Friday, July 24, 2009

KTUU unscientific poll shows that majority of Alaskans believe leak of Daniel report was beneficial.

In a poll conducted by Channel 2 News, respondents were asked if the recent leak of an ethics investigation report on Gov. Sarah Palin was a disclosure that benefits the public.

Here is the official question and results of the 841 people who voted.
Was the recent leak of an ethics investigation report on Gov. Sarah Palin a disclosure that benefits the public or an abuse that threatens the legal system?

Benefit to the public 52 %
Abuse of legal system 40 %
Both 5 %
Neither 3 %

All polls conducted by Channel 2 News and are unscientific.

Well I am of course firmly in agreement with that 52 percent.

I believe if it had not been leaked we would NEVER have known that the investigator had determined that Palin's defense fund was not ethical.

And I STILL think it was somebody connected to the Personnel Board who leaked it.


  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Thanks, Leaker, if You Are Doing It for the Good of Alaskans, and for the Search for Truth!

    Has anyone looked at some of the comments under this other KTUU link:

  2. eliza5:28 PM

    tee hee, maybe van flein leaked it. The more trouble she gets into, the more $$$ he makes - IF he ever gets paid.

  3. anon @ 4:31 - yes, I saw the comments on KTTU link - liked the first one about Sarah ignoring the Medicaid fiasco - I think more light must be shed on this. The second comment, however, was nasty - I almost wonder if it is a Palinista trying to make those of us who do not endorse Sarah look bad. I have never heard any of us stoop to that kind of disgusting rhetoric, and I do not condone it.

  4. anon 4:31....VERY interesting comments at KTUU!

  5. I'm really surprised to see the poll results, because nearly every one of KTUU's polls when it involves Sarah Palin gets "freeped" by the See4Pee'ers and FreeRepublic, freeps.


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