Sunday, July 12, 2009

Frank Rich's take on Sarah Palin is well worth the read.

No less than 71 percent of Republicans said they would vote for her for president. That overwhelming majority isn’t just the “base” of the Republican Party that liberals and conservatives alike tend to ghettoize as a rump backwater minority. It is the party, or pretty much what remains of it in the Barack Obama era.

That’s why Palin won’t go gently into the good night, much as some Republicans in Washington might wish. She is not just the party’s biggest star and most charismatic television performer; she is its only star and charismatic performer. Most important, she stands for a genuine movement: a dwindling white nonurban America that is aflame with grievances and awash in self-pity as the country hurtles into the 21st century and leaves it behind. Palin gives this movement a major party brand and political plausibility that its open-throated media auxiliary, exemplified by Glenn Beck, cannot. She loves the spotlight, can raise millions of dollars and has no discernible reason to go fishing now except for self-promotional photo ops.

Were Palin actually to secure the 2012 nomination, the result would be a fiasco for the G.O.P. akin to Goldwater 1964, as the most relentless conservative Palin critic, David Frum, has predicted. Or would it? No one thought Richard Nixon — a far less personable commodity than Palin — would come back either after his sour-grapes “last press conference” of 1962. But Democratic divisions and failures gave him his opportunity in 1968. With unemployment approaching 10 percent and a seemingly bottomless war in Afghanistan, you never know, as Palin likes to say, what doors might open.

It’s more likely that she will never get anywhere near the White House, and not just because of her own limitations. The Palinist “real America” is demographically doomed to keep shrinking. But the emotion it represents is disproportionately powerful for its numbers. It’s an anger that Palin enjoyed stoking during her “palling around with terrorists” crusade against Obama on the campaign trail. It’s an anger that’s curdled into self-martyrdom since Inauguration Day.

As a critic of Palin I have received more than a small portion of this anger and I choose to wear it as badge of honor, because it is not about attacking a woman who I disagree with politically, it is about stripping away the facade that Sarah hides behind and allowing the world to see who, and what, she really is.

She is NOT the humble hockey mom that she tries so hard to portray herself as. Instead she is a narcissistic, amoral, psychopath who will do ANYTHING to gain, and cling to, power.

She is dangerous because she attracts the most damaged and marginalized supporters in the country. These are America's version of the Taliban.

They would gladly throw themselves off of a cliff to further the ambitions of their queen, and it only takes the most perfunctory reading of some of the comments posted at a pro-Palin site to quickly convince anyone that my assessment is chillingly accurate.

So as gratifying as it is to see Palin step away from Alaska's helm, I know that she still represents a real danger to the rest of the country. And there is still much work to do.


  1. Very nicely said - and very true. This woman and her cult followers need to fly to Guyana and drink some Kool-Aid and leave the country they HATE to the people who love it and want it to succeed.
    SP's success will be the failure of our Country and the loss of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our personal freedoms will vanish. We will be one of the 3rd World Countries we constantly bad-mouth - we are already heading down the path of personal liberty restrictions.
    Keep up the fantastic work Gryphen. Frank Rich did a good synopsis of her however I personally believe she is much to sociopathic to ever really get that GOP nod, unless it becomes as pathetic and borderline extinct as the Whigs.
    I was born and raised here and I'd rather Taliban Barbie was put back into her cage and locked there forever, rather than give her a shot at anything approaching control. I sincerely believe that with the current crop of GOPers, the country just might not survive. This mentality would declare war on their own citizens.
    Dangerous people we've put into power.

  2. In IM's previous post about Sarah the Twit(or something like that)I pasted a link to the Alaskan Dispatch blog from 2006, before Palin became Gov.
    She was ill prepared then and has not changed one bit. It talks about that and how she was virtually unstoppable then.This was written before the MSM pointed out her faults and before the mean liberal bloggers stopped her from being able to govern.
    It is an interesting article. It could have been written yesterday.
    The same behaviors are evident and have served her well then and now. Why should she change?

    If the republican good ole boys club could not prevent her from being elected Gov. then we all need to be on our guard. The blame game has served her well and resigning without consequences has only furthered her career.
    The pattern has been established and documented.
    GW Bush and his failures before and after becoming POTUS should remind us that Palin would be a total disaster.
    Sarah Palin is just a pretty face in too short a skirt.

