Monday, August 31, 2009

Facing FEC scrutiny SarahPAC starts doling out money by the shovelful.

Sarah Palin’s political action committee, facing scrutiny from the Federal Election Commission, revealed Monday that it had recently made contributions to a raft of mostly conservative Republicans, including Reps. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, Virginia gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell and Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Orrin Hatch of Utah.

Those contributions, some of which were disclosed in a Friday FEC report, combined with earlier donations to the reelection campaigns of Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, brought Palin’s committee, Sarah PAC, to the five-candidate contribution minimum necessary for it to be considered a multi-candidate political action committee under federal rules.That status will enable Sarah PAC to dole out larger contributions to candidates going forward.

I am imagining a Keystone Kop situation with PAC employees running around calling every conservative Republican they can think of and demanding that they take some of their money. "Look just take the money, don't worry about why I am giving it to you, you are a Republican since when do you care where the money comes from?"

Even that won’t necessarily absolve the PAC from penalties, according to an FEC auditor, who wrote “Although the Commission may take further legal action regarding the excessive contribution(s), your prompt action in obtaining a refund and/or redesignating the contribution(s) will be taken into consideration.”

In other words, "Nice try SarahPAC but you still might be up a creek without a paddle". (Which sounds about right for I have long believed that Sarah herself did not quite have both oars in the water. If you get my drift.)

A Palin spokeswoman told POLITICO on Monday that McCain and Murkowski had refunded $200 each to the PAC, reducing its contributions to them to $4,800 each, and that the PAC had given $1,000 each to Bachmann, Blackburn, Graham, Hatch and Portman, as well as $2,500 to McDonnell.

"I need you to give some money back."

"No not you! I need YOU to take some money."

"Not you McCain I need a refund from you."

"No not you Congresswoman Bachmann, you get to keep your money."

"Has anybody been able to get through to Murkowski yet? She owes us a couple of hundred dollars!"

"No not you Senator Graham, you can keep your $1,000. Well at least I THINK you can. Hell I don't know, it is all so damn confusing!"

"Has ANYBODY seen Sarah? Does she even know we still exist?"

Oh yeah, THIS is a tightly run organization.


  1. Any politician with half a brain would immediately say "Thanks, but no thanks" to Palin's ethically tainted cash.

  2. Anonymous6:45 PM

    So what really happened...did Sarah think she could buy lingerie and shoes that she would wear at republican campaign events and think that was a donation to her party?

  3. Anonymous6:48 PM

    How about Gov. Sanford? He might need some (sour)dough.

  4. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Cash for Clinkers!

  5. Gryphen,

    It isn't SENATOR Bachmann yet, and I hope that it NEVER will be.

  6. ram a ram a ding dong7:55 PM

    Finally, I can sleep at night knowing that she will also lend her expertise to CLSA next month. Count on her to be there.

  7. Sorry loufromtoledo. I did not mean to give Bachman a promotion. I fixed it.

  8. allison8:05 PM

    head's up. i guess it's official. see top right corner of cover.

  9. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Great Stinking Moose Turds! I REALLY hope they aren't going to let IdiotPAC get away with this. If they broke the law, they should NOT be allowed to "make it right" retroactively.

  10. I don't know how many of you read added comments on older posts, but this one was added to the thread about finding SP (Amber Alert):
    Anonymous said...
    "Well, my kids saw Bristol at the fair. I hear Willow is at CHS and that she's living with Todd, who's moved out?? And Palin is in NY. All rumor of course, but there it is- that's what's come across my desk...
    I wonder if Palin has the 2 little kids with her.."

    I guess when Sarah said "Leave my kids alone," she took her own advice. I am truely sorry for the family if this is true.

  11. Go Levi!8:57 PM

    The FEC can't put up with the crap. They must end the sham. What kind of system do we have here?

    I did hear of a Bristol sighting with double strollers at the Fair. Both babies with her. People do take cameras to Fairs. There is not one picture?

