Monday, June 08, 2009

Sarah Palin gets disinvited to GOP fundraising dinner. It is funny how fast plagiarism can sour a relationship isn't it?

Sarah Palin’s on-again, off-again appearance at Monday night’s gala GOP fundraising dinner is off — again.

After being invited — for a second time — to speak to the annual joint fundraiser for the National Republican Congressional Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Palin was told abruptly Saturday night that she would not be allowed to address the thousands of Republicans there after all.

The Alaska governor may now skip the dinner altogether, and her allies are miffed at what they see as a slight from the congressional wing of the Republican Party.

(Aww the c4P'ers and SarahPac folks are feeling a little pissy.)

The reason given for the snub, said a Palin aide, was that NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions was concerned about not wanting to upstage former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the fundraising gala’s keynote speaker.

(Yeah, especially since she will use his own words to do it.)

“A great deal of effort has been put into this fundraising event, and Speaker Gingrich has gone above and beyond the call of duty,” said NRCC spokesman Ken Spain. “It is our hope that Gov. Palin will attend the dinner and be recognized, but we understand if her busy schedule doesn’t permit her to do so.”

"We understand if her busy schedule doesn't permit her to do so". Owww! That has GOT to hurt!

Let's face it you cannot steal a man's speech, refuse to acknowledge that you did it, screw it up beyond all comprehension, and then expect him to invite you to the fundraiser that he is speaking at. (I just imagine Sarah sitting at a table with a notepad, scribbling furiously and mumbling "ooh I can re-write that one to sound better too.")

But hey according her her lawyer Sarah DID give credit to Newt Gingrich for ripping off and mutilating his speech. (I must have missed that part when I slipped into that catatonic state for those few minutes.)


  1. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:51 AM

    "...but we understand if her busy schedule doesn’t permit her to do so.”

    DISSED for Newt!!!! I think they are telling her

  2. SoCalWolfGal7:28 AM

    Good lord Gryphen I have missed you, Shannyn, Mudflats and Palingates after spending the last two weeks getting my mother moved from Atlanta to the West Coast. This makes my day. "The Newter" is certainly not one of my favorite people on the planet, but he is no fool either. Yes, I think Pete Sessions made a good call on this one. At least Newt can write coherent sentences, heck even paragraphs. Poor little GINO, it's getting tough out there for her, even with all the Plainbots still enthralled with her. Hopefully, they will take your excellent advice and select another GOPer to pour their money to. But then probably not, obviously rational thinking is not their strong suit.

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    But check her out on Hannity tonight, to discuss the stimulus and Obama!!!

    She is not going away folks, and is only making herself stronger, and stronger the longer you wait.

    Watch for a grassroots campaign by Palin, to sidestep the washington republicans. People will listen to that garbage and she will get a large following if she does this. The people are sick of the washington repubs, if she makes herself to be different from them there could be trouble.

    Waiting to reveal your secrets I believe is not only foolish, but actually is helping her.

  4. That statement by Palin's lawyer is SOOOO lame!

    Is this guy really a lawyer? Does he not own a dictionary? He should really check to see what Merriam-Webster says about plagiarism.

    Like the stupid wingnuts they are, the Palins, their sycophants, and the Palinistas won't shut up and let this tempest in a teapot die down -- no, Palin has to have her lawyer issue a stupid unsupported statement, and the Palinistas are viraling their demands to sue, sue, sue!!!

    Not very smart. Palin's need to blame others for her mistakes will backfire as badly as did the RNC clothing affair, the Palin family Travel-gate that AK taxpayers paid for (and haven't yet been paid back), the W.A.R. nomination, and very possibly by next summer, the AGIA fiasco.

  5. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Dear God, Sarahpac!! Use some of your money and hire and English tutor for The Palinator (comes from "palinized meaning to confound or destroy).


    Her lawyer has his work cut out for him. NO wonder he is so expensive and the bills are so high. This is a case of clear plagarism regardless what he says......there have been previous court cases and if Newt sued her, she would not win. I almost wish he would sue her. if he is going to run for president, he SHOULD sue her, but I don't think he will. If she as smart (and we know she isn't) she would call him and apologize. But we all know Scarah is never wrong!!!

    PS THIS IS NOT THE ICEBERG , RIGHT?? Since we did not know about it ahead of time. Come iceberg come and soon!!

  7. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I think she will show up a Malek's table instead of Croyn's. A photo-op to upstage all the GOP making it about HER, the only thing she excels in.

    She's on Hannity tonight but that can be taped early.

