Sunday, July 19, 2009

Oh the Palin-bots are definitely NOT going to like this article on! But I love it!

"Life is too short to compromise time and resources," Palin said. "It may be tempting and more comfortable to just keep your head down, plod along and appease those who demand: 'Sit down and shut up,' but that's the worthless, easy path; that's a quitter's way out. And a problem in our country today is apathy. It would be apathetic to just hunker down and 'go with the flow.' Nah, only dead fish 'go with the flow.'"

No dead-fish quitter she, Palin quit.

Having spent much of her tenure as Alaska's governor scheming to fire her ex-brother-in-law from the state police and having her press secretary issue statements contradicting her daughter's 18-year-old former boyfriend, Palin evidently mistook national politics for one long Miss Congeniality contest.

That is, until she started picking fights with TV comics and whining that nobody before her had been so victimized by "the politics of personal destruction" -- a phrase Bill Clinton coined after Republican operatives accused him and his wife of murder.

Chances are Palin doesn't know that, as she appears to know precious little else. Even many conservatives who supported Bush almost to the end fear that the Republicans have finally touched bottom.

"In television interviews," Peggy Noonan wrote in the Wall Street Journal, "she was out of her depth in a shallow pool. She was limited in her ability to explain and defend her positions, and sometimes in knowing them. She couldn't say what she read because she didn't read anything. She was utterly unconcerned by all this and seemed in fact rather proud of it: It was evidence of her authenticity."

Palin's authentic, all right: An authentic product of what author Charles P. Pierce calls the "Three Great Premises" of America's decayed TV celebrity culture. First, "Any theory is valid if it moves units," i..e. sells advertising. Second, "Anything can be true if someone says it loudly enough." Third, "Fact is that which enough people believe. Truth is measured by how fervently they believe it."

Those three last points may represent everything we ever needed to know about the "Palin phenomena".

I especially like this sentence right here:

President? Get real. Sarah Palin couldn't manage a Wal-Mart. She has neither the management skills nor the capacity for detail.

In case you don't already know, and for future reference, just click the title of this post to read the entire article.


  1. Wow! That pretty much sums it up. She's *kind of like a Community Organizer*.... only without the community, or the ability to organize.

    Palin is going with the flow -- right down the flusher.

  2. pacos_gal7:17 PM

    This has to be best thing on Palin I've read in a long time.

    A truer word has never been spoken and in a week when we have lost Cronkite, who didn't play with BS, it's nice to see someone remember that saying the truth isn't bad journalism.

    After the emails printed concerning the media trying to make deals and kiss butt to get Sanford on their shows, it was refreshening to read this.

  3. Bones AK7:20 PM

    Boy, I love it too, also. Sarah, et all will NOT like it, which is maybe why I LOVE IT!

  4. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I am trying to figure out who is going to get the full blast of the Palin anger when she really lets go. The bloggers? She has aleady threatened to sue Shannyn, so that scared you guys off, right?

    Local politicans and officials? Late night comedians? Editorial boards? Reporters? I have the feeling that she is mad at just about everyone who wasn't nice to her.

    The people on the McCain campaign? Other Republicans who haven't rushed to defend her honor? If she p*sses them off, she will pretty well finish her chances for any political office.

    Why is it more appropriate to insult the President and his party when she is out of office? When she stirred up those crowds, to the tune of "kill him," that was politically correct? Since when has Palin been politically correct, anyway?

  5. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Sarah is so over.

  6. Dr Who8:11 PM

    It is an excellent article! Even Republicans and conservatives are starting to see how incompetent Palun is. At least the smart ones do:) bit as if something clicks and then they realized they have been duped! The ones who can't see yet are probably people who are easy manipulated, too trusting and naive, or unhappy and supporting (idolizing) Sarah helps them feel more important. She is a user who thinks very highly of herself.

    Sarah is going to crash soon and I have a feeling it's in the next few weeks.

  7. Anonymous8:24 PM

    In a few months, Sarah will be old news. Wait and see. The GOP is already working in it- you all will see.

    What is hilarious is that Palin and her supporters think it's Obama, the Democrats and the Dem bloggers that are creating havoc for her in Alaska. Guess what? It isn't. It's the GOP boys club and the RNC. I don't know how Palin missed it. If she would listen she would know. The party doesn't want her running for president. They know she'll split the votes and the part weakening her chances. They've sent operatives up there to stir things up and plant seeds.

    Palins going to be flipping out soon. Definitely get out the popcorn. She's furious, soon to be much more furious. She's gonna blow!

    Watch Palin ex

  8. What a great article...

    My favorite part and I think it needs to be repeated over and over again...

    Palin's authentic, all right: An authentic product of what author Charles P. Pierce calls the "Three Great Premises" of America's decayed TV celebrity culture. First, "Any theory is valid if it moves units," i..e. sells advertising. Second, "Anything can be true if someone says it loudly enough." Third, "Fact is that which enough people believe. Truth is measured by how fervently they believe it."

    This is Sarah Palin's philosophy. And she has perfected it.

    I think it's telling how much Palin hates and is threatened by the blogs. You can't run a celebrity deception scam if you keep getting exposed as a big fat phony. Sarah Palin knows how to play the MSM. She doesn't know how to play the blogs and I think it makes her crazy that she keeps getting called out by the bloggers. The MSM want her around because she sells 'units'. The blogs keep exposing her for the lying, cheating, deceitful, selfish hypocrite she really is.

