Thursday, August 20, 2009

From The Token Hippie we have her take on Sarah Palin's financial disclosure forms for APOC called "My Gifts to Sarah".

Just click the title and enjoy the levity.

What can I say? I am just into humor this morning.

Update: Here is the actual disclosure form. What a dump truck full of crap.


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I have another suggestion for gifts-for-Sarah: Refrigerator Magnets with Philosophical Sayings. I truly miss her tweets when she quotes someone famous to show how well read she is (or how well someone looked up an appropriate quote in the Googles).

  2. Thanks, Gryphen. What an honor. :-)

  3. How much did vanflea charge for that 4 pages of crap? Another $50K for the lemmings to pay off? APOC should have rejected it as "bubkus".

  4. Thanks Gryphen. And as a comment just wanted you to know someone, hopefully you was on Huffpo blogging. I hope you have the moniker of Gryphen there. They certainly were using your same view pts, and I am asking for verification if that was you. I don't want it to be a "wolf in sheeps clothing" that changes his/her views later to sink your name. I guess I'm just a little suspicious, reptillian republicans have made me that way :)

  5. A CD called "Getting a New Hannah-tude?"

  6. Ratfish9:42 AM

    APOC requires that a good faith affirmative effort consist- minimally- of a written request to the spouse and a written response if the spouse is refusing to provide information. Nowhere does Van Flein say that the Palins complied with this requirement (and who is Van Flein representing in this case, Bible Spice or Todd?)

    Van Flein also ignores several issues:
    a. the value of the personalized Arctic Cat outfit Palin received from Arctic Cat. By accepting it (assuming she did not pay full value for it) she has assumed responsibility for reporting its value. Arctic Cat sells the jacket and pants for hundreds of dollars each.
    b. the gifts that Palin claimed she hadn't opened and therefore didn't report originally- and was ordered to do so by APOC.

    The question is will APOC ignore these continuous violations of both the spirit and the letter of the ethics law by the "great reformer?"

  7. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:11 AM

    Thanks for the link Gryphen, Morgan's post is hella funny!
    Sarah did not even claim the stuff that Diva has put on here site, you know there is so much she didn't claim? I bet if we looked over all the pressors and speeches we'd find more than a moose head or bear skin that wasn't ugh...claimed!
    I hope the APOC grows a set and turns this into the Grand jury like they did about Lesil McGuire

  8. Hilarious Morgan, and what self proclaimed hippie doesn't stand near her door waiting to the guy in the trench coat with the pant legs that go from his knees to his ankles so his gift will be easily seen when he flashes.

  9. I assumed Mr. Palin signed a contract with Artic Cat.
    If he did, then he signed a contract knowing that he could not fulfill their legal obligation about declaring gifts.
    Did he discuss this with Palin before he signed?

    Did they just thumb their noses at the law, well just because they could?

    The legislature needs to be held accountable to hold Palin to the letter of the law.

  10. Who types for Van Flein? That document is sloppy and ill-edited. (i.e. "Accordingly, by setting forth her understanding as set forth above, she is setting forth the information that she knows.") Whoaaaa....where's that Vanity Fair editor when needed??

    How about the last sentence in the Gift Reporting section: "gifts...that have could have a value of $250 or more, or have an unknown value that could exceed $250." Items 10 and 14 appear to be the same-described donor; did Marie Smith make and send two Army flags?

    Sheesh, you just can't get good help these days!

  11. Anonymous1:01 PM

    So, that's it? her "garage full" of gifts that were so numerous she couldn't open them in a year's time, is whittled down to a few cds and homemade knick knacks?

    Oh, and books, so she can answer Katie next time. How kind. Children's books. Even kinder.

    Was she lying then, or is she lying now?

    Why did it take so long to open the gifts?

    Inquiring Minds want to know.

  12. Anonymous3:15 PM

    This is small beer. When is the accountability report going to come out regarding the Alaska Fund Trust money? I thought the deadline was July 31.

  13. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Heigh Ho Morgan! Of course you are right....full disclosure is always the correct course for the hypocitical, don't you think?

    My late mother always warned me about being aware of those people who bear gifts...they never are quite who they seem to be, are they?

  14. Anonymous3:50 PM

    musingegret said...
    Who types for Van Flein? That document is sloppy and ill-edited.

    Their math is pretty good, too. Somehow $25.95 x 10 = $299. That doesn't even require real math--just slap a zero on the end!

  15. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Excuse me, but that thing is dated 17, August 2009. Shouldn't it read FORMER Governor Palin?


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