Thursday, July 09, 2009

Not another step Alaska bloggers! Or the crazy bitch gets it!

(Click title to visit the site of this images creator. And perhaps say thanks for summing up our Governor's behavior in a single cartoon.)


  1. Something will come even without bloggers.
    She is out of the news cyle now. By this time next week, she will do or say or blame someone to get back on the path to glory, MSM

  2. Wow, that's a great illustration. She has another good one of Palin with the Statue of Libery.

  3. Why am I reminded of Blazing Saddles?


  4. Anonymous4:46 AM

    How does Palin campaigning for Rick Perry (R) in Texas against Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) work?

    When Palin starts with her usual word salad of political platitudes, is she going to accuse the republican contender for governor of being for big government, big taxes, big spending, unpatriotic, un-christian, a baby killer???????

    If you thought Palin strange before, just how strange is this going to be? This has all the making of a republican 3 ring circus. This is going to be good.

  5. Anonymous5:02 AM

    This is exactly what she thought about doing after that argument with Bristol last week. Instead she decided to resign. Here's how I think it went down.

    Bristol: Mom, how many times do I have to tell you! I can't keep Levi from talking! Yes, he knows that he also agreed to allow you to claim Trig but now he wants him back! He's going to NY this week to shop a book. They want more money!

    Sarah: Bristol you need to control Levi! He is your responsibility also!! I don't have another cent to give him. Do you realize how much dept those frivolous ethics violations have put this family in? How long are we going to have to keep paying for his silence?!! I am sick of it. And now you want to give up your Abstinence Gig which we were using the money from this to continue the payoff also too!!! What do you want me to do, Bristol, quit being Gov.?!! Is that what you want?! It appears that this will be the only way I can use my celebrity status to make money to pay off that sick family (the Johnston's) that you got me involved with!!

    Bristol: I don't care what you have to do! I just know that I am sick and tired of pitching something I don't believe in. Abstinence doesn't work, Momma! Look at me, I have two kids! It did not work for me and it damn well didn't work for you! Remember how Track was conceived before you and daddy got married?!!

    Sarah: O.K. that's enough young lady! I am sick and tired of your behavior also too! You just don't know how much I have sacrificed for you and your babies! I am going to give up my title as Governor! Will that make you happy?! Maybe then I can make enough money to pay off that trashy family you have got our family involved with!!

    (Palin storms out and makes a decision to resign.)

    Disclaimer: This is just my thoughts on how this went down. Feel free to alter with additional comments. This is for entertainment purposes only. It is not based on known facts just pure possibly speculations.

    So please don't SUE ME! :-)


  6. Just_a_Mote5:16 AM

    Sure captures some of the essence of this odd women.

  7. Anonymous5:31 AM

    That is the picture of Sarah when she first found out Levi was part Mexican.

    Levi ....please write your book and put Sarah out to pasture for good... or are you using the threat of a book to continue sleep overs with Bristol?

    Gryphen are you still working on posting a "nuclear bomb" story? Hopefully a huge enough story to end Sarah's adventure in politics

  8. Anonymous5:38 AM

    When Sarah is speaking in Texas, and her audience starts shouting, "Kill her! Kill her!" How will she know "who" they are talking about? Hmmmm.

  9. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Didn't Palin say once that there is a special place in hell for women who don't support other women.

    Kay Bailey Hutchinson should use that one!

  10. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Please, for the love of God, don't send Palin down here. We have enough crazy with Rick Perry all by himself.

    - Austin Liberal

  11. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Palin will fade away UNLESS the iceberg hits. She has no ideas, nothing new to say because she doesn't actually want to learn anything. What could she say in a speech that she hasn't already said?

    And her crowds will be UGLY. They will show America what she really is, a race-baiting fear-mongering snake-oil saleswoman, with a bunch of Elmer Gantry thrown in.

  12. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:09 AM

    I have to agree with Anon@4:27. These people are getting paid a certain salary already, is this above their stated salary? I know the lawyers that are brought in are extra. But as he said there is a certain amount of $ put aside for the dept. of Law. I also find it interesting the complains that "these frivolous complaints are costing taxpayers, millions"...aren't the people who file taxpayers too? Have they no right to demand accountabity from her? Well spin buttercup, spin...And then another poster above said what about the money that came in? Diva paid over 5K. During the election many news outlets were trying to get FOIA, how much came in? Andree FOIA? She is such a liar!
    When the IRS comes a callin'....? And lets not forget religiongate-a mudflatter has said ACLU is on that one...! And how many more? What about all the breaches on her last trip? Political speeches to troops, badmouthing a Vietnam vet? The flag in runner's world? These are just a few that come to mind.

