Friday, July 31, 2009

Comic of the day!

I found this on Shannyn's Facebook page. So I stole it!

Thanks Shanny!


  1. Gryphen, I hope you don't mind if I post this again, but it fits much better here:

    This is just too sweet, from a commenter at the Sea for Pee - you just cannot make it up:

    "There's something about Sarah that's still unfathomable. You know it's there but cannot quite put a finger on.

    An invisible mystical cloak wrapped around her?

    Her presence causes a crowd to explode into a frenzy of enthusiasm and holding them riveted to her speech and hung on to her every word that is always simple plain spoken word, yet so resonates with the crowd and reaches deep into the heart of a listener.

    It is an unknown quality. The quintessential nature of it may remain an unknowable unknown.
    It is metaphysical."

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    OMG, tears-streaming-down-my-face howling with laughter.


  3. Next thing ya know, they will swear that she glows

  4. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Love the Track, Bristol, Tripp list. Where is this artist from?

  5. SoCalWolfGal9:38 AM

    There's something unfathomable about Buttercup alright. Her mind and how it works - or doesn't! Those poor, pathetic people.

  6. OMG, I was already giggling, and then Patrick's comment put me over the top.

  7. This is a scary article. I'm wondering if this has been highlighted by any of you guys up there, in Alaska. It's by DR. CLARISSA PINKOLA ESTÉS

    This is real wack-a-doodle stuff.

  8. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Shatner needs to read that one, the next segment should be the poetry of Palin fans.

  9. Patrick - I don't think the bulk of her supporters (evangelicals) will like that post at all - they are very afraid of the word "metaphysical." I know this first-hand. They think it is a word from the devil - if the poster had said her "aura" was a gift bestowed by Jesus, that would have gone over much better.

    The cartoon above captures the craziness perfectly!

  10. Anonymous10:51 AM

    In response to Patrick's Palinbot quote, being involved in politics is like being part of a cult. If you don't like part of something, you stand ostracization. (You it with the Dems, too, but not nearly as bad.) What was that Salem novie? I don't remember the name of it. It was with those girls accusing thet man of practicing witchcraft and the accused several others who were all put to death for not admitting and promising to reform themselves for Jesus. Do yu remember the scene where the girls acted like they saw the Devil, and later on, the toadies for the lead girl, who was getting all kinds of attention from religious leaders, disappeared and became a prostitute on a ship?

    The Palinbots resonate with each other. They wax poetic about their leader, because they get kudos from each other. This has to unravel. The Republicans need to find someone who is articulate and SMART who can support and defend the platforms that Palin supposedly carried, on certain rights.

    Those of us who adored her at first who who now cannot stand her knwo what it was to be energized to see her speak. She says the right buzz words, then you see other people cheering her on and it's like, "She can do it! She has the support!" She just isn't into Alaska or people, she's all about publicity and maybe a victim of her own ego.

  11. Gryphen - that's so damn funny!!!!

    Patrick - that sounds like Sarah may have written that herself!

  12. Patrick, I hope you don't mind if I post this again:

    from Patrick:
    "...Her presence causes a crowd to explode into a frenzy of enthusiasm and holding them riveted to her speech .."

    Yep .. it's called angry, fearful people finally getting a leader that speaks for them

    Trust me it is NOT a good thing

  13. Anonymous11:16 AM members, quick, go to teamsarah and have a look at the thread " Sarah exposes Obama's ineligibility will she win the presidency in a new election?" and see what Jeff Melzer posted over an hour ago. The unmentionable has been mentioned and it's stayed up for over an hour now! It even includes a link to PD's posting of the videos with pictures of Sarah when she was/wasn't pregnant. Go quickly, it probably won't last long!

  14. Anonymous11:38 AM

    And if you're not a teamsarah member then shame on you, you should be. You should all be there screaming your guts out about this thing and keeping it alive. Just use your wits and learn what you can say and can't say. They're apparently being a little less diligent on getting rid of the naughty things said about Sarah now. Now's the time to pounce on the opportunity.

