Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bree Palin blows the lid off of the fake Palin pregnancy.

Bree has discovered video footage that was taken on April 8, 2008. (You can view it by clicking the title)

This footage connects to the famous photo that Audrey had up on Palin's Deceptions of the two young men that were photographed with a clearly NOT pregnant Sarah Palin.

Now if Bree's post has not sufficiently blown your mind, consider the following:

We have been lied to repeatedly about the birth of two Palin babies. FACT.

Sarah wants to adopt her daughter's baby to cover for her pregnancy (There have been alot of rumors about Sarah's poor parenting and she does not want this to come out.) FACT.

However Sarah's request to adopt the baby is rejected. FACT.

Sarah Palin fakes a pregnancy. FACT.

So who does Trig Palin belong to? Sarah did not have him, and Bristol would not give up her baby. Forget what you think you know about the birth dates of these babies, remember there is no evidence to support them except the word of the Palin/Heath family.

Now let me quote from Max Blumenthal's book "Republican Gomorrah", Chapter 24, page 287:

After learning through a sonogram that her child would have been born with Down Syndrome, Palin bravely chose to carry him to term.

Her decision excited James Dobson (of Focus on the Family), and he wrote her a letter congratulating her for having what he called "that little Down Syndrome baby." "What a way to emphasize your pro-life leanings there," Dobson declared on a September 2 radio broadcast. Tony Perkins, who phoned in from the Family Research Counsel office in Washington, DC, echoed Dobson: "It's one thing to support the policy. Its another to live it out."

People had been talking about Palin possibly being a VP candidate as far back as February 2008, BEFORE the supposed birth of Trig Palin. But it was THAT BIRTH that cemented the decision of the Evangelicals, led by James Dobson, to support her.

John McCain earned his parties nomination, on March 5th ("Coincidentally" Sarah announced her pregnancy the next day), but could not get the Religious Right to endorse his candidacy. Without them he had no chance of victory. Then he tapped Sarah Palin, on August 30, and they came over in a flood of support.

So the math is simple. No Trig Palin, no VP nominee Sarah Palin.

I know this is a lot to digest and I wish I could give you more, but I am still digging and trying to overcome a few final obstacles. Of course I have never given up and absolutely don't intend to.

And I am not alone.


  1. Overcome those obstacles, please, Gryphen. After seeing that video I honestly can't believe that this is even filed under the heading of "conspiracy theories". You do not go from what we see on 4/8 to what we see on 4/13 in REALITY. This is some sick, crazy soap opera stuff. Ever since this woman came on the scene I've wanted her to be exposed and that's before I realized that she'd pulled this over! Unreal.

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM


    I'm confused.

    Palin was tapped in August. How could the Religious Right have endorsed his candidacy when they did not know that he would select Palin as his Veep?

  3. honorable kinght2:27 PM

    I read that Bristol is getting a house built (next door to Sarah's house), a new car, and a nanny. Bristol is getting expensive, eh?
    Don't get me wrong, Bristol deserves to be well-paid for mothering both babies and keeping quiet, but oh - what a price to pay! Levi - I hope you make a fortune and rescue your lady and your children from all of the insanity of the control freak. I can dream, can't I?

  4. anon @ 2:15 - The religious right did NOT endorse McCain - that is why he had to choose the fundie, evangelical Palin:
    Per Gryphen, above:
    "John McCain earned his parties nomination but could not get the Religious Right to endorse his candidacy."

  5. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Sorry, Gryphen, but I think Sarah was aiming at the V.P. slot right after she was elected Gov.

    Actually, she had said earlier, she wanted to be President. McCain could have picked her regardless.

    Just my opinion...


  6. Lilyf2:32 PM

    How can you pick on Sarah. Can't you see how much progress she is making as she "fights hard for Alaska"? I mean look how hard she is working for main street America? Oh, wait that's right...

  7. Sorry, Gryphen, but I think McCain could have picked Sarah regardless of Bristol's pregnancy.

    She had goals set for herself and the determination! Hell, she still wants to be President! If she hadn't faked being P.G., would we have known in time to stop her?


  8. Anonymous2:47 PM


    The religious right control more of the Republican party than people know. They would only accept "one of their own" as VP after 8 years of Bush, gay marriage staring them in the face and the long battle over abortion. Saint Sarah filled the bill. The problem is religion makes people do strange things and this cover up will bring down Palin's house of cards

  9. phoebes-in-santa fe2:48 PM

    Okay, I'm confused, too. Are you saying that Trig is neither Sarah or Bristol's baby? That he's a Downs baby bought or brought in from a third party when Sarah knew/thought she was being considered by McCain as a running-mate?

    I don't get the whole thing. We all know Sarah's not exactly brilliant - to say the least - and this plot sounds awfully - well - convoluted, to say the least. Did she "adopt" a Downs child "in case" she was tapped by McCain? I don't see her adopting a Downs baby out of the goodness of her heart; what if she WASN'T selected - she'd be "stuck" with a baby.

  10. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Whoops my error.. Post to 2:15 not 2:09

  11. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I don't know, for some reason, I keep thinking that Trig is Track's son. (Track was sent off to Iraq. The birth mother signed over the adoption papers.) Bristol wouldn't have had two in a row.

  12. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Remember when Rex Butler came out after being with Levi saying that it was a twisted, ugly story? Movie makers...this is a screen play in the making!

  13. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Anonymous 2:15, allow me to try to answer that question. The rise of SP through the Christian Mafia has been going on for several years. Mark Chryson of AIP was behind her in the early days. Bill Krystol, Fred Barnes from the right-wing journalist cruise and others met with her in the summer of 2007. The others were the Christian Mafia cruise that met with her that same summer. Two of the ringleaders of the CM, Dobson and Perkins, were telling the GOP that Romney was totally unacceptable, and so was McCain, but if McCain could be persuaded to add SP to the ticket, the CM and their millions of supporters would support the McCain candidacy. SP began her pregnancy scam the day after McCain cinched the nomination. I hope I have all the facts and dates straight in this explanation.