  13. Well, NJ and VA GOP candidates running for governor don't want her. The guy here in VA, McDonnell, may use her in the reddest of red parts of the state, but he is desperately trying to shed his religious right image and ties to Pat Robertson to appeal to independent voters, who make up a big part of our electorate.

    If Sarah starts spinning her hate mongering, race baiting, socialist, real Virginia vs fake Virginia crap here it will surely turn out bad for McDonnell. If McDonnell wants to win, he needs those independent voters who will turn away in droves, just like they did in the presidential election. Millions more dollars will pour in for Deeds, the democratic candidate if Sarah shows up here.

  14. I am really beginning to feel defeated. I watched Morning Joke this morning, and again...Palin..Palin and more Palin. I am not a stupid fact I am quite bright, and have moved up considerably in a "mans" world in my career. I was the first female Exec. Director of an alchol and drug treatment centre, when it was thought only men could handle that.

    I don't understand what the huge positive interest is in this woman. Palinbots who may be am not jealous. In my her age...I also was fairly good looking. I am told I still am...that my family genes must be quite something.

    I am tired of hearing how she still has a political future. Doing what? Does anyone actually believe this person could be POTUS? My god...should that ever happen, I would move to another continent. Its bad enough living in Canada, where she can see me from her house, but I would want no part of being anywhere near her and power.

    Please...someone reassure me that this woman will be done. Let her go and write a book...make a ton of money. I don't begrudge her that...truly I don't. I just don't want her anywhere near the nuclear codes...and I don't want her fundamentalist self, telling everyone how to live.

    Jealous of her? No. Afraid of her...of course. We all should be. She is a dangerous silly woman...and that is worse than a dangerous smart woman.

  15. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I can see through this powerful and provocative cartoon just how angry Alaskans and others are for being used by her. I can imagine how outraged I would be if I had worked on, or had contributed to her campaign. Even if I had simply hung out a lawn sign for her I would be quite upset to see her trade in her elected title for personal cash.

    It's actually disgusting.

    Governor title = cash

  16. lol...great cartoon... is this all you have left?

    Told ya the iceberg was gone, and just an FYI, Gryphens got nothing for you either. Hope you aren't holding your breath.

    Stay tuned... Bigger and better things are coming down the pipe. Freedom from governor restrictions was needed for things to happen.

    The bloggers and false rumor spreaders have definately not won. This is a chess game, sometimes you have to give up a piece to take the bigger prize.

    Stay tuned... I know you will.

    SP ;)

  17. Hey Casey at 7:03--

    I was musing upon the same thing yesterday, the downright weirdness of the way that the MSM gives all things Palin about ten times more publicity that is warranted in light of the fact that she is not very bright, not articulating anything, has an embarrassing life in every way, and so on and on.

    I think there's two reason for it. One is that in general, our media is essentially tabloid as much as serious news and unfortunately America loves reality TV and that sort of trash.

    But the other is this borderline or narcissistic personlity disorder that she has. As a nurse, I have seen maybe 4 times an borderline personality admitted to the hospital floor. The disruption and chaos is beyond belief. They are so manipulative and divisive that iIt usually devolves to a situation where the nurses are not allowed to even enter the room alone and must always have a witness with them.

    The only time I have ever lost it with a patient and become visibly angry - in fact threw his pills in the trash in front of him - was with a guy with borderline personality disorder and who had been refused treatment at hospitals within a 3 state radius. Including ours, but I guess they relented.

    It is hard to describe the amount of time and disruption these people are capable of creating around themselves, the meetings of high level management, the doctors attempts to soothe and satisfy and double nursing time so that nurses don't go in alone. Not because of threat of violence, but because of the lying and twisting and manipulating complaints that they engage in.

    So I think that all of America and the media are caught up in Palin just like when one of these patients is admitted to a ward and we just don't know how to disengage from the craziness.

