Thursday, August 06, 2009

Of all of the websites that covered my story I think that Wonkette has the very BEST comments! Don't you agree?

1) Everyone knows that Sarah Palin is divorcing that hunter-fisherman guy to marry Larry Craig!

It’s no secret that Palin and Craig have been in love for years, and are just crazy about each other!

Palin even told Craig that if they get married, she’ll take his name and work at his new consulting firm, Wide Stance Consulting.

2) How ’bout in honor of the troops you quit suing everything that moves. Or, better yet, move to the UK, where they’ve institionalized thin skin and you can sue people all day every day and be taken seriously.

3) I PRAY that these are the same advisers who will run her campaign.

4) Signed “Thomas Van Flein, for Governor Sarah Palin.”
Did she unquit?

5) Dear Mr. Flein:

Thank you for your thoughtful letter. As for the summons: please wrap it in one of Trig’s soiled diapers (BM) and eat it. Then, when you’ve shat it out, eat it again. The place it on your fireplace mantle, next to the urn that holds the ashes of your embarrassed ancestors.

Thank you very much,Yours Truly: Amendment One.

Now don't get me wrong, the comments I receive on this blog are also very humorous and, with the possible exception of the most recent "Johnny come lately's", VERY intelligent.

But you have to admit that Wonkette has some truly gifted visitors.

Just click the title to read all of the comments.


  1. Citizen of Snark City3:26 PM

    Oh, great. Now we're in competition with Wonkette. (Sniff, sniff).

    And we've all been working so hard to give your blog comments a unique flavor, a sui generis quality that could only be experienced at the Immoral Minority. :-)

  2. Rumor has it that Triggs Grandmother Sarah and Levi are gonna be hooking up!!

    You betcha!

  3. #5 is very clever. I like

  4. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I LOVE Wonkette! No holds barred. Rolling on the floor funny. I never read Wonkette while imbibing liquids - never. Dear readers, you would be wise to do the same.

  5. Anonymous3:51 PM

    please everyone, please go to this Wonkette site and laugou go to h, laugh and laugh some more at the brilliant comments.
    and for the palinbots who hunker around go to to laugh at yourselves.....HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

  6. The Palinistas have their new marching orders. Now they are instructed to go after a restaurant owner due to a Palin joke. Maybe Gryphen is yesterday's news. I fear for what the haters will do to this poor restaurant owner.

  7. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Wonkette is the bomb!

    While you are there check this out. The last paragraph.
    The dude did what he was accused of and look who shuttered it for him. He was guilty and got off.
    There were screen captures and his buddies from Michigan knew what he'd been up to since school. The military needed snipers and they didn't want to lose him or ruin the right wing propaganda campaign for his mother. O'Reilly does the same kind of help for the doc as he does for Sarah Palin. If it has not all been shuttered check out O'Reilly and Tammy Bruce. There are many similarities to what they are doing now.

    I'm just noting that if the right people are involved they will make sure no one leaves a trace. That might be why McCain and Dielh are so cocksure. By all means get screen captures.

  8. You know you are cool when Wonkette takes your side!

    Those posts were the highlight of my "photoshop" ordeal ;D

  9. Brilliant ,,, no other word or description needed.

  10. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Gypen, I just finished hugging and kissing my son a million times. He is being deployed to Iraq yet again. I'm so glad that him and his fellow soldiers risk their lives to defend SP right to sue. Troops keep up the good work. Yes I have to find humor in things or I could have myself crazy by the time he returns.
    May God Bless All of Our Troops !! May God help X GINO.


  11. the problem child4:53 PM

    Frankly, I didn't know I was allowed to let my hair down here to the extent I am at wonkette. Are there new rulz for us foolz?

  12. Anonymous4:55 PM

    #5, Vain Flame, take #5. let Quittercup guide you.

  13. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I think they're all sadly lacking in content. Because of you of course because rather than say anything of substance which will lead to the MSM picking up on the story, all you do is talk about yourself.

    You need to have yourself a good cry session over this thing, admit they caused you to lose your job, and then come out swinging like a man would.

    Don't wait around for huffpost to contact you, contact them and blow this whole thing wide open with the whole story. What can sarah palin do, sue you?

  14. OMG!! I have never really been over there before, but I am now a fan. I almost wet my pants. My favorite is. "Don't interrupt him while reading My Pet Goat, it will scare the children"

  15. I guess "sui generis" is the new legal terminology flavor of the day, eh? I've seen this phrase pop up on about 3 of my favorite blogs in the past 2 days.

