Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Stephen Colbert hearts the Birther movement.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Womb Raiders - The Fight for the Truth Behind Obama's Birth
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTasers

In this next clip Colbert interviews one of the craziest people I have ever seen on television. And I have seen Glenn Beck!

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Womb Raiders - Orly Taitz
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTasers

Wow! Now THAT is some serious crazy!

By the way here are the 55 members of Congress who refused to vote on the resolution declaring the Obama was born in Hawaii. Chickenshits!

(By the way, believe it or not, Michele Bachmann DID vote that Obama was born in Hawaii. Who'da thunk it?)

Akin (R, MO-02)
Barrett (R, SC-03)
Bishop (D, NY)
Boucher (D, VA)
Brady (R, TX-08)
Braley (D, IA)
Brown (R, SC-01)
Camp (R, MI-04)
Campbell (R, CA-48)
Carter (R, TX-31)
Costello (D, IL)
Courtney (D, CT)
Crenshaw (R, FL-04)
Cuellar (D, TX)
Davis (D, AL)
Davis (D, IL)
Deal (R, GA-09)
Engel (D, NY)
Graves (R, MO-06)
Green (D, TX)
Grijalva (D, AZ)
Gutierrez (D, IL)
Higgins (D, NY)
Hodes (D, NH)
Hoekstra (R, MI-02)
Johnson (R, IL-15)
Kilroy (D, OH)
Larsen (D, WA)
Lynch (D, MA)
Maloney (D, NY)
Marchant (R, TX-24)
McCarthy (D, NY)
Miller (D, NC)
Murphy (D, CT)
Murtha (D, PA)
Olson (R, TX-22)
Ortiz (D, TX)
Paul (R, TX-14)
Platts (R, PA-19)
Quigley (D, IL)
Radanovich (R, CA-19)
Rodriguez (D, TX)
Rohrabacher (R, CA-46)
Rush (D, IL)
Schakowsky (D, IL)
Sestak (D, PA)
Sires (D, NJ)
Smith (D, WA)
Stupak (D, MI)
Tiberi (R, OH-12)
Tsongas (D, MA)
Wamp (R, TN-03)
Waters (D, CA)
Waxman (D, CA)
Weiner (D, NY)

(Thank you Maria for this list.)


  1. Jackie9:31 AM

    Why are there so many "D"s on this list??? These were all refusals to vote? Please say some of them were just absent... At least our 3 Akns weren't on the list!

  2. FEDUP!!!9:33 AM

    I wonder if some of them were absent, or simply REFUSED to vote on something as ludicrous as this...

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Does Orly understand what the Colbert report is really about? Does she understand that he just made an ass out of her? Is she even a citizen?

  4. I can't tell you about some of them..but Akin is a birther for sure.. He has been pushing for some of the legislators in Missouri to pass a bill here in the state to make it law to have to show ID in order to vote, and to show ID in order to get on the ballot.. in other words a "Birther Bill" just like they are trying to get passed in the House of Representatives.
    I also know that earlier in the day when this was first introduced they had trouble getting a quorum together, so some of the members on the list may have been in committee meetings and that's why they didn't vote...I will hold judgement until we know for sure...but Akin I do know is a Birther.. Just wanted to let you know that..

  5. crystalwolf aka caligrl2:29 PM

    I just got a petition, to sign about Pat Buchanan wanting to see PO birth cert. I wrote on the petition that PB had a lot of nerve and why doesn't he ask Palin to show Trigs B cert. b/c alot of people interested in that.
    This Orly, is SHE even a citizen? If she is she ought to learn to speak english.

  6. Walter3:28 PM

    Artur Davis from Alabama is running for governor, so he was probably in the state campaigning. First serious statewide African-American candidate in Alabama, he has a good chance of winning the Democratic nomination. Very close to Obama, offered chance to join the administration. Your characterization of him is incorrect.

  7. Janet in Texas5:26 PM

    Thirty-five (35) Democrats on this list? WTF??

  8. Playing devil's advocate here...(eh-hem Grijalva's my Rep, so you'll understand I can't take him down because AZ needs all the blue blood we can get)...maybe some of these dems were busy with health care/education stuff???? [crossing fingers and looking hopeful].

  9. Even if Oscama is a citizen (and even that isn't a sure thing), he flat out doesn't meet the higher standard of being a natural born citizen that the Constitution requires to serve as president. Both of his parents need to be U.S. citizens. His father wasn't, and even Chairman Maobama admits that as well as admitted that he himself was governed as a British subject. No way, no how, Nobama.


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