Thursday, August 13, 2009

I have beaten this subject almost to death, but just in case it is still twitching here is Keith Olbermann and Eugene Robinson to finish it off.

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Trying to use Eugene Robinson's words against him was an entirely brand of stupid.


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Heavens to betsy, that crazy woman just lives to wreak havoc in the lives of others. *Sigh* I am so ready for her to be measured for a strait jacket.

  2. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Somewhat off topic --- claims that this is Palin's new Twitter account:

  3. Unbelievable! Who are her writers?

    Also unbelievable is that Michael Steele or anyone would support her lies.

    The problem is that the people who believe her every word will not read or believe the truth, once it makes it to the papers.

    What's happened that our country is being influenced by a lying idiot with rampant personality disorders who can't read, write or understand laws or bills? This is sick, sick, sick.

    We need to take back our country, to borrow a phrase!

  4. Bear Woman7:43 PM

    It saddens me to hear that Sen. Grasley, Sarah Palin and the other Republic(an) strong arm artists have successfully killed a very important provision of health care reform. That provision to allow payment once every 5 years or as serious health changes allow, doctors can be paid to counsel patients and their families on end of life and hospice services and options.

    I acknowledge that it is unfortunate that the goals of health care reform have been said to cut costs and that these provisions were also inserted. The misrepresentation and intentional misinterpretation of the end of life/hospice provision(s) because they are part of the health care reform are astounding.

    I sincerely hope that Sarah Palin and Sen. Grasley do not have end of life directives in place and that they are subjected to every means to keep them alive no matter the pain they may cause and the cost to their families. They will be deserving individually of any and all painful procedures which are not medically necessary but will prolong their life even if only for a few minutes.

    We all as Americans need to write Sen. Grasley and tell him how abhorrent his misinterpretation is. Whether we are in his district is irrelevant, his actions will cause us all a lot of pain, heart ache, and money!

  5. Lisabeth7:45 PM

    I wish CNN and others would stop giving her so much attention. I like what Howard Dean said in a recent article. He said everyone should stop paying attention to her because it gives her credibility. It's hard because it's fascinating watching a train wreck. But I am sick of her aren't all of you. She has been an incredibly negative distraction for our country. She's a pathological liar that can't be trusted. FINALLY the MSM sees it!! She has bitched and moaned about the media but they have been easy on her.

    I just am sick of her totally. I don't see her offering anything positive to the political debate. And until she does that I wish she would STFU!!!! And also Palun needs to get over losing the election. Is that why she constantly berates and is unprofessional and demeaning to our president!! Just STFU Sarah! The country elected President Obama not liar McCain and your winky! Go away!

  6. Just_a_Mote7:55 PM

    We now have lead Republican senators promulgating the lie of death panels. They are telling their constituents to be afraid. That doesn't look like quality of character to me. Big Pharma owns them. Do they care about what is best for the American people? No. They care about the money the health care corporations pump into their coffers for re-election. I think of them as a bunch of selfish children. The problem for me is, they are US Senators.

  7. I've known for awhile, that there are 2 Americas. I cannot, just cannot, understand these people who follow Sarah Palin and people like her blindly. Without question. I like Obama. But I find a lot of faults with him and I'm not afraid to discuss them. Palin's followers, as well as Rush Limbaugh's followers, follow without question. One criticism and you're an outsider.
    I read this on cforpee: The Senate Finance Committee will drop a controversial provision on consultations for end-of-life care from its proposed healthcare bill, its top Republican member said Thursday.

    The committee, which has worked on putting together a bipartisan healthcare reform bill, will drop the controversial provision after being derided as "death panels" to encourage euthanasia by conservatives.

    Have people lost their minds? Do they really think the government is going to euthanise grandma? I don't understand this country anymore. I will NEVER, ever, ever forgive McCain for letting loose the moron, the divise, separating, idiot that is Sarah Palin, on this nation. We had enough of bizarre, dangerous right-wing zealots without her. Now she's a private citizen and still getting a ton of airtime. I wish Huffington Post, all the major news outles, radio etc. would just Shut The F Up about her. ALL they do, by even mentioning her insane posts, is give them credence. It's mind boggling. I have to stop reading all the crap on C4Pee. They NEVER, EVER, ever find one tiny miniscule thing wrong with her. They don't report anything that is questionable about her (ok, they're a pro-Palin site so why would they... but this makes them chicken). I really can't stand it anymore, and I think I have to stop looking at this highway car crash of a spectable, tear my eyes away, and surround myself with positive things instead. I'm grossed out by Palin and her followers. And I'd rather spend my time with things I love.

