Friday, July 24, 2009

New ad features nurses talking about turning away uninsured patients. Get your hankies ready.

I am beyond tired of the Republicans framing this thing as if it is going to make it HARDER to get the help you need if the government offers you health insurance. That is bullshit.

Currently the health insurance industry is charging incredibly high rates, refusing to cover life saving procedures, and making sick people spend hours on the phone negotiating with their insurers to please provide the coverage they were promised.

Health care in this country is broken and somebody needs to fix it. I applaud, and support, Barack Obama's efforts to do just that.

And only a politician whose coffers are filled with donations from health care insurers would think otherwise. Oh, and of course the people who believe the GOP bullshit.


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    It isn't just Republicans, Gryphen. My Democratic congressman is willing to jeopardize the reform by insisting on inserting anti-abortion language because of his concern for the value of life and the strength of families. I doubt he can be in the pocket of health care insurers, tho, because he can only afford to rent a room in a house on C Street. I'm so lucky to have such a devoted representative. Why, he's says he's working so hard for me, that he's hardly ever in that house, except for dinner. Right.

  2. Yessssssssssss! Made ME cry!

    No, maybe I'm being a bit hasty. I mean, the idea of universal health care first came up during the Truman Administration, well before I was born. Aren't we, well, being a little hasty? Can't Liz Cheney take her five children to the emergency room when they get sick?

  3. Insurance is NOT health care! People are being turned away now, the argument is moot.

  4. FEDUP!!!9:07 AM

    This is just the Healthcare Lobby that wants to make you scared.
    Yesterday, I heard an uninsured woman on the radio talk about her bill after visiting the ER earlier this year. Don't remember what it was for, but no real biggie - she was in and out in 2 hours. Total bill: $12K+; including $2K for just 'walking in'!
    Another one told about her father going in the hospital, using HIS OWN medications (NOT hospital-supplied ones!) - the bill for that 'priviledge' was $600!!!

    I hope the Dems *DO* grow a set of balls this time around and INSIST on voting on this bill BEFORE they go on vacation in August! (I believe I read somewhere that Pelosi will keep them from going away until they have voted - I sure hope so...)

  5. The real reason is in this tidbit:

    "Neoconservative publisher and pundit William Kristol writes a five-page memo explaining why and how Republicans can ensure the Clinton administration’s health care proposal fails. The memo warns that if the Clinton health care plan is implemented, and actually improves the lives of Americans, the success of the program would badly damage the Republican Party by improving Americans’ relationship with government. Therefore, the plan must be stopped before it can begin."

    I don't imagine much has changed since then.

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I've worked in health care for 30 years as a health care provider. It turned into a business many years ago, run by insurance companies. Those of us trying to take care of the patients haven't had any say for at least 15 years. We have to spend time justifying to someone at the ins. co. why we want to deliver the quality of care we want. We get turned down if it costs too much or doesn't meet their criteria!

    Don't come to California, the Gov has eliminated a lot of health care programs with our latest budget cuts.

  7. Hmmm...the Repugs are trying to use fear to control the people surprise there. Personally, having my health care in the hands of HMOs and insurance companies is much more frightening than having it in the hands of the government. In fact, because I've been in the military or a military dependant my entire adult life, I pretty much have had the government in charge of my healthcare for over 10 years now. Listening to my siblings' experiences in "civilian" health care, I'm thankful for what Uncle Sam provides. I've never had to pay a penny out of pocket for any medical treatment I've had.

    I have lived in Italy and Germany, both countries have healthcare for their citizens. Between my husband and our son, we had to use the ER in Germany three times. Never did we wait more than 30 minutes to be seen and treated. The waiting room was tiny, and there were only a couple of other people being seen (this was late at night on weekends, all three times). I was so shocked at this, after having spent 23 years living in the states and seeing the wait times at ERs here.

    I suppose that is what comes from allowing people to be seen for problems before they become emergencies, and providing good preventative care. When people use the ER for their primary care, who do you think pays for it?

  8. The health care in this country is a royal mess. We need universal health care now. Watching the woman supposedly from Canada talking about the child with a brain tumor who would have had to wait 6 months for treatment, so she brought the child to the United States for wonderful health care -- who paid the doctor, pharmacy and hospital bills for that I wonder????? That would be impossible for a low income family without insurance here! Yes, it's possible to be treated at the hospital emergency room without insurance -- it certainly isn't given freely -- but the bills then bankrupts their family.

  9. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Please, everyone that can, take a few minutes and call Senator Reid and tell him ABSOLUTELY DO NOT go on vacation before addressing health care reform. Here's the number: (202) 224-3542. Also, call your Senators and Representatives and tell them the same thing. Even/especially if they live in a room in a house on C Street!

  10. Anonymous10:50 AM

    have to disagree with you all on this one. I work in the health care industry in the US and have friends from GB and Cananda.
    There are a lot of harding working soles out there and there are some big problems.
    but there are also, imo, a lot more people who think you and I owe them a livng AND health care. They want to see a specialist for something a primary physcian can handle, they don't want to wait so they clog up the ER's They don't even want to pay a 2 dollar copay, (maybe it would interfer with their abilty to buy cigarettes or alcohol?)
    Exagerations are being made on both sides but I think this plan will cost the US citizens big time and not for the better. read it folks, there is a lot of scarry stuff stuck in those pages.
    Just a nurse who works for a living making WAY less than a union autoworker, plumber or carpenter.
    mayber the next time you get sick you can just go to one of them.

