Thursday, August 20, 2009

HeadzUp has a little fun with the Sarah Palin "death panel" comments.

I cannot tell a lie. I borrowed this from Mudflats.

It was just too good not to share.


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Is it Cindy and John McCain on the panel in hoods?

    Where do you go next, after saying Obama is going to kill your DS baby?

  2. Anonymous12:45 PM

    LOL - now that was funny.

    Gryphen - take a look and review Palin's WSJ Op-Ed, she is so wrong and desperate on so many levels.

  3. This is the best!It just shows the ridiculousness of Plain and her fact free accusations.

    Apparently Sarah needs to hire herself a fact checker, because her little Facebook rant totally misses the boat. According to Huff Po:

    While the Journal lamented the fact that we were exploring for oil offshore in Brazil and not in our own country, it did not suggest the deal would take jobs or income away from Americans. That's because it won't. A spokesman for the U.S. Export Import Bank, Phil Cogan, explained to Politico that the bank does not rely on taxpayer money. Moreover, the bank lends money to foreign companies so that they can purchase American goods and services.

    In this case, Cogan said, the proposed loan would likely finance engineering services, sales of ships to service oil platforms, or drilling equipment.

    "This is the government doing what it's supposed to do: Create jobs and make sure that Americans get a fair shot at selling goods and services -- not the British or the French or anyone else -- and to help American workers compete on a level playing field," Cogan said, noting that most developed countries have similar credit-export agencies.

    Sarah is dumber than dumb, and has no idea what she is talking about.

  4. But she is smart enough to know that facts have a definite liberal bias.

  5. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Hood on left looks like Pelosi.

  6. Anonymous2:39 PM

    with all the people she's paying, can't any of them help her stop making an international fool of herself?

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Hood on the right looks like Harry Reid.

    Sarah's goal and purpose in life and what Rupert Murdoch likely pays her for is to incite hatred and hate crimes and boost fox ratings.


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