  3. Bone chillingly accurate indeed! Rich lays the smack down with a hard edged laser that focuses not so much on Palin and her ineptitude but on her rabid sheep and the danger they pose to this country via their worship of the queen of quit.

  4. Mornin'

    You said: "She is dangerous because she attracts the most damaged and marginalized supporters in the country. These are America's version of the Taliban."

    Well said. I saw the sea of red shirts in recent pictures posted by Alaska bloggers. Many were on young kids. I read thIs morning that Gov. Perry has just picked a creationist to run the Texas State Education Board. His pick is probably a nice lady. But it points to something. The way you educate a child has a powerful influence on his/her whole life.

    Your post this morning brings up my ongoing concern for our young people. I doubt we can do anything to change adults and their viewpoints. The problem is, like a few rotten apples in a barrel, parents preach hate to their young and the beat goes on.

    What can we do to help eradicate the "American version of the Taliban" that you talk about? How do we reach the kids before the hatred (fear) is passed on? Those like Sarah Palin feed this - and feed on it too.

    I don't have an answer right now, but there must be one somewhere. How do we help our young so that they are not sucked in? The internet is an obvious answer, but what? How?

    Long post, sorry. You triggered something I will think about as I go through this day. Thanks!

  5. Anonymous10:24 AM

    The cartoon of Palin riding the falling, dead elephant, a la Slim Pickens in "Dr. Strangelove" is as frightening as it is funny.

  6. So as gratifying as it is to see Palin step away from Alaska's helm, I know that she still represents a real danger to the rest of the country.

    Even more so, considering that she's said she's "not leaving politics":

    But just a week ago, she was strongly implying that politics was a "bloodsport" she wanted out of... we know better to expect consistency from Palin.

  7. Thanks to Lazarhat’s comment earlier with this link:
    I posted the following to Bruce Wilson’s Huffington Post article:

    You may THINK this is off topic, but read further: Sarah Palin just appointed to the Palmer Superior Court a Gregory Louis Heath (isn’t Sarah’s maiden name Sarah Louise Heath?) Here is his Application for Judicial Appointment:
    Please see Qn #17 on page 8, keeping in mind that Crossroads Community Church (CCC) is closely tied with Pastor Muthee thusly:
    "In the resurfaced footage from the May 2005 blessing or "anointing" of Sarah Palin, at the Wasilla Assembly of God, three pastors surround Sarah Palin and bless her with the laying-on of hands. One of the pastors was Thomas Muthee. Another was Phil Markwardt of the Wasilla area Crossroads Community Church. The third was Wasilla Assembly of God head pastor Ed Kalnins. Kalnins and Markwardt traveled with Muthee, in 2005, to Africa to visit Muthee's Kenya-based. Kalnins has stated he has made two other trips to Africa, presumably to Muthee's church. Kalnins' and Markwardt's churches are among a Wasilla area church consortium helping to finance Muthee's Kenyan church expansion program."
    Judge Gregory Louis Heath has a long history with CCC and a board chairman, this same church that associates closely with Pastor Muthee, the Wasilla Assembly of God and their belief in the Seven Mountains.
    Now these people have added a Superior Court Judge to their Mountain of Government. Scary?

  8. I do have one quibble though - "hockey mom" might be more accurate than it seems. Some of the most hard-ass dictators I've ever known were not the Southern Baptist preachers I was raised on, but the moms running the PTO at my daughter's school.
    Cult: small answers for small minds....

  9. Today, Palin says that she will campaign for Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who share her views on limited government, national defense and energy independence.
    Is this Quitter so self absorbed that she thinks that Democrats need her help? To lose maybe. Guess she found out there aren’t too many GOPer’s out there that want her help except for Perry and we all know that he is a loof.
    Sorry Queenie, but, your Bible toting, Gun slinging, Hate-filled rhetoric does not work and is not needed. Americans (except for your own Taliban Party), recognize that you really are a special kind of stupid.

    Wait a minute, are we being Punk’d by Palin? Okay Gryph, where are you hiding the camera?

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    In reference to the demographic that Rich describes as the dwindling white non-urban American, namely $arah's base: do those people do the twitter? I think that they listen to Rush Limbaugh on the radio. I think that they watch Fox News. They may even read Drudge on line. But, are they really twittering? Beside the narrow far right religious base and the C4Peers, just who is reading Sarah's twitters?

  11. Anonymous10:53 AM

    All shes done is step around you. Instead of fighting you she has completely bypassed you.