  14. Fraud is their game3:07 PM

    What did the RNC know and when did they know it?

    This could be bigger than Watergate.

    Where are the REAL journalists who want to win a Pulitzer Prize?

    The MSM has become a complicit and pathetic joke.

    They are all shameful.

  15. Anonymous3:10 PM

    This is a terrible thing to say, but it's true. Palin is a class-A sicko b/c the adoption of a baby with Downs Syndrome allowed her to have the extra clout with the GOP and also eradicated any "he doesn't look like the other kids" comments. She's truly diabolical. Her scheme didn't work, though, and she ends up with a baby she didn't really want and who needs 20 times more attention than a non-challenged baby. It's really so sad.

  16. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I'm not normally very vindictive, but this woman must be stopped. Now.
    Funny how those *amazing* flowerly neck ties are only around when the pregnancy is "around". Hasn't anyone else noticed, she's OH so proud to show off that thin figure the rest of the time? You know... for a woman of that age? But only to show off (be PROUD) of only the last month of a baby's life inside??
    And I'm the baby jesus.

    ske in atx

  17. Bayan3:22 PM

    The Elan Frank footage was bought and stashed by Faux News for a reason. However, what has aired and what was captured by screen shots from Elan Frank's footage shows Sarah sans belly or wearing a square pillow pretending to be pregnant. Plain as day. Palin is a liar. And, her physician is unethical for allowing her to lie to further her political ambitions.
    The MSM fails to report this story like they failed to uncover Bush's lies that led to the war in Iraq. Like they failed to follow up on where Rumsfeld and the Pentagon lost more than two Trillion dollars.
    The U.S. will look so very foolish to the rest of the world when this finally breaks.

  18. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I did a quick Google search on how to hide a pregnancy - or maybe wannabe pregnancy.

    The third tip down, posted 2-4-2008

    "Unless your officemates would find it weird for you to wear these items, here's another suggestion that worked for me. Wear a silk scarf knotted where a v-neck would "v"--masks your growing chest size and draws atttention up to face instead of dow to belly. Also, wearing a suit jacket (open) works well, especially wearing black underneath. Not only do you look and feel more professional, people can't see your belly."

    I never saw a picture of "pregnant" SP without a jacket... or a scarf...or a black shirt underneath.

    Ok, the Gutsy pic doesnt have a scarf, but that one doesnt fit the mold in other ways either.

  19. Those who are wondering about why McCain picked Palin should also look back at the Rasmussen polling on potential Republican VP picks. The same information is also enlightening to people who wonder why Palin might fake a pregnancy early in 2008 to cover for an unwed pregnant teen daughter.

    First off, all reports are that McCain really wanted to pick Joe Lieberman, but his campaign managers told him if he did that he would lose in a landslide. McCain was NOT popular with either the party establishment OR the Evangelicals.

    Those who watch Fox News know that Rasmussen is their favorite political pollster. Palin had been showing up in Rasmussen polls since early 2008. She had low name recognition, but those who liked her, REAAALLLY liked her (just like now...)

    The other "advantage" Sarah had over other candidates, besides the obvious of being a woman, so as to appeal to the PUMA/disaffected Hillary voters, was that she had a very high percentage of people polled by Rasmussen who were undecided about whether they were favorable or unfavorable to her, because they did not know her. I recall that during Summer 2008 this figure of unknown/undecided was near 70%.

    So after being denied Joe as his running mate, he caved in and took the gamble, picking Palin. He hoped for the Hillary voters, but the real hope was that if a sufficienty high percentage of those who had undecided feelings about Palin could be convinced to vote for McCain, between those voters and Evangelicals mobilized by Dobson, Perkins, and others, then McCain could eke out a win.

    Again, Palin was well aware that she had strong backers in the Evangelical wing of the Republican party long before she was picked. A 17 year old unwed teen mother in the family would NOT have burnished Palin's credentials with her key constituency, but having supposedly recently being given birth to a Down's baby herself would.

  20. La fin de la fin3:32 PM

    This is THE END, $arah. The cat is out of the bag, thanks to FOX NEWS.

    Bree, thank you! Audrey, Regina, Gryphen, Patrick and Kathleen, thank you! Morgan, thank you!

  21. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Bigger than barbie this puts faux news in a very bad place. where is the other MSM on this?

  22. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen! Here is Max Blumenthal describing how the CNP picked Palin. I think it was understood early on that if McCain got the nom, these folks would get to choose his VP:

  23. Anonymous3:43 PM

    So what are you guys going to do with this information? Does anyone who "matters" care? What is it going to take for the American population at large to see this video and pictoral evidence, or even care about it? IMO even a proved fake pregnancy is not going to really damage Palin. I would like to see her indicted on a federal charge...whatever happened to that, huh? There was a lot of buzz about an iceberg on here this summer, but the news just fizzled.

  24. Well I guess we can all sit back and see how long it takes Sarah to threaten a lawsuit over this post.
    If she does she'd better be prepared to prove it's a lie.

  25. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Is Trig Britta Hanson and Track's baby? One of Piper's crayon photos in the Bree Palin videos was of a stick figure with "a girlfriend" and when asked by SP who the girlfriend was Piper said "Britta".

    Just wondering because Britta was really kept under wraps until she accompanied SP to all of the Gov picnics.

  26. I don't know who's the Mama or the Daddy but $$$arah did not have T1 10 days after that video. That women is certifiably crazy and only out for herself and making money, hush money to cover her ass. I think she's gone over the edge.

    Her followers have made her into something she's not, a figment of their imagination, a world leader, a fairy tale princess who will lead them into never never land. They won't believe the truth when it hits them in the face!!

    Maybe that ice-burg is finally go to show up. Keep digging, don't leave it up to Levi, I think he's in on it, he knows who the Mama and Daddy are and is being paid to divert attention away from the real story.

