Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Beast asks "Is Sarah Palin too stupid to live?"

Yeah I know it is kind of mean, but it is also hysterical. Would I lie to you?

My favorite line is, “When William Shatner is making fun of the way you talk, you’ve really got a problem.” How true is that?

My friend Phil Munger also has posted a funny video from the Headz Up gang. It features a conversation between the Twitter Quitter and Glenn "Crybaby" Beck. Go check it out.

I am a little disappointed right now because I was all set to sit in a darkened theatre with my favorite movie date, my daughter, and let my mind turn to mush as 3-D images of mayhem were thrown at my eyes from the movie "The Final Destination 3-D". But then she had to cancel because of work.

Yeah I know it is not exactly "Shakespeare in the Park", but hey sometimes I need a cerebral mini-vacation.

Besides I will watch almost ANYTHING as long as it is in 3-D. I might even sit through that "Notebook" movie if they made it jump off of the screen.

Okay maybe 3-D cannot save every movie.

But if you have not seen the movie "Up" in 3-D you are really missing something.


  1. This article hit the nail on the head...I mean I know it is satirical and all, but it is really the only logical explanation for Palinmania.

    The best part is when they explained that Sarah Palin's stupidity is contagious.

  2. Deb in WI12:35 PM

    Gryphen, we were supposed to see a movie in the park tonight -- but it is raining. I know your pain.

    I watched "UP" in 3D and wished I had only paid and watched it in 2D. In my opinion, I don't think it had enough effects for me to fork over the extra $8 a ticket for the difference. It was a good movie, though.

    Now, "Ice Age 3" in 3D was definitely worth it, and so was "Monsters Vs. Aliens"

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    A co-worker told me that they are adapting "The Notebook" as a musical. I have no idea if it's true, but I can't imagine the horror.

    I missed Ten Commandments: The Musical (starring Val Kilmer as Moses) -- maybe this would make up for it.

  4. For Huffington Post’s “100 most influential People” I voted for Sarah Palin-
    Below is my rationale’
    “I would like to nominate Sarah Palin as a game changer in the field of high (and low) tech media / communications.
    She through her actions, has established the “LOW” end of the bar in terms of establishing and maintaining transparency and forthrightness as she negotiates her way through the murky waters of political cronyism and a self serving agenda.
    She has become the the line in the sand that demarcates the difference between unscrupulous versus unwavering. Sometimes it is just as important to become the antithesis of noble, and thus the standard bearer for ruthless. It gives us a moral compass by which to raise our children, and set an example of what NOT to do- or become.
    Thank you Sarah Palin for your relentless commitment to this vainglorious effort.
    Your use of twitter and myspace in lieu of meaningful person to person exchanges, demonstrates your mastery at exploiting this medium as a tool to spout your loathing and contempt so imperiously to the huddled masses.
    Hiding behind a computer in your Wassilla basement is a cowards way out in terms of pointing fingers at others while avoiding well deserved scrutiny.
    Thank you Sarah Palin for showing us the road that shouldn’t be traveled. In that way, you have been a beacon that instead of beckoning- warns us away from the Abyss.”

  5. Too funny. I can see Troll heads exploding when they read the article.

  6. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I enjoyed the Onion-style article, but must point out that it's from The Beast, not the Daily Beast. :-)

  7. Geoffrey Dunn IS writing a new Palin book. He also has a new article up at Huffington Post:

  8. Um must like living dangerously. You know you can't put Sarah Palin and Stupid in the same sentence without alerting her Troll Army(thnxs Joel's Army) of Crazies to decind on your blog like the "Plague".
    Ah, don't you like all the biblical references?

    As far as the movies...I wish I could afford to see one much less take my two little girls to see one. SIGH. Instead I'm watching the movie "Night Shift" that my husband got out of the bin for $3.99 from Marshall's. Yes, that's right, Marshall's has cheap movies now. I do love Micheal Keaton(1st Batman) and Henry Winkler in this movie. Oh yeah and Shelley Long(Diane from Cheers) plays a prostitue.

    After that movie I'm watching my boy Micheal Keaton again in "Mr. Mom". Awww...the 80's. And if I have time I may watch him in "Beetlejuice":D

  9. Geoffrey Dunn's article at

    discusses Palin's obsession with President Obama:
    And now Palin's Obama obsession had taken a particularly dark turn.

    In a largely overlooked passage in Time Magazine's cover story on Palin last month, Palin's official spokesperson Meg Stapleton asserted that there is a White House conspiracy behind the anti-Palin groundswell led by none other than Obama's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel. "The trail is pretty direct and pretty obvious to us," Stapleton declared.

    Not printed in the article, but included in a blog posted by Time reporter Jay Newton-Small, were some additional comments on the alleged conspiracy. "To me," Newton-Small observed, "one of the most interesting aspects of the story is how vehemently the Palin camp blames Barack Obama."

    "[Palin] represents the biggest threat to Obama," Stapleton stated. "She's the only one who can get the base excited....I just hope to God Rahm Emanuel isn't using taxpayer money to come after Alaska."

  10. Geoffrey Dunne just posted this on HF:

    The picture is OUTSTANDING.

  11. I've never actually seen the term "starlet" used in reference to Sarah Palin, but truly, it fits (not to insult actual Hollywood type actors). Republican starlet. Has a certain ring to it, doesn't it?

  12. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Funny! Although you do risk the wrath of the wing nuts when quoting that title. Nothing like living on the edge :)

    I must say, I saw the movie UP! in 2d, and cried my eyes out. Why does Disney/Pixar insist on killing off the female characters? Esp those named the same as my daughter with Down Syndrome?? Crap. I got choked up again. That movie was a toughie. But I loved the dogs. Squirrel! - SmallSteps in VA

  13. Boy that was right on the money.

    Goeffery Dunns piece if great.

  14. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Hat's off to Teutonic13. I do believe the antics of SP will go down in history as a warning to future generations.

    Gryphen, thanks for the link to "The Beast: America's Best Friend". I also loved the article: "American's Outraged at Sudden Realization Interstate Highways are Government-Run".

    On movies: "Coraline" was totally worth the extra 3D dollars, "Up" not so much. Very glad I skipped the 3D version of "District 9", it was a good movies but extremely violent and gritty.

  15. Hey Meg Stapletongue, in case you haven't noticed, you are a total nut case!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.