Monday, August 03, 2009

Here is a whopping load of crazy for your viewing pleasure this beautiful Monday afternoon.

You know this may sound mean but I would love to see a debate between this crackpot and Arrianna Huffington. I probably would barely understand a word either one of them said but it would be very entertaining.

Of course Arianna would be the one making sense.


  1. That is one f*ing nutjob. Why does she get or deserve a forum on the MSM?

    I know - it's to distract from the healthcare debate, right?

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    OMG they sent in the clowns.

  3. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Nut job with a really bad wig -- is she trying to hide her true identity behind that silly blond mop? Oh, and she doesn't exactly sound like a natural born American citizen herself (what is that accent?). Koo-koo...LOL

  4. Lisabeth4:41 PM

    God she is awful! Is she American or Israeli? It really bugs me when they compare this to the Trig thing! So no one served you papers today? Of course not. Van Flein is an amateur bully and the threat was Palins idea Im sure.

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    This woman is certifiable. I love how Tameron kept saying Ann Coulter was calling birthers "cranks". LOL! Shuster was actually laughing at her. That should inspire comedians all over the tv tonight!

  6. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Apparently she was so busy studying to be a lawyer/dentist/real estate agent, she just didn't have time to pick up any etiquette. Or poise. Or class. Pat in Texas

  7. Anonymous4:59 PM

    What I can't figure out is why they gave her so much airtime to keep repeating herself and never bothered to de-bunk the POS she filed in court.

  8. Not sure - she may be Russian?

    She is one scary b*tch. Wonder how she escaped from that asylum?

  9. This biatch is certifiable. And the Kenyan BC she's pushing is also certifiable - as a fake.

    Wonder how many birthers jumped on this train to nowhere?

  10. God Gryphen, you are so so so partner and I just a few days ago said we'd love to see a debate between Arianna and Orly!

  11. The CA Bar has filed a motion to yank her law license (yep, she is an attorney!). She is one whacko, and she ALMOST makes the Flea look competent! A batshit crazy Russian woman who got her law degree through an online law school. You should see her court records (saw them at democratic underground)- she is also a dentist, and it looks like she may be bad at that also, too.

  12. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I saw this broad live. I kept wondering why they would not cut the camera off of her. And where the hell is she from. She is not home grown.

  13. Orly is as crazy as Sarah Palin is! Man, frightenting.

    Gryphen, do NOT remove your post (I know you won't!) on Ms. Shameful! You are in the right and you have the law on your side. Good for you!

  14. Ripley in CT5:40 PM

    LOLPMP!!! I had waited to watch this....I sat here laughing!!! Holy smackerel. What a nutjob.

  15. Okay, one more, Orly gasping, crazy, out of breath, spewing crazy talk...does she remind anyone else here of someone else that perhaps exhibited the same symptoms in one of her recent speeches.

    Orly, Arianna, Barbara Walters, and SP. Together, debating this issue.

    Now that's one I'd pay money for ;-)

  16. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Have all the crazy people left here yet? I want you to get a book deal, Gryphen. But I sure don't miss the angry folks yelling and misspelling. (You know, the ones who were here yesterday for the first time....)

  17. The birthers are nutjobs but what was really funny is that poor david got yanked from the interview, MSNBC have the worse people on air and they even know they need backup to help the uneducated people they use in order to try and look a little like a new network.

  18. "I probably would barely understand a word either one of them said..."

    Hilarious thought!

  19. It looks like the MSM has gone down to the local Insane Asylum, pulled a patient from her room and put her on the air.

    What's next, a forum for the batshitcrazy guy in the park who talks to himself?

    Wtf is up with the MSM? Keep the crazies off the airwaves - unless you are just doing it for money. Which is really why this happens.

    Cronkite is spinning in his grave.

  20. Anonymous6:28 PM

    This woman is beyond belief. She is as hard to listen to as you know who!! Gryphen, as always, I love your sense of humor.


  21. Just-a_Mote6:28 PM

    She sure wasn't interested in answering questions. She just wanted to spew out her wacky theory. Obama's mother was a women born in Kansas. In her mind his mother wanted to avoid paying an immigration attorney and consequently lied on a form. I guess his mother didn't want to pay a 'tariff' on 'foreign goods'. These nuts are NUTS. Talk about not being reality based.

  22. Anon@ 5:56PM

    Oy ... you spoke too soon, evidently. :)

  23. gregory6:32 PM

    notalib - you think the birthers are nutjobs? Yaay, there's hope for you yet. You really think Dr. Rachael Maddow (MSNBC) is uneducated? You think ANYONE on Fox has 1/10 the intelligence of Keith Oberman? By the way, I am not a lib either.
    But I recognize truth and sanity when I see it.
    And the Palinistas, the Dominionists, and most of the Rep. Party members have lost it.