    All you wonderful bloggers, like you Gryphen, please keep up the pressure. Somehow, sometime, somewhere, she will be exposed for the idiotic, narcissistic empty shell that she is.

  8. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Folks, we are now reliving the Terry Schiavo case, you do know that right? After the horrific spectacle that lead up to her death, you'd think every American would by now have some kind of end of life directive in place. Well, every American except the fundies of course, cuz they don't believe in that sort of thing. And now these same people who brought you Bush flying from Crawford back to the White House to sign a directive to make sure this woman's family didn't have a choice,,, these same people are at it again, trying to make sure you and your family don’t have a choice. If it wasn’t this issue it would be government health insurance paying for abortions. It’s amazing, the party that can’t keep it in their pants is hell bent on making sure they totally rule over your personal life, be it your sex life or your end of life decisions.

    Ok, I know my stream of consciousness is making this post disjointed, but I’m all over the map. These people, and this woman, make me nuts with their bullshit!


  9. Lisabeth8:31 PM

    I thought of writing Grasley too. I guess I feel it won't matter. Most politicians seem to care more about politics than they do about what's best for the people in our country. If they all truly cared then things with healthcare, the homeless and the mentally ill would all be different. It's pathetic and there those in both parties who are too tied to the health care industry. But the far right like Sarah make me sick. She doesn't care about anything but herself! Remember what the "leaker" from the McCain campaign said about her?? That she listens to no one and doesn't have a trusting relationship with anyone including her husband. It makes more sense knowing what we know now, doesn't it.
    It's only a matter of time before her ghost writer refuses to write certain things and she"ll have to get another one!!

    Did everyone see that the new CNN poll says Palins approval ratings are as bad as Dan Quayle's were when he left his VP job. That is really bad!!! It's great for us but bad for her politically! Yippee!

  10. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Howard Dean stated on Countdown with Keith Olberman that the end-of-life counseling will be in the final bill.

    Reesie in VA

  11. Postergirl and others,
    I found an amazing book yesterday - free PDF download - that explains the psychology of authoritarian leaders and followers (think Palin & fans), the lies, fear, religion, prejudices, etc.

    Bob Altemeyer, The Authoritarians

    You can download the whole book in one PDF (minus the postscript) or by chapter.
    Be sure to also download separate PDF - the Postscript on the 2008 Elections.

  12. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Palin has added yet another post to her face book, this time she is trying to suggest that her proclamation and what was in the Health Care bill are like Apples & Oranges.

    From her latest statement:
    Last year, I issued a proclamation for “Healthcare Decisions Day.” [6] The proclamation sought to increase the public’s knowledge about creating living wills and establishing powers of attorney. There was no incentive to choose one option over another. There was certainly no financial incentive for physicians to push anything. In fact, the proclamation explicitly called on medical professionals and lawyers “to volunteer their time and efforts” to provide information to the public.

    Comparing the “Healthcare Decisions Day” proclamation to Section 1233 of HR 3200 is ridiculous. The two are like apples and oranges. The attempt to link the two shows how desperate the proponents of nationalized health care are to shift the debate away from the disturbing details of their bill.


    The only difference is that Sarah Palin wants patients to cover the cost of these meetings. She has no concern for the financial situation of people who may not be able to afford that extra trip to the doctors office to discuss advance directives, or who may not be able to afford going to a lawyer.

    She claims that she suggested that Doctors and Lawyers offer the public information free of charge, but suggesting they do so does not mean that they will and it also does not mean that they will give out free visits to clients/patients for these discussions.

    This woman is in way over her head and whomever is writing these statements for her is doing her a true disservice, but I will not complain as she is simply continuing to flush her credibility down the toilet and I won't complain about that.


  13. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Grassley has been in office for over 30 plus years. He needs to be taken down politically. I worked with his wife years ago. She was nice but kind of off base then.

    Grassley should retire to the corn fields of Iowa or whereever he comes from.

  14. Postergirl...I concur with your comments and would add that if any party be compared to nazi's (and none should be), that it be the republican party. The nazi's followed their leadership without question. They only "questioned" those not like them. This is about as undemocratic as it can get.

