Sunday, July 26, 2009

I have been trying to think of which past politician Sarah Palin reminds me of and then it hit me.

The resemblance is striking isn't it?

(Thanks to Phil Munger for posting this image over at Progressive Alaska.)


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Don't get me started

    She reminds me more of Spiro Agnew

    For some truly silly JFK mash ups, these amazing gems are not to be missed !

  2. Classic ...
    I now simply refer to her as "The woman formerly known as the governor of Alaska."

  3. L.A. in S.F.11:51 AM


    I guess I don't understand DZ's Iceberg concept. For me, that would mean an indictment or something equally horrible. Perhaps I don't understand all of this, but it WAS business as usual for SP after that announcement! People harrumphed and tsk-tsk'd about this AFT. Much ink and energy was spent and wasted, yet SP will get away with it as usual. Is she STILL collecting those per diems? Did anyone stop that? Will anyone really folo thru on this AFT controversy? What is it about this woman that people will line up for hours to see her? I find her despicable and I'm so glad you are all out there (loved your daughter's video.) But I am having trouble with the idea that this latest controversy was the big stink bomb that would sink her ship. Is there still hope that this scandal will undo her? BTW? I see NOOOOO resemblance to Levi AT ALL in that Tripper baby. NONE AT ALL!!!!!!!!

  4. Peas in a pod. Both crooks.

  5. crystalwolf aka caligrl12:15 PM

    LA in SF-
    How do you know there is no "pending indicment"?
    I like to think... that there is :)
    But that's just me always the hopeful! :)
    Patience, Patience!

    Who was is that made derogatory remarks about Barack and Michelle Obama’s fist bump?

    Funny, I have also been thinking of Nixon's "I'm not a crook". With Sarah, it's more like "Yeah, I am a crook, but until the courts tell me I'm a crook, you can't touch me".

    See comments #24 & #25 at

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I find Mrs. Palin to be a lot like Boris Yeltsin.

    "Yeltsin came to power with a wave of high expectations. But Yeltsin never recovered his popularity after a series of economic and political crises in Russia in the 1990s. The Yeltsin era was marked by widespread corruption, economic collapse, and enormous political and social problems. By the time he left office, Yeltsin had an approval rating of two percent by some estimates.[1]
    Just hours before the first day of 2000, Yeltsin made a surprise announcement of his resignation, leaving the presidency in the hands of Vladimir Putin." ~Wikipedia

  8. Anonymous3:41 PM

    WHERE IS BRISTOL?????????

  9. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Well, The Mudflats data base crashed again during Palin's farewell speech. Ha, not a word about pj bloggers, but against the media for lying...respect the military and don't lie.

    Well, guess babygate should be plastered everywhere. That's not a lie; covering it up was.

  10. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I'm jealous of C4P right now and thier live commenting...Hmmpf

  11. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I have been vistiting your site since Mr. John MCBatsitCrazy tapped Palin for VP. I heard about her before because of a group that I'm a member of(the one she bad mouthed today in her final speech). So I was watching CNN and they are showing Palin's newest word salad. We eat therefore we hunt. Ok I have no problem with hunting for those who need food. Do people eat wolves? I do have a problem having a coward getting into a plane and chase wolves around until they get tired and then shoot them. And what about the gassed wolf pups? Does she feed them to her young?

    I only wish you guys could keep The Wicked Witch Of Alaska up there(like in prison) because her crazy ass is coming over to my state. We are messed up enough with our stupid Republican Gov we don't need her. Cruella DePalin is going to be speking at the Ronald Reagan Library with that nasty guy how lusts over her, now what's his name um.. um.... oh yeah John Ziegler. Sadly no reporters are allowed. The Republican Women Federated of Simi Valley spokeswoman Pat Saraceno said of Palin "Palin has a huge following in California, mostly folks who pay tribute to the Regan legacy. Most of us view Palin as a Reaganesque figure. We adire her greatly."

    I only wish that Palin knew just how many in Cal hate her. We do not represent her pro america parts of the contry she was talking about last fall. We don't like people who try to incite violence against a man because he was winning and they were losing. Palin was doing everything she could to put our President in danger. That is why I hate her and many in Ca will never forgive her.