  24. Mary in San Antonio6:35 PM

    Why is this woman so obsessed with President Obama's birth certificate? She thinks she knows what a natural born citizen is, but the facts of the matter are that he was born in Hawaii and his mother was an American citizen. Either of those would confer citizenship on him, regardless of the fact that his father was Kenyan/UK. He had dual citizenship.

    What I want to know is where are Orly Taitz's citizenship papers? I want to see THOSE.

  25. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Bio of Orly Taitz:

    She is apparently from Moldova and moved to Israel as a young adult. She married an American and moved to the U.S. around the age of 27.

    Certifiable nut job.

  26. Anonymous6:38 PM

    True, she is a nut job, but I felt sorry for the distain the commentator showed her, and his talking over her is a bullying tactic I don't care for.

    My appreciation for the Rachel Maddow Show is greater than ever, even when she disagrees with her guests she is always polite.

  27. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Okay, something is obviously not quite right with this woman, but let's get our facts straight. I can't stand stupid hyperbole coming from anyone, left or right.

    As to Ella, above, who posted that the California bar has filed a motion to yank Orly's license . . . well, as a California lawyer myself, that piqued my curiosity. First, the California Bar does not file "motions" as a means of initiating the disbarment process. Upon investigation, the only thing that has been filed is an anonymous complaint againt Taitz with the State Bar. There is no indication whatsoever that the California Bar is investigating based on the anonymous complaint, nor would such an investigation be made public during the investigation stage.

    Second, as to Ella's disparagement of Orly based on the fact that Orly went to an "online law school", let me just say that the California bar is one of the toughest in the nation and many people from accredited laws schools flunk it. While I think Orly is a nutcase, I think the fact that she passed the bar despite not going to an accredited law school and despite English not being her native language is an achievement not to be denigrated (and I say that as a graduate of a top accredited law school).

    Stooping to Orly's level does not elevate the debate, people.

  28. Notalib: Could you please translate your rather incoherent post into English for us?

  29. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:08 PM

    AKPetmon: I thought the same thing! Wow! Won't shut up, won't answer questions, spouting lies, hyperventilating...Was waiting to hear "only dead fish go with the flow"...OMG!
    Yes her license should be revoked and her citizenship if she has it, ship her back where ever she came from, lol, lol!

  30. It is people like this who are throwing sh*t at walls trying to make things stick - while we still have 2 WARS going on, inadequate health care access, and a Congress that is taking money from the Insurance Industry by the TRUCKLOAD, that are deflecting from the real challenges faced in this country.

    It doesn't help that she is borderline incoherent and obviously off of her meds.

    Why oh why does she get facetime? We have big issues in this country - why is the MSM devoting time and space to her?

    Let's investigate what Congress is up to ok? All of them (especially mine in AZ) are basically robbing this country blind via lobbyists from the insurance industry.

    Orly is simply another fruitcake - that should be discarded after Christmas.

  31. Anonymous8:44 PM

    To quote Rick James;

    "Cocaine is a hell of a drug".

  32. While I personally think that Orly is a fraud and never really passed the CA Bar Exam, if she indeed did, the California Bar is now looking at her as "damaged goods" and will perhaps try to revoke her license, if indeed she was licensed at all.

  33. anon @ 6:46 - I apologize for using the words
    "filing a motion" with regard to the CA Bar Assoc.
    Mea culpa. That said, this will hopefully explain the process in better terms than I did: /

    Disbarment of Orly Taitz Sought by California Bar

  34. Anonymous9:38 PM

    It is my understanding that Orly filed a forgery in court and left the country on the next flight out which is supposed to be against Federal Law. She is a natural born Soviet. Information cited wiki/Mitrokin Archives#Disinformation campaign against the United States. There was also a mention of an article on Daily Kos, "Free Republic calls for a government overthrow" posted 7/22/09.

    Then, I read a post by a guy who purported to be born in Kenya. He commented as follows:

    1. Kenya was not a republic under December 12, 1964. The stamp on the bottom of the page says February 17.

    2. All government documents in Kenya including birth certificates are written in two languages, one after the other, in English and Swahili.

    3. The document is titled "COAST PROVINCE." Kenya provinces are not autonomous. They are only administrative. All legal documents are titled, "Republic of Kenya."

    4 August 5, 1961, was a Saturday. All government offices were closed.

    Well, that was hard not being able to cut and paste. Anyway, that was the info I learned today.

  35. vell....boy she is fucking tamryn and shuster do a good job with her....amazing..I would not let this woman work on my mouth..can you imagine her as a dentist ..shit take that drill away from

    she is unreal...

  36. There's even more to indicate it's a forgery.

    I notice her MSNBC interview was from Tel Aviv. And apparently her previous CNN interview was also unforgiving. She's taking a page out of Palin's playbook attacking the "lies of the mainstream media".

    She's just plain nuts.

    I saw her on The Colbert Report. She was totally clueless as to what show she was on and who Colbert was. She thought she was being taken seriously and Colbert believed her. That probably made it worse for her when the mainstream media asked for interviews.

