Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Guess who is the most trusted newscaster in America? The answer might surprise you.

If you are frequent visitors to this blog than you know how big a fan I am of this gentleman.

He has helped me to get through some very trying times.

I don't often identify personal heroes but this man is definitely one of them.


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Come on now, Gryph. Your hero is a comedian and commentator, not a newscaster. But that poll is telling, isn't it????

  2. SoCalWolfGal3:36 PM

    I am with you Gryphen, he might not have the title but you learn a lot more watching Jon Stewart than the "news" shows. And yes, he is a commentator, but so is Crybaby Beck. Rest my case.

  3. justafarmer5:04 PM

    this is so funny! I asked the title question to my husband while waiting for the Time page to load and he immediately said Jon Stewart. Imagine my relief to see that it was indeed Jon and not (as I was afraid, Beck or O'Reilly).
    What I found intersting is that 48 states had a clearcut preference. Only two were split evenly between Jon Stewart and Brian Williams: Alaska and my Commonwealth of Kentucky.


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