  27. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Funnily enough, this morning I showed the Bree Palin vids to my hubby and he said "you're preaching to the choir hunny, I don't believe she had that baby, but I actually don't see how it matters either."

    I went on to explain how a faked pregnancy meant that Palin was lying to the public the he countered with "so what, she's a politician and very few of them tell the truth about have to lower your expectations for your elected officials hon."

    Sad but true, I see his point. SP's kids will be fine wherever they came from. They will be cared for either by her and Todd or her extended family. Perhaps they will all have to deal with emotional and psychological issues in the future but they won't starve or be homeless.

  28. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:32 PM

    To the anon above who thought the Quitter was tapped in august, no...I heard like Gryphen,she new in Feb she would probably be tapped, also with what Bree said about the CNP, Leah Buron in "Theopalinism" goes into this, the CNP told McCain to pick Queen quitter, he had no choice.
    Bree this is a great find, Thanks Faux news!
    Now we gotta get it out there!!!!

  29. lilyf4:36 PM

    Remember way-back-when Palin was announced as vp, someone on the daily kos posted all the fake preg stuff and then was kicked off the site forever or something? who was that person, what happened to them? How did they know all this?

  30. I truly think BOTH babies are Bristols, it's a dangerous time(right after giving birth) to get pregnant again. The term is called Irish twins(no disrespect meant I'm part Irish) I have relatives with babies born 9 and 10 months apart. Do we really know when Trig was born?? Or are we going by what Scarah says? Thanks for continuing to out this phony, congrats to you and the other bloggers who are doing what the so-called prof journalists won't.

  31. Anonymous4:48 PM

    This only "proves it" if someone does something with the video and information. If this isn't picked up by the MSM (and you know Fox won't) then it seems like Palin will still get away with this.

    It's only a smoking gun if something is done with it. I have no faith that will happen.

  32. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I see Anonymous 3:40's point. People who love SP, love her no matter what. A faked pregnancy won't necessarily mar her reputation with them - nothing else has. SP may turn it into some kind of sympathy thing with them. But, it would make her non-presidential material by the party on the whole. An actual criminal charge, would have the SP lovers saying that the WH was behind it. Between both scenarios, I guess I would choose the fake pregnancy. President Obama takes so many hits for unbelievable stupid stuff.

  33. anon @ 3:40, the "iceberg" buzz, preceded her rather unglued resignation....have patience. If the feds are invloved it may take many months for them to move. they like to have things nice and tidy. so far the last few months of scarahs life have been odd, with her lone appearance in china of all places. stay tuned.

  34. mlaiuppa5:16 PM

    Can we expect any media outlet outside The Enquirer to break this story? Will even The Enquirer do it?

  35. hey there, on my blog last august I posted a photo of her taken at an energy meeting March 5th 2008....( where she is clearly not pregnant).at some point the truth will come out about her lies.

  36. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I writing with the hopes of finding some of Audrey's fans from PD. Some time ago, there was a picture of Sarah chairing some kind of meeting in Alaska in 2008. She wore a black suit and a very colorful scarf, reds & yellows, it was quite distinctive.

    Then, coincidently, MSNBC used some stock footage of Sarah as the visual to some story about her. It showed Sarah at the same meeting, wearing the same scarf. People at PD tried to date the picture and video; I don't remember them ever finding the accurate date.

    If my memory is working, the scarf that Sarah wears in the Elan Frank video posted at Bree Palin looks like the same scarf. Sarah could have worn that scarf on a number of occassions. But, if anyone can remember the PD conference picture that they were trying to date, at least we can see if she has the same hairdo, and the same bear pin that might place the picture and video at the same time.

    The picture of Sarah at the meeting shows her seated in such a way that it would be hard to hide a late stage of pregnancy, seeing as she was about to give birth in 10 days. Am I the only one that remembers that strange picture?

  37. Good work, Bree and Gryphen. This scandal needs to be exposed! Scarah needs to be put in her place and banished. She's a lying, hypocritical, narcissistic witch. I had that feeling when she was initially introduced and it hasn't changed, it has just been reinforced with her antics. She's sickening....arrrgggghhhh...I can't stand her!

  38. emrysa5:34 PM

    thanks for the heads-up, gryphen! good video.

    sarah is totally busted.

  39. honestyinGov5:37 PM

    I posted a fairly long comment over at Bree's at the end of the thread. I won't duplicate it here. Bottom line. get the actual video footage into the hands of all the various Media sources so they will tell the story. Patrick was talking about that idea last week before this video popped up.Copy the video onto a CD...and just mail it to EVERYONE ! Just get a mailing list of people in the Media. Create a Buzz.The first one out with the story will be ' famous '. A picture( this video ) is worth a thousand words. Distribute the CD to people in Wasilla as well. I'm sure someone with some editing skills can add additional words or commentary to the end of the video. Contact info or phone number etc.. CD's can be duplicated/copied easily and cheaply. Mail and or pass out 1000's.Once they are in the hands of people... they stay around and get passed around and more people hear the story too..... and may be willing to come forward.Fox, with their footage, may be the ones that actually do her in. Thanks Greta.

  40. I'm not sure whether Levi is the father of Trig, but he sure looks "fatherly" in one of Audrey's pics. I'm fairly certain Bristol is the mother based on her convention pictures shown on Audrey's site, along with the way she's taking care of him more than Scarah. One thing I am sure of is that Palin was not pregnant!

  41. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Anon 3:43pm
    What this says to me is what did Fox news know and not say. And if the main stream media will not look into this then that has alot to say.
    The fact that Sarah got to be that close to the highest office in the land is an embarrassment that may not want to be revealed to the world. Still these videos need to be authenticated and lets go from there.

  42. Anonymous5:43 PM

    SP herself decided to throw a baby in the mix to court the fundies.
    for mccain/GOP.
    kristol etc had palin quite in mind since the big juneau cruise.
    mccain didnt do this, palin did it.