    Brilliant or stupid move?... to be continued...

  12. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Greetings from the Outer Banks, NC. I read your blog and Mudflats religiously, haven't missed a day since 9/08. I have never posted here before but I'm scratching my head on all that has transpired since SP quit, oops I mean resigned, as gov. After watching that speech it appeared that SP was REALLY ANGRY, or something was making her "itch". I got the impression that she was running scared or had been forced, arm twisted...somthing was not right. However after all the tweets, publicity, "I will campaign for democrats", etc. SP seems to be in full form ready to come out swinging. Was I wrong about the state of the speech, am I missing something here? Please advise....Mart from NC

  13. Anon 10:53:
    Palin does NOT do brilliant so....

  14. By the way, I find it incredible that there are only about 70 comments on Bruce Wilson’s Huffington Post article:
    He is describing the Seven Mountains connections with the C Street House used by Senator Ensign, Gov. Sanford and others. I hope people here, at Mudflats and others will comment about the connections of Sarah Palin with these same beliefs. Palin just appointed a judge to the Superior Court.

  15. Anonymous11:23 AM


    I'm not so sure,

    She now has nothing stopping her, no governor restrictions, more money, she holds no "title" so you can't file complaints against her. I see nothing else that the Alaskan bloggers or complaint filers can do to her.

    She has nuetralized this threat by resigning, but at the same time giving herself a much bigger platform.

    I don't like it, but its the damn truth.
    She won this battle... the war is still on, but I think the Alaskans have left the battlefield, there is nothing left they can do to her.

  16. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Seems I forgot my PW ( This post is from Tom and Lou) I got another shock from a SP lover.Told him everything I knew about her, he seemed to listen.When I was done he said I dont care what she does I like her.I thought this guy was pretty sharp I guess I thought wrong?

  17. I would expect she was forced to quit (blackmailed) and now that she has done it, she is free to go her merry way. Thus the rushed news conference and nervousness. Once she complied, as long as she doesn't do or say whatever it was that forced her to quit, she is free to make $ or whatever. Just my opinion

  18. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I do not take anything for granted, nor do I make any assumptions about the political climate of 2012. At times I have entertained doubts about what could be the outcome of the next presidential race.

    The voice of the fanatical right wing is filled with anger, hate, and ignorance. Palin encourages these voices with her inflammatory, divisive messages drawing the line between “them and us”_and she takes satisfaction in doing so. This small-town hustler revels and is revitalized in the adulation and acceptance and belief in Sarah, their Savior.

    Palin is a Neanderthal when it comes to intelligent, insightful, reflective, cogent thought and discourse. She grunts, winks, carries a big club and beats the hell out of anybody or anything in her way. She is the martyred and victimized icon who suffers from the lies, distortions, and vengeance of the other side--ya know, those terrorists, baby-killers, elitists, conspirators, communists, socialists, blah, blah, blah.

    The Blessed Sarah knows who the “real Americans” are as she panders to their ignorance and incites the worst in them. It seems to work. She and they are the “true Americans” with good, small-town values. Each feed off one another with half a brain working at minimum capacity.

    With that said, I certainly hope that the “iceberg” is more than an ice cube--and no less than a catastrophically, monumentally proportioned, major disaster-inducing mountain!

    wv tizes

  19. 70% of the GOP. And the GOP is what percent of the population now? 20%? 25%? So you're talking 70% of 25% which is what? 18% of the population?

    Let them nominate her. She'll lose.

    And as much as it pains me to say it, Palin is no Nixon. Nixon wasn't stupid. Palin has failed to learn anything about anything. Nixon learned form his mistakes, grew, changed and eventually made himself into something the party could nominate and the people could vote for. Palin won't do this. She doesn't recognize any weaknesses in herself and sees no reason to change. She glories in her ignorance. She wallows in her stupidity. If she changes at all, it will be to go further and further right and her base will shrink and shrink and shrink.

    She's done. When she's way overdone, the GOP will toss her out like burned cookies.

  20. Anonymous12:41 PM

    A note to Levi:
    I understand wanting to make some money by shopping a book to help you with child support, etc, BUT and it's a big BUT: Think about the damage this woman could do to OUR country until the truth gets out. We need to keep her out of any decision making positions so lets get the truth out, ALL of the truth.

