Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sarah Palin fantasizes she is a mama bear via Twitter. I have never seen a nervous breakdown tweeted before have you?

Great day w/bear management wildlife biologists; much to see in wild territory incl amazing creatures w/mama bears' gutteral raw instinct to from TwitterBerry

(Wait why did she stop halfway through her thought? "Gutteral raw instinct to....what?" Oh wait it continues again down below.)

protect & provide for her young;She sees danger?She brazenly rises up on strong hind legs, growls Don't Touch My Cubs & the species survives from TwitterBerry

(You probably did not catch it because it was done with such subtlety, but I do believe that this is Governor Sarah's sly way of comparing her defensiveness about her family to a mama bears aggressive disembowelment of anybody stupid enough to even try to take a picture of her precious cubs. But I digress, why don't we allow the Governor to finally finish tweeting her thoughts.)

& mama bear doesn't look 2 anyone else 2 hand her anything; biologists say she works harder than males, is provider/protector for the future from TwitterBerry

(Brilliant! Sarah has masterfully made the point that she is completely self reliant like the majestic mother bear that she seems to admire so very, very much. Well except for the hired nanny who took care of little Trig on the campaign trail, you know when one of the girls was not saddled with the responsibility. And besides the per diem she charged the state while she was staying in her own house. And I am not so sure how "mama bear like" it is to constantly blame everybody else for mistakes that YOU made. But hey other than that Sarah Palin is EXACTLY like a mama bear! For example, and I did not want to reveal this earlier, but I have it on good authority that Sarah Palin does indeed shit in the woods.)

I wonder if Palin is planning to tweet her new book? I mean who needs a stupid ghost writer when you have so much practice typing clear and concise messages such as these?

(If you want to have more fun with Palin tweets then go read Maureen Dowds imagining of a twittered conversation between Governor Bat-Shit and John "You know I was tortured in Nam" McCain.)


  1. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Maybe she ought to think twice before comparing herself to something she considers vermin, to be wiped out any way possible including snaring and the use of helicopters. Sows and cubs are in the crosshairs of the "predator control" Governor.

  2. Better yet--use it as an analogy for Palin's life. She is attacked by the mean ol' media, brazenly rises up, growls, and then proceeds to disembowel her own political career.

    She's a bit late to try to look like Supermom...the time for that was two pregnacies ago, when neither parent was paying sufficient attention to sexed-up Bristol and Levi, shacking up in the family's Wasilla home.

    "& mama bear doesn't look 2 anyone else 2 hand her anything"

    Suuuuure she doesn't. And what was that Alaska Trust Fund, exactly?

  3. honestyinGov1:18 AM

    This truly is bizarre behavior. And why doesn't somebody step in and stop her..? However... I say let her go. She is making herself look so much like some kind of a 'whack-job'. Somebody writing a book or writing a story is writing ALL of these tweets down.

    And why can't this Ditz understand that if you can't put the WHOLE thought into ONE Tweet.... you shouldn't be using Twitter!!!
    And WHAT she Tweets about..NOBODY cares. Imagine an Organization like CNN or ABC News following her Tweets. They must be shaking their heads...

  4. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Guttural: 1. of or pertaining to the throat. 2.harsh throaty. 3.pertaining to or characterized by a sound articulated in the back of the mouth as the non-English velar fricative sound or its voiced counterpart, esp. French...(courtesy, Random House)

    Q. Do Alaskan mama bears speak French?

    Q. Does SP have any idea that the word guttural has nothing to do with gut-instinct?

  5. Yeah, Sarah Palin in "her own language", we love it!

    I also have a tidbit to share:

    I downloaded once from a blog (cannot remember where it was) the excerpt of an email exchange between Sarah Palin and her subordinates which happened on April 12, 2008. There, Sarah apparently complains about some blog and the legislators (did she ever do anything else??) and some other things, I don't even know what this is all about, but Sarah Palin "unplugged" is always worth reading!

    I originally downloaded it because it happened a few day before the official birth of Trig (and, in connection to my last comment on the Wasilla=Jerusalem blog, it also shows that Ivy Frye was still using her government email account at this time).

    Download here:


  6. Anonymous3:54 AM

    A few days ago she tweeted about "thumped up" ethics charges.

