Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sarah Palin supporters gather outside of CBS studios to hurl insults and call for the firing of David Letterman.

Oh these people are unbelievable!

What basketball game?

Can you believe they went after his son? I wonder what kind of batshit crazy rationalization it takes to do that?

"Rape with his mouth"? A "verbal pedophile"? And these are Sarah Palin's supporters?

Man I thought I had seen crazy before, but these people are taking it to a new low.

Of course David Letterman, being David Letterman, turned it into a Top Ten segment.


  1. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Huff Post is reporting there were only 15 protesters at the BIG EVENT.

    Sarah will not get elected to any office again because of bat shit crazy supporters like these in the video.

  2. Anonymous6:00 AM

    It's really frightening that all Sarah Palin can do is inspire hate. It's like the mean girl in school calling names. The problem is that they tried to call Dave's son a bastard, meaning that the kid was born out of wedlock. Dave recently got married. So, who does that leave with a child born out of wedlock???? Hmmm? They say that when you point your finger at someone, the rest of the fingers are pointing back at you.

  3. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:13 AM

    Especially funny the faux Barbra Striesand lady, lol dnd the one saying Letterman's wife is a slut and his Son Bastard? Huh! Unwed mom? Kid born out of Wedlock??? Are these people Nuts???
    And Really funny b/c they more and more evidence points out Willow was not even AT the GAME at all!!!There are no pics, she is not mentioned on the peelanders tape of Rudy G AT ALL! In fact on that tape was only the "slutty" flight attendant joke. Until peeland made a FEDERAL case and made up that Willow was even at the game.
    So GINO tells more lies to the American people!
    My heart for Alaskans who are continually embarrassed by this VILE, LYING SNAKE!!!

  4. Anonymous6:29 AM

    As we already knew, there is something very wrong with these people.

  5. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Loved the woman with big lips calling Dave a a "verbal child molester" one could make this shit up lol. I guess the people saying how they loved Leno didn't watch on the nights Jay poked fun at the Bristol situation. The hate being spewed from that small group was disgusting. They all went over the line with their rants. Should we demand they all get fired from whatever job they have?

  6. Thomas6:43 AM

    These people are nucking futs!

    By the way, I don't believe the fund raising numbers on C4P. You have to email them and tell them how much you donated. You know half those people are lying to inflate the number. C4P has no way of knowing how much was actually donated to the fund. They don't have access to the numbers. Plus there is a limit of around $150 dollars that can be donated per person. No way have that many people donated to that nutbag. Sorry just don't buy it.

    I am so glad Palin and C4P have done this though. The Letterman thing and the fundraiser. It is showing just how irrelevant she is.

    She is showing the GOP right now that she is no fundraiser like they and she like to claim. That her protest of Letterman just led more people to support Letterman. This is perfect.

  7. Especially delicious is the fact that Dave didn't include the word "Palin" anywhere! My favorite was the one about CBS bringing back "Gunsmoke." Ah yes, Marshall Dillon and his illicit relationship with Miss Kitty. Not to mention Festus. Clean family entertainment...

  8. These people are SICK. Then again, look at their Supreme Leader who is one of the sickest people I've ever heard of.
    SP was pregnant when she got married. Bristol got KNOCKED UP (yes she did) and is still NOT married. SP used the word "rape" and "Willow" in the same sentence so now she's a joke.

    ..when does she start exploiting Pipecleaner?

    These kids are going to grow up insane. Their mother should have her kids taken away. And TODD should be given a DNA test to see who is who in that family.

    FIFTEEN protesters. In New York! I've seen more than 15 people on a New York street waiting to buy a knock-off bag.

  9. pacos_gal6:54 AM

    Kind of creepy. *shiver*

    I was just wondering about something. With the amount of hate crimes that have been committed this year alone, whether or not the FBI is monitoring protest groups (all kinds). If so youtube must be a gold mine for them now.

  10. womanwithsardinecan7:05 AM

    Wow. Between the brain-challenged hate mongers at the Anchorage Assembly meeting and the brain-challeged whackjobs at this "rally," I'm pretty appalled. I'm sure glad I live in a nice liberal little town with only a handful of right-wing nutballs.

  11. Bones AK7:11 AM

    This all ^ Letterman's numbers by 700,00! Bad Sarah DID NOT come out on top with this BS!

  12. Anonymous7:28 AM

    This protest is better than I hoped for!

    They prove the point we have always made, palin only attracts hateful idiots.

  13. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Very true Thomas...

    Even the commenters on C4P are questioning the accuracy of the number.

