Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Here is what Wonkette had to say about rumors that Sarah Palin is looking for a radio gig.

This is how Palin does everything now: passive-aggressively “gauge interest” and if people don’t kiss your ass enough, even though you commit to nothing, just say Fuck ‘Em and move on to the next assholes who won’t give you the proper respect. Then you can write a poem about it, on Twitter.


(Just click the title to read the entire post.)


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Sarah is not smart enough or quick minded enough to do radio or tv show... nor is she willing to put in the hard work required to be sucessful at either.

    She needs to stick with paid speeches to adoring crowds.

    She needs to rake in the money before Levi's book destroys her earning power and star status.

    Levi write the book and finish her off... please

  2. I am all for it! She can say words like "progress" and "military", and "Denali" a lot.

  3. Anonymous7:43 AM

    RADIO? Those right wing radio guys make a lot of money and I guess she can do the show from home like she "governed" from home.

    Still, photo-ops and bright lights are sustenance for her, how could she be the cutest hocky mom on radio??

  4. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Radio? does this mean that Murdock didn't offer her a show on FOX? FOX does have radio too, didn't he give her a radio show? Why shop the idea?

    I guess meg is right, the world is literally her oyster!

  5. Is she twittering yet on a private account? Just for laughs I'd be curious to take a look - anyone know her twitter link?

  6. Cathy8:07 AM

    The "Pity Palin Pulpit", just what we need -- Truth distortion vs. Facts.

  7. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Our country has hit a new low when an ex-veep candidate's next move is to shop for a hate radio stint.
    She really is washed up. Anyone can sell out for money, to keep an ounce of dignity takes work.

  8. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I realized how irritating her voice is when I listened to her "quitter" speech the other day. like listening to fingernails on a chalkboard

  9. Excellent observation on her passive-aggressive behavior. She provides the public with an incredible opportunity for a learning experience on a wide range of personality disordered behaviors. Looks like Wonkette gets an "A" in psychology class.

    Isn't it amazing that someone with so many problems was able to get so much power?

    Again, great observation on her passive-aggressive behavior.

  10. FEDUP!!!9:11 AM

    Well, I guess she can screech all she wants to on one of those right-winger stations. I for one cannot listen to more than a couple of 'sentences' of her w/o getting a huge headache (that's why I always wait to see someone transcribing her word salad... BIG THANK YOU to all of those who did it over the last months!

  11. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Her job is as a hood ornament for neocon manipulation of Christianist voters.
    Andrew Sullivan
    If radio becomes a reality for Palin, it seems likely that any calls she takes from listeners will be screened heavily.

  12. Anon 7:45:
    Palin has turned into nothing more than a "High Priced Call Girl". She is going to pimp herself out to the highest paying john (or murdoch) for nonsensical speeches, appearences, etc.
    She should title her book: Palin's Bordello to Go
    (How to spread political STD to the lower 48, also)

  13. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Radio is a medium where you don't have to wear your wig. You can hide everything and if you use children, there are none of those pests from child protection. A television show from her home would bring in the authorities if she used children. Radio is her medium.

  14. Anonymous1:08 PM

    As Wonkette says: "But she can't even talk..."

    True, and when she does, she screeches and whines.

    On the other hand, radio would allow her to keep stacks of index cards or her Blackberry at hand, laden with pre-planned talking points and buzz words, sight unseen.

    That is the only way she has half-survived (and not even) debates or Q&As in the past.

    Witness the Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric interviews for what happens when she has to think on her feet and can't refer to her notes. Not pretty ;-D

    So, radio it is, then....

    But, despite the voice coach hired for her by the McCain campaign, there is still the problem of that voice....

  15. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Capitalism has failed the people if she can join Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh making those 50 mil incomes as they celebrate when others don't have health care. Too bad no one boycotts advertisers anymore.


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