Sunday, July 05, 2009

You know what? Bloggers can give press conferences too.

Shannyn Moore gave this speech in front of Sarah Palin's Anchorage office.

On the Fourth of July, when Americans everywhere were celebrating our most sacred national holiday with parades and barbeques, Governor Sarah Palin was busy having me, Shannyn Moore, declared an Enemy of the State.

In a rambling quasi-legal letter, the most powerful person in this state accused me of defaming her for pointing out the fact that there have been rumors, -rumors- of corruption, rumors that have been around for years.

When Sarah Palin gave her three-weeks notice to the people of Alaska, aborting her term as Governor, a lot of people wondered why she quit. Mid-level managers turn-in their notice, not elected public officials. It didn’t make sense. It still doesn’t. People have been trying to guess why she really quit, and everyone in Alaska has been playing the guessing game. They’re rumors. There are a lot of rumors. And with all the corruption we’ve had here in Alaska, of course we wonder what’s really behind her resignation.

Governors don’t just quit. But Governor Palin did.

The governor’s massive overreaction -on the Fourth of July no less- should make any reasonable person wonder what’s wrong with her. The Lady protests way too much. Eventually we’ll all find out why she really walked off the job.

Sarah Palin is a coward and a bully. What kind of politician attacks an ordinary American on the Fourth of July for speaking her mind? What’s wrong with her? The First Amendment was designed to protect people like me from the likes of people like her. Our American Revolution got rid of kings. And queens, too. Am I jacked-up? You betcha.

Sarah Palin, if you have a problem with me, then sue me. Shannyn Moore will not be muzzled!

Do you know the difference between a Shannyn Moore press conference and a Sarah Palin press conference? Shannyn's made sense.

You rock Shannyn! And I am proud to call you my friend!


  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I support Shannyn 100%. Let us know if we need to donate for Shannyn to sue Sarah Palin for defamation of character.

  2. She is amazing - a true American. We are all so proud of her, and all you bloggers who have brought the truth (and RUMORS) to the front burner.

    Shannyn rocks, but so do all those terrific people like Gryphen, Regina/Palingates, AKM Mudflats, Phil Munger/Progressive Alaska and Celtic Diva. You are all taking hits while spreading the word.

    Thanks to all of you. Alaska just took a sigh of relief.

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Don't pat yourself on the back too much. You know as well as anyone that it will take a good investigative journalist to uncover and really bring this lady down for good. Look at all the time and effort the ADN did on Ted Stevens and how in depth their reports on his corruption were. I applaud your efforts you and Shannon but it is goping to take boots on the ground and lot of work from people that know what they are doing.

  4. Ripley in CT4:33 PM

    Shannyn: 1
    Palin: -3

    Now THIS is a woman that I wouldn't mind being represented by.

  5. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Way to go Shannyn!
    You shouldn't have to be calling her out, but you did it amazingly well.

  6. the problem child5:01 PM

    Also, too, Shannyn looked classy and professional. Content is important, but so is context. She nailed it. Period.

  7. Suck it up, Buttercup, time to fish or cut bait.

    BTW, Shannyn - that was some nice bait you cast out there. lol

  8. I live in New Jersey and I have to say that the hilarity of Sarah Palin has afforded me endless entertainment.

    But also, in following you and other Alaska bloggers, I have developed a tremendous respect for you folks up there, and also a yearning to visit Alaska in all its splendour. It's too far away and too expensive but WOW it looks just gorgeous. You are lucky!

    Greetings from NJ.

  9. onejrkitty5:51 PM

    Gee Shannyn why don't you tell us what you really think:)

    That is laying down the gauntlet and you have put her in a lose/lose position.

    IF she sues you, I will sell a kidney to attend the depositions.

    IF she fails to sue you, then she is 1) a quitter (again) 2) a coward (again) and 3) she loses credibility. To be sure she would "spin" why she doesn't sue ( and she won't ) but the explanation will be as paper thin as her reasons for quitting as governor.

    Now please get busy putting out a "Suck it up Buttercup" bumper sticker with an appropriate photo of Missy Palin.

    What you did today is what feminism is all about. It is time to take off the polite kid gloves and respect normall utilized in civilized socities with their politicians.