    06 feb private meeting with mccain at NGA.
    2007 February “Draft Sarah Palin for Vice President” online petition(s)
    2007 summer "rumors" of BP preg cross media
    2007- Oct - took Bristol to NYC, state paid 3 nights, $707/night hotel room.
    2007-08 BP moves from one place to another.
    2008 Feb jackets, scarves
    2008 March early, gov meeting
    2008 March announce preg

  43. Anonymous5:51 PM

    following up on when SP was considered...
    [quote]October 2007 (OCT of last year would be 2006)Monocle: You must have heard the recent gossip that Rudy Giuliani, if he emerges as Republican nominee for President next year, might ask you to be his running mate. Would you consider it?
    Morris wrote, “I will always remember taking her aside and telling her that she might one day be tapped to be Vice-President, given her record and the shortage of female political talent in the Republican Party."

  44. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Gryphen, can we ask the reason your sources give for not coming clean on all of this, or would that be too revealing?

    Me, I'm still leaning toward the theory that Sarah gave birth to a 20-25 week premature Trig in January and didn't expect him to live. She had to fake the pregnancy when it be came apparent in late February earlu March that he was going to make it. Given that she doesn't even sleep with Todd, he very likely knew nothing about the pregnancy. The father? Well, I'm thinking Levi... Midnight Cajun

  45. scarah never looked preggers or post partum.

    Bristol at the Aug. convention looked like a top heavy stuffed barbie doll with a rather unusual wardrobe. come people, lets "help" the media connect the dots.

  46. Gryphen:

    How lovely to read ... "and I am not alone."

    Oh what a lovely present this would be after such a long year.

  47. Anonymous6:13 PM
    Dec 1, 2006
    Dec 27, 2007 Palin VP
    NOT a mention of a preg:
    Friday, March 14th, 2008 at 12:21
    McCain would be well served to interview Palin for Vice President.
    October 23, 2008
    ....Do you know you could donate to the McCain-Palin campaign fund as early as March 1, 2008? That's right. The McCain-Palin Compliance Fund, Inc., was accepting donations as early as March 1st.
    Johnson also predicted that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin would be McCain’s running mate in March 2007.

  48. A concerned Canadian6:18 PM

    Anon @5:25 This footage was used on the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC)and can be found on Palin's Deception July 15,2009.

    It doesn't appear to be the same outfit and I don't think they ever successfully dated the video clip.

  49. The thing is that Sarah told many lies to support this one lie. It is not a case of 'I had the baby', it is many, many stories told to support this lie and the others she involved to support the lie, Todd has lied, Bristol has lied, Levi has lied,Sherry has lied, Papa Heath has lied, the doctor has lied.
    I think there is a case for fraud also, to perpetuate this lie, records have been falsified. This is more than 'all politicians lie'. This story needs a witness, someone will have to come out and state that Sarah lied, that will break the story open. Then the house of cards will come tumbling down.

  50. Skeptical6:24 PM

    This "math" is not news to me. I've said since about 5 minutes after Palin was a announced as McCain's VP pick that no way did Trig Palin come out of her vagina. He obviously exited some woman's vagina or abdomen, but it was not hers. Bristol is the obvious candidate. Beyond her, I have queried numerous times, " Where did she buy that baby?" The scenario is too perfect. Right Wing Religious Conservative, Non-Abortion Rights Supporter, 4O something year old has a special needs child and then runs for the HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE LAND. Oh come on. I could write a movie script way less obvious than this.

    She is a fraud. When does she become less important and less of a news item? I think she should have stayed to live in China. She would have done her children a favor, not to mention the rest of America.

  51. Anonymous6:24 PM

    just google Mccain wanted Lieberman not Palin and oodles come upI remember hearing about that during the electionHe wanted Leiberman but was told no... they needed to secure the "base" .. get so many million votes (5 million?) in order to give him an edge... hence PalinWell, actually I remember reading or hearing (wish now that all this is actually relevant I would of documented things when I read /heard them)he was told he couldn't have Leiberman and "out of spite" chose Palin.. like fine.. I'll take this unknown personSo to blame Mccain for the opening of Pandora's box.. bringing Palin on the stage.. it is not all that old man's faultAll this hate that she became the voice for was caused by .. yes that is right.. the "Jesus" loving folk

  52. Anonymous6:32 PM

    ske in atx

    I feel the same way
    One day Trig will get wind of all this (thanks Internet) ..
    And he will see on national stage his "Mama" cries when she talks about finding out about being pregnant with him (not tears of joy)

    His "mama" hides being pregnant with him out of shame.. even from his own family/dad

    His "mama" had amnio done when it is WELL known (especially amongst pro-lifers) that amnio provides a risk of miscarriage... a small one but nonetheless.. a big fat no no if you are a pro-lifer... AND the only reason it is done is to see if there are complications so you can decide if you want to continue the pregnancy
    (his "mama" risked his life)

    and his "Mama" was more concerned over a Speech (Texas) than being in a safe, secure hospital when she knew all the risks

    I don't know anything about people with down's but I am sure they are able to comprehend things like this..

    If it were me.. I'd feel like geeesh.. It would rip me up inside knowing this is how my "mama" handled pregancy with me

    and if it is all a LIE
    She couldn't even LIE "nice".. she had to be a mean spirited liar..

  53. RE: the video that BreePalin found:
    I am just grinning from ear to ear at the thought of what the Faux Noise executives must have thought and the looks on their faces when Greta did that video! And GRETA is the one who said: “The Governor and her family step into the political spotlight, and nasty rumors emerge about the birth of the Governor’s son, Trig. How does the Governor fight back?” There was NEVER another mention again about the nasty rumors, either on Faux or any other MSM. And it is this Faux Noise video that proves Sarah was not pregnant. Thanks Greta, and dare I say? Thanks Fox News! Oh, that leaves such a nasty taste in my mouth to say that, but it is their own video that they tried to bury. And it stayed buried for almost 17 months!

