Thursday, July 30, 2009

William Shatner reads Sarah Palin's tweets. Oh my God this is funny!

I think that Shatner may have discovered an entirely new career for himself.

I laughed so hard I almost wet myself.


  1. check it out. I think audrey wrote her book!!!!!!!!!!
    Have already ordered it from Amazon!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm the moderator over at the Palin Deception blog and would like to state for the record that "Livvy" is incorrect in assuming that the book she references was written by Audrey. It was NOT.

  3. Lance7:19 AM

    The man is genius to make those gawdawfultweets of any use!

  4. so sorry Morgan. I got lost in enthusiasim. Perhaps Gryphen will remove my comment.

  5. Morgan, again my apologies. i assumed that since it linked directly to Audrey's site it was her work. We all know what happens when we assume. Humble apologies.

  6. Alaska Is My Home7:44 AM

    The expression Shatner gave after one of the lines (I think she was going on to listen to country music or something) was also priceless!

  7. Anonymous8:09 AM

    That book doesn't sound well written so could not be written by Audrey!! I'm not sure a poorly done book will help our cause...

  8. Anonymous8:34 AM

    As Gryphen confirmed in the "babygate" thread, the book was written by "Dangerous", who is a commenter on PD.

  9. Anonymous8:36 AM

    He should win another Emmy for that!

  10. Here's the link for those who, like me, could not watch the Palin Poetry vid because we are not resident in the States:

    William Shatner is brilliant! I loved his reading.

  11. Anonymous9:19 AM

    The book is a self-published exercise in scandal fatigue. The "writer" should "stop writing" as he's obviously "doing it for all the wrong reasons".

  12. Gryphen, I've just read the funniest article by Tabatha Southey - Palin's speechwriter applies for a job! Here's the link:

  13. Just the best. Sarah must have popped a blood vessel...she is officially a national joke (like she wasn't already after Tina Fey, but this seals it)

  14. I LOVE this phenomenon of Shatner/comic tweet fake poetry!

    I have strong ideas about poetry like everything else. I write 19th century influenced verse poetry and don't much care for the modern free verse style and Shatner slays that as well as Palin doing this! and kinda makes fun of himself too - I love his intro as a "master thespian"

    And I never thought I would be interested in Palin's tweets! Ha, never say never right.

  15. SoCalWolfGal1:18 PM

    I think you are right Gryphen, Shatner has a new career! Please, please it could be a nightly treat for all (well, with the exception of you-know-who). His expressions and the bongo at just the right moment is priceless!!

  16. crystalwolf aka caligrl1:57 PM

    I loved this one Also..too! William Shatner just has a "Way" with Buttercup's "word salad"lol.
    Loved the musicians, they are really getting into it. Maybe when she starts tweeting again this could be a nightly feature, it is Hilarius :)

  17. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Perhaps the reason we have not heard any new tweets from the Caribou Bimbo is because she is taking Tweeting 101 lessons.

  18. crystalwolf aka caligrl2:27 PM

    Gryphen, Patrick posted this on palingates its brilliant and scary, listen in stereo, "You don't have to drop acid to recognize a bad trip when you see one"


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