    CHS, is that Colony in Palmer? Palin in NY fits in with what Newt Gingrich suggests.

  12. I sure hope they nail the grifter (grifters).

  13. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Some one posted under Sarah Goes to Hong Kong the reminder that Sarah went off the radar for two weeks after she was nominated for VP, exactly a year ago. People speculated: a little face tuck? botox? certainly alot of preparation. And how did that work out?

    What we learned is that Sarah cannot take preparation. She cannot study. She is what she is. It may have worked in Alaska; it did not work on a national campaign tour. And it certainly did not work for 15 minutes with Katie Couric. She was told to prepare for the interview, and that turned out well.

    Well, Sarah does not take direction well at all. And, it seems that someone (one or several people) are doing all the speaking for her. Since she last seem serving her last plump hot dog and making her famous wave, we have not seen or heard from Sarah directly.

    Charles, Meg, anyone can say something. We can be pretty sure there is a puppetmaster working on the strings. The question remains. If Sarah could not follow directions for two months in a limited sphere of reference (just get out there and campaign for John McCain), how is she going to address world leaders on economic matters, global vision, hell, she can't even manage her simple PAC. Let her hold that up as a shining example of sound money management.

  14. What? Nothing for Lynn "the Great White Hope" Jenkins? I would have thought she would have been right at the top of the list with Michelle "whackjob" Bachman.

  15. Anonymous2:27 AM

    What kind of mother leaves her one year old baby for over a month!
    Answer: Trig is her grandchild.

    Where is Piper??

    And finally, screw the MSM, screw Huffington post for not doing a better job uncovering and exposing babygate. I include Huffington because they delete all comments related to it? Why is that? I hear Its because of money. If Arianna doesn't destroy Palin, it brings a lot of readers. It's all about the almighty dollar or someone would break that open. It's one thing that truly could destroy Palin and I also blame the people in Wasilla who know the truth.
    Speak up and stop being wimps!

    Where is Sarah hiding in NY?? A secluded rental on Long Island or is she staying with someone who is training her like Fred the Jew counter?

  16. Michelle2:39 AM

    Something is very wrong and how telling is it no one cares. No physical Palin sightings since she quit, the only communication from "Her", are emails and facebook entries anyone could (And did) write. Palin who would 911 People Magazine just to see her name in print is silent.

    Palin's dad claims he does not know where she is nor does he care enough to demand Palin call home to talk to Piper who is staying with her grandparents just now. Willow is on her own with Bristol fending for themselves in Wasilla AGAIN WITH NO PERSONAL CONTACT FROM THEIR MOTHER. Is Palin really that cold she abandons her children, without any contact to pursue her own fame, during school sessions no less.

    Is it Palin is aware of a Fed Indictment about to be handed down on her and she is hiding out, somewhere, away from the long arm of the law? Or is she being isolated with talking points drilled into her head to rile the base and create distractions with nonsense?

    Who's watching Trig?

  17. MIchelle2:40 AM

    As for his daughter's political plans, Heath says: "We absolutely, positively do not know. We haven't seen the last of her."

    He also too has not SEEN her. Health said in Idaho he has heard nothing of this upcoming trip to speak. Ivy Frye, who usually Chronicles everytime Palin uses the bathroom is silent on Twitter as well.

    Palin not confirming this engagement is pure Palin theater but to hide from her own kids not leaving a telephone number or telling where she is and with whom with her dad in case of an emergency with Piper is straight up WRONG.

  18. Well, I hope Bob McDonnell (the far right gubernatorial candidate her in VA) news gets out far and wide here..that he took tainted money from Sarah.

    I'm sure many of you read on HuffPo the wacked out thesis McDonnell wrote chasitising homosexuals, women who work outside the home, teaching Christianity in public schools, and exposed his Taliban like beliefs.

    Our democratic candidate, Creigh Deeds could use help, even if it it $5...

