Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Vanity Fair article on Sarah Palin has some of the Republicans eating their young.

A hard-hittingpiece on Sarah Palin in the new Vanity Fair has touched off a blistering exchange of insults among high-profile Republicans over last year’s GOP ticket – tearing open fresh wounds about leaks surrounding Palin and revealing for the first time some of the internal wars that paralyzed the campaign in its final days.

Rival factions close to the McCain campaign have been feuding since last fall over Palin, usually waging the battle in the shadows with anonymous quotes. Now, however, some of the most well-known names in Republican politics are going on-the-record with personal attacks and blame-casting.

Oooh I love this movie! It is "Lord of the Flies" meets "Mean Girls".

Get your popcorn kids! I have a feeling this may inspire numerous sequels!

If we are lucky of course.


  1. lisabeth2:22 PM

    I would bet anything that during the campaign, Sarah set people up against each other. The ones she sucked up to are too clueless to see how they were used. It is getting entertaining.

    Except I really want the end result. Sarah Palin out of ANY political office with total reassurance she will not get anywhere near any national office.

  2. SoCalWolfGal2:31 PM

    When are these people going to wake up and realize this woman is nothing but poison to anyone in politics (or anyone else for that matter)??!! I think you are right, sequels of a dramatic nature are sure to come. Let the games continue and pass the popcorn!

  3. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Palin goes balistic over a 3 second long late night joke, but is quietly floored and cowering over a six page expose'.
    Maybe she hasn't finished reading it yet.

    As I've said many times before.
    Hunker down.
    Write your book.
    Do your tour.
    Don't run again.
    Ignore those in the lower 48 who lust you as much as you avoid those who distrust you.
    Collect much more than $200 for passing Go.
    Head to Wasilla with the cash.
    Keep running.
    Raise your kids.
    Focus on them.
    Do some fishing.
    Maybe some hunting.
    Enjoy a quiet life on the lake with your family.
    There's no need to crash & burn.
    "Abort mission!!!"
    (inconvienient term)
    But eject and glide down into a quiet, comfortable life in Wasilla.
    You and your family don't need this kind of greif.
    We, who think you are not able to manage a State or Country would be much more comfortable also.
    I'll be a happier person when I hear the "Gone Fishin'" sign is on your door.

    Take the money and run.

  4. Between the latest with Palin, and the ever-continuing saga of Sanford, interspersed with buoyant news like Franken, and our Prez being his usual marvelous self ... I can't tear myself away! This is going to be a good week!

  5. Lisabeth3:41 PM

    One thing I thought of yesterday was just how much Sarah is in the news in negative ways. Most of it is of her own doing. Hascanyone slaw noticed though that for the last coule months she does or says something stupid, unethical or outrageous a few times a week. It's jus TOO much. Like she is attracted to all this negativity and drama! It's very pathological. Is this part of the narcissism? I really feel badly for her kids. It can't be healthy with her always in some crazy conflict. Downs kids especially (and all kids) need calm stable routines and schedule. It so unhealthy!

    And I am sick of it. It's draining to even watch. I suddenly feel a lot of pity because this is sick. She is sick.

  6. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Yuppers, Republicans are eating thier young. All because of "IT". LOL

  7. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I've been in a GREAT mood since the late night when I read this Vanity Fair article. There were subtle references to some of the real crap and more that is hitting the fan. Happy Independence weekend--free from her! Check out the By Popular Demand post on Hypocrites and Heffalump Traps...Get the Butter, She's Toast!

    Can't wait for the iceberg and all the other dirt, also, too.

  8. She's been getting a lot of attention on MSNBC this week, Hardball, Countdown, Rachel, etc. None of it favorable. :) Hardball today just highlighted many times her problems with the truth. They were comparing her and Sanford as right wing moralists with not many morals. Yayyyyyyy!

  9. Lisabeth5:06 PM

    Ugh! My spelling! I use an iPod touch and it often self corrects wrong, sorry. My question was has anyone ever heard Palin apologize??

  10. Anonymous5:40 PM

    We want Sarah right where she is now. A slow drip of bad news for her is a blessing for the Democrats. If and when this iceberg Gryphen talks about happens then it will be just plain fun to watch. I have friends setnetting right now and they were waiting for Sarah to show up out at her set net site so they could give her a little shit about supporting pebble mine

  11. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I rarely strike anyone for a typo. He or she who never makes one throw the first insult, I say. Cheers.