  12. L.A. in S.F.4:46 PM

    I would just truly hate to see her just carry on as if nothing bad ever happened to her and perpetuate the myth that everyone else is bad. I find it stunning that she is not embarrassed by her own shortcomings. That she didn't crawl into a hole for a year or so and learn to speak, read and write. I said to my husband: If your paper/essay/speech had been torn to shreds by three editors and posted in/on Vanity Fair for the world to see, wouldn't you be humiliated? And he said 'of course' but she has no shame. Bottom line: she is a quitter whose final days/hours/speech was covered in great detail. WTF? Has the world gone mad? She is a quitter who cannot write a paragraph. Why would someone like that be able to run a country? I mean, presidents... they read like lots a documents every day. God Alaska (and McPain) what were you thinking?????

  13. Anonymous5:03 PM

    @ProChoiceGrandma - -

    "Who was is that made derogatory remarks about Barack and Michelle Obama’s fist bump?"

    That was 'Edie Hill' from the Faux Noise Network. Have not seen much (or anything) of her since, hmm? :o)

    Did you notice, still no wedding ring? Just saying . . . . .


  14. very funny...omg..Nixon would be so proud of her..

  15. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Even Nixon doesn't deserve that comparison.

  16. I think you are mistaken. Nixon was smart and had at least a few redeeming values. I can't say that about our ex Gov.

  17. SME13110:25 PM

    Where oh where is Sarah's wedding ring? Hmmm!

    Anyone think this gal might be related to Palin...a long lost daughter maybe.

    Warning...... do not have a mouth full of liquid while watching this clip.

  18. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Marion Berry, in the crack smoking years!

  19. I also wondered where Bristol and Tripp had been during these events.

    Did anyone seem them???

    My impression was that Bristol Palin has been "conspicuously absent".

    I would not be surprised at all if this was the case!!

  20. I live in Wasilla, and a friend mentioned in passing the other day that she saw Bristol at a local playground with her son (I really wanted to ask, "which one?"). I think that if she were pregnant, my friend would have noticed, not that she's the type (like me) who'd suspect such a thing.

  21. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Questions to ponder

    1. Who (what idiot) is her speech writer? Piper could have written a better one.

    2. Will Sean P file for per diems to live in his house?

    3. Did Sarah get a promise from Sean to continue the vendetta against Wooten?

    4. Is Levi book deal any closer to being announced?

    5. Is there any reason for anyone to post another picture of any of Sarah's four children? I will be happy if I never see any kid photos (or Todd photos) for the rest of my life.

  22. Great graphic!

    I think we need to start a movement to get Sarah Palin to become the leader of the birther movement - after all she vowed to fight for truth and America - I think she is the perfect person to take on this cause - with her millions she will have from her book deal and her connections - she should have no problem storming the vault of the Hawaiian birth records

    it would just be sooooo entertaining to watch! hehehehe

  23. Love the picture--especially the jettisoned iconic child! But Nixon was smart. He was also a kinda lousy crook. Palin is stupid and uneducated, but a great con artist.

    I'm still stunned by that speech. I know her supporters think she's all real and genuine, but she just struck me as insultingly condescending and very, very bitchy. She is seriously up herself, which would be funny (given how ignorant and incompetent she is) if it weren't so scary. If her head gets any bigger it's going to explode. I also think her personality is starting to show on her face. My mama always warned me when I made faces as a kid that my face was gonna freeze like that.

  24. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Sooooo... her last hurraah, and none of her daughters that have some conscience are in attendance? I have not seen any pics of Bristol OR Willow (or Tripp...) Piper is too young to have an independent mind - not to say the other two do, though... Interesting...
    No wedding ring... I am married for quite a few years, and we are not wearing rings, either, so, to me it is no big deal.
    HOWEVER: As far as I know, she always used to wear one... Hmmm... Couple THAT with the fact that Toad is wearing dark glasses, even when there is no sun out,... HMMM...!!! I wonder.... Those bony fists can do a heck of a job for a shiner...


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