    If she's tweeting about bears I'll look for one that said, "Saw one mother bear take another bear's cub to raise as its own. Been there done that. Roar."

  7. WTF? She is batshit crazy, and yes, her resigning was for the good of all Alaskans, that is the only truthful thing she has said to date.

    I read the complaint from Andree,also, too and cannot believe this twit has the nerve to keep charging per diem every day she lives in her house. So not only is she grifting from her supporters thru her PAC, and her Trust, but she is still taking GOVERNMENT MONEY for nothing. Hypocrisy thy name is Sarah Palin

  8. 11pm tweet, ugh...

    Another ethics complaint was rejected by AK Personnel Board. See
    about 6 hours ago from web

    Another Ethics Complaint Rejected

    July 15, 2009, Anchorage, Alaska - The Alaska Personnel Board has rejected another ethics complaint lodged against Governor Sarah Palin.

    The complaint alleged that the governor misused state time by accepting media interviews. The complaint also alleged that Governor Palin was paid for television and radio interviews. Governor Palin has not been paid for media interviews.

    This complaint was filed by Raymond Alvin Ward on July 9. It was rejected in part because it was not properly notarized. In addition, Personnel Board Chairman Debra English said the board had already determined media interviews did not violate the Ethics Act. Ward lacked evidence to support his allegation that the governor received any payment for media interviews.

    Governor Palin's attorney, Thomas Van Flein, responded to the dismissal saying, "The board has appropriately determined that a complaint must have a factual basis of some type and that complaints based on pure speculation are not proper. This most recent complaint demonstrates the problem with the system, and the manner in which it can be abused."

    "Nuh uh! You can't prove it! nah, nah nah nahnah!!!"

  9. What a clueless phony bitch. Comparing herself to a bear, an animal that she's like to see Alaska rid of? What an insult to bears.

    Read the story "Kill Baby, Kill" in the latest Audubon Magazine about your ex-governor's "wildlife management" policies.

    "And now, in addition to wolves, the state is facilitating the slaughter of large numbers of bears—blacks as well as grizzlies, both of which occasionally include a newborn moose or caribou in their omnivorous diets. Even cubs and lactating sows are being targeted....

    For now wolves and bears are safe provided they stay on units managed by federal agencies other than the Bureau of Land Management. But on six state predator-control areas covering 70,000 square miles they’re dying en masse. In virtually all of this area wolf populations are to be reduced by 80 percent and held there indefinitely. In the 11,105-square-mile Predator Control Unit 16, west of Anchorage across the Cook Inlet, black bears are to be reduced by 60 percent...

    Also on March 10 the board granted permission to private hunters and trappers, including supervised children as young as 10, to use wire loops to snare Unit 16 black bears and grizzlies by the feet. The lucky bears get shot before they starve. For the first time ever hunters may transport themselves and their equipment by helicopter. And they may now shoot Unit 16 bears over bait, such as rotten hot dogs and rancid bacon fat (“garbaging for bears,” as the practice has been called)—even in summer, when sows are nursing cubs. The lucky cubs get shot along with their mothers."

    She's sick.

  10. Anonymous4:50 AM

    "Gutteral" is not a word in the English language. "Guttural" is a word in the English language with the meaning "pertaining to the throat", "harsh or throaty".

    I suspect that the author of the phrase "gutteral raw instinct", crossed a few mental wires (Palin _is_ said to be wired differently) and tried to invent a word to invoke the feeling of "gut" as in "abdomen" but failed completely.

    Gov. Palin's mis-twits are at the moment going out to 98,000+ followers plus visitors to the twit web page. For that size audience an editor is warranted.

  11. Anonymous4:58 AM

    If you ever wondered who the author of $arah's tweets is, now we know-- it's $arah! She chose the spelling "gutteral" which is the common misspelling for the word "guttural," meaning that grunting sound made in the back of the throat.

    The word that $arah chose has a nasty definition in the Urban Dictionery which should not be printed here. Let's just say that this spelling refers to gutter, low, base. She was a journalism major, right?

    Side bet: How long do you think it will take for someone on her staff to read this and correct the misspelled twitter? Note to readers: please capture the misspelling and cache it so we can remind $arah about her gutter instincts.