  21. onejrkitty2:03 PM

    You nailed it and don't ever back off or feel the need to "soften" your opinion as expressed below. I say this because on a fellow progressive bloggers site, I perceive a level of denial ( due to the blogger's own statements ) that tell me the the writer STILL does not "get it" on a very real level. Some past comments as well as support for Talis Colberg cause to me fear for this good person's need to stay in denial to a degree that may actually support Palin. Even very good people are susceptible to listening to "what they want to hear."

    "he is NOT the humble hockey mom that she tries so hard to portray herself as. Instead she is a narcissistic, amoral, psychopath who will do ANYTHING to gain, and cling to, power.

    She is dangerous because she attracts the most damaged and marginalized supporters in the country. These are America's version of the Taliban."

  22. onejrkitty2:14 PM

    Being a Daoist in a Judeo/Christian country, I certainly understand the need for freedome of religion, which, by the way, we really don't have. (Ever try putting down Daoist on an application with the State Troopers where, apparently, it is legal to ask your religion?)

    Having said that, I think we need to DISCRIMINATE i.e. disgintguish the difference between a religion and a cult.

    I use the term "discriminate" in it's original dictionary meaning and do NOT mean to advocate bigotry, etc.

    Jim Jones, Taliban are cults. KKK, Skin Heads are cults. Some forms of right wing fundamentalist evangelicals are cults. Jerry Prevo once, and this made headlines in the ADN and on TV news, stated it was alright to shoot Jews because they were evil nonchristians. Palin's minister Muthee's evil in his own country is too long to go into here.

    I am sure there are many "fundamentalist evangelical Christians" who could read my post and KNOW who and what I am talking about, and KNOW I am NOT talking about them.

    I have no doubt many many Christians do not agree with nor approve of the "cult" style Christians I am referring to.

    OK, my point is: It is time to stop being afraid that to be "discriminating" means to "discriminate against" and to start speaking openly and loudly against the cult type belief systems the "marginal" crowd in adopting.

    Remember, a "discriminating" person is a person of class and taste, and that can be a person from ANY socio/economic group JUST AS A BIGOT, I.E. ONE WHO DISCRIMINATES AGAINST OTHERS, CAN BE.

    In the fashion of Bill Mahr, perhaps it is time to stop being "politically correct" and time to be upfront and honest PUBLICALLY about the cult type of belief system that too many are trying to pass off as a "religion."

    I do NOT approve of disrespecting anyone's religous beliefs but I DO think it is time to "discriminate" between legitimate religious beliefs and those cults to cover their evil in the name of "religion."

  23. Forget about Levi's big story. There is none or Butler would have sold it months ago. All there is is hear say and Butler knows he can't use that. Palin's would deny most any story Levi puts out there. And, except for you ankle biters who is going to believe Levi after all the stupid ankle biting you have done and failed at for months. Face it, you all over played a very weak hand. And, with S. Moore and the FBI investigations being found untrue, you all don't have a lot of creditability. And, don't you just love the way S. Moore is saying she never mentioned the FBI.

    Butler knows he has to be very careful with what Levi says or he could open both Levi and himself up for a law suit. Also, Levi can't afford to mouth off too much or he will have a difficult time seeing his son. Honestly, you shouldn't want him to be placed in the position of being uncomfortable seeing his child just for your petty vindictiveness.

  24. My dad is in his 80's and this was his guest post for the Cape Codder last fall, during the election:

  25. JuJu - Levi's "mouthing off" is known as freedom of speech. Interesting you would like to stifle it with threats of him not being able to see his son(s). Also, do you happen to have a link where Shannyn Moore mentions FBI? Plenty of other Federal agencies, you know - like the IRS and State Attorney. Finally, do you happen to know how to use spell check? These are not words I could find in the dictionary: hear say, creditability, law suit. I know you laud ignorance and scorn education, but geeze......

  26. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I must apologize for laughing at C4P's comments about what will the bloggers do now that Palin can no longer be their favorite shooting target.

    My favorite so far
    "Gryphen and Elvis will be appointed to investigate the disappearance of the Arctic ice-cap."

    Again sorry it was funny

  27. Juju:
    Are YOU still here? Miss us, huh?! Rant all you like. Palin's circus act will be hitting the road soon to do what she does best: PIMP HERSELF OUT.

    Someone commented on McCain and his choice of $arah for VP:
    It's like McCain went to bed with the Nation, gave us a STD and didn't even bother to buy us dinner.

    So, I guess that makes you one of her rabid whores.