    (my WV "plated" -- like Sarah Palin's late lamented wedding ring)

  16. Okay this should have been in the top pick Gryphen courtesy of Wonkette commenter "Chet Kincaid". Thanks Chet:

    Oh I see, this is how lawyers get all up in your business when they send threatening letters:

    “Please let me know whether you want your summons served at the adult bookstore you frequent, or when you are examining your purchases while ‘getting ready for work’ in the locked bathroom at your residence.”

    “Please let me know if you’d like your summons slipped into the waistband of your ex-wife’s undergarments, while you are sleeping in them, as you customarily do, at your residence.”

    “Please let me know if you want your summons served by ‘To Catch a Predator’ host Chris Hansen and a cameraperson while you teach your Sunday School class at Ascension Lutheran Church, or at your residence.”

  17. Anonymous5:19 PM

    These are clever, witty and acerbic; but hey Gryphen, I thought that is what we are anyway! Just kidding, this is great. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting ready to march on Washington again! This is "getting good" as we used to say in the South.


  18. Read them all. Loved them. But this was by far my favorite:

    Sarah Palin
    is screamin and flailin
    and threatenin to sue
    that blogger guy from Alaska Report
    and David Letterman, too
    Knocked-up, meth, guns, Trig, divorce
    be careful what you text
    if you offend the Arctic Queen
    you know you might be next

    When it comes to commenters, Wonkette is clearly where the cool kids go to post.

  19. Anonymous5:41 PM

    My curiosity got the best of me and I just checked out the website for the infamous Mr. Van Flein and his law firm - the Clapp firm.

    I was amused to read this little bit of claptrap: "Mr. Van Flein 'was recognized as a sharp lawyer who sorts the wheat from the chaff.'" Oh yeah, Mr. Van Flein's empty little threat about serving you in front of the little kindergarteners shows real maturity, good judgment and an ability to sort wheat from chaff.

    You have a complaint Mr. Van Flein - well, separate the wheat from the chaff (or the wheat from the claptrap) and instruct your process server to serve it instead of engaging in stupid posturing that has backfired on you and made you the laughing stock of the Internet (along with your fearless client, Governor for Life Sarah "QuittyPants" Palin).

    P.S. Mr. Van Flein according to his bio specializes in representing physicians. I wonder if he knows Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, the non obstetrician who delivers high risk babies in community hospitals that lack neonatal intensive care units?

  20. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I would agree that the First Amendment does NOT protect your right to spread lies and rumors.

    Tsk. Tsk.

  21. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Gosh, I love Wonkette. For my last laugh tonight I went to the OTHER site. Had to laugh so hard cause DR is throwing Eddie Burke around like Eddie walks on water. O my gosh. Mr. Wannabee crime reporter wants to dissect your emails and prove somehow that your guilty of all the crimes he acuses you of. Him and Eddie are having a ball grabin waitresses crotches and gettin liquored up for fun of it. Maybe Eddie will send him one his red t-shirts with those wonderful sayings and he could wear that on Capitol hill! Oh what fun!

    Nitey night folks and sweet dreams in Alaska.


  22. Anonymous7:40 PM

    WOW!!!! Mr. Van Flein specializes in representing physicians. How long has he specialized in shadow governor and quitter governor?

  23. Anonymous8:40 PM

    To Anonymous at 7:40 p.m.: Yes, perhaps Dr. Cathy Baldwin Johnson referred Van Flein to Palin while she was birthing Trig from Sarah's womb at podunk community hospital with no neonatal intensive care unit.

  24. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Also, everyone here should be sure to leave lots of comments. I'm guessing that the ClapTrap and Von Flein law firm reads them all as part of their lawyerly duties for the Quitter Queen, so do your patriotic part to drive up her legal bills. Soon Van Flien will be rich enough to buy the lakeside house that Todd and his buddies built.

  25. I do love this blog. And to think I never would have discovered it if Palin's lawyer hadn't threatened you and it got a lot of publicity. I like the way you keep your sense of humor and perspective even though you are attacked and threatened daily.

    An inspiration to the rest of us.

  26. Again, you can't make this stuff up! When Van Flein works for you, you get the Clapp?

    For all of her famous lack of humor, Sarahpuss's life reads just like a comic book.


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