filled, back-stabbing tirades by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard) against a leading evangelical named Sarah Palin, and explain why most Jewish leaders have seemingly condoned Palin's continuing "crucifixion"!
    While David and Sandra are tragically turning comedy into tragedy, they are also helping to speed up and fulfill the Final Holocaust a la Zechariah and Malachi, thus helping to make the Bible even more believable!

  10. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I think Letterman is hilarious and you are terrific; however, I totally thought he was talking about Willow as she is the one who was accompanying her parents to Yankee Stadium. I think it is disingenuous to say that, of course, he was talking about Bristol. There is nothing at all to indicate he meant Bristol. In any case, I think it was a dumb remark. The "slutty flight attendant" comment was spot on. I LMAO.

  11. She knew Letterman was talking about Bristol, but deliberately twisted it around so that she could make a drama out of it. I am SO tired of these high school-type antics. Can't she please go away so we can all start being grown ups again? This woman dresses and acts likes she's 16. How can she expect anyone to take her seriously?

  12. oh no, colbert let her give a troop shout-out at this episode of the USO show (is he doing them all week?).

    and of course she took the opportunity to make a video, apparently with a few sexy hair extensions on, where she reminded us again that her son is out there, because she can't open her mouth without using her children for something. and kidded that he'd be the one trying to snow mobile in the dessert (and i think she did say snow mobile, not snow machine, hhhmmmmm).

    does she not get that you can make self-depreciating jokes about yourself, but it's f-cking rude to make them about your grown kids who might die in a war-zone if they really did something that stupid?

  13. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Remember when Palin was all over Hillary Clinton about defending herself in the media? She said she just needed to let that stuff roll right off her shoulders and grow a thick skin. RIGHT? Palin lets nothing roll off her shoulders. She needs to grow that thick skin she was talking about.

  14. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Anon@8:17, do the concepts of metaphor and satire completely allude you?

    Oh, here's another quote from the BIble:
    "Deuteronomy 23:1. If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."

    Do you think that if Sarah Palin had an affair, as was reported by the National Enquirer, that she should be subjected to what the Bible literally says?

    Oh, and here's a newsflash for you...Are you sitting down? Men actually wrote the Bible. It's true! And King James had a lot to say about it, too.

  15. " Yankee Stadium during the 7th inning, her daughter is knocked up by..."

    Come on, guys! Willow is the only one with her parents at Yankee Stadium during the 7th inning. How could he have been talking about Bristol? Please explain!

  16. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Sorry, my observations on the manmade elements of the Bible are addressed to the FIRST Anon@8:17....(Also, there's a misspelled verb in there....should be "elude.")

  17. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I think we do our legitimate cause of proving some of the most flagrant and important Palin-gates a real disservice by criticising her clothes, appearance, or children. How often do we criticize male politicians about these things? And to the extent we do, we should not. None of it is relevant to the larger issues. What ill-advised nonsense this is.

    I am as rabid a Trig Truther as you will find, but I object to this gleeful sneering over topics that have no relevance to our important issues.

    I am pretty prudish, but I do NOT think she dresses poorly enough to merit comment. Calling someone a slut, and relating that comment to a profession that deserves our respect -- also not good.

    I am ashamed of this response, on this blog. I think it puts our efforts (to have Palin seen clearly) back a few important steps when we tease so gleefully and inappropriately and irrelevantly.

  18. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Letterman has been taking humorous jabs at anyone in the spotlight, movie stars, TV stars, Oprah, Cher, Madonna, poltical figures, anyone with with a swelled sense of their own importance. The worst thing that Palin did was to try to answer him back. It just gives him more material and keeps the joke going.

    Oh, Dave apologized tonight, reading a prepared statement, interupting it with funny jokes so that it lost its serious tone. What is sad, excuse me, pathetic is that Sarah and Todd have to get so emotionally involved and answer every little insult. "They're not dropouts," for example. And Todd suggested that Dave used the word "rape" when it was never part of the joke.