    Fantastic job, BreePalin!

  54. Laura6:36 PM

    This is it--Palin's busted. Yahoo!

  55. GAPeach posted this at Mudflats, anyone have an answer?
    Just over @ Alaska Report. Anybody know what this is about?
    Rumor Central:
    Waves crashing against Southeast Alaska Seiners’ shores. Treasury & Justice center in on pirates and pols in charge — about cost recovery, herring, development grants, Sitka, Craig & other white collar topics. It’s time for witnesses to seek leniency by running to the Feds first.

  56. Anonymous6:57 PM

    This is all interesting, but I don't think it matters to most people. A "good" conspiracy--true or false--must have some political element that affects everyone. The JFK death was about national politics. The 9/11 theories impact thousands that died. This Palin baby stuff is only about one nutty woman and one sad child. Everyone ALREADY thinks Palin is nuts, so chasing after a baby conspiracy, I think, just makes everyone outside the loop something like tired. Good luck finding out the truth, but I don't think you should expect this truth -- whatever it is -- to matter much to people. It's nutty and it's sad but it's just about Palin, a nutty sad woman to begin with, it's not about the nation.

  57. Sources in Alaska tell me that Trig is a Disney animatron cleverly programmed to emulate a Down's Syndrome baby. Palin had the "baby" made to elicit sympathy from unsuspecting mothers who would admire a woman with the courage and decency to raise such a child.

    This is the only logical explanation of Trig's existence.

    There is no end to the Palin's perfidy.

  58. To anon @ 6:57-- I see your point, but for many of us, it is about a lot more. It's about learning to see with your own eyes, to reason with your own mind, to listen to your inner voice. It is about recognizing lies, frauds and learning to live a life of careful discernment-- about not taking the word of "the authority" of or the MSM without questions. NO,this is about a lot more than one twisted person... she may soon be out of the lime light, but our growth continues. Thank you Sarah Palin! and Sarah, for your own enlightenment, now that your are so interested in Jews-- at sundown, another Jewish Holiday began, Yom Kippur-- THE DAY OF ATONEMENT !!

  59. I wanna know what the Rumor Central means at AR7:34 PM

    Does anyone know the answer to Ella's question (6:47 p.m.)?

  60. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Anonymous 5:51. Those articles are scrubbed

  61. mlaiuppa7:39 PM

    Didn't Levi's sister refer to Trig as her brother at one point?

  62. Anonymous7:46 PM

    "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"

    Not that I would dare to compare myself with Henry II of England, nor his ill wishes upon his foe. Nor would I wish SP physical harm.

    But please... please will no one rid of us of her nasty charms? Is that too much to ask??

    ske in atx

  63. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Unless we have had an active role in national politics, I don't think we can imagine the tug of war that goes on in selecting a VP candidate. I believe the story that McCain wanted Lieberman but it did not get the approval of GOP strategists. I think that there were a good three or five possibilities, each with they crowd pushing their name forward, and each with some liabilities. Imagine them around a chalk board tallying up pluses and minuses.

    In the end, Sarah's pluses were that she would capture the disgruntled Hilary voters (LOL). She was probably being pushed forward by the very vocal Religious Right. Other possibilities may have had more minuses, or didn't "energize" the boys the way that Sarah did. Initially, everyone was absolutely thrilled with her. (I think that people like Pawlenty and Jindal were not exciting and brought nothing to the ticket, for example.)

    And, then she opened her mouth. And then, they kept her under wraps for two weeks (coaching her?) After the 2 failing interviews, many Republicans must have regretted their boyish enthusiasm at chosing the good lookin gal. If she suddenly had to withdraw for any possible reason, it would have looked terrible. (Remember, there was a Democratic VP nominee some long time ago who had to be replaced. They never recovered). So, much to our delight, they were stuck with their rash choice.

    Bottom line here: The Religious Right represents a small but very vocal group of voters. They appear to be driving the GOP hard to the right, losing moderates and independents with every tea party and nasty outburst. One tactic after another is tried with laughable results. Let's try again to see Obama's birth certificate. Those who chose Sarah and got their way with the GOP are pushing it further into its deep hole. As they say when you're in that deep, stop digging. Let's hope they don't follow my advice.

  64. Anonymous8:45 PM

    So Sarah only wore her scarves to hide her "preganancy," even after she announced that she was "pregnant." And, she didn't seem to wear scarves all that much before or after her "pregnancy," or did she? Oh yeah, she did wear the imitation Burberry scarf during the turkey slaughter. At least people said that the scarf was not real Burberry, but then, she wasn't a real governor, either.

  65. i dont know man. i really want to believe. i cannot stand her but i dont think this is any sort of smoking gun at all. with todays technology.... you better have a better picture than that grainy, video outtakes. sure, it appears that way, but not good enough. no lid busted on this, thats why MSM isnt responding. its too weak. WAY too weak.

  66. Anonymous8:50 PM

    okay people!.....this f'ing company was just recently discredited by the organization that oversees them. So wake the F up!!!!

    David E. Johnson, CEO of Strategic Vision, LLC accurately predicted the presidential nomination of Arizona Senator John McCain in 2007 on POTUS Radio when all political experts had written McCain’s obituary.

    Johnson also predicted that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin would be McCain’s running mate in March 2007.

    'Johnson reiterated that Palin would be the candidate following Barack Obama’s selection of Joseph Biden as his running mate.

    Johnson based his predictions upon polling done by Strategic Vision, LLC in key battleground states and his own political expertise of over twenty years.'

  67. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Anonymous 5:51. Those articles are scrubbed
    7:36 PM

    there are copies.

  68. Anonymous9:09 PM

    @M Lee Journal - It's not grainy. It's a FOX NEWS production. The original looks even more clear; this is just the YouTube version. The original is crystal.

