Friday, July 31, 2009

Jon Stewart makes fun of the Republican's shameless use of scare tactics about healthcare.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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The clip is funny but there is nothing humorous about the lies the GOP is spreading about this health care plan. The depths that the Republicans will go to in order to frighten American citizens into rejecting the President's plans is unconscionable.

I hope that these tactics come back to bite them in the ass during the next election cycle.

The GOP has turned into a gang of thugs that seemingly will stop at nothing to defeat any idea put forward by the this President.

Being an opposition party is one thing, but being a club full of adolescent assholes is quite another.


  1. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I blame the media, who should be calling the "club of adolescent assholes" (nice) on their lies and exposing them for the disgraceful scare tactics they are.

  2. Just_a_Mote7:14 AM

    They do not care about what is good for the American people. They are plotting to get back into power. That is what they care about. I think of them as a band of punks.

  3. I blame the media as well. That is why the bloggers researching and exploding the Palin myth must be played out to the end. This will point up that the MSM is not the press that our constitution gives "freedom of the press" to.

    Freedom of the press means having the freedom to investigate and expose. I am very proud of Gryphen and the associated bloggers. They are journalists in the real sense.

  4. Love your blog. I check in often for the news and the laughs. Gotta love The Daily Show.


  5. I come all the way to Costa Rica, and here a couple of the neighbors are batsh*t-crazy seventysomethings from Texas who get all of their talking points from Rush! (I tick the points off on my fingers, under the starched tablecloth: one, two, three...) These guys really DO believe that Big Scary Negro is going to ration out their health care with his lips pressed disapprovingly together.

    Admittedly, I don't meet too many people like that back home in Washington. My husband has a grand total of one Rush follower in his rotisserie baseball league. The other guys all give the Rush guy endless grief, and since he's not very articulate, he tends to sulk rather than engage in snappy badinage.

  6. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:02 AM

    The GOP (god's own party) wants to F-up the healthcare bill so bad it will fail and then they can say "I told ya so"
    I saw one of their ads on KO last night...a man and a woman discussing his surgery "they say they won't cover my surgery, but they cover abortions and planned parenthood, I don't want to be paying for that"
    Its total BULLSHIT!!! How are they getting away with this? The Dems just need to "not be dead fish" and just DO IT! Screw the GOP! Whomever doesn't want the healthcare can piss off.
    I am so fricken sick of these lyin' SOB's! All of them XGINO included with her snarky remarks and treasonous talk, SHE has GOV healthcare doesn't she, or she did, HOW SOCIALIST OF HER?

  7. Anonymous10:15 AM

    The sad fact of the matter is that Americans really don't know what they want. Their politicians who are going to cheat the country out of any meaningful healthcare reform are just representatives of the people. If Americans would cut the commie scare bullshit and start to realize that socialism (communism) isn't the same as reasonable social change and socially responsible government then things could change!

    Smarten up Americans. If you don't you will be responsible for destroying yourselves. Your country is already starting to look like a third world country in some of the impoverished states. Have a look at Mexico and see what happens when all the money and wealth is in the hands of the few rich at the top. Then have a look at Canada and see how government can be forced to be socially responsible to the people. Quick, before Harper's righwing Nazi party succeeds in tearing chunks out of what we have.

  8. A friend of mine posted some deathly long obama healthcare article for us "friends" to read.. and went on to say something to the effect of Beware.. beware!! I say

    So one guy commented that he hadn't quite gotten through the many pages but had a question.. Why would gov. run health care be so bad anyways?

    Her response? A non response.. boiled down to if gov runs healthcare.. nothing will stop them! ahh!! can you see socialism? ahhh?

    She is my friend and I like her for more than her political views but this is just so crazy.. is there not one anti-obama person out there that makes a lick of sense? and doesn't snarl things with a bunch of what if.. oh no.. ufo's are coming.. run for the hills.. he is evil??

  9. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Well, Gryphen. I agree. I personally know about Medicare/Medicaid and I believe that everyone should have full health, dental and prescription coverage. A happy, healthy work force would be a more productive, safe work force. Maybe through trial and error it will be seen that pulling up another's bootstrap, makes a nation more civilized. Or, I would say a more Christ-like people.

    Regulations are the key to federally protecting each individual so no one has control over another's health or medical well being. Alaska's failure to properly run a federal program cost the lives of over 227 aging and disabled, and others. Causing the Federal Government to step in and take over the administration of the Medicare/Medicaid program. Was it neglect, or a way of getting rid of dead weight, or a way of scaring people while blaming a government, I wonder. Oh well, thanks for letting me rant, Gryphen.

  10. Anonymous4:23 PM

    for the past 24 years I have had to deal with the nightmare of medical insurance due to a seriously ill child; who 2 years ago was able to get on Medicare...what a blessing ! She has easy access to the best doctors at Stanford, there's little to NO hassle with paperwork, no having to wait for authorizations and no restrictions on treatment. I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on deductions, premiums, co-payments and lost employment advancements as well as opportunities due to restrictions such as pre-existing conditions, time and energy spent in fighting thru the beauracy of the companies, and even had to appeal and threaten going to the press to get authorization for a liver transplant. NONE of this has happened under Medicare...and I can sleep at night knowing that she unconditionally has medical coverage..most drugs are covered 100%, with MINOR co-payments, much less than whatI've had to pay under the insurance companies. Universal Coverage would be a GREAT thing for this country, it's NOT the health care itself that's the problem, it's the health care insurance coverage!! Once you get the PROFIT factor out of the equation, Health care costs would DROP tremendously!


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