    Bless the bloggers!

    We need more and more articles like this to pound into the thick skulls of gullible fools the irrefutable fact that they have been played. Palin is a master of the art of celebrity deception.

  9. Now she can have a temper tantrum and sue Salon.


  10. Anonymous9:30 PM

    So the iceberg is now being replaced with "The GOP attacks"

    Hmmmmm OK

    How long are people going to keep falling for this bait and switch stuff?

  11. Anonymous12:13 AM

    lol all you doubters keep on dreaming she will rise above it all and prove you all wrong. Its always the ones scared that have to keep bringing her up daily and finding a way to reash her or her family. The funny thing is the left who preached to all be tolerant and lets not insult and get along have now become the worst at insults and name calling. So i can laugh at all the negative comments here and know that as you all of you who put her down think it will stop her all you are doing is pouring gas on the fire lol and now when the whole truth comes out lets see how all of you change your story lol
    im proud to back her and support her just as you think Obama is so wonderful with less experiance than her and he cant even practice law because his license was revoked because he forgot to include the name Barry sortose on it yall keep thnking you are running her off and i will sit back and enjoy the humor you supply.

  12. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Salon just blew their chance at an exclusive interview with Sarah.. by telling the TRUTH.

    Sarah could not manage a lemonade stand.. let alone a Walmart.

    For the next year or so, all Sarah will be saying is, "show me the money!"

    The dumber than rocks quitter will be the next Richie Rich.

  13. Anonymous5:48 AM

    The Salon article must have really gotten to the PeeNuts if they even came here in force to rant. Thank God some people are now saying the Empress has no clothes and it's not sexist to point it out.

    I'm waiting with breathless impatience to see what politically incorrect nonsense she's going to start Twittering when she's no longer "restrained" by being in office--excuse me, "having a title."


  14. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Oooh, way to go, Gryphen! More illiterate upset Palin-bots are here.

    Hey, Palin-bots. Why not take your grievances directly to Salon and post on their message boards? (Let's give Salon some more traffic!)

  15. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Anon@12:13, you sound quite worried to me--not like you are sitting back and enjoying anything. Why come here if it is so painful for you?

  16. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Sarah Palin is a national treasure, a constantly renewable source of cautionary tales and examples of how NOT to govern. She embodies what is worst in our politicians and leaders: arrogance, ignorance, hubris, deceit, self-righteousness, manipulation and distortion. She shows us the dark side of the extremist Christian right, with actions and statements so contrary to Christian principles as to be laughable were the posturing not so bullying. As a mother she gives lie to any pretense of putting the needs and interests of her children before her own ambition. As a woman, she struts across the stage in an endlessly offensive caricature of a self-respecting, competent and assertive individual. Sarah Palin is a toxic waste dump of a human being. It is difficult to imagine a worse leader, mother or woman. In one of this nation's darkest times, Sarah Palin steps up as the Great Divider, intent on furthering an agenda driven by aggressive ignorance and hateful rhetoric. She just might be the anti-christ.

  17. Anonymous7:49 AM

    HUH?? Is it just me or does anyone else not understand Anon 12:13 comments. In all politeness, anonymous 12:13, i don't understand you. Maybe if you ran what you wrote through a grammar checker first, I would.

    what does "reashing" her family mean?
    and "the funny thing is the left to all preach as tolerant?"
    And who is "Barry sortose?"

    I am sorry, but your post sounds like either someone from another country or someone with a 2nd grade level of reading. Maybe you could explain to us what you mean. Oh anonymous, did you know that 1/2 of the people who filed the ethics complaints were Republicans? I don't understand why you are attacking only the left. There have been some articles from the right too-by Peggy Noonan, David Frum and other famous conservatives. They think Sarah is a joke and appeals to the lowest in our country (I think they mean the dumbest)

  18. @anon 12:13

    What??? Buddy, are not making sense. You sound scared...and your feelings must be hurt because Sarah is being ravaged. Not by the left....but quite often from the right.

    Oh and when did Obama lose his law license? I must have missed that. Because of who? Never heard of the guy.

  19. Anon @ 12:13 AM with the incessant lol....

    Yeah, that's what I'm doing -- laughing at that litany of inanity.

  20. Sarah's "experiance!!" is what got her into this mess in the first place. When Grandpappy McCain asked her to be VP, she should have thought about her dismal education and speaking skills, the potential negative impact on her family (especially the teenaged mother Bristol), and the crushing needs of the Alaskan people, and BLINKED. Instead she tried to fake it, and she's been called on it.

    Americans want leaders with brains--Sarah doesn't even come close. Anyone who can make GW Bush sound articulate is pretty sorry. If he was pathetic, Palin is pathetic to the 3rd power.

    That said, I think she has a great career ahead shilling for special needs, abstinence, and evangelical right-wing megachurches. Feel free to run her for president in 2012, though!--her own GOP competition will eat her alive at the starting gate.

  21. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Hey Gryphen - the Cee4's might just pee big time over this too!

    Vanity Fairs editors mark up $arah's resignation speech. It actually sounds reasonable now :) (C4P has some an article from the Examiner about how Palin's speech made sense...delusion much?)

    Susan in MD


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