    McDonnell is cut from the same cloth as Sarah...a Christian dominionist who does not even support legal abortions in cases of rape or incest. And, he is travelling around Virgina in a bus plastered with a huge picture of him and his wife and kids...kind of like Sarah, but at least most of his kids are grown.

    Sarah has been proven to be an effective fundraiser for dems in the past, and I hope she's still got some of the old black magic.

    Jeez...she is pure political poison, anything she touches turns to shit.

  19. Anonymous3:55 AM

    OT Gryphen, I found the comment below posted on a blog. Maybe it was meant to be a joke, I don't know.

    Palin is building her foreign policy acumen to the point that it will exceed Obamai,(sp) McCain, the Clintons, Biden. She will grow stronger and become THE UNSTOPPABLE FORCE in American and World Politics. She WILL become America's GREATEST President of ALL TIMES and spread and convert the whole world to Palinist American Christian Hard Right Conservatism. The world will prosper with the Palin Revolution!

  20. The Palin Revolution?!??--wow, that was a good laugh! You can experience it yourself in 7 easy steps:

    1. Let your 16-year-old's boyfriend knock her up right in your family home. After she has the first baby, let him do it again. Then preach loudly to others about family values.

    2. Whenever possible, ramble incoherently about baby bears, Glenn Beck, frost heaves, dead fish, snow!!machines, all the things you don't read, sourdoughs, refrigerator magnets, and the rearin' head of Vladimir Putin.

    3. Absolutely do NOT talk about starving Alaskans, freezing Alaskans, Alaskan teen pregnancy rates, Alaskans using meth, or Alaskan high school dropouts.

    4. Hands in the air! Reach up for those bright lights and out in all directions to grab those wads of cash!!

    5. Now bend your ethics this way and that, while blaming everyone around you for everything you have ever screwed up.

    6. Walk off your job halfway through a big project, saying you have more important things to do.

    7. To restart your free-falling political career in a mavericky Pro-America way, announce your intention to pal around with Communists.


    Bonus Question: What would happen if there was a revolution, and the leader sent invitations, got everyone all worked up, lit the torches, whipped up the hate campaign.....and then QUIT in the middle of it?

  21. I hope McCain is holding his head in shame.
    How must he feel, after pimping this women as a vP candidate, ready for action and the woman that knows the most about energy, having to give back money because she screwed up again and didn't follow the rules? Did she even have an accountant working on this?
    Again, it shows how arrogant palin and her team really are.
    The rules are always for somebody else except me.
    Now that palin does not have her handpicked ethics panel, she might find out that rules do have consequences.

  22. Anonymous5:37 AM

    If I recall correctly, while Mr Heath may not know (or be willing to say) where his daughter is, his wife, Sarah's mother does indeed know where she is as stated in one of the more recent articles.

    It has been suggested that she may be in California with her ghost writer attempting to finish her book, it has also been suggested that she is in New York, but neither place has been confirmed.

    Regardless of where she is, it doesn't look as if her children are with her, which is not surprising as I suspect she is not the "mommy" type of person. She reminds me of someone who enjoys the idea of being spoken of as a great mother but one who takes no true pleasure from the day to day dealings with her children instead finding it bothersome and tiring having to deal with children. This is also the exact opposite attitude I get from her husband, who in my opinion would be quite content to be a house husband, staying with the kids, being able to go off and hunt, play in the Iron Dog whenever he wanted to.

    As for the SarahPAC FEC problems, it should be noted that they seem to have some of the same issues that Palin always finds herself with. Surrounded by hand chosen people who are incapable of handling things correctly the first time around due to lack of basic knowledge and understanding of the jobs they have been given but were given those jobs out of simple devotion to Sarah rather than based on any skills they might have.

