Friday, July 17, 2009

Who listens to this idiot?

Before summer arrived my gym time was about 12:30 to 1:30 or 2:00. So when I got ready to do my cardio workout I was always confronted with this boy-man on the television who always seemed on the verge of tears.

I learned that his name was Glenn Beck, and that beyond all common sense that he was actually becoming MORE popular.

But even I am surprised by this embarrassing outburst.

Of course in this "era of the internet" somebody has already used Glenn's hysterical breakdown and turned it into a heavy metal music video about, of all things, vampires. You have GOT to love the internet!

You know if THIS is who is speaking for the Right Wing then I guess they are just about done scraping the bottom of that barrel.


  1. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Glenn Beck vs. Walter Chronkite = annoying flash in the pan vs. legend ... and that's the way it is...
    Walter Chronkite (1916-2009)

  2. Just_a_Mote5:19 PM

    Wow! Amazing! I have considered posting several lengthier opinions about this but all I can really say at this point is wow, amazing, and he reminds me of a Palin supporter. But the music video is great.

  3. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Well, I'm trying to decided between Beck & Palin. I love her twitter when she intends to launch the Lt.Governor Parnell into office. Is she going to shoot him out of a cannon or break champagne across his head as he floats away from the dock? On second thought, my vote is for Beck. We have never seen Palin well up and cry. I don't think that she can.

  4. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Gawd....I couldn't even listen to all of that. Glenn Beck is an a$$/.h/*o//l#e! He has a history with alcholism and alleged domestic violence. As far as I know, he used to be a comedian. I'm not sure why Faux News gives him space to spew his ugliness.

  5. lmao...we have a lottery??? In Canada? Where does this bozo get his info? Good husband was dx 1 month ago, and is having heart surgery July 29. We also live in a remote part of the country. What the hell kind of person is this Glen Beck...and when did the inside of his head fall out? Poor man.

  6. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I think this type of embarassing spectacle is called, "bringing your personal problems to work".

  7. Anonymous8:13 PM

    beck and all like him just spew...rarely does somebody get a chance to gather FACTS and come back to these idiots to set them straight! in the heat of these moments when these idiots have their fingers on the disconnect button, nobody gets a chance to prove their's exactly how they want it! the cowards way!

  8. Wow, just wow2:16 AM

    I have never actually heard Glenn Beck before. My god.

  9. Anonymous4:21 AM

    I'm from Canada - where's the lottery? I've heard it said (by GB like crazies) that we Canadians also flock to bordering US states for health care? Huh? If Americans can't afford it what in the heck makes you think we can??!! I feel sorry for the Americans who live off the spew of GB, Faux News, Palin et al. It is definitely not moving your country forward.

  10. The music video is brilliant!

  11. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:33 AM

    I hope all you guys in Canada drop GB a line! He is a a$$hole! And he's a palinbot to boot.
    And WTF he doesn't like Vampires????
    HeH! Now I know he's cRaZy!

  12. Glenn this is your sponsor. Go to a meeting, read the big book, say the Serenity Prayer, ask your Higher Power for help. Either that or start drinking again I can't take any more.

  13. Anonymous4:52 PM

    yeah we like vampires, right crystalwolf? L****y

  14. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Good Lord. Somebody buy a box of Adult Baby diapers and mail it to him; the message would be louder than any words.

  15. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:22 AM

    Anon@4:52 Palinbots like you have absolutely no sense of humor. I guess that's why we call you bots, humorless, bitter, angry people.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.