Friday, July 17, 2009

President Barack Obama speaks to the NAACP.

There are a lot of things that I am frustrated about concerning our new President.

Why is "don't ask, don't tell" still the policy of the military?

When is he going to throw out "no child left behind"?

Why is he standing in the way of the Bush administration being brought to justice?

But damn when I hear him speak it just makes me want to vote for him all over again.

By the time he reaches the end of this speech the hairs on the back of my neck are standing straight up and I can feel my heart beat faster as I hope desperately for the change that he promises. And I know that his plate is overflowing with responsibilities, and that these things take time, but I just find myself fearful that his actions will not match the words.

But I tell myself that I need to have something that I have NEVER had before. I have to have faith.

So I am going to step outside in a few minutes and breathe deeply of the crisp Alaskan air, and allow the heat of the sun to warm my flesh, as I tell myself that every day things are getting better and that someday the damage done by both the Bush and Palin administrations will be nothing but a painful memory.



  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Amen! I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks Gryph!

  2. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Respect. And as Hammer once said: That's why we pray!

  3. Anonymous8:57 AM

    He has brought us the is up to the rest of us to bring it to fuitation...he has never said he could do it alone!

  4. Not ashamed to admit I was crying by the end. I am so proud to hear a leader challenge us all to be better and do our part.

    DADT- I, too, am frustrated that it didn't end, but his explanation is that he wants it done right by Congress. I got this today and have already checked up on "my guy."
    HR1283 Military Readiness Enhancement Act allows you to check your representatives status and links to help you contact them in support of this. It is done by the Servicemembers Legal Defence Network.

    I want DADT to end! But, perhaps President Obama's right in that it is better through legislation and especially if it is the result of THE PEOPLE demanding it. I didn't do much today, but I did write my representatives so my voice gets a "check" in the column of good. I won't just write once, either.

  5. Anonymous9:16 AM

    How are things getting better each day. It does not bother you that this man is the new war criminal-sending killer drones into Pakistan, continuing the slaughter and destruction of Iraq and maintaining military bases larger and more numerous than the Bush character, escalating the slaughter in Afghanistan, maintaining the abusive No Child Left behind, deliberately destroyed GM and Chrysler and all the jobs attendant to those companies, gutting funding to historically Black and Native American schools,with his war crimes inccreasing the population of troubled/mentally unstable/physically injured soldiers, etc. but the charlatan can speak on a teleprompter the words someone else wrote so you have hope? This person has done more damage to this place in 6 months than the Bush war criminal was ALLOWED to do in his entire term.
    That you can support the current monster under ANY circumstances is frightening. This country is in real trouble!

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Well, you are missing something VERY important. The President can't just change major policies on his own. It does not work that way (our government). Some of the changes you are asking for must be changed through the legislature. Please do some research before blasting President Obama. For example gays in the miltary, behind the scenes Obama works with a senator to help introduce changes and new legislation. There is a lot that is going on that you are not aware of. Read about how laws are changed in our country. He has only been in office for 6 months.

    I am very frustrated with people who complain like you and Republicans who are blasting the stimulus program. They seem to forget that nothing changes quickly. Even if the perfect president came along and did everything perfectly, the economy could not be turned around in 4 months.

    Also a president must govern from the middle if they want to get anything done. Look at the constant attacking he gets. Sarah Palin has NOTHING to complain about when it comes to being attacked.

    Have faith. Some of the things you mention are being worked at behind the scenes. I do not think he has broken any promises yet.

  7. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Barak plays chess while we watch for moving checkers.

    During the campaign when all of us were wondering...why doesn't he hit back on that, why doesn't he do X or Y?!! He always proved to me that he and Axelrod had a plan and they rolled it out day after day, withouth fits and starts that happen when you are reactive.

    I am hoping there is a long range plan for all the things we want changed. At least it's him and not Miss Wasilla and the cranky guy.

  8. Gryphen, the hair stands up on your neck, your heart beats faster? The only thing you didn't share with us is that you get a hard-on when you look at him. Really Gryphen, don't tell and we won't ask!

  9. Barack Obama is awesome! I put him on a par with my ex-president Nelson Mandela.

  10. I so agree. When Obama picked Rick Warren to speak at the Inauguration, a friend of mine, who'd campaigned tirelessly for him, emailed everyone and said the bloom was off the rose. I felt: "hang on a minute - give him a chance. He hasn't even taken office yet. He's reaching out. This is a nation that includes a lot of Christians, and he's got to govern them too."

    And your list of things with which you disagree is right on, and maddening. But I know from the campaign that he is a longview thinker. So I agree - faith. Interesting concept for heathens like your readers.

  11. President Obama is a truly inspiring speaker. Just a reminder, he has only been in office six months. Have faith and hope for the best. He may be the President but there is also a Congress to consider and they do not have a great track record for forward thinking. Also, you have a great blog and it is one of my must reads everyday. Thank you.