    The Alaska Fund Trust has to send out a quarterly report of their funds on June 21st. I think it will be great fun to see the pitiful fundraising attempt.

    I guess Palin is gonna have to pay her legal bills with her book

  14. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Don't all these folks sound,look like, and remind you of all those crazy, no-class, hateful/riot-inciting, etc., 'cheer-leaders' that were always at all of SP's campaign rallies?

    They are all pretty scary as well as crazy.

    Dave has showed a lot of class thru this entire 'side-show' -- he is clearly the winner here!!! :o) Go, Dave!

  15. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I already thanked Palin's followers for what I predicted would be a huge boost to Dave! And I thank them again now that we've seen how "powerful" Palin is in the court of public opinion. You have helped David Letterman, Teabaggers for Palin! Live with that. (And now we have a few of you on film.)

    Will they boycott ABC, NBC, HBO, and Comedy Central next? Will they step up and attack Leno and Conan, who launched the first jokes last year? Soon all the networks will want that ugly little band of angry people shouting outside their offices, too.

    I am surprised they couldn't hire faux protesters the way they hire "pro-Palin" online posters.

    (You are sooooo proving Palin's irrelevance, by the way. Thanks for that, Teabaggers for Palin.)

  16. SoCalWolfGal7:53 AM

    The vitriolic hatred that spews from GINO's supporters are becoming more and more damaging to this country as each day goes by. Does the woman that said Letterman's wife is a slut personally know Mrs. Letterman? My guess is not. Close the borders? Woman, we would love to get GINO and all you Palinbots out of the country and close the borders. Unfortunately, I am sure the detainees from Gitmo would be more welcome. When is the GOP going to condemn these hate rallies? The FBI must really be working around the clock to keep these right wingnuts from another killing. I am sick in my heart.

  17. FEDUP!!!8:08 AM

    FIFTEEN PEOPLE attending that 'rally'??? There are more people trying to cross the street at any time in NYC!
    I also love the ones screaming about Lettermans son and wife... Ever heard the pot calling the kettle black?
    The Palin/Heaths have a family history of out-of-wedlock pregnancies - I remember reading somewhere that Sarahs' mother was preggo before marrying, and we all know that Sarah herself was pregnant with Track before getting married (I believe he was born fullterm something like 7 months after her marriage to Dud)...
    And then we have Bristol, who has carried on the family tradition and actually perfected it - she has one (two?) sons, and STILL is unmarried...

  18. WOW...the collective hate of this small group of wingnuts is unreal. Like many comments have said, you get more New Yorkers gathering at any given street corner to wait to cross the street.

    Basheert...I think hair samples from all of the Palins in order here. Lord only knows which kids are Todd's, Sarah's, or Bristol's at this point.

  19. Anonymous8:22 AM

    It does appear that one of the NYC psychiatric hospitals was having a field outing for 15 of the patients.

    Kathy Griffin summed up Sarah with four words last night on Larry King.....

    Palin is a MORON

    Comedians are going to tee off on Sarah

  20. Anonymous8:26 AM

    This is hysterical. All that outrage and only 15 people showed up? In New York? Not so funny, though, is the vile hatred oozing from their pores. These are seriously unhappy people. What is it about Sarah that draws the worst kind of people, and then brings out the worst in them?

  21. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Yay - I just sent another email to CBS supporting Letterman.

    His ratings are going through the roof - YEE HAW!

    SP has finally achieved National Joke of the Week!

    Her poor kids - I feel so sorry for the horrendous parenting they've received. And who is the father of who in that house?

  22. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Ha! I was in NYC yesterday but made sure not to go anywhere near that silly rally--wouldn't want to be counted as part of THAT! I would say it looked in the video like maybe the 40-50 number is more realistic for the group but perhaps 15 hardcore ones! It must have been hard for the MSM to find sane sounding ones to interview for their daily hype for Sarah Palin.
    I'm reminded of the anti-war rallies my husband and I attended in NYC and in DC where the news shrank the vast numbers of people unbelievably . I guess Huff Po is giving the right some of their own medicine!!

  23. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Oh please, oh please, oh please, let Matt Parker and Trey Stone spoof this on an episode of South Park! They come up with the BEST stuff.

  24. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I'm with you, 2nd Anonymous at 8:26. Track doesn't look like Todd, and where did the blonde hair come from? How does that work with two dark-haired parents?