  15. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I think that the cartoon is a true-to-life depiction of what is really going on inside Sarah's brain right now. Electronic messages all scrambled; Danger Will Robinson! (look it up)

    Even Huffington has a post about Sarah (Goes Dark)

    Seriously, there really is something wrong if Meg had to announce the cancellation of her speech, the one and only event that she had planned (maybe there is something in Washington DC later, but don't count on it).

    Is she in rehab? Having a few "nips and tucks" (plastic surgery)? Has it all crashed down on her, and this is the first realization she got that she is not going to be President of the United States any time soon? Medication finally wore off? Seriously, Where is Sarah??

    And, what's the news on Sherri Johnston today?

  16. Anne said Yep .. it's called angry, fearful people finally getting a leader that speaks for them

    Exactly. When I was canvasing and making phone calls last fall for the democratic party I was amazed at how little most people knew about the issues. They were terrified and angry, but most of them were not sure what about. They just parrot what the republican party was telling them to say. We were saying why even put names on the ballots, just put Ds and Rs. They would probably not even notice because they just look for Rs and vote.

  17. Anonymous12:19 PM


    You need to join to see anything. Did anyone get captures?

    Please cut and paste an example. Thank you.


  18. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Speaking of Plastic Surgery (ANON 11:40 am)
    I remember when Fox announced that they had hired Greta Van Susterin (she had previously been with CNN as a legal expert, and she would weigh in on various trials).

    Greta (or Fox) announced that she wouldn't start for at least 6-8 weeks. Everyone began to gossip that Greta was getting her face "fixed" for TV.
    GVS totally denied having any kind of surgery, well, maybe something around the eyes, but the before and after pictures said otherwise.

    I would like to make the same guess about Sarah except for a few details. Fox announced the Greta thing and then she conveniently disappeared for a while. Fox hasn't even hinted anything about Sarah. Sarah is already very attractive, unless she is the one who just wants to look even younger and prettier. TV is a much bigger gamble than radio, and Clear Channel announced that they weren't interested. Could Rupert Murdoch have a card up his sleeve, just in time for the new fall season and ratings?

  19. not that sarah12:33 PM

    Celia, you are so right. It amazes me when I speak with some of my less politically inclined friends -- they're mad about the state of things, but they have no idea how we got here. Most of them have no idea that the Bush/Republican admin deregualted the financial and mortgage industries ON PURPOSE and knew about the banking problems in 2002, but ignored it -- in fact, took power away from the states and transferred it to the federal level all so they could ignore it (and make oodles of cash) better.

    They don't stand for smaller government- they stand for ineffective, selfish, profit for the wealthy government.

    Sarah Palin was their golden girl puppet- she gets the misinformed to vote against their own interests and be angry at the "libtards" who are trying to save them at the same time.

  20. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I just had a HORRIBLE thought. No one has heard from $arah in 5 days. Has anyone seen her? If not, I am wondering if something horrible happened and Meg and the Palinistas are planning a "Weekend at Bernie's" scenario.

  21. Someone had made a comment on HP that he noticed that Sarah had cosmetic denistry done ($10,000 worth thanks to Alaska). Maybe she really is getting nips and tucks and fixing her balding problem to match. Too bad they don't have anything that can correct the soul. She sure could use a Moral Make Over.

  22. if she goes for platic surgery she is doomed.. she is kindof cute (as in not super ugly.. enough makeup/hair/clothes makes anyone without buck teeth and a fat bod look good) ...

    plastic surgery does not make you look youthful
    which is what she tries to hard to be
    the extensions in a mini with glittery toe nails..
    eventually she will look like a corpse grandma in baby doll clothes.. creepy!

    ive yet seen a star with plastic surgery that looks youthful.. maybe "better" .. anything is better than saggy skin but youthful nope.. plastic.. waxy.. yes..
    And how long can they botox those jowls til the jowls fight back?
    Oh Im so dang petty I know it!!!

  23. Anonymous1:49 PM

    @Patti, 1:04 PM Moral Make Over! I love it! I think that is what her church is for. Bad News.