    This will all come back to haunt her for any future plans she might have for a national name for herself, and we had better be doing all that we can to document it, save the information (haven't we all see how things get scrubbed/cleaned up when it looks bad for her) and work towards getting the word out about her because it looks like Rupert Murdock has taken her under his wing and is going to work with her and on her to re-brand her as something acceptable and desirable for the nation and that is not acceptable. Despite what anyone might do to make her appear more acceptable or likeable to the masses, we all know that you can't change who and what she is deep inside and that will all come right back into play the minute she is allowed anywhere near a position of power.


  23. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Sarah Palin could not lead a revolution. She might be revolting to have as a leader. If she were to achieve national office, I would suggest it would create a revolt to remove her from office.

  24. ROFLMAO! Good one, Gryphen!

    You forgot to specify that it just isn't Rethugs that SarahPAC is sending money to, it's the craziest right wing nutter ones.
    Bachmann and Blackburn?
    They are just as bad as Scary Sarah. I'm sure she's learning a lot more hypocrisy from them. That is, if she can get anymore hypocritical)

  25. Hatch is my senator. I am encouraging him to return the dirty money to the sarahpac. Palin's preacher hates Mormons. Since her butt was parked in THAT church for so many years, and often heard the garbage and hate spewed from that vile man, I am shocked she gave one penny to a Mormon. I hope hatch does the right thing and sends it BACK to whence the dirty cash came.

  26. IndyGirl @5:16a.m.

    That post was a piece of beautiful art! You gave me the hardiest laugh of the day (so far). Thanks!

  27. IndyGirl, I second that emotion! It almost could be worked up into an aerobic dance routine, with extra points for how hard we laugh!

  28. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Giving one paid speech in Hong Kong to businessmen does not add to one's foreign policy cred, but I do not doubt that the idiots who support Palin would think otherwise.

    If she went to try to DO SOMETHING other than a paid private talk in a foreign country, such as meeting with diplomats about an important issue & taking action, then she would be building a foreign policy resume.

    But trust, she's going to find just flying there a challenge, let alone walking around in the heat and humidity among Buddhists and Communists. I smell a September panic attack!

  29. Elliegrl8:27 AM

    As a mother, I am sickened that she left her children. My heart aches for them, especially Piper who has had less years to adjust to Mommy being an a**h**e than Willow and Bristol. My father left us. My mother was ill and abusive, but he could have fought for me and didn't. I was her same age when contact only came as holiday letters w/a signature. It HURTS, even if you're used to it!

    Trig however is fine if he is with Tripp and Bristol, b/c he's in the care of his MOTHER. However, Piper being left with her grandparents instead of Todd and her sisters is just sh***y!

    When Sarah goes to jail, I want to adopt that precious little girl before her life heads down the same path as her sisters'! I love how honest she is. Piper still hasn't learned that to dissemble is the Palin way. She told interviewers she missed a lot of school during the campaign, and when her mom said the kids would do it all over again Piper said she wouldn't! Sure embarassed Sarah. :-)

    In our house, my kids never hear the end of it if they lie. I'd rather know HOW our lion-maned bunny(aptly called "lion head rabbits") ended up shorn like Aslan when I got out of the shower. "I thought he needed a haircut b/c its hot, but it was naughty, I'm sorry," gets you in much less trouble than "The dog did it." (We don't have a dog.) I imagine the opposite in that family. I'm sure Piper got her butt whooped after being truthful on tape, Bristol too when she said "Abstinence is unrealistic" b/c she sure changed her tune quickly!

    We need a S.P.K campaign!!! Save Palin's Kids! SAVE WILLOW AND PIPER!

  30. Moms @ 6:00 AM, it's probably part of Sarah Palin's DNA to be hypocritical...

    The only amusing thing about some of these hypocritical past and present actions and statements by Palin and her Wasilla Mafia is the extent Palin's fans contort themselves to justify her behavior.

  31. OT,but Washington Speakers Bureau says it signed Palin.

    what is the world coming to?

  32. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Great new article to look at......Amazing how Trig Palin actually shrunk as he got older.