  15. majii4:59 AM has a link to an article which discusses the source of the "death panel" claims on its web page. It traces the source to conservative pundits and other conservative media outlets. The Washington Times, Palin, Limbaugh, and Grassley are mentioned in the article, along with others. The article states that these rumors are an attempt to weaken the president and efforts to reform healthcare. I hope the MSM picks up this story. ABC has been debunking the "death panel" claim and other lies. Media Matters has a video about this.

  16. CNN called her wing nut of the week. They said she has received a lot of criticism, but she really deserves it this time. Shouldn't we all notify face book that an impostor is posting for $P with a copy of one of her real speeches to prove it?

  17. Anonymous5:11 AM


    This is an excellent article.

  18. Anonymous5:31 AM

    If I were an American, I would pay more attention to what Dr. Dean has to say. He KNOWS that at the end of all this nonsense, Living Wills will be in the Health Care Reform Bill.

    Americans, don't get discouraged...what you are hearing/seeing is a minority of people getting National attention by screaming the loudest! That's how the 24hr. news cycle keeps going for 24hrs!

    You now have an opportunity to join the rest of the industrialized countries and provide Health Care for everyone...don't let it get away this time.
    Many Canadians are rooting for you!


  19. Wow, in regard to SP apples & oranges comment. Let's get this straight she want lawyers & doctors to DONATE their free time to help with directives. She is kidding right?

    Well I guess now that she is not working & out of a job she ought to donate her time & help people do this. Somehow I don't think she would ever donate any of her time for anything unless it kept her in the spotlight and even then other people would do all the work behind the scenes. She of course would take all the credit - you betcha!


  21. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Personally, I have come to believe that Palin is in the pay of the Obama administration. After all, there were many moderates like me who were not on board with the current health care reform provisions. However, if the only thing the Republicans can find to attack is obvious hooey such as "Death Panels", more of us moderates will climb on board. So Palin is paid to post incendiary comments on her Facebook page, attract all attention away from any valid criticism of the plan, and the plan gets passed.


  22. Anonymous8:33 AM

    This is not the rambling of a manic-depressive or psychotic blogger (that is not in any way a comment directed at you). It is from, the web presence of the Kansas City Star.

    I'm guessing this is not going to make the cut as a piece of journalism to be discussed:

  23. Anonymous8:35 AM

    4:52 AM
    majii said... has a link to an article which discusses the source of the "death panel" claims on its web page. It traces the source to conservative pundits and other conservative media outlets. The Washington Times, Palin, Limbaugh, and Grassley are mentioned in the article, along with others. The article states that these rumors are an attempt to weaken the president and efforts to reform healthcare. I hope the MSM picks up this story. ABC has been debunking the "death panel" claim and other lies. Media Matters has a video about this.

    Ill go that one better.The very first link that Sarah Palin gives in her FB "apples & oranges" post is to the actual article by Dr Emmanuel that she attacks.That article clearly spells out that it is a discussion of all of the various ways to allocate services or organs when they are scarce.

    Add that to the fact that she included a link in her last rant to an article that all but called hera delusional idiot !!

    Its like she wants to out herself!!!!

  24. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:36 AM

    Thanks I just saw her "NEW" facebook. Yesterday I noticed there is a Button "Report Note" under her comment. I have been using it to report her for hate speech....which is what she is doing trying to rile up people, whomever is writing her facebook page it is with her permission. You can also flag comments, pick one offensive one or however many and cut & paste. You can only report one or the other.
    I don't know why people are listening to this bimbo liar?? Rupert must be paying for her plastic surgery (like greta) so she can't be seen? So she is blabbing via facebook.
    I wish the Dems would just be a majority and pass this and the rest can STFU! The guy hurt during one of the town-meeting begging for money for treatment b/c he had no HEALTH-CARE! would think they would get it wouldn't you??? All this Repugs congress/senator have Gov health care and palin did too.
    DUH! The Right is stupid, dumb, ignorant. Anyone who depends on Faux Noise for info....?

  25. Anonymous8:42 AM

    This is from the Bay area--which, of course, is blatantly pro-Palin.

    I don't expect to see it in appear in your blog. I guess I'm just not up on
    your editorial policies.

    You might, however, read it for your own pleasure:

  26. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Well, Rachel Maddow made it very clear last night that conservative Betsy McCoy is the originator of the "death panel" GOP meme, and Palin took it from her. It is another one of her "co-opted" thoughts.

  27. Anonymous9:12 AM

    The conservative woman who originally came up with the death panel rhetoric is "Betsy McCaughey."


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