    Palin want to be a cult leader like Jim Jones was she will not be stoped by the likes of our limp dicked legislators.

    Good going Kiddo.

    P.S. Did you know San Francisco once gave Jim Jones it's Martin Luther King Humanitarian award?

    Yup, he was that good a con artist, just like Palin.

    She is quitting politics to join with her "base" base and lead them just like Jones did.

  10. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
    --Thomas Jefferson

  11. This makes me so angry: On ABC Good Morning America, former ADN editor Larry Persily said: “Unfortunately, the Main Stream Media is getting caught up by reporting the blogs. These are not trained journalists, they do not exercise the same judgment, the same standards of facts and they just put stuff out there.”

    Well, evidently Mr. Persily, you dickhead, the MSM has failed miserably in getting the facts out to the public because they have sat by and done NOTHING to expose Sarah Palin’s lies, and ADN in particular has actively covered up FOR her. After the recent revelations about the emails between Sarah Palin and Steve Schmidt, I would think the MSM would feel embarrassed that they have not exposed this narcissistic dimwit EX-Governor, former VP candidate. Thanks to ever vigilant “bloggers”, some of us do know her deceitful lies, bullying, inept leadership, fanatical cult religious ties and the fake pregnancy. The bloggers have been the vigilant researchers and provide links to their sources. But the majority of citizens have no idea how terrible Palin truly is because of the silence of the MSM.

    This country needs more great citizens like Shannyn Moore, Linda Kellen, AKM, Gryphen and so many others who so eloquently speak up for all of us. They have done the hard work that the sloths in MSM have failed to even attempt.

  12. No Public Official Should Ever try to Muzzle or Bully a Citizen...EVER. Sarah Palin told alot of lies last summer when she was by McCains' side, and now many of those lies and bullying tactics are for Everyone to see, nd all of us need to see THIS is What Hubris looks like, and Citizens should never be bullied in such an inappropriate manner or threatened of harrassed for asking Questions or Voicing Questions about their Elected Officials.

    Sarah may be quitting or walking off the job, at this point she is damn lucky that she is Not Being Impeached- because clearly she has lost sight of how to act appropriately or meet the duties of her job.

    Shannyn If you need ANYTHING from the lower 48- you let us know- we will have an army of bloggers at your side in a heartbeat.....

    and Gryphen you know that goes for you and Mudflats and all of the AK have all of us watching and ready to help....we will not allow SaraPee to bully any of our Blogger Community...period.

  13. FEDUP!!!6:26 PM

    My respect for you just went through the roof! WHOOOOOWHOOOOO!!! SHANNYN ROCKS!!!

  14. Way to go Shannyn!

    Call them on the carpet and make them beg to apologize!

    I can see Sarah's head exploding and glasses flying from my house!

  15. Good for Shannyn.

    In pondering this whole conundrum, though, I can't figure out how Sarah thinks she can beat a federal indictment better out of office than in (or should I say, without her "title"?) I'm more inclined to suspect she left office because of some ethics violation that will now be moot.

    That said, there's obviously a serious fire behind housegate's smoke. She was really stupid to launch this attack on the heels of the GOP leaking those emails in which she wanted them to lie about Todd and the AIP. Could it be there's an investigation and she doesn't know it? That she resigned for some "clever" reason and doesn't know the IRS is about to bite her on the a$$?

  16. Yes, you DO rock, Shannyn!!

    Thank you for being a shining example of strong, intelligent and courageous women everywhere.

    I salute you!

    You have publicly flogged Ms. Buttercup and I LOVE IT!!

    Game on!!!!! guys were great last night.

    Grazie mille, bella :-)

  17. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:32 PM

    Shannyn Thank you for standing up to this BITCH!!
    You and the rest of the Alaskan Bloggers deserve a medal for exposing the dangerous monster that is Sar-rah!!!
    The VF and emails that are coming out are stuff we already know thanks to you guys :) I'm sure the people who were not aware what a sick bitch she it are horrified.
    Ditto about any help needed for the lower 48!
    And Sar-rah...SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP!
    and if you don't like it SUE me!!!