  12. Anonymous4:59 AM

    For goodness sake, does this woman have ANY self- awareness? She has consistently been willing to use her "cubs" as political props and human shields, and the whole of Alaska as the nearest stepping stone to her national ambitions.

    As for "self-reliance" she has not one, but two begging bowls set up that her minions are constantly rattling for hand-outs.

    One day she will be behind bars, and a professional mental examination can be made. I read that the best liars are the ones who believe their own lies.

  13. Anonymous5:03 AM

    PS I misspelled the word "dictionary" using an e instead of the a. My bad, especially when I'm laughing at $arah's misspelling! At least I have spell check; what's her excuse?

  14. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Mamma bears don't ask for any help. THAT is the message she is sending. Those old people that medicare won't help in Alaska, well, why are they asking for help in the first place??

  15. Anonymous5:33 AM

    "& mama bear doesn't look 2 anyone else 2 hand her anything"

    Personally, I think she said this in reference to the latest scandal (medicare/medicaid). She really thinks nothing of collecting money from people to help her, but why in God's name should anyone else get help. Let alone people who REALLY need help.

    I wonder if the mamma bear would accept help from a vet if she was ill & couldn't take care of her cubs? This woman is simply nuts.

  16. OMG...the peee heads are all a twitter over this. One even suggested they ARREST Andree McLeod to "protect" that talking hairball soon-to-be-ex-gov.

  17. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Mama bear doesn't look 2 anyone else 2 hand her anything: So, $arah will be donating the money from her PAC and Legal Defense Fund to local hospitals in order to care for the sick people she just stiffed!

  18. Interesting she doesn't use the bear analogy to discuss her cub's rutting in the family home. Or the true stories of the birth of the two Bristol-cubs. That would progress her name in the media, you betcha.

    I still think Alaskans should take a popularity poll on "Mama Bear" before she leaves office--just an exclamation point so there is no question how they feel about their Quitter Governor.

    Next ethics charge in 3....2....1....

  19. Anonymous6:54 AM

    sjk, I like that "talking hairball" comment. That explains why she sometimes looks and often acts like something a cat kacked up.

  20. Glad you all caught the "gutteral" clanger Twit before I got here. Does $P even have, or use, a dictionary? Given that I have extra copies as well as $P's address, what if I...? No, no, no; my family would be horrified. Still, it's a tempting thought.

    Now, hmmmm, we all saw Mama Bear's "strong hind legs" pictured in the Runner's World layout. Bears reportedly they don't ask anyone for anything. They forage for what they need, and help themselves. Surely a non-metaphorical Mama Bear would not request a per diem handout from from the state in order to subsidize her lair, nor would she demand payment for her nuts, berries, fish, tender tree bark, wireless access and chargers, etc., all delivered to her cave. Not to mention grooming, wardrobe, and makeup--wouldn't that stretch the metaphors a bit too far?

    This new Twitter technology allows us to watch someone already nuttier than squirrel poo to broadcast her further decompensation, in real time yet. This deluge of TMI would only be sad if $P didn't have a fervent fan base, family, and regular deliverie$ of $wag...

  21. the only thing she may have in common is bears and palin both crap in the woods....

  22. Anonymous7:53 AM

    So is it fair game to shoot her if she's a bear?

  23. Anonymous8:07 AM

    so is this the iceberg we have ben waiting for???

  24. Anonymous8:38 AM

    The twit twitted a twitter or two or three about a mama bear and cubs that she would like to see destroyed. The twitters could have some other meaning; but why bother.

    The twit can twitter all she wants, but it won't change the fact that she failed in "progressing" Alaska and failed in protecting Alaskans. The only thing she has been good at is lining her own pockets!

  25. Anonymous9:04 AM

    O/T Gryphen...Parnell has the same opinion as Palin regarding the stimulus monies per Progressive Alaska.

    So, is Parnell a member of Palin's church? I heard he was; do you know? If so, has the church been involved in running the state like they were the hospital???????

  26. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:15 AM

    JuJu tell us why another of your friends VO is in Alaska??? We know you guys give all your $ to mama griz so what gives? Is Ram going to take Megs job?
    Is Vo going to be her security??

