Monday, July 27, 2009

William Shatner reads Sarah Palin's farewell speech.

Oh my God! That is damn funny!


  1. That's my boy! Tickled my funny bones.

  2. Anonymous10:01 PM


  3. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen. I haven't been able to force myself to actually listen to $arah's Quitabration speech. I would much rather read the transcript with your commentary and see clips like this (wait -- isn't William Shatner one of those dreaded Hollywood types?!). Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for this G, I posted it on my fb page...he made a lot more sense than she did...

  5. Hillarious. But they really need to do one which includes the tiny, but talented starlets. LOL.

  6. Firecracker10:48 PM

    That was very funny and while it still doesn't make any sense at least it sounds better as poetry. I do hope you caught the Daily Show tonight. Hilarious!

    Did anyone watch Hardball 7/27/09? Start watching the above video at about 5:30. Chris Matthews asks Pat Buchanan what has been said by the media that is not true about Sarah Palin.
    Pat Buchanan said the allegation was floating all over the place reported by the media that Bristol’s child, or rather the child she was born with down syndrome was actually Bristol Palin’s.
    This is the very FIRST time I have heard anyone mention the “allegation” on television, and bless his little black conservative heart, it came from Pat Buchanan!! Sort of like a Grandpa Heath moment with the water breaking! ROFLMAO!

  8. Anonymous10:59 PM

    That was hilarious, and I am not a William Shatner fan, but he did this just right! Of course, non-Saraquitur gave him her best material.

    Another great Palin vid now up at Huffpo, LOL!

  9. Anonymous11:17 PM

    While you think it is ridiculing her, he really made her words beautiful and poetic.

  10. Anonymous11:48 PM

    ALEX PAREENE ON PALIN’S INSANE GOODBYE: “It’s like Peggy Noonan, Jack London, and William Faulkner wandered into the woods with three buttons of peyote and one typewriter, and only this speech emerged.” [Gawker]

    I guess she's been reading Mark Sanford's emails to his mistress and trying to outdo do him on poetic prose. Shatner is too funny.

  11. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Hey, check out the story on Gawker called "Sarah Palin's Gradual Descent Into Incoherency. Worth a link.

  12. Anonymous3:46 AM

    LOL! Hilarious - that made my morning :)

  13. Anonymous4:10 AM

    'Twas brillig!

  14. I've always liked Shatner. He's made quite a career out of poking fun at himself.

  15. Sarah is pure comedy gold...please come on down Sarah, we need some more laughs in these tough economic times.

    Sarah can definitely take this show on the road..hell, even I would pay to see her with some bongos at a poetry slam.

    Palinese Word Salad + William Shatner=Absolutely Brilliant.

  16. Anonymous7:29 AM

    My husband said the same thing--it was like weird stream of consciousness poetry. Well, maybe this will be her higher calling?? Choosing the parts that were more poetic and leaving out the crazy parts was a mistake, though.

  17. Right at the beginning of the Chris Matthews MSNBC video, he points out that Palin has singled out 3 enemies, which are cities -- NYC (the media), Washington DC (the Fed. government) and LA (Hollywood) -- well, she might as well have come right out and said Ashley Judd by name...

    Funny, ironic, and typically stupid and mirror-image projection, because she's spent a LOT of time in all 3 of those cities over the past year, and she's headed to LA territory in a couple of weeks when she gives that Ronald Reagan library speech.

    Weren't there McCarthy blacklists on Hollywood writers, celebrities, etc. back in the '50s? McCarthy going after other politicians in Washington? Didn't McCarthy "play" the media, too, such as it was in those days (not the "instant oatmeal" stuff we see these days)? That's all the country needs -- Sarah Palin as a combination of Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon.

  18. The bad old Hollywood represents one of America's most profitable exports: our entertainment products. What else do we make her and export? This is a very important industry to our National economy so it really bugs me when these conservatives rail against Hollywood. Just because they can't make a decent movie!

  19. Anonymous10:53 AM

    LOL Anon@11:17. Yeah, about as beautiful and poetic as Shatner did with his oral presentation of "Rocket Man" back in the day!

  20. YouTube took it down but HuffPo has it, among others.


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