  25. Anonymous9:23 AM

    @8:47, over half of the crowd there was the media! Did you miss that part? :-)

  26. There is talk of another Fire David Rally (Another Hatefest) to be held in Texas on Saturday. These people have NO integrity but then, that IS Sarah's base.
    Sarah, you really need to tell your loonies that you have already accepted his apology and that they need to move on. The more this is dragged on, the less credible You look.
    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, there is still another 3 years left before the election. You've gone through Trigg, Bristol, and Willow. You only have Track and Piper left to pimp out. Honey, you need to pace yourself.

  27. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I'm thinkin the state of Alaska could take some tips from C4P on how to go through emails.

    From C4P
    "We're seeing some insidious attempts to attack the effort, too. Sinistar reports that the mailbox for reporting donations is being slammed with spam, even though it's a brand-new e-mail address. He's coping with it, it's just annoying."

    So "Sinistar" whoever that is, is able to go through spam plus thousands of emails in a day to count $20 donations and seperate previous donations from new donations and put the results up in less than 24 hours, all for free. But the state of Alaska can't do a simple email search for less than $5 grand, and 16 hrs per email.

    I think Sinistar needs a new government job, hes way

  28. Anonymous@8:47am: There were approximately 50 people at the rally.
    Fifteen (15) of them were PalinLoons amd there were 35 media to cover their HUGE rally.

    Gryphen has had more posts on this thread than Palin could gather supporters in NY.

    She's officially irrelevant!

    I don't think I'd chance hair samples from this group. Buccal swabs are in order - this appears to be a genetically diverse group.

  29. honestyinGov11:08 AM

    Since all of this 'faux outrage ' started over Palin saying she was standing up for ALL of women and how degrading it was and that there should be an 'APOLOGY"..?
    I sure wish you could do an interview and or story and post it where you would interview Lyda Green. Would she be able to open up and share her opinion about when Sarah and the DJ's were having a ' good ole time ' yucking it up.

    Question to Sarah Palin: When will YOU be apoligizing to Lyda Green..?
    You did say the issue was about ' defending ' Women. ALL Women.

  30. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Someone said that there were about 50 there but 35 of them were reporters, only about 15 protesters.I hope that GINO is showing her true colors to more people every time she opens her mouth.

  31. Anonymous11:39 AM

    My favorite comment from Dave L. was about turning Broadway into a pedestrian mall.

    I hope the nanny is taking Palin hair samples for DNA testing.

  32. pacos_gal1:20 PM

    Grythen check out this photo

    The hair style is correct for how Willow wore it that day. I think Willow as at the game after all. I think that is her sitting down in the row in front of SP.

    Compared this photo with still from the video taken at the speech they went to after the game.

  33. Anonymous1:31 PM

    That does not look like Willow to me. Looks older.

    Todd said they all did a photo op, if she was there and they took photos why not put it to rest and show Willow with the her parents, Rudy and Judy?

  34. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Well that was probably the most disturbing piece of footage I have seen in a very long time. And how appropriate that I should see it on the Immoral Minority website. Please, I implore all Americans, to ensure that these disturbed individuals maintain the status of an Immoral Minority.

  35. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Oh no, that's not Willow. There's a better picture of this lady in another photo and she is definitely older and does not look like Willow at all. Still no pictures of Willow at this game. Strange....

  36. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Another point about that picture. The lady in the picture appears to be taking a picture of the Palin's with her phone camera. I don't think that Willow would be taking pictures of her own parents. This lady is just a fan not Willow.

  37. pacos_gal said...Grythen check out this photo
    The hair style is correct for how Willow wore it that day. I think Willow as at the game after all. I think that is her sitting down in the row in front of SP.
    Compared this photo with still from the video taken at the speech they went to after the game.

    That's the woman I noted had a back-sloping low forehead and a really bad part in her hair.

    It's not Willow because there's no widow's peak showing; Willow's hairline is straight across except for the widow's peak; and Willow's forehead is higher and straight, not sloping.

  38. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Anon @ 8:22a.m. mentioned the Larry King Show last night. It was on with Kathy Griffin and I'm not a big fan of hers. But, you should have heard her talk about the Palins and Levi!

    You can watch it at Amy

    The jokes she makes about Levi with Tripp, enforce my theory there was never a second baby! One comment especially..."holding a kid he couldn't identify in a lineup."

    If more comedians start doing this, because of the Palin/Letterman affair, it's going to be bad news for the Palins.

    I can't wait!


  39. One can only pray that next, Palin mounts a "Fire Barack Obama Campaign". She can put Joe the Plumber in charge.

  40. pacos_gal7:22 AM

    Anon 2:53, no I wasn't speaking of the woman with the cell phone but the person sitting down in front of SP.

    I think Kajo has a point though. I did at first think it was Willow, but you all have convinced me that I was incorrect about that. :)


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