  28. Governor Palin's record of resentments was chronicled by Noam Scheiber before the election.


    Sarah Palin has only one member of the media to blame for her treatment: herself.

    She has a degree in journalism and worked as a reporter and TV sportscaster.


  29. juju, your tired old shopworn talking points fed to you by Mad Dog Mansour are too idiotic to refute.

    Talk to the hand. :D

  30. Anonymous4:13 PM

    McCain said today on Meet the Press that $arah did not talk to him before quitting. $arah said she talked to him. Why lie about every little thing. I know her Pharisees don't have a problem with this they do they same thing, right juju? She posted on her worship site she never goes to the liberal sites, or post comments there.

  31. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Juju, you are ruining your candidate's future by posting here in the same old obnoxious manner continuously. Haven't you read the latest polls? Palin needs progressives to like her or she'll never even make it to the GOP primaries! That's right! She's even campaigning for Dems now! She needs Indies, too. She needs people. You guy at C4Pee are not enough for her!

    So if you want us to like Palin, juju, you'd better start offering honey. Otherwise, your candidate will never win, with only 7-18% of the population liking her (it's actually less, but we'll let that go for now).

    Do the math, juju. Then bring your A game and try to win us over.
    Otherwise, you are contributing to the political end of Sarah Palin.

  32. Anonymous4:37 PM

    juju #2:37

    Correct spelling...credibility...something that Palin doesn't have. Haven't you checked out the list of Palin's lies; 32 and counting?? By the way, she's not holding a trump card, either.

    And as far as the "FBI," just another Palin distraction. You haven't been paying attention!

  33. the norwegian blue4:57 PM

    Really SP's motivation is not so complicated -- she just heard Carrie Underwood sing "Jesus Take the Wheel" and it all made so much sense

  34. FEDUP!!!5:18 PM

    The way I see it with IQuitALot trying to raise $$$ even for Dems is that she takes it literally when some Dems and Liberals are saying they 'want her to run' - She is like a little three year old girl that does not get sarcasm.

  35. Anon 11:23:
    $arah may have thought about quitting back in December but by her hurried resignation and rambling speech makes me think that she may have taken a deal to leave the Governor’s office in exchange for whatever to be kept quiet. That’s my theory.
    She may have some offers from politicians to come down and rally for them but, I really don’t think many will take her up on it because she is poison and they know it.
    She will never make it to the WH because voters are tired of the hate that she represents. As bad as things are now, people will remember that it wasn’t President Obama’s policies that took long to take hold but, the GOP’s unwillingness to help him. The people also know that while President Obama may not quickly recognize Gay marriages, repeal don’t ask, don’t tell, etc., NONE of that will ever be possible with $arah. She speaks of small government but, she wants to control my life.
    She may be stepping onto a bigger platform but she will be scrutinized even more there than in Alaska. And just because she quit doesn’t mean that Alaska cannot hold her responsible for bad deeds done later.
    Alaska has not abandoned the battlefield because I believe that they won the battle.

  36. "Beside the narrow far right religious base and the C4Peers, just who is reading Sarah's twitters?"

    I subscribe because it guarantees me at least one good hard laugh per day.

  37. 'She now has nothing stopping her, no governor restrictions, more money, she holds no "title" so you can't file complaints against her.'

    However, she is still limited by her dismal education and obvious anti-intellectualism. Her press conferences are full of gibberish about "proGRESSing!" this and "the FEDS!" that. Every media clip has the same tired handful of talking points, but no insight more than 1/2" deep. It's like politics at about an 8th grade, C-student level.

    Sarah herself seems to genuinely believe that as long as you are Pro-American!, that kind of mediocrity is good enough. That alone will limit her political longevity, without any help from the media, her dysfunctional family, or pajama bloggers.

  38. Palin's got her first paying gig.

    She's speaking at the Simi Valley Women's Republican Gala at the Reagan Library.

    No press.

    What you wanna bet the invitation involves a big "donation" to attend. And it will line Palin's pockets.

  39. Wasilla PO10:56 PM

    Juju is super crazy in real life too. Talk about Palin Derangement Syndrome. Her obsession with Palin is frightening and has been discussed elsewhere. Yikes, do you even know the Palins personally to be saying the thing you do? Well listen closely juju, Sarah dies NOT like people talking 4 her in the media and blogs no matter what kind of site they are from conservative or liberal without her permission. Do you have Her permission?


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