  12. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Wow. The sheer paranoia of the final weeks of the McCain campaign must have been hellish. E-mail searches. Accusations, denials, hurt feelings. After reading the article it is evident they still despise and mis-trust each other.

    The Little Shop of Horrors has an almost magical way of spreading misunderstanding and rancor. She seems to need constant drama, and the easiest way to create drama is to create conflict.

  13. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Exactly she is severely emotionally ill.

    Feel sorry for her?

  14. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:58 PM

    Here is a great one! A Mudpup found it!
    Palin E-mails Show Infighting With Staff
    Exclusive: Spat Over Todd Palin's Membership In Secessionist Party Was Major Distraction On Critical Day In '08 Campaign

  15. All of you are laughable idiots. It is funny how Governor Palin drives you crazy.

    There are 5 states in the black but only 2 states financially solid Texas and Alaska. Thanks to Gov Perry & Palin. No Republicans cares about an Vanity Fair article.

    We enjoy watching all you liberals lose sleep over Gov Palin. By the way, 'tele-prompter of the 57 United States' (Ă˜bama for all you idiots) is such as disaster, an embarrassment, a jew & American hater is making JImmy Carter look like a tuff guy.

  16. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Alaska is fiscally solid? You must share Sarah's relationship with reality. Alaska lives off federal money...that would be the taxes of liberals, like me.

    It never ceases to amaze me that far right extremists have managed to convince themselves that liberals are "scared" of Palin because of her "values".

    What values would those be? She's not a fiscal conservative, in fact, she's a more of a socialist than anyone else in office right now. She's not "family values" (obvious reasons of baby props, naughty monkeys, her affair, and her general problem with integrity and bad relationship with the truth), she's "pro-life" and "abstinence only" except she let's her daughter's boyfriend stay with her in her room and go to school online, home, alone, for weeks. Those aren't the "family values" I remember learning about in church.

    No one is scared of Palin's "values". We're scared of her undeniable ignorance and narcissism, because we know you clowns elected Bush-- so it's highly possible your low standards could lead to this Poujadist tyrant being elected to some office higher than the one she already inhabits. We are scared of you voters...and the angry hypocrisy which guides your "values", the convenient abuse of the constitution, and rampant abuse of power you people love to put in office. W. that says it all. No more Holy Wars.

  17. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Very well-said, Anon@7:45

  18. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Alaska and Texas have oil and Bush started a war in the middle east. We have blood money

  19. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Max wth is a "laughable idiot?" if it's a person who does not have command of the English language you are a good example.
    Also Jew is capitalized and President Obama is NOT a "Jew" hater. Since I am one of those Jews, I think I can say that pretty honestly. Only a desperate sick ignorant moron would spread rumors like that about our President

    What is your problem? Is your poor little ego all wounded because the truth is coming out about psycho Alaskan phony wannabe? You can't hanle it so you go on blogs and insult people and spread lies? Wow, I feel so sorry for you that your pea sized brain can't accept the truth about Scarah. And get yourself some help - and learn proper English. Ever wonder why the Republican party is shrinking ? Look in the mirror!

  20. Anonymous4:18 AM

    @Max, do you support secessions, racism and hate? Because that's what your candidate stands for.

  21. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:37 AM

    you are the idiot here! Alaska & Texas are not in a economic slump yet b/c of OIL not palin and perry! And as far as our PRESIDENT he was handed a pile of dog Sh!t from BUSH & co and is doing his best to make things better from 8 yrs of "Failed policy's".
    Anon@ 7:45 excellent post!

  22. Anonymous5:01 AM

    ummm max? I don't know where you do your reseach, but Utah has
    Higher employment than AK
    Better schools than AK
    Better educated population
    balanced state budget
    smart folks running state (GOP gov just got pegged for ambassadorship to China)
    Did I mention the balanced state budget?
    and best ofall? We don't have Palin! Her religion (like Huckles the clown) would never allow her to vist Utah. Too many real family values for her to wrap her brain around.

  23. D Paul2:29 PM

    As a voter for Johnny Mac (and would do so again), I would say that Sarah P just "doesn't have it". The comment about fiscal solvency in Alaska is based on the high price for ice cubes. The answer is that Obama "blitzed the qb" and sacked J Mac and he fumbled. Indeed, the Republican Party (even as a supporter) is giving off a "death rattle". As a Navy vet, I can say "Heaven hlp us".


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