  27. SoCalWolfGal9:57 AM

    I am becoming increasingly more and more concerned about the hate this woman is capable of inspiring in her "followers". Everyone please check out Oz Mudflats blog today on the "Face of Sarah Supporters". This is a wake up call if ever there was one. Sarah Palin's disregard for animal life, and the suffering inflicted on animals by her and gun totin' crowd which they view entertainment and "sport" and she claims is wildlife "management" is well known and well documented. Thanks Linda Sama @4.40 am for the Audubon link. I have thought since before her "gracious" resignation speech for the good of Alaska, that what she really wants is her own political party or her own church. She not only wants money. She wants power, and lots of it.

  28. Anonymous10:01 AM

    It's not just on the campaign trail that Trig has a nanny. He has a full time nanny who is a retired special needs school teacher. And, for anyone not up here who still doesn't get it, Sarah (at least before she was governor) was very pooh, pooh about her support system (ie. "My mother does everything I need her to do" said with a little wave in the air of her hand, like she's batting away an imaginary fly).

    So, Mama Sally Heath and Nanny Retired Special Needs Teacher are the real grizzly bears.

    What mama grizzly turns responsibility for raising her cubs over to Grandma Bear and Teacher Bear? -- all while raising up on her hind honchos and making gutteral sounds?

    Starting to sound like an episode of the Berenstain Bears.


  29. Anonymous10:21 AM

    @Anon 8:07 Iceberg? You have the wrong site. Gryphen does not have the iceberg, check Oh and the iceberg has already been revealed as the IRS.

    My WV - hiness....hahaha

  30. Funny, but my very favorite line in any Maureen Dowd is, "Thomas Friedman is off today."

  31. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Anonymous 10:01

    Story in Huff Post and I think they just mentioned it on MSNBC.

  32. "& mama bear doesn't look 2 anyone else 2 hand her anything"

    So she's announcing an impending divorce? She no longer needs the Dud?

  33. Anonymous4:11 PM

    iceberg = IRS = Another rumor to add to the list

  34. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Barracuda, pit bull, pig w/ lipstick, mamma grizzly? More like Loony Bird.

  35. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I wonder why no one has mentioned why she's tweeting about bears. Maybe because she's at McNeil River viewing the bears with Todd, her parents, and who knows who else. She's not flying out to McNeil as a lame duck governor taking advantage of her status for a few more days to go where the ordinary citizen has to get a permit to go. She would never take advantage of her last few days now would she?

  36. FEDUP!!!8:40 PM

    Is she getting a dig in towards Toad about 'mama bear working harder and being better able to provide than most males'? She *HAS* compared herself to a mama bear before...

  37. FEDUP!!!8:43 PM

    So, that newest complaint was thrown out on a technicality (not properly notarized)... Is there someone out there willing to file it again - this time with all their 'i's dotted and their 't's crossed?

  38. Another funny twit from the other day: "Ethics issue would almost be funny if it weren't such an abuse of justice. AKns deserve our public resources be used wisely, not frivolously"

    That's a joke....frivolously, like when Sarah charged the state to drag her passel o' kids along to official events they weren't invited to (apparently assuming that everyone is just as enchanted with them as she is!)?

    ....or charged the state per diem so she could blow off Juneau and stay in her cushy home in Wasilla instead?

    Or continued to draw her full pay while she pranced around on the campaign trail for months and blew off Alaskan government business?

    If Quitter Twitter's got so much free time these days, maybe she should sign up for a real ethics class at a sixth college and SHOW UP for class this time. What Alaskans deserve next election is a Governor with a genuine moral compass.

  39. Anonymous6:18 AM

    My response is guttural.
    May I be so brazen in my insolence to bald-facedly point out the bodacious, audacious, unashamed rancor of that trilogy.
    heh heh heh...thump on it, yeaha!

  40. For a governor that spent most of the last year blowing off Alaska and its constituents, Miz Sarah sure has been super duper busy there the past few weeks! Why, she sounds like the busiest and most engaged Governor in the US of Pro-A, except that we (and especially Alaskans) know better. Also too don't forget she already quit, because that's how much this job meant to her.

    It's funny to watch her try to create a legacy! of achievement! now by rushing around! 24/7 pretending to be interested. Eight more days of manic state business! Eight more days of AKGov twit reports!! :::hyperventilating:::


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