  69. Bree: Thx for this link. I am not as well read as you on this, but I just KNEW her selection went as described on your link. BUT I would not have beleved it if I had read it then, when it was first written. Now I do believe it.

    And I further am sure that babygate is not covered in the MSM due to subtle AND firm, choking pressure from this group of pals (who own a lot of media) to keep it out. Let us note that the facts have been obvious to anyone who cares to look since last fall, and so far it has not hit the MSM. They have been successful in protecting SP.

    The suggestions for us to alert Sullivan or to send CDs around to lots of people, or buy a billboard or do an ad: naive! Is it possible that anyone even slightly interested in this area of the news could be unaware of this issue? I mean any professional news person! They know where to look. All the info is right here, on the main 3 or 5 blogs. Just sitting here, on a plate. As soon as they grow some (er, I mean as soon as they can get past the prohibition by their fat-cat bosses -- no small barrier for someone earning a living), if ever, THEN we will see it written up in the press for the great unwashed (that would be us) to consume.

    Meanwhile, we are testing out this newish thing called the blogosphere -- does it have some power to shout down the emperor's new clothes? OR not?

  70. Dr Who9:38 PM

    Amy believe it or not, not everyone reads blogs! There are millions of blogs out there for one thing and newspeople are busy. Sarah is not their only story. So don't totally lose hope on every single msm journalist/reporter.
    Thinking they read every blog and every story is more than naive. It is not a naive or stupid idea to send a CD to every journalist but it must have a lot of specific information laid out. There are some reporters who actually know very little about babygate.

  71. My prediction. This story will picked up by MSM in about 2-3 days. Notice it takes about that long for internet news to make main stream, unless it's a National story. We'll see. Stay Tuned... :D

  72. Found this when I googled Palin and Sitka: Maybe it sheds some light, maybe not.

    Alaska Report News - The latest Alaska news, politics, weather ... - 2 visits - 9:49pm
    Yet Another Ethics Complaint Filed Against Sarah Palin ... about cost recovery, herring, development grants, Sitka, Craig & other white collar topics. ... -

  73. Anonymous10:04 PM

    2008 - Apr 21 - Mon - attended pipeline meeting.

    ROF, her schedule claims she attended this meeting
    3 days post-birth.

  74. This does not surprise me with the laws. I know of a state where a couple wanted to have IVF treatments to have a child due to a previous tubal ligation and the physicians would not do it because the couple was not married. Which the woman ended up having tubal reversal surgery performed at mubabydoc Tubal Reversal Center which was outside of the couples home state. Not only was it cheaper but the pregnancy success is much better.
    There are people that change their minds but they should be the ones to make the decisions and not the government.
    I would start by asking the physician if there is anyone else he/she can suggest to contact. If this does not work then I would be searching quite a bit. The answer is out there somewhere.
    The suggestion are highly appreciated

  75. hello mr. i visit your link and in my opinion that is fake thing this is not possible because when we check it with the depth eyed and think it that we must find out the flaws so we found a lot of flaws so the fake thing is really so much dangerous for thos epeople who have less know about the topic any way the blog is really more informative...

  76. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Just for the sake of arguement say SP was preggie .Looking at the pic with faux belly she sure looks VERY pregnant. Why is it that no one on the Wild Ride noticed. Were they blind? Whole thing was concocked by a sick mind.

  77. One more nail with Bree unearthing the Greta/Elan Frank clip. That was something. I am sure there are other Alaskans out there who could contribute but don't know that they have the evidence. That includes Iron Dog Anchorage banquet attendees of Feb. 2008 who may have photos of Palin as she attended the meal with husband.

    And all those chickens out there who know Palin wasn't pregnant with Trig and by their silence perpetuate this Trig Birth Hoax. How cynical you are. Cowards in the end. So much for all our Alaskan bravado. Get real. This is one puny, lying family of flakes. Enablers all. Co-conspirators all. Whether in the beginning of the hoax or dragged in later.

    Gee, how many unwed teenage moms do we all know who are having a custom house built for them, new car, full time nanny for their baby/babies??Why is she taking care of her 'mom's' baby? I hope Bristol loves her gilded cage in Wasilla, she deserves it for going along with all this deceptive crap.
    Payola for all the Palins. Just like the cronies from Wasilla that were placed in high state jobs when she became governor. Now we know why she was always pushing for the capital to move there.
    I gave the still 'Backstairs with the Boys' still photo to Audrey at Palindeceptions.blogspot last May. She covered the students' faces as she is a classy lady who was always very intelligent in her comments and use of material.
    This framed photo exists in more than one place in our town. It is very publically displayed. When you realize it was taken April 8th, 2008 and that the governor managed to pop out a baby just ten days after having her svelth figure pose with these randy teen boys...well, you betcha, we in Alaska were amazed. I hope these Native teens end up helping to take down this fraud mom who coerced her daughter to give up her baby in name only (Bristol still takes care of him-what do you think!!)for political points.
    The 'hot' gov just couldn't resist charming the boys with a back staircase photo. Remember the 'give up Levi' for a truck offer by dad,Todd?
    This soap opera may become Teen Revenge episode.

    I mailed the still photo for posting because Palin's stories and timelines did not just add up. This fraud of the Palin family is a new version of an old political points game.

    It is a 21st Century, extreme right fanatics female version of the slimy adultery-gates and unfit for family valuesgates we see so many male politicians engage in. Hypocrites all. Just like the self-serving Palin family.

    Bristol deserves the gilded cage she built for herself. I wish Willow and Piper the best to run far from Wasilla when they finish school. Those who know the truth in Alaska about Babygate and do nothing, deserve the smear on Wasilla and jokes on our state's good name.

    I woke up and educated myself at Palindeceptions and other blogs, followed the political news and found that a photo showing a damn skinny April 8th Palin belly was in front of my nose almost daily. I sent it in to Audrey.