    So, let's look at the cycle of humor. Dave tells a joke Monday night, and Palin responds. He's only going to keep it going, more ratings for Dave. And, he won't soon run out of material. As for Palin, is this the kind of publicity that does any good? Sometimes, less is more. Be grown up, let it go. (She can't).

  19. Many of us thought that the daughter with Sarah Palin in New York was indeed Bristol. (As a matter of fact I lost this debate with AKM.)

    So the idea that David Letterman also confused one daughter for the other is very understandable.

    The girls do look scarily similar.

  20. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Whoa Baby, perhaps David Letterman really doesn't know every person in Palin's family like "we do." Not everyone follows every move of Palin. Most of us who do, are a bit obsessed with it. For all he knows, it was Bristol. They look alike and he probably doesn't know them all. I highly doubt that David Letterman was thinking in his head "Oh i'll make a rape comment about a 14 year old!" It just isn't him at all! He is more than likely talking about Bristol and how ridiculous it is she that she preaches abstinence. Sarah knows it and she is taking advantage of the situation like she always does. Sarah is one of the most mentally disturbed people I know, to bring her child into it when she KNOWS he would not ever say something about a child. Bristol is 18, she has chosen to be an outspoken advocate and she is going to be the brunt of jokes. It is just the way it is.

  21. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Here's the thing. Palin willingly features her family in People Mag and US Weekly! Bristol goes on TV with Matt L. on NBC, and on FOX, and is a nat'l spokesperson for abstinence via sexy shoes!

    To most of America, that makes the Palin family like Paris Hilton, the Simpson girls, and other celebrities on magazine covers. (In fact, I heard that some members of the GOP who were recently polled about Repub. leadership don't even know Palin's name, but call her the "lady from Alaska.") Bristol's baby daddy was on Tyra and Larry King!

    Letterman makes jokes about all of the folks in People, US Weekly, etc. He always takes celebrities down a peg; it's called "POP CULTURE POLITICAL SATIRE."

    It's so simple. If Palin doesn't want to be treated like a celebrity, she should stop posing for the covers of the celebrity rags, and ask her kids to pls. stop taking abstinence endorsements and talking to TV news anchors about it. Problem solved!

  22. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I agree with Anonymous at 9:22 pm. Both here & at Mudflats there are more & more rude & nasty remarks regarding clothes & looks. A little bit goes a long ways and it makes us look as High School as Palin. She shows her immaturity all the time, I don't think we should be lowering ourselves to her level...

  23. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Once Bristol had her baby, she should have stayed out of the spotlight and STFU, rather than becoming a professional teen mother - giving interviews to Greta, selling pictures of her baby to People, appearing on the Today show.

    Reap what you sow, Palins. Your daughter becomes a celebu-tramp, earning big bucks out of the fact that she got herself knocked up in high school and yeah, comedians are going to make jokes.

    You don't want jokes. Then just raise your child quietly, and don't make a career out of the fact that you weren't smart enough to use birth control.

    And yes, Sarah does look like a slutty something (I don't want to insult hard-working flight attendants). Giving a public speech in peep toe stilettos with red nails with appliqued white hearts? Does she think she is still in high school at the ripe old age of 45. She is an insult to professional woman everywhere.

  24. I've been out of the loop the last few days, so what's the news I hear about a Palin daughter getting knocked up by a baseball player? Do we know which daughter? Which player? Do we know how far along she is? Are they going to get married?

    Oh wait a minute, David Letterman the comedian said it? Never mind.

  25. Anonymous3:20 AM

    I can stare at a photo of Willow and not be sure if it is Bristol and vice versa. Those two are hard to tell apart! Also, never have I seen a high profile professional woman dress the way SP does. Clearly, she does it on purpose to create a sexual undertone because that is what keeps her male base in love with her. If she lost that, she would have nothing, absolutely nothing. But time moves on Sarah, jowls grow, wrinkles pop up, and extremely long possible fake hair starts to look more and more ridiculous. Is this what you are going for as you move towards 50? Probably yes because that is the way you think but you look sillier and sillier.

