Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday is a fine day for some Sarah Palin tweets. Don't you agree?

More precious time, public & private resources wasted today w yet another frivolous false ethics charge, I'll send presser. So sorry, Alaska
from TwitterBerry

If the Governor is going to start apologizing to Alaska I think the ethics charges are the least of it. What about her dismissal of native issues? Or her lack of focus since she got back from the McCain campaign? Or her propensity for placing unqualified people in important government positions? How about those apologies Governor?

Problem w/Professional Politicians:They're more concerned w/holding a title in perpetuity than just accomplishing goals they promised voters
from TwitterBerry

The Random House Dictionary says that "perpetuity" is an "endless or indefinitely long duration or existence; eternity." So is dear Sarah dissing her fellow politicians for continuing to seek office long into their old age like John McCain? Or Ted Stevens? Or Alzheimer affected Ronald Reagan? Well I guess that is one thing that Sarah cannot be accused of. She certainly did not stay in politics for anything even remotely resembling "eternity". As soon as she realized she could make bunch of money elsewhere she jumped ship. Such a noble act.

selfish & immoral bc it robs their future opportunities!"If there is trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace"Thomas Paine
from TwitterBerry

Okay this is my favorite tweet of the bunch.

I actually applaud Sarah Palin for quoting Thomas Paine. However I am not at all sure that our (Soon to be ex-)Governor realizes just WHO Thomas Paine really was.

Besides being a founding father of our country Paine was also the author of a scandalous book (at least in its time) called The Age of Reason, which served as an indictment of institutionalized religion and challenged the inerrancy of the Bible.

I am fairly convinced that these are not arguments with which Sarah Palin supporters would find themselves in agreement. Don't you just hate it when the "book of Quotes" you are using fails to mention that the author is your complete ideological opposite?

But if you are looking for a great Thomas Paine quote to tweet may I suggest the following?

The opinions I have advanced . . . are the effect of the most clear and long-established conviction that the Bible and the Testament are impositions upon the world, that the fall of man, the account of Jesus Christ being the Son of God, and of his dying to appease the wrath of God, and of salvation, by that strange means, are all fabulous inventions, dishonorable to the wisdom and power of the Almighty.

Can't you just imagine the little Palin-bots heads exploding all over the country after they read this? I imagine the sound that bubble wrap makes when you grab a sheet and start twisting it. (Pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop......Aahh so relaxing.)


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    The tweets sound more like a star addressing the fan club than a governor updating citizens. You would think that by now the fans would be a little angry at having been used.

    It looks as if Palin stayed in office to milk the donations to the PAC and her Fund Trust. When the donations dried up, she was ready to move on. It looks like she used both her fans and John Coale in that regard.

    As much as I want to think that it was the money, that could have built to a nice cresendo if she staying in office. Then, the book would have a chapter about all that she accomplished in Alaska. Being a quitter is not an accomplishment. I still think that the hurried nature of the press conference, and her crazed delivery of an even crazier speech meant that something else was coming down the road, and that this was a good time to cash in-- while she still had some power to negotiate her departure.

  2. Sarah says the latest ethics charge is bogus, but what I want to know is....was it legal for the sitting governor of Alaska to set up SarahPAC to use so she could fly all over the nation to do speeches? If I'm not mistaken, Governors usually only fly out of their states when their's a national governor's meeting. Sarah can't stand Alaska and this is why she used any excuse to get out and then quit her duties as Governor!

    She's pathetic. Once she's out of the Governor's office she won't be able to hide behind the title. Think her legals bills are large now only in her mind? Wait until they're real!!!

  3. Glenn Beck has a new book out about Thomas Paine. LOL

  4. I question too the rapid, unscheduled departure. If it was just about the money or greener pasture$ I would think it would have been done with a little less haste and perhaps even Todd would have more warning. I too think there is more to this story. There is already a lot of money floating around Sarah Palin with her PAC and her legal fund. I wonder if the dear little grifter found it impossible to not dip into the cookie jar and there is some serious misappropriation going on with her funds.

    With all the information swirling around Palin these days, there seems to be very little about the actual state of her funds. Don't they need to publically accounted for? And if someone cooked the books to give Palin access to more money she wasn't entitled to, would that be illegal?

  5. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I am trying to figure out this stuff from C4P. They obviously don't read IM to know that $10 million from Rupert Murdock would involve TV program:
    1)Part of Sarah's appeal to Americans is that she is fresh, spontaneous and unique. All of these attributes will disappear if she does a daily or even weekly show like Huck. She will just become another garden variety "info babe" as Rush would say.

    2) A TV show involves a lot of work and time - time that could be better spent travelling America and the world, and consulting with experts on issues.

    3) A TV show plays into the meme she is just a celebrity and not a serious candidate.

    What she needs to concentrate on is travelling the country, doing townhalls, and appearing on a lot of local TV shows and radio. Local media will be very kind to Sarah - just like they were during the campaign. It is national media that is the problem." (Rusty)

    Sound Advice 1: "She also needs to develop her web site, and have videographers travel with her and up load all these local appearances and link the local media interviews to her web site to disseminate this across the web.
    Here's the sad news for C4P. If (when) Sarah has her TV show, that network will host the main website; they're paying the freight. C4P is starting to see itself marginalized.

