Saturday, September 05, 2009

Alright kids! Put down your crayons it's time to get ready for the Shannyn Moore show !

Shannyn will only be on KBYR (clicking on this link will allow you to livestream it) today from 5:00 to 6:30 today my friends so tune in early so you do not miss a second. As always you can call in and talk to Shannyn at 907-274-5297.

Give her a call, she just loves to hear smart comments from her fans.


  1. Aussie Blue Sky4:57 PM

    I see she's already wearing her Bonne Bell Lip Smacker. I'll be right over.

  2. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I'm listening now and Shannyn is ROCKIN!!!!

  3. Aussie Blue Sky6:36 PM

    Shannyn was wearing her high-heeled flip-flops today! A good thing, too - I'm sure it's no accident that so many right-wingers are calling up.

  4. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Is that a picture of her standing on a crabber in Dutch Harbor with Mount Ballyhoo behind her?

    Sure looks like it.

  5. Helen6:55 PM

    Hi,I have a comment I posted on Shannyn's site regarding her radio show topic today, and I can't cut and paste it here. WHY OH WHY is this? What is it I don't know about using blogs? Someone PLEASE answer me - maybe it is just some simple key strokes I'm missing? I cannot "right click" paste something I've copied into Gryphen's comments, nor can I use the drop down menu, nor toolbar icons to paste. What I wrote concerning what Hitler ACTUALLY DID in German school classrooms is good info but too long to rewrite. thanks@!

  6. Hi Shannyn:

    I was really looking forward to chatting with you on your show! I tried but the connection just wouldn’t hold for some reason.

    Here’s what I was calling in to say, and it is a challenge to anyone who is accusing Obama of “being Hitler”. Under Hitler children in the classroom were subjected to the following:

    1. They were taught phrenology in order to help them determine who was racially superior. Kids from the classroom were pulled up to the front in order to demonstrate desirable and undesirable genetic features.

    2. They checked children’s backgrounds and ancestery – those that had “good German” characteristics were favored, those that didn’t would be ostracized, sometimes not even taught.

    3. Boys were coerced to join para-military style organizations through the schools, excused much of the time (about half of all school days) for marching and learning to shoot weapons.

    4. Girls were coerced to join the German Maidens League. When they were about 14-16 these girls were encouraged to sleep with Nazi soldiers and officers in order to “be Hitler’s bride” and have a child for The Furher.

    ANYBODY that tries to say Obama addressing kids is anything like what Hitler did through the schools is an uninformed ass, whether or not they are a racist.

    If you have the balls to through around Hitler’s name, have the balls to march yourself into a library AND LEARN SOME HISTORY.

    Thanks Shannyn for telling them “shame on you” and for your show. Your are witty and lively and you have excellent rejoinders to the nonesense. Yet I am glad so many mislead people do call you and are listening. I hope and pray they will learn some fact.

    Best Wishes,

    Helen from New Zealand
    Mudpuppy yes! and NailinPalinNow as well.

    You were right Helen IS very good info.

    I am sorry you are having trouble cutting and pasting I do not know why that happens.

  7. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Helen I know how frustrating it is when you want to do something like that.Did not know you couldn't do it on this site I know on Mcclatchy news articles they won't let you.I save up some links and such to fight back when somethings came up but mcclatchy won't let it go thru don't know why. It gives a place to paste but nothing happens.Will go over and read at Shanyns site.

  8. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Somebody just commented on a story about the ex-governor on HuffPost that Shannyn should run for GOVERNOR OF ALASKA!

    Yep, in all caps! What a great idea!

  9. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Instead of using the mouse to cut/copy and paste, try ctrl C, ctrl V.

    I have a software program that gets testy on me, and this method always works. Hope it helps.

  10. GenieO - Or should I say GeniousO?

    What you suggested works! thanks times three. And I appreciate you posting that Gryphen - this "Obama is like Hitler" stuff has got to be combated at every level.

    Even when I was the most upset with Palin's policies, the worst I could ever bring myself to charge her with was a "Proto-Fascist" program (to move natives into the big oil economy). And this was done with an explanation of the word fascism as it relates to government and industry. Also I used "proto" as it indicated something in a formative stage.

    Throwing around Hitler's name in an attempt to smear and wound is so incredibly irresponsible for so many reasons but I'll focus on one - it almost "normalizes" Hitler.

    Oh yeah, our President is just like the psychopath Hitler... I don't think I can actually explain the many levels of disgust, disquiet and pain at this public discourse. I ask anyone who reads this, if you casually hear someone repeating this take them to task! Verbally and on the spot. Ask them about history, what do they really know about Hitler's programs, his actual rise. Do NOT LET the GOP get away with this. It is in its own way, an atrocity, and it paves the way for others to come.

    To better understand how Hitler actually undermined children to support his rise to power there are many excellent books, one is called "Hitler's Children" which is chilling and informative.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.