  18. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Palin not ruling out a run for Pres.

    I knew it, this woman will not be stopped. Nothing is going to stop her. I give up

  19. SP,
    I don't think that any iceberg is needed to bring Sarah down. She will do that herself. She is too self absorbed and uses too many people (including her own children)for her own personal gain and it will come back to bite her in the ass.
    She will never be POTUS because she is too hateful, ignorant, and inarticualte a person to win over the majority of the people. There is NO WAY her rabid base can carry her.
    People are already tired of her same old talking points: blame the media, blame the bloggers, blame everybody but herself.
    I would like to see her run though. That look on her face the day after they lost was priceless! And being consoled by her daddy was worth the torturous, hate driven (oooh, it was so Christian-like) rallies that I forced myself to watch. Yep, it'll be great watching her lose again.

  20. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I posted this link to an article on DailyKos over at Mudflats. It is a *very* interesting look into Rapture Barbie's recent comments and the bizarre religious folks that belong to Palin's mutual admiration society. Just like MSM is uncomfortable with any discussion of Babygate, they will not investigate religious weirdness either.,-please-dont-let-it-be-this...


  21. Wait. What? She's gonna be campaigning for The Hair Perry? Ohhh This is gonna be fun. Gonna have to figure out how to get in to some of the rallies take pics/vid

  22. Haha Alaska Dave Down Under. I'm totally dating myself but I remember that scene from Blazing Saddles.

    That said, this cartoon is even funnier.

  23. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Why is no one holding Palin accountable for this cost, whatever it is? If she had actually run a transparent administration as she promised, then most of these complaints would not have happened. She stupidly (security wise) used private email to avoid being transparent. Yea gods, that was the biggest red flag ever. Who does that unless they are trying to hide nefarious acts? There is no plausible reason other than to hide things. She has thrown up road-block after road-block to anyone trying to peer inside her administration. Lie after lie. Cover-up after cover-up. Bet she's busy now with bloodhounds getting closer and closer. Her latest memo to staff? SHRED, BABY, SHRED.

  24. I've noticed that the media tends to treat Palin like a celebrity, not a politician. She's pretty and she does crazy things, hence she's news. Remember, they didn't report her trip to Kosovo--they only reported the cheap swipe she took at Kerry. She's too dumb to realize this is not the way to be taken seriously by anyone other than her base.

    I think this latest lie of sacrificing herself to save Alaskans the trumped up costs of the ethics complaints, coming as it did on top of the release of the emails of her telling her whoppers over Todd and the AIG, will pretty much cook her goose with everything other than Pox News. She made them look like idiots dutifully reporting her lies. I think we'll see some significant scrutiny from now on. At least I hope. The problem is, the media will only go after her if they sense the tide of public opinion is turning against her. Which is why we all need to post comments on articles on the main network sites.

  25. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:24 AM

    Hey SP, Yeah we are watching alright! Her pants are on fire now, liar,liar, pants on fire and soon she will go down in flames and all you trolls will too!

    can't copy and paste but go to Alaska Standard, Dan Fagans article "Sarah Palin has become mentally unstable"

  26. Anon. @ 8:47 - Let her run, who cares? Of the 22% of people in the U.S. who are still Republican, she will get up to 65% of those (at most, since the wealthier repubs want Romney). That is a relatively small amount of votes. I dread the spectacle and the hatred and violence she will likely incite, but NO worries re the Presidency. Not even remotely possible.

  27. Anon @ 8:47,

    You are so right, she is continuing to be a threat. That is a reflection on the political priorities of your fellow Americans. How astounding that is after everyone knows so much about what makes her tick now. Just absolutely sick!

  28. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Great job Gryphen! You made the Daily Dish! It's like watching a child take their first steps! I'm so proud!


  29. Anonymous11:28 AM

    The most coveted job in a state is the governor job. It is the easiest job there is, and you are treated like a king/queen. You don't need any real expertise as witnessed by Palin and Bush, and you don't have to do anything while you're there.

    For Sarah to be aborted from this job is so huge, that people just don't realize what an incredible coup this is.

    She is about two more news cycles away from being completely forgotten.

  30. Oh Crystal...

    How many times will you have to say that before people actually believe

    There are no flames, not even a glimmer of smoke. Just opportunity and new places to go on the horizon. Enjoy the view!