  26. The story was just on CBS's Early Show. Dave said he was talking about Bristol, and would never say the words, the Palins put in his mouth, about a fourteen year-old girl. Once again the Palins should have held their tongues.

    The outfit the Palins allowed their fourteen year-old daughter to wear on stage at the autism event would have been more appropriate at a Candies-abstinence event.

  27. BuffaloGal4:20 AM

    I absolutely believe Dave didn't realize he was talking about a 14 year old. (I'm still of the mind tho that Bristol should've been left out of that sort of joke too. Her crazy choices of late are the doing of her mother and she's caught in the middle)

    That said, I think shrewd Sarah used that confusion in order to be able to use the word "rape" because, technically, Dave referencing sex between an adult and a 14 year old would be statuatory rape. Anyone who listens to his remarks knows he didn't say anything remotely suggesting a rape BUT those folks that DIDN'T hear it have no idea that he didn't.

    Also, I think she's going to use this as another example of her being all bold and refusing to not "sit down and shut up". I'll bet anything we soon hear something like, " Other people might let Dave get away with such things but I'm just not going to do that. We have got to speak and bear witness against hate and vile!"

    Yup...just betcha it's coming.

  28. Again..what magazine covers and TV shows have the Palins' and Johnstons' been on lately? People, US Weekly, GQ, Tyra Banks?? Sarah Palin is tabloid fodder, pure and simple...put your kids out there doing interviews and photo spreads with the tabloids, and you reap what you sow, end of story. Tromp around on stage waering hair extensions and cork heeled wedges with a daughter in daisy duke cutoffs, and you deserve any criticism you get.

    Sarah just doesn't get it....and never will

  29. womanwithsardinecan4:44 AM

    I didn't actually see the comment about Bristol because I don't watch Letterman and it wasn't on the list of ten things Sarah did in NY. I suspect that Letterman thought willow was Bristol, which was a reasonable mistake. He apologized to anybody who was offended. Personally, as far as the "slutty" comment, that's what Letterman does. He makes rude comments about all public figures. He is not a blog trying to maintain polite discourse. His only problem was that he insulted flight attendents. I'm sure what he wanted to say was that she went to Bloomingdales to buy a new pair of f*** me boots, but his censors wouldn't let him say that.
    I think that the nasty comments creep into these blogs because people are fed up and frustrated that Sarah is still getting away with her crap, and that places like Sea for Pee and the Cheerleaders for Sarah say all manner of nasty stuff AND threaten the bloggers by email.

  30. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:48 AM

    Whoababy-does c4p know your here on a "troofer blog"? If they do they won't let you post anymore!
    *Shockingly* most of the USA does not follow the queen's every fucking move like you do at c4p. So some people actually thought it was Bristol not Willow with GINO. Willow has been MIA (in school maybe? a shock for a Palin)

  31. Anonymous5:02 AM

    I just watched MSNBC Morning Joe show. More than once the panel referred to Bristol hauling her baby around during the CONVENTION, they were debating whether or not The Queen "used the kids as props". I wish I had recorded it because it was said by Mia (spelling?) and one of the guests and no one corrected either of them. Pat

  32. Anonymous5:57 AM

    As a high school teacher, mother of two daughters, and grandmother of two granddaughters (I'm so ready for some boys in the family), I have to say that I didn't find the comments about any Palin daughter even remotely funny. They were tasteless and degrading regardless of whether or not Palin pushes her children in front of the camera. Those poor kids certainly didn't choose her for their mother. I would cringe to hear that kind of comment about any young female. It just isn't funny and pretty heartless to degrade any young person like that on national TV. However, the slutty remark was fairly accurate.

    Gryphen, after reading your beautiful article about your daughter, I am shocked that you would find the insensitive jokes about Bristol/Willow funny. How would you feel if Letterman made a similar sexual joke on national TV about your gay daughter? Me thinks the papa grizzly would come out spitting bricks!