  12. Gryphen and all, I am laughing at something i just found. The twitter user @sarahpalinlinks is trying to block or stop every single person at twitter and on the web who says a bad thing about Sarah. Is that hysterical or what? It is a full time job for someone. They are even listing the "BAD TWITTER USERS" and have formed a group called the Sarah Palin Brigade. Honestly these people are delusional.

    Recently @sarahpalinlinks started following me. I blocked them. I never go on their blogs and tell them what to say. It is none of my business. But if they think they can supress all negative talk about Sarah Palin on the entire internet, they have a lot to learn........!

    Take a look at that profile.

    And here is their link to the brigade:

    Sarah just never learns her lesson does she. It is amazing. This comes back to the email from Steve Schmidt. Instead of taking the high road and ignoring the negative she is going to try to confront each and every person who says something bad about her. They look like lunatics. I guess they do not learn, that being positive is better. This polarization she invites and continues to cause is why most Independents do not like her... I don't understand why they are so stupid about trying to "market her brand." No common sense whatsover

  13. Anonymous10:22 AM

    so true! He's only been at this for 6 months, it's going to take time to undue the damage of the last 8 years..

  14. SoCalWolfGal10:31 AM

    I so agree! I had tears in my eyes last night watching his speech. We all have to remember that when it comes to change, no matter how much needed, it is a laborious process.

  15. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Patience, patience. I agree there's a lot more work to be done but it's only been 6 months! Hopefully there's 7 1/2 more years to go and he will deliver on all the hope that he's given us.

  16. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Thanks lisabeth, I just went and read some of their tweets. HOLY MOLY, its like a group of people with 90 or less IQ immature, catty, calling Obama "the dictator" and mentioning health care reform as "government take over." I hope these people never have an illness. Then will then learn how STUPID they are. They are absoloutely ignorant and stupid. There are no other words for it.
    Here are some of the tweets.

    Thanks, @MrsRS, I preemptively blocked that one also. We need to identify as many of the Sarah haters as possible and block them. #spwbt

    RT @AKGovSarahPalin Here’s more info on the great work in Eagle. See #tcot #spwbt via

    (are they trying to rewrite history here?)

    @AKGovSarahPalin Looking forward to the launch of your new Twitter site on July 26th and to the journey ahead!

    @SarahPalinLinks If GOD wants Gov. Palin as President in '12, HE will make it happen. #spwbt

    RT @SarahPalinLinks: 3 1/2 years of blogging wars ahead, Sarah Palin supporters! We R Sarah's Internet army, ready 2 fight 4 Sarah on al ...

    T @SarahPalinLinks: Resigning may be Sarah Palin's smartest career move. #tcot #spwbt via

    @ivyfrye All of the aforementioned are now either previously or preemptively blocked from following the @sarahpalinlinks account. #spwbt
    about 20 hours ago from Twibes
    @ivyfrye These are all bad: @AkSyrin, @palin_deceiver (see his bio), @Emperor_Bob. @celticdiva, @Mudflats, @GreatGrey, @huge #spwbt

    letterforce: RT @SarahPalinLinks: Send your Congressmen this letter to oppose Obama's Stealth GovernmentTakeover of Healthcare

    More Soros Money Used to Attack Governor Sarah Palin (thx CLEEVN) #tcot #spwbt #teaparty #gop #sgp #teamsarah

    Join the SarahPalinWebBrigade Twibe at Use the #spwbt tag to tweet about Sarah! via

    @ProCannonFodder Obama is the new Carter.Palin is the new Reagan. History will repeat itself. Sarah in 2012 after cutting Dem's lead in 2010

    THERE ARE MORE Does this freak you out yet? Yes she is running for president which will be too funny to watch It is like watching a bunch of teen age girls online.. "lets block everyone who hates us! how fun!"

    God helps us all......

  17. Just remember, Gryphen, no matter how disappointed individual voters or factions may be at how slowly or not-at-all their issues are progressing, politicians first look out for their own hide, their own agenda, their own legacy.

    Obama is just embarking out on a 4 year term that I'm sure he hopes to repeat with much better success and ease the second time around, and in order to get that far he's got to be a moderate's moderate, to the point where he's almost *conservative* -- letting his cabinet and advisors test how far the power of the administration can reach.

    I hope the young voters and activists who supported him the last 2 years see this, too, and continue their activism without anger or frustration, because there's a lot of Republicanism to counter and overcome.

    And that's on the national level.

    There's a lot of worrisome Republicanism (or worse, TheoPalinPartyism?) going on in this transition period in Alaska, too. Palin's all-appointed successors are almost as scary as she is.