  18. Happy feet in the lower 48 for all you brave and intepid folks in your jammies!
    Here in NC when the old gov left behind a big stinking pile of mess and had stonewalled attempts to get information (sound familiar?) the new gov released it all....she did not want to be tarred with his brush.
    How's Sean's backbone?

  19. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Tracy...How's Sean's backbone?

    Sarah had it removed a long time ago!

  20. Kodiak Kondifential Fireworks post had an interesting comment about the Public Integrity Section (of the Department of Justice) being busy in the valley.

  21. Anonymous8:16 PM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl now that we got our governor out of here it's time for you to start working on that steroid freak you guys call a governor

  22. Shannyn should just keep doing what she does and pay no mind to Palin.
    Hopefully, she will just fade away into oblivion when all of this mess is over.
    Sarah Palin that is.

  23. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Where does or does the new AG fit into any of this?

  24. Anonymous9:17 PM

    I kind of find this outrage of Sarah Palin sticking up for herself a bit hypocritical by you all.
    You want her to answer you!
    You want her to answer to your allegations!
    Ya, threatening to sue went a bit too far, but basically she came out and said the allegations were false.
    S. Moore is allowed to say whatever she wants, Palin is allowed to respond however she wants to S. Moore.

    If Palin is right and there is no investigation then a false rumor was spread around by the bloggers. The general public was not in on this rumor. I'm not saying she is right I'm saying IF she is telling the truth, then she has every right to defend herself against a false rumor that could damage her career.

    We have every right to respond to anything she says and she has every right to respond to anything we say.

    If this is a false rumor then the bloggers did not do their research, and their credibility will be questioned, I'm questioning it myself now. I'm kind of embarrassed that I even told someone what the Alaskan blogs were saying, especially if it is completely false.

    If this whole thing is not true at all, it is the bloggers faults for not checking up on their "facts" and spreading the false rumor in the hopes of damaging Sarah Palins career.

    I hope Palin is lying because this will be a blow to the credibility of these blogs. I hope you know more than just rumors, and I hope we weren't led on by rumors and no facts at all.

    Time will tell.

  25. Grandma Sarah12:27 AM

    The ADN has little credibilty. They were bullied by Palin when they tried to investigate/disprove the Babygate rumors. I mean, come on, the ladies at Palin Deception Blog spotted that square belly pad that Sarah sported from the lower 48.
    So, I would not be surprised if ADN also did not fully nvestigate other rumors or complaints about Palin because she was threatening them.
    It seems Ms. Shannyn Moore is more courageous than the whole of ADN put together.

  26. This is total speculation, so Sarah can try and sue me for it, but what would it take to impeach her?
    That seems the only thing that hurt her career worse than quitting.
    If she got wind that impeachment proceeding were starting it would explain the hasty press conference to jump ahead of them.
    Then threaten to sue a blogger as misdirection.
    Or, am I giving her to much credit in being able to think half a step ahead?

  27. Anonymous3:14 AM

    @9:17 a.m. The general public DID know about these rumors? Where were you last year? The Village Voice reported on Housegate last year during the campaign. MSNBC ran full stories on Housegate last year. I suggest you read the blog "Palingates." <----------------- in addition to the archives of this one. There are "real news stories" connected to these allegations.

    The difference is S. Palin was elected to a public office as governor, and is accountable. S. Moore is a private citizen. Do you not know the difference?

    Time has already TOLD. You seem to have missed it. That's why Palin quit.

  28. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Anon @ 9:17

    S.Moore is not a private citizen just discussing something in her living room with friends.

    She commands an audience and puts herself out in the public on the news, on her blog etc. Everyone is accountable for their own actions, and S.Moore's actions are public as well.

    She has made accusations against a public figure with the purpose of ruining her career. I would hope that she would be damn sure that her accusations were nothing but the truth.
    Everyone is accountable for what they choose to do. You don't get to hurt someone and their career just because you feel like it, and then get to completely get away with it because you call yourself a private citizen. There better something to back you up if you do that. You can't yell fire in a theater if there is no fire, you will be held accountable.

    Sarah Palin has every right to defend herself against accusations that she says are false. If she can prove them false, then the fault falls on those who publicly spread the rumor in my book.

    Now I'm not defending Sarah Palin, She doesn't deserve to hold the position that she does. But I want her to legitimately be removed. Not because a some bloggers slandered her at every turn with no evidence to back up their accusations.