  33. Anonymous 5:54,
    You are quite right that I am very protective of my daughter. Which is why I do not trot her life out on this blog without her permission.

    And if I had been a candidate for office I would have kept her out of the limelight as much as possible.

    But my point is that Sarah Palin dragged her kids out of backwater Wasilla, cleaned off their little faces, and presented them as this wholesome all American family. And nothing could have been further from the truth.

    Then she used her daughter Bristol to keep people from asking about who gave birth th little Trig, and then after the "birth" of Tripp encouraged her to go out in public and hypocritically talk about abstinence education.

    How could a comedian NOT make fun of that? Were the jokes in good taste? No. Did I still laugh? Yep.

    If my daughter decided to talk about how gay people are making a choice and that she does not condone their behavior, while being gay herself, than I would absolutely expect somebody to call her on that or make jokes about her hypocrisy.

    Sure it would make me uncomfortable but how could I really get too defensive?

    Letterman did NOT know that was Willow. And Palin knows that. As a matter of fact I would not put it past her to have made that switch on purpose just to keep everybody off balance.

    Remember what my source said. "She is the scariest person I have ever dealt with" and he would not put ANYTHING past her.

  34. OK, I've been going back and forth on this "Was Willow at the Yankee game? Was that really Willow, or was it someone else?" question, over and over again.

    I've looked AGAIN at that Keith Olbermann video above, which is the only documentation I can find anywhere that someone other than Sarah Palin and Todd Palin attended that Yankee game as the guests of Rudy Giuliani -- all three of them were readily identified in the video.

    OK. But there IS a third person sitting between Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani who LOOKS like Willow Palin.

    But she's not. I believe that person is Judi Giuliani, who looks remarkably LIKE Willow Palin, even though she's much older.

    I've collected screen captures from the video, along with several news-media still pix of the group at the game, as well as two comparison photos of Judi Giuliani. Take a look.

    That is NOT Willow Palin at that game. No widow's peak. "Old" hands. She'd never wear a blazer.

    So there. David Letterman's joke was about a Palin daughter who wasn't even at the game! Which describes Bristol Palin to a T!!!

  35. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Sarah Palin opened the proverbial door by using her kids during the presidential campaign. She should have had the good sense to let her children have their privacy from the very start. She has used them as props whenever it suits her. They've all become tabloid fodder in the same catagory as Paris Hilton - they have become jokes. She should have kept her family life private, and worked on GOVERNING. She has to deal with all the fall out now. She is cunning like my beagle though, and will continue to play the victim as long as it works for her. BTW, I HATE her lined lips!!! I wish some one would tell her how awful it looks.

  36. FEDUP!!!8:50 AM

    KaJo @ 8:06 am: GREAT CATCH!!!
    Again GINO playing the unsuspecting American People...

    (BTW: May I suggest you send thos pics to Letterman - he might have 'something to say about that'... :D

  37. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Re Anonymous at 8:07 AM, "cunning like my beagle." Having raised beagles, that made my day. Very funny!

  38. Anonymous9:16 AM

    One of the most interesting points about this whole thing, other than the good jokes, is that Letterman made reference to the daughter being a grandchild factory. Would a daughter be a "grandchild factory" if she only had one baby? Letterman was joking about the elephant in the room and hardly anyone gets it yet. Palin and her Palinistas would be smart to shut their cakeholes about this little skirmish or they are going to get some very, very unwanted publicity.

  39. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Who cares which daughter was there, the baby "factory" is Bristol. The Palins are just prostituting Willow instead of Bristol as a prop for publicity.

  40. bucks_and_bron10:57 AM

    In addition to what KaJo said in her comment, if you look at the "most definitive" picture- the lady has a big ol' rock on the ring finger of her left hand- when did Willow get married? I have been looking for ANY pictures of Willow from this trip (esp. at the Yankees game) and haven't been able to find any. So how was the rest of the world supposed to know she was there? Everything I saw referred to the Gov and Dud- never a mention of a daughter at the game.