    Now, you other Alaskans need to do the same. Who sat near Palin at Feb. 2008 Iron Dog dinner in Anchorage? Who saw Bristol during her five month hiding out stage in Anchorage? Who knows why Andrea Gutsy got a one-on-one with the governor with her giant fake belly in empty halls of Legislature? Why her-a young reporter? Who knows midwives(?) in Fairbanks area who may have delivered Trig?

    Solve this BS and make the MSM ashamed of themsleves and let all Americans see the GOP, McCain and Palin camps as frauds in the Babygate cover-up as well.
    Also sick of this use of Trig as a political prop. Putting a halo on Palin and giving her a soapbox and giant pay day for nothing. A colossol world wide joke. Poster gal for the worst of family values. "Enough is Enough"-vindicate PD's Audrey and team. Alaska bloggers save the day.

  78. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Anon at 6;47 wrote: "Good luck finding out the truth, but I don't think you should expect this truth -- whatever it is -- to matter much to people. It's nutty and it's sad but it's just about Palin, a nutty sad woman to begin with, it's not about the nation."

    Yes and no. If the truth does emerge, I think plenty of people will care because they will see they were duped -- and they will feel let down by the press and the leaders like McCain who were ultimately complicit in the hoax.

  79. Anonymous4:45 AM

    I would love of have someone who has expertise in questioning criminals to review the tapes of Sarah talking about the birth and Trip and see if they notice anything. They are trained to watch eye movement and facial expression. My guess is Sarah is good liar, but not that good.

  80. Reepicheep4:56 AM

    This story will remain a rumor and unfounded until someone actually steps up with hard facts that can be checked and proven and/or with hard copies of birth certificates. Without either of those two things, nothing will be picked up the media.

  81. Anonymous5:32 AM

    There's a site that keeps archives of old articles. I can't remember the URL, but it might be I know it is something like that. You might find some of these "scrubbed" articles there. Just like it being impossible to destroy matter, I think it might be impossible to totally rid the internet of an article.

  82. Anonymous5:32 AM

    I agree with others that this new footage isn't the smoking gun and it's not enough to get the MSM to touch the story. What the footage does is add to the collection of photo evidence (and it's a strong addition) that already exists. In looking at the pics that do exist, two always clinched it for me: the one in the museum with the gray coat and pad and the Elan Frank where she's beating on a clearly square bump. This new discovery is another compelling addition to those.

    IMHO, the MSM isn't going to touch this until someone breaks the "real" story, which is that Trig was "acquired" by Palin to make her a shoe-in for the VP nomination. I know for sure that she did not birth him and I have no real clue who did, even though Bristol seems the likely choice (which could also be a red herring purposefully put out there by Palin and camp).

    The real story is going to be what really went on behind the scenes, politically, to get her on the ticket and how American citizens were duped by a corrupt and power hungry evangelical base and the GOP. They have a hell of a lot to protect if the truth were ever revealed. That's where the real story is. Not "who" gave birth to Trig, but the how and why he came into being in the first place.

    Susan in MD

  83. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Send this video to Romney and Huckabee's organizations. They might not do something now, but they will use this info if they have to.

    Huckster works for FOX, so he could ask around when he receives this info, and he might just go to Greta's office and ask, WTF?!

  84. Anonymous6:22 AM

    bull puckey. A video killed JOhn Edwards entire career, and it didn't show him having sex with his girlfriend- it merely showed him in the same hotel and perhaps walking with her.

    IF the media want to kill Palin's career, the material is here.

    The problem right now is that there is nothing at stake, so it's not as bloody fun/lucrative for them.

    Now, as soon as she announces 2012, all bets are off.But don't expect her to quit just because she gets caught in a huge lie.

    That kind of integrity is for Democratic Christians, apparently. Sanford et al believe God anointed them, so.. don't count on any decency from Palin.

  85. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I haven't yet read all the comments, but am following this story in utter fascination (and the hope for justice) along with everyone else. I've also thought since day 1 of this travesty that Sistah Sairy never, ever gave birth to T1. A "prop" baby, perhaps--(and I say this in the saddest sense of the word, especially with the careless way she was dragging him around with her). It all makes sense from a marketing angle to stoke the appetite of the extreme Xtian Right. However, if she actually "adopted" T1 from an outside source, wouldn't it make her look wonderful to her followers if she originally stated that since she has an overabundance of Xtian "love" in her heart and adores kids so much, she and TAHHHD made a special effort to adopt a Down's Syndrome baby to take care of? Maybe I'm wrong. Why would she have to lie from the very beginning and try to convince everyone T1 is biologically hers--especially with the added drama of the harrowing, water breakin' plane ride back to AK right before giving birth? Based on that, one would think she had no concern about the baby and was trying to spontaneously abort.

    The one concept that keeps nagging at my brain (and churning my stomach) is that T1 belongs to B--and another member of her own family. T1's condition could easily be a result of a tryst like this. Horrible if so.

  86. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Shannyn and Mudflats have more national exposure and clout with MSMBC and Huff Post....

    They need to get on the babygate story and push it until it is picked up by MSM

  87. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Don't you get it ?

    Nobody cares, dipshit.

    The media doesn't give a crap who you are or what you have to say, you're a nobody, nothing.

    A loser.

    No credibility..

    Do you get it ?

    Even if you were correct, which you might just be, no credible news organization is going to pay any attention to this.

    Get it ?


    You and your blogger buddies, Moore, Munger, The Fat Laday, et al, have no credibility.

    You are Sarah Palin's ORLY FUCKING TAITZ !


  88. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Anonymous @6:41 FYI-Andrew Sullivan has linked to Bree's post.

  89. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Andrew Sullivan has linked to Bree!

  90. I hope Andrew Sullivan breaks this story wide open - with props to bloggers like Bree, Audrey, Regina and Gryphen who have stuck their necks out there and were tenacious about SP's stinking "wild ride" story!

