Friday, August 21, 2009

Jon Stewart may be the most powerful progressive in the country! After he interviews Betsy "death panels" McCaughey she resigns!

Betsy McCaughey — an outspoken proponent of the myth that Democrats’ health care reform proposals will lead to the creation of “death panels,” as well as a former lieutenant governor of New York and adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute — has stepped down from her position as a director of Cantel Medical Corp., which bills itself as a “leading provider of infection prevention and control products in the healthcare market.”

Holy crap!

I knew that Stewart was good but I did not know he was this good!

But you know I should have known because I remember what he did to the political debate show Crossfire.

Shortly afterward the show was taken off the air.

Gee if only we could have had Jon interview Sarah Palin way back in Sptember of last year. Just imagine all of the garbage that we could have avoided.


  1. nswfm CA3:03 PM

    Maybe there is a god! Yay, Jon Stewart!

  2. CGinWI3:04 PM

    I would like to think that Jon totally discredited her, and that's why she resigned.

    I suspect the real reason is that she wants to continue to act as a mouthpiece/lobbyist for the medical/insurance industry without having her ties to that industry quite so publicly obvious.

  3. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I loved how he refused to be goaded by that idiot in a bowtie. He kept on message, in a very simple low-key way, and the other guys just got more agitated. I think the sincerity of his "I watch your show (Crossfire) every day - and I can't take it anymore. Please stop." was the deathblow statement.

  4. Taking a shot in the dark here, it is entirely possible that looking like a raving lunatic and being the perfect target for Jon Stewart, she had some sort of mental epiphany and realized she was insane and needed treatment?

    To realize you are a loon and utterly off your rocker requires self realization - something Palin does not possess.

    It is kind of nice though, this time where she's in rehab and not bothering everyone moment by moment. Or is it the plastic surgery recovery that is keeping her locked up? Maybe Tahd had her committed?

    We can only hope the silence continues. It's nice without that screech.

  5. nswfm CA3:22 PM

    Should add that Bill Moyers had JS on his show when he first started it on PBS and asked something along the lines of why was Jon asking these tough questions. I think I'm in love with both Bill and Jon. And Colbert.

    And I love Rachel, Keith and Letterman, too.

    And I will love you for the rest of my life if you can break the story you've been investigating, Gryphen. Anxiously awaiting the truth about the Wicked Witch of Wasilla. The minute I heard she left TX with a leak, I knew she was lying.

  6. She was only making $30K annually as a board member for Cantel. I'm sure someone is paying her a lot more to be the shill for the corporate healthcare industry.

    You can't tell me she really stays up nights worrying about poor doctors having to do end-of-life counseling with their elder patients.

    I bet there are pages in that bill that she can point to right away that really do scare her or rather scare the industies she is shilling for.

    What is really causing the healthcare industry to get so crazy? I understand they have billion dollar profit at stake - oh wait - I think I answered my own question...

  7. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Just because Ms.Betsy resigned from the medical board of a big company doesn't mean that she will stop talking. There is a wonderful article written a week ago by James Fallows, Atlantic Online which describes how Betsy's lies sank the Clinton health care initiative, back in the 1990's. She's very good at scaring people with falsehoods-- remind you of anyone else? Tom Ridge and terror threat right before the 2004 election? These folks are really dangerous!

  8. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Hey, I love ya for the rest of your life right NOW, Gryphen - thanks so much for all you have shared with your readers, and being so articulate, humane, and wonderful.


  9. mlaiuppa4:10 PM

    Jon Stewart gets away with what he does because it's a "comedy" show not a "news" show.

    Thank goodness his bosses aren't paying attention to what he's doing.

    As for ol' Betsy, yeah, she didn't look good but Jon has made others look a lot more nutso, inept or just plain stupid than her. She didn't do as bad as some.

    It could be her company felt that her appearance would have a negative effect on her ability to do her job. Or maybe what she's doing is a violation of her work contract with them. Who knows?

    Now she's free to join Orly Taitz on Sarah Palin's re-election campaign.

  10. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Clearly, her incompetence in that show got her fired. I'm sure she was "asked to leave."

  11. wow - a living breathing moron. please keep this crazy loon in a cage ok?

    Wonder if there is a way to nail her? Will work on that...

  12. Gasman10:31 PM

    God bless Jon Stewart! He asks the questions that the MSM should be asking. Sure he did it in a comedic format, but he clearly came to the interview prepared. He had read the pertinent sections of the bill and would not accept McCaughey's deliberate mischaracterization of what it says. He would not allow her to lie without challenging her to cite evidence. Who in the MSM has done this?

    For the record, I don't think McCaughey believes anything that she is saying about the bill. You don't earn a Ph.D. by being stupid. I'm not saying that Ph.D. can't be goofballs, but you have to possess at least a requisite level of intellect to achieve at that level academically.

    In a very calculated way she is intentionally lying her ass off. Did you notice how she effectively buttressed the "death panel" nonsense without ever using the phrase? She distanced herself from the notion and then essentially restated it and endorsed it. She engaged in even more fear mongering by suggesting that if Obama didn't kill the old people, then he would simply deny them treatment. She did the same crap in 1994, but this time her bluff is being called by Stewart and others.

    She had her ass handed to her by Stewart and anybody who watched knew it. She was fired. She is becoming toxic in this debate and will have little usefulness as a public figure in this debate. That's why she was canned.

  13. Thing that gets me is why is a comedian doing someone elses job?

  14. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:04 AM

    Gasman said it perfect! (can't cut & paste) JS "would not allow her to lie without citing the evidence"
    And that's it, Jon even said it...No one in the MSM holds politician's feet to the fire!
    I all the interviews we've seen citizen Sarah do who has REALLY held her feet to the fire? No one.
    She won't answer questions she doesn't want, EVEN in the VP debate! That should of been a big CLUE to all the sarahsites be wasn't. She dances around with her word salad. I would love, love to see her on Jon Stewart show! Course she would never go, but one can hope :)
    Thank you Gryphen, I never knew about Jon until I saw him on your blog!
    And that crossfire show...well that needed to go away...Jon showed them both to be buffoons and irrelevant! What was that bozo with the bow-tie and rick perry hair???
    Jon Stewart is REAL and in his "REALNESS" he exposes the Lies and hypocrisy of the msm, and anyone who tries to promote lies and hypocrisy.
    He is a Gem!
    Too bad there are not more like him.


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