Saturday, July 11, 2009

Some cartoons to honor our Twitter Quitter.

Aaahh! Without the ability to laugh, where would we be?


  1. Jackie9:23 PM

    Great toons! I especially like the Larry King one - Mental Illness - the Republican party has been invaded with a mental cancer!

  2. $arah continues to ridicule herself with her pallin' around with Ted Nugent. Doesn't she know that he likes having sex with minors? Just ask Courtney Love.
    Nugent signed off by saying, "Sarah Palin, God bless you and your family." I guess being a Christian pedophile is okay in her books.

  3. Bones AK9:33 PM

    Great cartoons - Thank You

  4. Unkie Gryph Unkie Gryph lookie what I found!


    (with apologies for being OT, but I thought you'd want to see this)

  5. omg ..these are a hoot...I might have to "borrow" one...

  6. Anonymous1:03 AM

    To top off your humor post...
    "Hitler finds out Palin Quits"

  7. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:58 AM

    Thanks Gryphen, LOL! Yes we all need a laugh right about now! :)

  8. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Patti - All that giggling she did with Ted Nugent was just yuck!

    Thanks for the cartoons Gryphen! I wish she would take her ball and go to an undisclosed location!

  9. Kiva site set up. You know me as Livvy, but actually my name is Margot.
    Here is the location as well as description. I'm happy for any feedback, corrections and additions.
    Love Livvy AKA Margot
    Sorry, I couldn't cut and paste.

  10. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Gryphen, these cartoons are great! LOL My favorite, the one with Larry King. It speaks volumes about political dominionism; both Palin and Sanford have been linked to such fanatical groups. Out of the Governor's Office, Palin will talk, talk, talk pushing dominionism principalities for the purpose of abolishing choice as well as separation of church and state in all matters. To displace folks like me, from this land. Eye on the ball, methinks. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Maybe not so much.

    Anyway, thanks for the laughs, Gryphen.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.