    If fact, you would think that they would be just a little pissed off. After all, Sarah used them to the raise money for Political Action when she clearly is focused on a different kind of activity. They are going to turn into another fan club for a TV sensation.

    Die-hards want her to follow Reagan's Path in the Wilderness making radio commentaries, op ed pieces, speeches, use modern technology like email and blackberries. If we just listen to her on radio, it will be a disaster. (Listen to the resignation speech without looking at it, and you'll see what I mean). Op ed-- she'll have to hire the ghost writer from her book.

    Oh, by the way, I cut and paste the quote from C4P: they are the ones who misspelled "travelling," so I hope that they are the ones who do write her speeches.

  6. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Now that she may be attaching quotes to the correct people, finally, she needs to find people of like minds to quote.

    I don't think she has enough time left as governor to do both. (grin)

    Oh, and for those who want to "...imagine the sound of bubble wrap..." ...

  7. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Here are two more quotes from Thomas Paine which Palin should add to her twitter:

    "It is error only and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry."

    "It is an affront to treat falsehood with complaisance."

  8. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Question...didn't she say that she had called McCain about her decision to resign? He was just on Meet the Press talking about how surprised he was that she didn't tell him. It's not a big thing, I just don't get why she lies about little stuff. Unless I'm mistaken?

  9. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Awesomeness Gryphen! I thought the same thing when she tweeted the Paine quote - clearly she has no idea about Thomas Paine! I laughed my head off when Glen Beck took up Paine because he's my fave founding father dude, and now Palin! SP really should read all of The Age of Reason - I have a copy right here if she wants to borrow it!

  10. C4peeps are really obsessed with Sarah. It's odd that they sit around and
    plan her future as if they really have input! It's weird!

    It's also funny how much Sarah is tweeting! What is really interesting is to see the replies. One person was suggesting new Twitter names since she will have to give up (or will she?) her current name. There are suggestions like QuitterSarahPalin . Of course the faux ExGovSarahPalin is twittering to and she uses the same photo as Sarah so they are sometimes hard to tell apart.

    I hope more of you join if you haven't and press rely and tell her what u think. It is easy to do!

  11. Anonymous8:39 AM

    IMO, Palin's tweet quotes are snark payback for the accusations that she plaigarized Newt G. in her intro speech for that son of Reagan appearance in Alaska.


    Found this on the Alaskandispatch blog.
    It was written in 2006.
    Sarah Palin has not changed a bit. There were concerns back then(2006) about her lack of ability and knowledge base. Before she was even gov. So, this is not liberal politics or nasty MSM.
    This is concern about Sarah Palin not having the right stuff to do the job.
    Just a pretty face in a skirt.

  13. If Sarah remains consistent in her behavior she will never finish her book; she'll stop typing mid-sentence and move on to something else :-)

  14. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Thanks for the info, Gryphen. With that forked tongue, the twit twitters. LOL Promised voters...what was that OATH Palin took?

    And it seems Palin is using Thomas Paine as a tool to promote propaganda in an effort to shift blame to President Obama for problems caused during the 8 years of the Bush tyranny.

  15. Anonymous10:48 AM

    AKPetMom: Your 9:47 post reminds me of this joke my ADD son likes to tell:

    Q: How many ADD kids does it take to change a lightbulb?
    A: Let's go for a bike ride.

  16. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Gryphen says...
    Can't you just imagine the little Palin-bots heads exploding all over the country after they read this?


    You forget Gryphen that the Palin devotee's can justify anything when it comes to Sarah. They love her, are dedicated to following her all the way to hell if need be, would be willing to die for her (yes I actually saw someone post that over at the C4P site).

    When people have reached this level of fanaticism, there is nothing anyone can say or do that will bring them back to reality.

  17. crystalwolf aka caligrl1:08 PM

    Anon@8:06 re: c4p being used...did you know the fearless leader ManSour was in AK last week and also a maeTaraS operative? They were both on Eddie burkes show. So far ManSour has said nothing of her visit to AK? Why? who paid for her trip? Where did she stay and who paid? Alaska Fund Trust? When manSour was on Eddie burke show, Phil asked her to have coffee with the "liberal" if Gryphen,AKM,Diva,Shannyn would stoop so low!
    So what did manSour do? Meet with xgino? Megamouth, making plans to throw c4P under the bus?
    Oh Gryphen I love the pop,pop,pop...especially the Big bubbles POP!!!

  18. Lisabeth1:13 PM

    Are you guys all tweeting back?? I thought it be fun to either 1) plan an organized answer that we all tweet back to her when she writes something ridiculous OR there is a way to start a group on Twitter but I am not sure how.

    Daily Kos did this first one after Palin sent the long and over the top ulta-dramatic threatening to sue letter on July 4th. Everyone was to write Palin with something outrageous (I think) but at the end easch person wrote SO SUE ME!! I did a search for So Sue Me and there were hundreds of tweets. It was funny but also possibly showed her something (which I doubt) I bet she doesn't read responses or reply to anyone. I have never seen her reply even once!


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