    By the way, someone at HuffPost mentioned A-Rod and the first thing I asked was "Where's Bristol?" Letterman was NOT the only one thinking it. Says something about the Palin family's public image.

  41. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Gryphen, my point is this: Regardless of the fact that Palin has paraded her children relentlessly (and heartlessly, I think) in front of the media, eighteen is still a tender age. Even though Letterman meant his jab at Palin, the pain goes all the way to the teenage girls. Bristol may or may not be a very nice person, but I do cut her a lot of slack because of the whack job mother she has. In addition, I would really hate to be held accountable for all the dumb things I said and did at 18. Furthermore, I would have been devastated by such a heartless joke hurled at me on national TV at that age. I doubt that the Palin kids ever gave their mother permission to cast them in the media light. The focus should be on Palin and not on an eighteen-year-old.

  42. Whoa,Baby!11:13 AM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl, don't make assumptions about people who post here. You have no idea who it is, what his/her real beliefs are, or if it is the same person who used that name at another site.

  43. bucks_and_bron, I DID see two pictures that Willow was in, of Sarah Palin's sweep through upstate NY where she visited the Harriet Tubman home/museum, and the infamous on-stage speech.

    Willow was in both pictures; in the Auburn NY picture she was strolling in the background of the picture with Molly, her aunt; and in the other (how can we forget????) Willow was in the back of the stage wearing her "Daisy Dukes" shorts.

    So we know Willow was traveling "in the sticks" with her mother and father. But we DON'T know if they were in The Big Apple -- Molly, her kid, and Willow may have stayed out on Long Island while SP and Todd went into the Big City (I'd done that on occasion myself traveling with my now-late aunt and uncle).

  44. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Re Anon at 9:09 AM Too bad my Beagle doesn't direct all that cunning to the good. She's a merry little piece of naughty and smart! Can't imagine raising them ...shaking my head

  45. FEDUP!, I did take your advice and sent off my array of pictures (plus a couple more of Willow -- close-up -- to show how much she resembles the much older Judi Giuliani) to the David Letterman show...

  46. Please take the time to look at this site:

    This is a liberal site that gay guys run and was supporting Hillary during the election.

    Look and see what they think of Letterman's comments. They know better then most how women can be degraded and they don't want that to happen to any woman in office or running for office...and as a woman you shouldn't either.

    There is lots of time for differences in opinion on issues, but now is the time to support a WOMAN...not her issues but any WOMAN..
    Lets not go back to the 50s and 60s...when anyone could say and did say..."Well, she had that short skirt on or low necked she was asking for it."

  47. Anonymous3:01 PM


  48. I DON'T LISTEN TO RUSH....But, I can tell you one thing and you can believe it or not. Yesterday, Drudge Report had a pic. of Michelle Obama in a rather unattrative outfit. And he made a remark about it looking like a snake was around her body.


    But, I notice a lot of you on here or consumed by what Sarah and her family wears and I don't think it is any of your business either...or my buisness.

    For some reason so many people can't separate their differences in issues of policy without cruel and vile personal attacks i.e. family, children, clothes, etc. I just don't do that and I don't agree with doing that.

  49. Anonymous5:50 PM

    juju, What do you think? That because a bunch of idiots on a blog suck for Palin's lies rather than listening to what Letterman actually said that we should be sheep and go, Oh, okay; I'll jump on the bandwagon, too?

    I will not support a woman who uses her sexuality and exploits her kids and then screeches when someone has the nerve to call her on it. That's exactly the kind of double standard that women should be fighting against. This woman is sick. Anyone who falls for her tricks is a fool.

  50. Anonymous7:56 PM

    juju, I'm sorry but the fact that you don't know what your own party has done to women--including Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity and Rushbo--makes your opinion on this very easy to ignore. Until you get more informed, you are wasting your time. It's sad to me.


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