  24. Sarah is part of a bigger problem - see this post:

    She and her fundamentalist ilk are going to kill us all, quite literally:

    my comment on that post:

    “The chemical known as ozone may be making a much more significant contribution to global warming than scientists had previously thought, according to a new study published in the journal Nature.

    “Ozone could be twice as important as we previously thought as a driver of climate change,” said study co-author Peter Cox.

    Ozone occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere, but is produced in the lower atmosphere when sunlight strikes industrial pollutants such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxides.

    “Scientists have long known that ozone is a greenhouse gas, trapping radiation within the atmosphere and leading to rising global temperatures. But the new study suggests that ozone may have a much more significant climate impact by adversely affecting plants’ ability to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

    According to the researchers, high concentrations of ozone and carbon dioxide damage plants’ ability to engage in photosynthesis. This weakens the plants, causing their stomata (pores in the leaves) to close. In turn, this reduces that amount of carbon dioxide or ozone that the plants are able to absorb.”

    from global_warming/ notes/ ozone_chokes.html

    Dick Armey needs to open his eyes and look around. It’s official. Ozone is quite literally killing vegetation – lots of it, if not all of it, and incredibly fast.

    What is God going to give us to eat when the crops fail, Mr. Armey? Will it rain loaves of bread? What will God do when the trees are gone – send us peaches and pecans via FedEx? Where is the oxygen for us to breathe going to be produced, when the oceans are dead and the plants are too? God, blowing in the wind?

    Please tell me so I can reassure my children they are not going to starve and suffocate."

    I appreciate all the anti-Palin blogs for the Wasillabilly comedy. But you all have a wide audience absorbed by media that broadcast shows like American Idol.

    Please use your influence and reach to educate people about the most significant threat that Buttercup and her cohorts pose to ordinary people.

    Climate change is always followed by mass extinctions.

    That is inevitable. Maybe if we wake up we can keep humans off the list of endangered species.

  25. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Yup, I think she's off if not getting plastic surgery (i.e., neck lift and face lift, although there is not much they can do about her aged hands), getting "fillers" for her face (just like those tiny Hollywood starlets she abhors). Sarah's got nothing going for her other than her looks, and she's rapidly approaching her "sell by" date. Maybe that is why she is such a mean B..tch. Her only source of power - her face - is slip sliding away.

  26. Anonymous3:57 PM

    @Anon#10:51, are you talking about THE CRUCIBLE by Arthur Miller (later made into a film)?

    That was a play about McCarthyism, so no wonder it seems as if it applies to Sarah Palin's followers.

  27. Sherry Johnston's hearing was pushed forward again:

    The following event: Change of Plea and Sentencing: Superior Court scheduled for 07/31/2009 at 11:00 am has been rescheduled as follows: Event: Change of Plea and Sentencing: Superior Court Date: 08/19/2009 Time: 8:30 am Judge: Smith, Eric Location: Courtroom 7, Palmer Courthouse

  28. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Some one at PD has referenced a picture of Sarah Palin at one of last week's picnics:

    In the picture, it appears that Sarah might be wearing a wig. We already read the NY Times report of Sarah's thinning hair. So, I decided to check out the internet to see what the possible causes of thinning hair/hair loss might be in women:

    Aging, menopause, hormone imbalance, stress are leading causes. Also listed: extreme diet or extreme exercise programs, disease, surgery, nutritional deficiencies, immune system problems, thyroid disease, radiation/cheomotherapy, drug use, allergies.

    So, combining Sarah's mysterious disappearance, no tweets, no emails, no nothing from one who loves the spotlight, I offer the above list to fuel the speculation: Where is Sarah?

  29. In case somebody thinks that this comment from C4P wasn't for real - here at the screenshots (I just quoted a part of the comment):

  30. This cartoon is very similar to a blog I did where I had a fictitious conversation with Sarah Palin concerning her resignation speech:

    If you get a chance I'd b honored if you'd check it out. Peace!


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