Friday, August 14, 2009

Jon Stewart eviscerates Glenn Beck!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Glenn Beck's Operation
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorSpinal Tap Performance

This is a thing of beauty!


  1. OMG, everytime I think Jon just can't get any funnier he does. This is another keeper.

    You wonder why people think he is the most trusted newsperson in America these days. This is the reason I started reading peoples blogs. I get far more information with links to where the info is than just a few talking points repeated over & over on each network. No one (with the exception of George Stephanopolous talking to Newt about the death panels this past Sunday a.m. & Jon Stewart) even asks questions or call people out for their lies. Perhaps, MSNBC does this I don't get it with my basic dish service (yes, they give me the gd faux news channel though - yuck!).

    Oh well, I am so thankful for Jon & Steve Colbert. If they ever quit I think I will get rid of my TV!

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Many sponsors of his show are dropping their ads.

    Go online and sign some of the petitions to help get other sponsors to drop his show.

    Good to see JS rip Glenn a new "a hole"

  3. Apparently while they were up Beck's ass they found his brain and removed it.

  4. Anonymous7:20 AM

    It's true! Glen Beck just pulls shit out of his butt and flings it at the camera. And then salutes.

    This isn't the first time he's been called out. I usually avoid "The View" but Barbara Walters totally had him cold, running a clip of his program, and then asking him why he lied. At first he apologized and said "I don't know." But a day later recanted, whining that he was ambushed.

    Well, his big 9/12 "march on Washington" is coming up. Let's see what kind of frightened, belligerent followers Beck still has after all of his tears, screams and on-air meltdowns. A chipmunk has more dignity.

  5. Susan in MD7:53 AM

    Sweet! I don't have a blog but I am just now starting to use my Facebook page and have posted this there.

  6. Anonymous8:11 AM

    that was great. the daily show has an incredibly talented group of writers. praise the forces they are there to expose these losers.

  7. Anonymous8:49 AM

    They should run this video before every town hall meeting. beck is a douche!

  8. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:00 AM! You called it!!! I laughed so hard when I read your comment, thanks :)
    thanks for Jon Stewert clip, I also posted to my FB, its just so Faux news!!!
    Thanks for the great comments all of you, that is why I ♥ this blog! And Gryph of course!

  9. CrabbyPatty9:47 AM

    Oooh, I saw this last night and it was AWESOME. Glenn Beck (and every other wingnut) acts like those internets don't work or somethin' and keep on saying stuff that can be easily contradicted by a casual Google search, which will bring up 20 videos on YouTube disproving them. Chuckleheads.

  10. Poor little Glenn Beck, such a loser, he can not keep his lies straight. But then most of Fake News do the same. Sweet.

  11. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Gawd i love that guy. (JS) Beckhead is truly deserving of everything he gets..
    He needs to move to another planet..
    He sure seems to hate everything the US stands for...

  12. butt surgery - yep!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.