Saturday, September 05, 2009

If you do nothing else today you MUST watch these YouTube videos featuring Max Blumenthal and his book "Republican Gomorrah".

These are amazing, educational videos that ALL progressives should see so that they understand just what they are dealing with when they deal with the Evangelicals and Right Wing fringe.

Part Two

Part Three

I was planning to post these today anyhow after I received the links in my comments section. But the comments that followed demonstrated a great desire for these to reach a wider audience. If you agree with that sentiment then feel free to e-mail the link from this site, or go directly to YouTube itself, and send the link out to as many people as you can.

Remember, for progressives information is power.

Update: If you are interested in reading this amazing book, Amazon is offering it for only $15.00.


  1. Very interesting and seems to have logical thought out conclusions. It also explains the hysteria I see from the people involved in the fundamentalist movement.

    Does make you stop and wonder what kind of childhood Ms. Palin had.

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Thank you for posting this interview, Gryphen. It explains exactly why the mental moron Sarah Palin was chosed as McCain's VP. They needed to appeal to the Republican base. Scary stuff!

  3. Just_a_Mote10:35 AM

    This book is a must read for progressives. It is riveting. Gryphen, thank you for giving it a wider audience. Blumenthal should get an award for this. I read it in one sitting because I couldn't put it down.

  4. Anonymous10:49 AM

    To Lynn D.....People in the Valley who went to school with Palin say that her father expected perfection from her. I think deep down she must be a tortured soul. It explains a lot about her actions. Always striking out at people who do not agree with her. Always a victim.

  5. Anonymous11:13 AM


    will most likely buy the book...we need to be alert and fight tooth and nail for healthcare and for OBAMA...we'll have to work hard and not let up until after 2012, even then these people will fight tooth and nail so we must also....

  6. Anonymous11:15 AM

    this was a very powerful interview. I will certainly buy the book. Bless us all!

  7. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Thank you for this post, Gryphen.

    I have been bewildered by the fact that the Republican "base" is comprised of the very people who seem to suffer most due to the social and financial inequities that result from their own party's policies and so-called leadership. After viewing this interview, I'm beginning to understand. Self-empowerment is a concept that is so far beyond their comprehension and grasp, that they have given themselves over to a radical faith.

    We must go beyond ridiculing the philosphy and world-view of these folks, and learn how to communicate with them in a way that helps them regain a sense of self-determination and personal power. I think that's exactly what we saw happening in the video of Senator Al Franken speaking with constituents about health care reform.

    What an incredibly important contribution by Mr. Blumenthal. Can't wait to read it.

  8. Anonymous11:53 AM

    @ 10:49 AM poster:

    And, I would just add Sarah Palin's just-barely-beneath-the-surface rage issues. Never mind a loose cannon, she always projects being a lit fuse that has a half second more before detonation. She VERY obviously has extreme mental health issues.

  9. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Thank you for posting. The key point that I took away is that this generation of Republicans are not interested in bipartionship and Obama's tendency toward bipartionship will only cause health care reform to fail.

    These Republicans are disproportionately from the South. I hate to say it for those few progressives living there, but I sometimes wish we could let these enclaves suceed from the union, so they can establish their theocracies there and leave the rest of us to live in the 21st century with advanced education and healthcare.

  10. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I would like to encourage everyone to BUY this book and others in the genre. First of all, it helps to financially support the people who put their heart and soul into research and writing about a cause they believe in. Secondly, the more we buy, as opposed to borrow, the more they will get pushed up the lists at NYTimes and for sales ranking. This gets the book more visibility and PR. Hopefully this will help to get the books into the hands of the very people who most need to read them.

  11. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Current NYTimes best sellers - nonfiction

    Michelle Malkin is # 1, and Bill O' Reilly is # 5.

    At amazon, Glenn Beck is # 7, and Michelle Malkin is # 9.

    Are we going to let those numbers stand?

    I ordered my copy of Republican Gomorrah. Let's make this #1 on both lists. Buy, baby, buy.

  12. Anonymous12:39 PM

    (Gryphon, second time this week you have highlighted the very topic I felt should be brought out...keep this up and you will be my homepage!)

    thank you for this; it gives me hope that the young author has spent 6 years researching and writing this book; hope that I now have a timely source of thet information to hand to interdict the fear and hate mongering of the far right.

    it is our progressive duty to keep this topice alive, no matter how much we'd rather wrap up in a quilt and watch an old movie...

  13. Reasoning with the far right is mostly a lost cause. To understand why there is a must read - free download - 'The Authoritarians' by Bob Altemeyer, Assoc. Prof of Psych at U of Manitoba. Be sure to download the Postscript for the 2008 election.

    Gryphen - cut & paste stopped working

  14. not that sarah2:10 PM

    great link, curioser. thanks! Love these videos, as well-- found them on Mudflats this AM and have already sent them to everyone I know. I'm ordering his book from Amazon as well. Fascinating stuff.

