Friday, July 24, 2009

No surprise here as Personnel Board dismisses another ethics charge against Sarah Palin.

The Alaska Personnel Board has dismissed another ethics complaint filed against Gov. Sarah Palin.

Raise your hand if this surprises you. Ah! Nice to see you have all been paying attention.

The latest is the sixth complaint filed by Anchorage resident Andree McLeod.

In her complaint, McLeod says that two days before Palin was named John McCain's running mate in the fall of 2008, she signed travel documents that stated "conclusion of state business."

Upon returning to Alaska, a similar document indicated Palin was returning to duty.

McLeod says that Palin should have turned over the governor's responsibilities to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell as required by the state constitution, but instead continued to collect her $125,000 annual salary.

Independent investigator Thomas M. Daniel found that Alaska law fixes annual compensation for the governor and lieutenant governor for services while in office -- not the amount of time they spend performing those services.

Perhaps that is why Palin refused to hand the reins of power over to Sean "Lapdog" Parnell. She just could not give up that sweet $125,000. I think if we have learned anything about Sarah Palin we have learned that she NEVER gives back the money!

I really thought this one had some merit. I mean at the very least there should be a reduced income when the Governor is out of state and trying to conduct state business using dual Blackberry's. And considering how many things fell through the cracks while she was gone perhaps she owes US money.


  1. "Thomas M. Daniel found that Alaska law fixes annual compensation for the governor and lieutenant governor for services while in office -- not the amount of time they spend performing those services."
    Oh God, I hate to defend Palin - believe me. But, if AK law says annual compensation is fixed for time in office (i.e., time as Governor), then I can see why this one was dismissed. Seems that even if she HAD turned the reins over to Parnell, she would still be entitled to her salary while she held the "title" of Governor.
    Not saying I agree with the law, but it IS the current law.

  2. "Not the time they spend performing these services" Uh, so even though SP quit about halfway thru this year, Alaska still has to pay her the full $125K? Right.

    There must be something really, really bad about the AFT that hasn't come out. Otherwise, with reasoning like this, no way Daniels would have found a violation.

  3. Anonymous8:12 PM

    leu- the Daniels report states that the only way the salary would stop would be resignation. So she will not get paid for the remainder of the year. That's the GOOD news!!!

    The AFT report sunk her.

  4. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Independent investigator Thomas M. Daniel found that Alaska law fixes annual compensation for the governor and lieutenant governor for services while in office

    Based on that statement alone, then Palin should NOT be receiving any per diem for living in her own home.


  5. SME13111:05 PM

    Have you notice that neither she nor her attorney are threatening to sue anyone when the outcome of these complaints are leaked but are favorable?

    As far as her pay goes I could care less, but I do care about the per diem and charging the state to attend church services. That alone should have gotten her thrown out.

    And above all for this complaint Palin should have turn things over to Parnell while she was out lying to the country about her (lack of) achievements. But she is too much of a control freak.

  6. Anonymous12:17 AM

    What I want to know that I have not seen discussed anywhere is....the Queen going to get her lifetime benefits? I say NO...she broke her oath and contract to be our Governor for 4 years...not 2.5.......she broke an benefits. She did not complete the job.

    Also, in the hallway with photos of governors....will there be a 2/3 photo of her?

  7. There were six complaints (out of 22 total complaints) filed by Andree McLeod.

    8/6/08 - Staff members advised to take ethics training.

    1/26/09 - STILL PENDING

    1/26/09 - Dismissed (filed same day as one still pending above, not a typo).

    3/18/09 - Dismissed.

    7/14/09 - Dismissed yesterday, but it's the 5th one filed by Andree, not the 6th one filed.

    7/20/09 - STILL PENDING (failure to disclose gifts)

    It bugs me that Palin's press release confuses and flat-out lies about the complaints by Andree.

    Facts found here:

  8. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:00 AM

    Yes I was going to bring that up also! It is what it is, so NO PER DIEM!!!

  9. I think AFT report is true..


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