  11. crystalwolf aka caligrl11:04 AM

    Of course the REpub congress doesn't care, if it doesn't pass they got THEIR healthcare...RIGHT????
    I belong to a single payer healthcare. There is preventive medicine (free flu shots if I want, lots of free programs, nutrition etc) and when I go to the dr. I get all the lab testing, whatever is needed. I pay a certain price for medications in my "formulary" and if they are not there have to pay full price. Very few are not there.
    I am much happier with this health ins. than HMO's systems. The Dr.s are all paid through the hospital so them sending me out for any labwork doesn't cut into their money. I don't understand why people are fighting this???
    But like I say, the Repubs/GOP'RS they all have THEIR healthcare, now don't they? Palin too.
    Wonder how she would take care of Trig without her gov healthcare? Oh right, we will get to see now won't we??? in 2 days she won't have Gov. health care!!!

  12. Although I have very good health care insurance, this video is exactly why I've been calling and emailing members of Congress repeatedly for the last two weeks and making donations to HCAN and other organizations. There is a health care rally taking place in DC on July 31. If you can, please call the congresscritters, even if they're not from your state. The rightwingers have been making a lot of calls, and we need to make more to get our voices heard.
    Rep. Waxman has told the Bluedogs that he will not allow them to hold up health care reform to satisfy the needs of the republicans on the energy and labor committee. I just called his office to thank him. He has drawn the line in the sand for the bluedogs and the republicans. He has stated that he met with the bds late into the night last night to resolve some of their concerns about medicare payments. He also met with the president today. Action items: call congresscritters, donate (if possible) to groups airing ads like these, and write letters to the editors of your local newspaper(s).

  13. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Maybe this was filmed at Michelle's hospital in Chicago where she developed a program to send the uninsured to other hospitals so her beds could be filled with insured patients. Oh, and guess who helped her with the publicity to make it look like a good program? Why, David Axelrod! Hmmm.

    Also, if you think that you will not have Government deciding what you can have done or not...think twice. Let's hope you are not too old or they will just give you death counseling. There has to be a better way to do health care.

  14. lisabeth11:40 AM

    Hey Gryphen and others! SEE THIS:

    Interesting? I hope this person sends a cc to other people like the Alaskan FBI and Federal AG office. I don't trust anyone appointed by Palin.

    I could go on and on about health care. I am very upset about it. I wrote to my wonderful senators (sarcasm) Kyl (barf) and McCain (more barf) but I doubt it will help.

    To Mrs TBiscuitbarrel--are you in twitter? I wanted to send you a message/ask you about something - if you have a twitter I could send you a direct message there. Hope you see this!!

    Curious what everyone thinks of this article

  15. Anonymous1:22 PM has a petition you can sign to send a message to congress to not go on vacation until the health care issue has been addressed.

  16. oh hell I am stealing this yells the UnInsured Nurse...I am beyond fucking know it...and those shitheads are going on Vacation?????shit..

  17. Lisabeth2:09 PM

    Did anyone see the link I posted above? It is about another investigation request
    into Pallin sent to the Alaska AG office. Please look.

  18. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Yes, I saw it, Lisabeth@ 2:09 p.m. I think it looks valid. I think it's one of many things that will come out now that Palin's leaving office. Everyone was afraid to talk but now that Palin may be leaving (the state, even?), more stuff will come to light.

  19. I have no doubt some canadians have gone to to the US for care. I dont know anyone who I am not sure why, and I didnt see the story referenced by another poster.

    As a 56 year old Canadian woman, who has suffered various illnesses during my life...I can attest only to the fact,that my care has been excellent...and timely. In 1997 I was hospitalized at one of the most premier eating disorders clinics worldwide. It is Homewood Health Science Centre, in guelph ontario. My stay there was 6 full months. The cost to me? Nothing.

    I had one to one nursing care. I had regular sessions with a psychiatrist and a psychologist. I had daily meetings with a dietician...and group and individual therapy. we had people from the states there...and yes..they did have to pay. I dont know how much...but I am sure quite a bit. I dont believe any american insurer paid for that.

    I also was exec. director of an alcohol and drug residential treatment centre for 12 years. We were always full...the cost to clients? Not one penny.

    I have a doc of my own choosing. When I have physical complaints...things are ruled out one by one..using various testing methods. No cost.

    I get yearly phone calls and letters telling me Ineed to come in for a pap and a cost.

    Because I live in a remote area....if I need a procedure or need to see a specialist in the city, my airfare (along with someone to accompany me) my meals...rooms...and travel expenses are covered cost.

    I am so tired of all the lies and fear tactics of the right regarding universal health care. It is a gift.;

    Recently.someone you may never heard of unless you are
    candadian was named Canada's greatest person, was Tommy Douglas. He is the father of our healthcare system...and also the grandfather of Keifer Sutherland.

    We Canadians are not stupid. We know we arent getting anything for free. When we pay tax on a can of pop...or a choc bar...or a little more on payroll taxes...we know why. We realize we do pay for our health care...but in a much less intimidating way. I never have to worry about going bankrupt if I get sick. I could not imagine having to live my life worrying about that.

    We are currently employing am American from
    Washington state. He has good health care now...and stated to me that he really doesnt feel he pays any more taxes here than he did at home.

    The right is lying. Plain and simple.

  20. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:17 PM

    Laurie-Ann: thank you for your letter! So many lies are being tossed out about healthcare, and what Canada's is like etc. Also I ask people to go rent the movie "Sicko" by Micheal Moore. In that movie people of Canada and France talk about paying more taxes but have excellent healthcare.
    Thank you for speaking out.

  21. SME13111:17 PM

    The Republicans don't want this health care program because it was Obama's idea. Then to further complicate it we have Michelle Bachmann and her mama bears to complain that if everyone gets health care it will create a hassle for her and those like her.

    Never mind that taxpayers are paying for her health care, she doesn't want the hassle

    Bachmann is a very rare individual as she is the ONLY person on this earth that can make Palin look bright.


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