    It's probably a good idea she's in Tel Aviv. Not sure what the extradition laws are there. But I don't recommend she return to the U.S.

    BTW...any idea what distance learning online University awarded her DDS? And what about that Realtor's license? I'm surprised she's not a Notary too.

    I mean..she could botch a root canal, sue herself for damages and then find her client a nice home with the settlement and get a commission on the sale.

  37. She looked more poised on the Colbert Report. I was surprised she had agreed to be on his show. I don't think she knew he was making fun of her.

  38. anon @ 6:46

    If she is such a competent attorney, why is she trying to say that both parents have to be American Citizens for Obama to be an American Citizen? Wouldn't she know that can be proven to be false pretty quick?

    If it is shown that she had a fake birth certificate made (paid for it) herself, I hope that some sort of charge can be brought against her. I'd also like to see the so-called different social security numbers brought out to be disputed. Maybe a few charges could be made.

  39. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I have had this theory since the first time I saw Orly on tv: It is $arah. It is one of her other personalities, that's why she wears the wig.

  40. I could only get halfway through listening to that half-wit, Orley Taitz. It makes me f*ing furious that this dimwit gets so much airtime on MSNBC or anywhere else to spout her lies about President Obama’s birth certificate and newspaper birth announcements.

    Orley Taitz is too stupid to have developed this birther movement herself. I would like to know who REALLY is behind the Obama birther nutjobs. It smells a lot like a Scientologist John Coale psychological warfare technique. Evil thug, but smart. They went on the offense with this “birther” story as an aggressive defense to debunk the evidence of Sarah Palin’s fake pregnancy.

    The originators of the Obama birther movement know it is ludicrous and fruitless, but the whole point of their movement is to make it seem that if anyone even mentions Sarah Palin’s fake pregnancy, they can point a finger to claim that the fake pregnancy theory is just as crazy, even though we now have several pictures showing Sarah Palin was NOT pregnant right up to 10 days before Trig’s presentation on 4-18-08.

    Sarah was very careless in her scarf disguises and inconsistent with the size of the square pillow she used for padding. She never purchased actual maternity clothing, and she was too cheap to even purchase an empathy belly until the 4-13-08 Gutsy pictures. When she realized the pictures would expose her lie, she tried to scrub everything off her official governor’s site. She was too vain to actually fully inflate an empathy belly, except of course for the 4-13-08 Andrea Gusty pictures which mysteriously showed up AFTER she was picked as VP running mate.

    I could go on because there is so much more to tell. But let me reiterate that I am f*ing furious with MSM that they have not put ANYTHING out there for the general public to at least know about the issue of Sarah Palin’s fake pregnancy. Keith, Rachel, Jon, where the hell are you? Asleep? The age of investigative reporters appears to have joined the dinosaurs – EXTINCT!

  41. So it turns out to be a forgery based on an old Adelaide, Australia birth certificate. Can anyone say, Yellow Cake?

    What I don't understand is why these idiots are allowed to keep spouting all this nonsense. Where are the journalists to educate the American people (since they obviously need it) on what the Constitution really says and what happens when an American is born abroad to an American citizen and a non-American father (been there, done that)? How, exactly, do they think Obama ever got his first passport?

    Oh, and I want to see this Moldavian Israeli chick's citizenship papers.

  42. I demand to see Orly's birth certificate to prove she was born. She appears to be some form of animated alien plant life.

    Wow - that coke habit needs treatment. (Don't forget she IS a dentist (supposedly) and cocaine is used in dentistry) - or was that plastic surgery? Perhaps she is a dental plastic surgeon (whatever she is, she has access to drugs!)

    So now the media is giving MSM primetime access to addicts?

  43. Yep. A blogger traced the forgery to a birth certificate of a public servant in Adelaide, Australia.

    Orly better stay in Tel Aviv. If she used that forgery in a lawsuit, she is going to pay for it.

    Of course, the tin hat birthers are saying the Adelaide birth certificate is a forgery based on the Kenyan one. In the meantime, another blog site has posted a blank Kenyan birth certificate you can download so that you, too can be born in Kenya.

    Can anyone spell....laughingstock?

  44. Among all the other reasons, Orly made me wince because she's unwittingly an anti-Semite's delight. When she used the term "brownshirt," and David Shuster replied how offensive the term is for "those of us" who have lost family in the Holocaust, you can see her react. She didn't expect Shuster to be Jewish. She also has no idea that 6:57 is an ETERNITY on television. Most people who go on to deliver sound bites have to be ready for anything, and if they are lucky, they get perhaps three minutes in which they might get to say three things. I've done it; I know. Seven minutes is FOREVER on television, as I imagine it might be in Dr. Taitz's dental chair.

  45. MrsTB: How was your trip? Good to see you still here and adding wisdom.


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