  31. Bristol: Levi, are you ever going to tell the people that you and I are the parents of Trig?

    Levi: Hell no Bristol, why would I do that when your mom was kind enough to take him off of my hands. I mean, if I did then she would make me take him back and be responsible for him.

  32. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Did anyone see Frank Rich last night on Rachel Maddow? He said that Palin will take herself down and that progressives should just sit back and watch--that there's no need to do anything, she will destroy her own image.

    Pass the popcorn.

  33. Doctor Who2:28 PM

    You have REALLY got to be mentally ill beyond help to go on a blog and pretend to be Sarah Palin and say NANANANA. Even she is not stupid enough to do that.
    It is probably Juju who is a nutjob. Hey fake Sarah Palin, my God, get a life! You are a very unhappy miserable person aren't you? You just know it. You are sick. You need a psychiatrist and medication. Oh wait, you already have those things? Get your dose adjusted. Get help. Surely in this gorgeous world we live in, you can find other things to do wih your time? It is so sad that this is how you choose to spend it. GET HELP.

  34. Is that an abortion?

  35. Sarah Palin is pretty. However, she lacks inquisitiveness, honor, intelligence and honesty. She is also vindictive and seems to put herself above all others.

    She may get somewhere in politics, however, if she is ever elected to a higher national office, then I will leave America as that would be a clear sign that the majority of Americans are just like her, and that is a country that I'd rather not live in.

    Thanks to the US Senate for putting Lisa Murkowski on the fast track with all the committee appointments she has received. Thanks also to Lisa for stepping up to the plate and and doing a great job in the face of all of the nepotism complaints. Thanks Lisa for shutting that door in Sarah's face.

    Hopefully Sarah will simply remain the queen of the disenfranchised and uneducated right. I feel that Sarah's future is attending pro-life barbecues in run down neighborhoods with loads of men in wife beater t-shirts and hoards of ill-behaved snot-nosed children around. These are her people and they can have her!

    That I can live with.

  36. Alexandra Pelosi did a documentary that is on HBO, called Right American, Feeling Wrong, Republicans. It showed that for the most part, they were angry, white, racist, who only watch foe news. They called Obama all the usual names, even a few of the really strange ones calling him the Antichrist. Sarah is nothing but angry, and I can repeat what she says every time by heart: We need to reign in speeding, blah, blah, blah. Her supporters are all just very angry, mostly low IQ, and liars, just like her. This post was on July 7, Andrea Mitchel interview here and it was poorly written and threatening:

    Anonymous said...

    hey all u delusional idiots obama was still getting paid while running for presidency 18+ months while still getting paid by chicago & doing absolutely jack shit for his state & we didn't hear a peep let alone all this cry fowl bullshit about that? Talk about a double standard??? i hope Sarah does run again & wipes the walls w/ 1 term pres o great likable 1 NOTT NOobama just look as OHIO goes so does country his pols are BELOW 50% FACT so put that in ur pipes & smoke it & die while ur at it u lying loser liberals :) & while ur at it all the 1's putting BS lying ethics complains better watch their backs because they people r planning 4 them to have "accidents" & screw w/ them big time in the works hehehe
    4:10 AM

  37. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:09 PM

    AKPetMom: I read in Andrew Halcro, remember how Lisa skewered her for QUITTING? Well she recently donated a pile of money to Lisa!
    Note the about face by her?
    If her idiot bots will give $ the only thing to take her and them out is SCANDAL! And if I lived in AK I would bet you a Steak dinner, that will happen SOON!
    So don't worry you get to stay in your beautiful State, and the Witch will be gone :)
    Have faith in what Dennis & Gryphen say! All this smoke and mirrors of her resignation is just that, she got a terrible wake up call on fri. and had to call a hasty resignation speech.
    She is hyperventalating! If she were somewhere else someone who of hauled her ass in and 5150'd her!!!
    Don't worry, she's done!

  38. Anonymous6:20 PM

    There is something about that SP post though..

    >>Bigger and better things are coming down the pipe. Freedom from governor restrictions was needed for things to happen.<<

    The phrase is "coming down the pike".. and the "Freedom.." sentence is an excellent mimicry of her uniquely odd sentence structure and cadence.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.