  18. No matter what, things would have been REALLY bad if McCain/ Palin had won the election. There would NEVER have been even a discussion about repealing "Don't ask, Don't tell". Seeing how Palin is, she would have pushed gay rights agendas back into the closet.

  19. Gryphen I watched and listened to him give that speech last night while enjoying my dinner in bed. By the time he got to the last bit, I almost was choking on something I had put in my mouth, because I had begun to sob. This man can bring me to my knees...not in a weird way...but in a wonderful way. I know he is no "saviour". He is a man...but a man of huge intellect, and compassion for all people. He may be the POTUS...but he is a hero to many of us around the here in Canada.

    He does bring hope. He permits people to have faith. The world doesn't seem quite as ugly as it did this time last year.

    He does have a lot on his plate, and I find it frustrating that he gets beat up because things aren't moving fast enough. To me...he has been working steadily at every one of his initiatives. It takes time though, to correct 8 years of repugnant government.

    I sincerely hope that people will continue to support this man....he listens to his constituents, as has been evidenced by his actions lately. Have you noticed he is beginning to talk more perhaps get in the faces of the people who will not or cannot bring themselves to vote for the right things? I see him becoming a wonderful way. Not angry...but fierce...and firm in his convictions. You are lucky to have such a man...and we are lucky you share him with us.


  20. Slow and steady wins the race Gryphen...Obama knows else do you think he became POTUS. Obama, unlike McGrampy, methodically plots every move, until her gets what he wants.

    How can you help? Email and call your Senators and Congressman/woman to tell them to support health care reform and whatever issues are important to you...bother Murkowski ALOT, she needs some pressure, or will vote along the Republican party line. Obama is one man, and it is up to Congress to move these issues forward...he can't do it without your help and theirs. Sign up to make calls to constituents. Donate to the DNC, if not money, than your time.

    Enough bitching...he hasn't even benn in office 6 months dude, and he's done more than most presidents do in a full term.

  21. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "Twibes"? Oh, God...! Please tell me this is a joke? I don't follow Twitter (could anyone have thought of a more ridiculous name-other than SHAMWOW?), so I am not up on the "twerminology"
    (isn't this a slam to people with speech disabilities? Does Sarah call her baby "Twig"?).

  22. Anon 12:20 twibes is the name of the website. Take a look at It is just a way to view Twitter groups. Yes you can have groups. I am not sur what the name of her group is maybe The Sarah Palin brigade but they plan to ban what they call the haters or bad ones.

  23. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Hi Gryphyn,
    Hate to burst your bubble, but that's exactly how you're supposed to feel.

    In addition, the Obama campaign was given a "Marketer of the Year" award by Ad Age's:

    Your first four statements nail it; there hasn't been any "change we can believe in"; it's all "smooth transition.

    just a prettier face...

  24. Anonymous4:46 PM

    anon@4:36, that is a pathetic video. How utterly troll-y of you. All politicians use refrains in their speeches. Comedians do, too.

    Does no one in the GOP "base" ever take public speaking?

    You anti-Obama people are so easily manipulated. You should take a look at what Fox News has done to your brain.

  25. Don't forget, Obama is a lawyer. They always try to settle because then the antagonists own the compromise. If it is imposed, someone is very unhappy and appeals, and that just drags out the solution.

    He's also a strategist, as in, chess grand master. He thinks several moves ahead. So far, it's worked. I have faith in Obama - it's the rest of us I worry about.

  26. Anonymous8:20 PM

    hello anon 4:46,
    sorry-not a troll, and not a republican either.
    I just didn't drink the kool-aid.

    My point about hypnosis is that it works; it's no secret that Obama is using it effectively. I'm just pointing out that it IS working really well on our friend Gryphon.

    have you been keeping track of what's going on in Honduras-for example?
    Maybe it's time to revisit Howard Zinn's "Peoples History of the US". (I don't mean this as a snarky comment. I teach history.)

    No insult intended to anyone. I appreciate Gryphon's efforts and read this blog daily.

  27. good to see and hear the President among friends ...seems he is growing into the job, doesn't it? A president who learns and grows in the's like a dream...can we sing Amazing Grace now? or maybe R-E-S-P-E-C-T?

  28. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Obama is the best puppet ever of the New World Order. It is sad to realize this and see him lie and take this country down according to the plans of his masters.

  29. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Anon@8:20, I am anon @4:46 who answered you the first time. My comments below are not meant to be snarky either.

    Why would I listen to you as an expert about "hypnosis" if you teach history? I have a Ph.D. in an area of psychology, and have worked for the past ten years consulting in advertising. So I'll wager I know a lot more about NLP than you do. Callbacks, refrains, repetition, etc. are a common part of ALL major speeches and do not automatically indicated NLP.

    Maybe you should stick to your area of expertise before distributing bizarrely filmed accusations (right wing memes?) about Obama hypnotizing America.

    Again, no snark intended. Best wishes!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.