    I hope everyone orders this book, plus extras for friends and family. We should know what we're dealing with; these folks are not well. Reason doesn't work, kindness makes them angrier, there is no way to have a conversation.

    What now? I'd love to offer them Somalia so they can have no federal govt and start their theocracy from scratch there, instead of trying to ruin democracy here....but I have a feeling they won't go.

  15. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Irony beyond irony, Gryphen: You have an ad here for $arahPac

  16. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen. I will send this link to everyone. This is an important book and an important moment for progressives.

  17. I haven't been able to watch the videos as I am hearing impaired. If anyone could just write the gist of it, I would really appreciate it.

    From the comments, I think that some people are saying that Sarah had a troubled childhood. If so, that is no excuse. Believe me, I could tell horror stories about my own family and the foster kids who lived next door to us.
    We all learned the opposite of what we were taught. Compassion, forgiveness and love. Nobody taught us these things, we learned all by ourselves. And not because they were shown to us. Maybe because we were all in the same boat. But my sisters never learnt what I did. They are a complete separate kind of family than I am. And I'm thankful for that.
    I do not consider myself a victim like Sarah does and I can guarantee that I had it a lot worse than she could imagine. If she finds herself so unable to reconcile what has happened to her growing up, then she needs more than a psychiatrist. She needs spirituality but not the kind that comes from a church. Most of them are just cults that will make your guilt (even undeserved) worse.
    Please, if you have a link for the transcripts, I would be grateful.

  18. Anonymous at 10:49.

    I have always gotten the feeling that she is cowed by her Father. There were just to many speeches and press releases when she obviously, I won't say groveled, but showed a weird deference to him. She rarely mentions her Mother. It has always made me wonder about childhood abuse.

    Just one of those intuitive gut feelings.

  19. Uh Griffin I can understand trying to raise revenue from advertising but my post shows a link to a weekly email Newsletter from Newt Gingrich.

    can I just say Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

    I think you signed up on the wrong list. I think you might have marked progressive ads and they mistakenly thought you said ads for progressing America.

  20. You guys need to edit your Hosts file so you don't get ads.

  21. To all who are questioning the SarahPAC advertisements:

    Gryphen will make a little cash by allowing ads on his blog. Many ad plans pay by the click. It’s a courtesy to blog owners for regular readers to occasionally click on ads - a sort of “Thanks, Gryphen!”

    BUT -- if you see a SarahPAC ad, DEFINITELY click on it. SarahPAC will have to pay Gryphen $$$ for every click.

    It's what I call justice- Sarah the Quitter paying Gryphen for all the wonderful things he has to say about her!

  22. SoCalWolfGal4:19 PM

    This book is a must read for all progressives. Thanks Gryphen for posting this. I am just finishing "Crazy for God" by Frank Schaeffer, the son of Francis Schaeffer. Also, add to your list of must reads "The Family" by Jeff Sharlot, who has been on Rachel Maddow's show recently. This is what we as a nation are up against if we are going to save our country.

  23. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I agree with everyone - this is a must see and must read. I honestly didn't think I'd get through the whole video but was unable to quit. I'll be buying the book.

  24. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I have a question. The answer may be very important. The Heath's started out as Catholics. Why did they abandon the Catholic Church? Some Catholic families, in my experience left due to abuse by priests. Anyone know? Can anyone find out?

  25. Sort of related to this thread:

    here is a link to an article by Caroline Myss discussing the current condition of the soul of the United States and how it has been hurt severely in the past 8 years....

  26. Anonymous5:57 PM

    The one lesson acting president George W. Bush tried to teach this nation is that if you disagree with someone, you try to shoot, bomb, kill, or impoverish them. Or at least, Taser them.

  27. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I just bought this book and am telling all my family and friends about it.

  28. Anonymous6:37 PM

    The book is available in a Kindle edition, and I got it in less than a minute, no waiting, even in my wifi-challenged area. So some lucky people are out partying on this Saturday night - I'll be curling up with Republican Gomorrah.

    Thanks, Gryphen!

  29. Anon at 5:16

    When the family moved to Eagle River in 1969, her
    mother began a faith journey that culminated in her own conversion and baptism as well as her daughter’s baptism in Little Beaver Creek Lake by Assembly of God pastor Paul E.Riley in 1976. Sally Heath’s conversion during this period has
    remained an extraordinarily private matter....

    who knows how accurate this article is. the excerpt is from page 17 of the article.

  30. Mary B - Here's a link to the transcript:

  31. Anonymous8:29 PM

    re: LisanTX's recommended reading @

    All I can say is WOW!! A must read!

  32. Anonymous10:00 PM

    To Mary b:

    It's rather involved to try and explain here; it's an interview about a book, but you can look the book up at, and read the editor's review. The book title is "Republican Gomorrah" by Max Blumenthal.

  33. Thank you to all for the links!
    You are a great community!

  34. Here's an interesting story about Dominionists from 2005 in Rolling Stone.

    The information has been out for sometime, it's just hard to get a good fix on it. I'm looking forward to getting Blumenthal's book next week.

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