    I personally do find some of the ethics complaints questionable and it is fact that she is the target of the bloggers, and thier goal is to remove her and make sure she holds no public office again. Seems like they succeeded, I just wish that it was done with truth and not with a baseless rumor.

    I do beleive Palin has some recourse here, especially if she can back it up, and S.Moore cannot.

    Being a private citizen does not give you the right to destroy someone just because. You must have proof of wrong doing.
    I see that absent in this case. Its not right in my opinion, and I want to see Palin gone as much as anyone.

    Palin has her right of free speech to respond as well.

    I feel sick right now that I'm speaking up for Palin, never thought that would happen, but the hypocrisy of you people right now is making me sick.

    How many times have you all said "If someone said that about my family in the public I would..." Well she is... finally. MAybe because she does have proof "this time"

  29. Shannyn Moore is a total loon. A mugwump par excellence. She is typical of radical liberalism gone into the the twilight zone of no return. Her rumor-mongering will catch up with her and I can barely wait to see it happen!


  30. The tripe that I have found on this blog site is obnoxious to the core of Shannyn Moore. She is a consumate rumor-monger and an outright fabricator. She is a mugwump and uses her reptilian "mind" to do her evil. Keep going Shannyn and in the end, all will see that your witches brew turned sour!


  31. to Anon at 6:05 AM

    The so-called mainstream media at Faux News has made a routine of constantly reporting on RUMORS about people in the public eye and their families, with the Obamas, the Clintons, the Kennedys, and many others as their favorite targets.

    Faux News in particular often uses comments from right wing blogs, and these days even anonymous comments on Faux's own blogs such as "Gretawire", as an excuse to cover various rumors that cast a wide variety of Democrats and progressives in a bad light. They just read these comments and discuss them, without any fact checking, their excuse being that "people are saying" In othe words, they are reporting RUMORS, with the "some people are saying" line added to make it all okay.

    If there are rumors going around in a community, a citizen blogger has a right to report that there are rumors. As for Palin's house, it DOES look extremely fishy, whether the FBI is involved or not. Anyone who has actually built their own home knows that a home that large with those special features does not normally go up in a few weeks with only buddy help on the weekends. Facts like Palin doing away with building permits right around the time of construction don't help it look any cleaner.

    If Sarah Palin is really going to get upset about bloggers, and in particular comments left at political blogs, the ADN etc, I would hope that the ones that would make her stomach turn over would be the ones where it is obvious that she has incited people to make very hateful comments about others in her name. Blog and article comments of Palin supporters are full of hate for our President and the libs etc. I have not seen her use her tweets to ask people to stop calling our President names.

    At Palin rallies last year, Palin in no way discouraged the cries of Kill him! that her supporters called out when she would talk about Obama and his supposed palling around with terrorits. No wonder she doesn't want to talk about Todd's ties to the AIP, a seccessionist party, as it makes her condemnation of Obama look a tad hyprocritical. Most MSM outlets kindly gave Palin a pass on reporting on some of the more violent aspects of the AIP's past (do some googling if you want to know more about that...).

    Some Palin supporters seem to live in fear of most other Americans as they report disproven rumors about Obama over and over. Shannyn Moore is not to be allowed to report that rumors about Palin and corruption have been rampant in her community, but it is okay for Palin supporters to make extremely vile and unproven comments about President Obama and his family???? I hate to mention Obama in the same paragraph as Palin, but since her fans so often malign him, it is not being fair and balanced to fail to point out the hatred churning on the Right against Obama and "the libs".

    The name calling some Palin supporters engage in against people who dare to criticize their Princess is extreme. She doesn't need to do the worst of it herself because her supporters willingly do it for her.

    Once again, Palin has shown her lack of knowledge about the U.S. Constitution. Her threats to sue are laughable.

  32. Sarah Palin does not have a right to respond however she wants. She does not have a right to threaten to sue news orgs or bloggers (note that several MSM were threatened as well) for something that they have a perfect right to report upon.

    She can respond to false rumors by stating that they are false.
    But they already lied by stating that Shannyn reported these things as fact, when she did not, nor did anyone so far as I am aware.


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