  33. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:08 PM

    EOY-Your totally right...can't make a silk purse out of a Sow's ear! :)

  34. allison5:51 PM

    guys, she's hiding out waiting for levi's article in vanity fair. it comes out saturday, right? you can go to to see the cover. like gryphen said, the news will make the national enquirer orgasm in their pants. we will soon know the father of trig: keith johnston (levi's dad). why else would mercede refer to trigg as "baby brother triggy bear"? you'll see. wouldn't you hide if that news were coming out about your daughter? i would!

  35. jacqui6:48 PM

    allison @5:51 - Interesting theory re Keith J.
    I though I was the ONLY person with that same theory! Welcome to our littlee club of two : )

  36. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Allison why do you think it's Keith? Dad and son?? Seems weird for a 15 year old! What does anyone know about him?
    I don't have much hope that Levi will tell but I bet he knows the truth.
    What is he waiting for. Guess bribes/money can still quiet people in Palins world. She's been accused of bribing in other situations, law case pending.

  37. allison3:46 AM

    anon. 7:18
    here's something i posted a while ago. i read this comment from someone, and it put it all together. sorry for the length.

    "You gotta remember, all of these people were probably stoned a lot of the time. On oxy, on pot, maybe meth, X, who knows what else. They may have embroidered what they can't remember or think they remember."

    i stand by a theory i've posted before which only a few people have commented on:

    keith johnston is the father; bristol is the mother of trig.

    and the levi article in the anchorage press
    has some more quotes which support this theory.

    "There was just one problem—he [levi] didn’t even have a GED, which Daily News columnist and Palin antagonist Dan Fagan pointed out in a column in January, and that’s a requirement of ASRC’s apprenticeship program. So Levi lost his job. His parents split up when his father left his mom for another, younger, woman. Then, in December, his mom Sherry was arrested for selling oxycontin, a pain pill. Plus he and Bristol had broken up, and he says the Palins wouldn’t let him see his son, or take Tripp to visit his family. The Palins thought the Johnstons were white trash, according to Mercede’s Myspace page."

    "A friend asked Rex Butler, a prominent Anchorage attorney, if he would help Sherry Johnston with her drug case. It was a tough decision, one he consulted on with Tank Jones, a private investigator who works closely with Butler. Rex only wanted to take the case if he could do a better job than any other attorney, and he knew that there wouldn’t be money in it. “You’ve got a family feud going,” Rex says. “That’s one reason why somebody said, ‘Rex, you need to take this case; we know that you can stand up against anybody. You won’t bend under the pressure of the Palins or anybody else.’”

    The first order of business was to correct the record about Levi’s access to his son. Levi, his mom, and his sister appeared on the Tyra Banks show, with Sherry tearing up when she talked about not being able to see her grandson. They did the Larry King show, twice. Then, according to Levi, things improved with the Palins. He got to pick up Tripp and take him to see his family."

    And the Palins didn’t seem to fight back—there were a couple snarky comments from Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton, but for the most part, other than Bristol becoming an “abstinence ambassador” for a non-profit, the Palins were quiet. “They’re smart,” Levi says. “They know I know things. I can tell you [Sarah’s] not happy with me, but she can’t do anything about it.”

    so again, here are my reason:
    -mercedes calls trig "baby brother triggy bear" on her myspace page (first alarm went off in my head)

    -keith and sherry split in may, one month after trig was supposedly born

    -palin shut up when the johnstons went on their press junket and began to let levi see tripp again

    -palin and bristol framed sherry in a drug bust to keep her quiet

    -as you read above, keith likes younger women

    -keith is somewhat cute for a 40 something (i'm 40 something)

    there are many other reasons, but this is getting kind of long, so i'll end now.

    imagine if you are sarah palin, and your daughter's boyfriend's father knocked up your daughter, you'd fight tooth and nail to keep it a secret. and this is something mccain et al would want to cover up too.
    and you'd even resign to escape the spotlight that will be on you when the story breaks.

    i'm not saying faking a pregnancy is right, but it all makes so much sense.


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