  8. Anonymous9:16 AM

    OMG, now she's claiming she didn't plagiarize Gingrich because she mentioned him twice. But she used, or paraphrased his article at least 10 times according to Dunn. This the same excuse that everyone who plagiarizes gives. Palin has turned into such a whining, pathetic creature. Certainly she and her staff know that "borrowing" and not attributing every single time IS plagiarism. I'm glad the Republicans are not giving her a pass. I read a comment at HuffPo that said "What do you expect, she's BiPolar." AK Palin watchers - do you think she's bi-polar? Also read an observation that Trig looks more like fetal alcohol syndrome than Down's. Anyone seen this baby up close who could agree with that? BiPolar, substance abuser - is that the iceberg Gryphen?

  9. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Yes, I think she is Bi-Polar. Palin has some diagnosable mental health issues. I am not a psychologist, nor do I know her, so I will not attempt to guess as others do. But as someone with expertise in a psychology-related field, It is obvious that Palin has mental health issues.

    As to the plagiarism, her lack of attribution violates current MLA and APA standards; Palin would be expelled from all accredited American universities for the same lack of citation/attribution in an academic paper. Perhaps with the first violation, Palin would have been given a warning before expulsion if she were in a freshman English class. But if she continued to exhibit the same behavior, she would be definitely expelled.

    Has anyone checked to see if Palin has given this same speech before? Or checked out how many of her other speeches include "stolen" material? Who wrote her speech? Has anyone on her staff been fired?

  10. Anon at 916,

    NO I do not think Trig looks more like FAS than Down Syndrome. What continues to make it difficult to believe for people is that a 16 year old girl CAN have a baby with Down Syndrome. Clearly, to me, Bristol did. Her second child, Tripp, however, was born "perfect", as opposed to Trig, who was not perfect. At least that's what I infer from her relief at Tripp being "perfect".

    Trig looks classic Down Syndrome to me. The protruding tongue, the floppiness, the general appearance all look like DS to me. Just ask Willow--she spotted it right away when he was born!! LOL

  11. I'd like to say, too, that PERHAPS SP, or Meg Staplegun or whomever did not technically plagiarize in that she did "mention" Gingrich's name a few times, but, as in college papers, even if you actually cite a source in the end, it's not allowed to simply cut and paste whole chunks without explicitly indicating which part was being cited. And just changing around the words a bit doesn't count!! Really, it's pretty juvenile, and perhaps enough to get her a "fail" on her paper. When she was allegedly attending one of six or so colleges, I betcha her professors did not have access to the programs available now to catch plagiarizers. She is almost exactly my age, and I don't believe such programs existed way back then, before the internet!!

  12. Molly 11:26A

    No perhaps, she technically did plagiarize. "Mentioning" Gingrich once or twice does not suffice. Even in a speech. You must attribute each time. Ask Doris Kearnes Goodwin about that mistake. Saying that she did mention him is the excuse given by every plagiarist. It is lame and it is disingenuous. Palin might as well have said "I'm going to just paraphrase Gingrich's entire article as my introduction."

  13. About Thomas Van Flein's opinion that Palin merely "paraphrased" Newt Gingrich's (and Craig Shirley's) speech:

    Yeah, in some circles having 425 or so words between the two references to Gingrich that highly resemble words in his speech might not constitute "paraphrasing".

    No matter, I suppose, to Palin's devoted followers and to a guy who probably charges by the second instead of the hour.


    Also, I was in error when I referred to Merriam-Webster as a reference for plagiarism. Instead, the definitive source seems to be at

  14. Anonymous1:10 PM

    The Hill, reporting on Congress Activities, has a long story about the internal GOP squabble which led to them telling Sarah that she would not be the keynote speaker. Something about Newt raises millions for the GOP; Sarah is out there raising money for herself. It was Sarah's team who made sure to leak the story and keep people talking about it all day. So, she's going to the dinner, and if any one is going to deliver some of Newt's memorable observations, maybe it will be the author instead of the copier. She's their problem!

  15. Gee- I wonder why SP attended so many different colleges ??? Perhaps a few of her professors didn't approve of her "research" skills!

  16. FEDUP!!!2:13 PM

    Well seems like at this moment, her highness's appearance will happen after all... Stay tuned to her weaseling out again...

  17. Anonymous4:43 PM


    OK. You're right; it's not perhaps. I was trying to give the benefit of the doubt because of the feeble citation attempt, when the person does not merit the benefit, because there is no doubt; GINO is one big fat liar and cheater.



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