  91. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Anon at 6:41, why take out your anger on Gryphyn or the rest of us?

    Your Saint Palin faked the pg. This video is the final piece. I understand your panic, but truth always comes out and the tabloids are all about making money.

  92. Unless you can get MSNBC to cover this a FOX News coverup then it will go nowhere. They are fueding right now at is it is.

    But they might be inclined to attack fox with sitting on evidence and being involved in a coverup.

    Unless that happens no one is gonna care, especially if Palin does not respond. I think she has learned her lesson about responding.

  93. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Idiots. Wasilla is a very small town and if there were even a shred of truth to any of this, some solid evidence would have leaked long ago.

    The Enquirer and dozens of other news media have been here for a year waving money around - if this had happened, some medical records clerk or nurse with a meth habit would have made copies of the incriminating evidence.

    Back to proving Bush planned 9/11.

  94. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Here we are, speculating if Sarah could have adopted Bristol's baby, and the ad just below reads, "Looking for Adoption Information? Looking to Adopt? Click Here."

  95. Anonymous8:00 AM

    To Sarah at 6:41, steady, girl. It's this kind of anger that makes your minions bite off fingers at town hall meetings.

  96. Anonymous8:02 AM

    To Anon 6:41 We all know who you are because you are unable to express yourself without using ugly nasty words. I am guessing that no one clicks on your hate riddled blog anymore, leaving you one very unhappy #@%&*$!

  97. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Gryphen, Sorry if this has already been posted, but I noticed that Phil at Progressive Alaska has a post up regarding one of the pics Bree Palin has in their post that is a stillshot from the video.

    Considering he's never bought into the not her baby theory it's interesting he now has a post that says he finds the pic disturbing. He also links to more pics and the video at Bree's site.

  98. Also notice that none of the Palin blogs are responding to this new video at all.

    Palin I am quite sure has instructed them to not comment and ignore it

  99. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Annon.... your hero Orly is a Doctor, Lawyer and real estate agent.... how dare you compare her to Gryphen... he is none of those.

    the biggest difference.. Gryphen is sane

  100. What an imbecile Anon 6:41 is. He says that Nobody cares yet, he took the time to respond to Gryph's article in true Sarah Troll fashion...the need to use profanity. Must be one of her Christian worshippers.

  101. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Look at the anger of Sarahs followers and how low class they are. It's really something. There's no point in argiuong with them. There little white safe world adoring the Madonna Sarah is crumbling and they can't handle it at all.

    Poor low class trash.

  102. veritas8:56 AM

    The simple fact is the following:

    Sarah Palin was not pregnant in 2008 and she is not the birth mother of Trig Palin.

    Anyone who says or thinks otherwise is living a lie.

  103. Anonymous8:59 AM

    @7:58 - Have you been to Wasilla? I have. I wouldn't exactly call it "a small town" with white picket fences.

  104. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Gryphen, be very very careful just now; you're a threat to powerful forces who may be suddenly feeling underminded by you n the Alaska blogger comm plus heads popping up and eyes opening in the larger b-sphere...reminds me of Fall 69;just be very calm, alert, agressive without failing the folks who look to you for vision.

  105. It will be interesting and very telling to see what Palin does with the info on this blog.
    She can't sue anybody if she is hiding info.People could demand to see Trig's birth certificate and keep on demanding to. It would be interesting to use the same tactics that the right is using on Pres. Obama on Palin.
    Wouldn't that be Karma if it was a birth certificate that brought Palin down?

    No matter what, if she had Trig or pretended to have Trig, it helped her career.
    I can see 2 teenagers who had their baby abducted by mom getting pregnant again, when it would have been more difficult to hide that fact.
    Maybe her brother in law was going to spill the beans. He had no reason to go along with the deception and look at the lengths she and Todd went to get him fired.

  106. anon 6:41, PLEASE give us some reasonable exlpalnation of the pics, OR the wild ride...then GO FUCK YOURSELF.

  107. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Interesting that the trolls showed up today, and boy, are they angry!

  108. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Anon 7:58 Sorry to disappoint -- but I grew up in a remote rural region and the silence of the Wasilla folks sounds familiar to me. It does not matter whether there is "a shred of evidence" or not. It does not even matter whether the local people disapprove of what they are covering up. Nobody, but nobody, speaks to "outsiders" about the things that would shame their community. They deal with it themselves. And their lips are sealed.

  109. No way that belly got that round and protruding 5 days later on the 13th. That video footage makes it clear. Send it all to your ex-gov's health insurance company. A fraud has been perpetrated.

  110. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Redhead, I saw your post on sea of pee, they deleted it very quickly.

  111. gregory10:55 AM

    We have our work cut out for us, that is for sure. We must remain level-headed. We can refrain from the swearing, name-calling and emotional outbursts that define the scarah supporters. Someone on Democratic Underground (a VERY liberal site) posted a link to Bree' blog, and the comments were NOT kind - said we do not need this tabloid gossip stuff. I fail to understand how exposing SP for the liar and fraud that she is can be construed as a bad thing. As a bonus, we expose FOX "news" for the cover up (they must have noticed, after viewing the April 8 video, that there was no pregnancy).
    So, I am suggesting that we expose this BIG HOAX in a way that will illustrate why this matters and in a way that does not garner more sympathy
    and victimhood status for St. Scarah.

  112. Anonymous11:03 AM

    This is about deception to the American people. I am glad that Anonymous @7:58 mentioned 9/11, too.

    There is ample photo/video evidence that substantiates the fact that she did not experience a pregnancy during her partial term as governor. And, there is ample photo/video evidence with testing and documentation that disproves the 9/11 commission report as well.

    Funny how the other birthers keep yelling for additional documentation ignoring a state's certification. This birther story would require DNA testing because as governor she stacked the deck by appointing a friend over the birth certificate office. Wonder if such projection was planned?

    I do remember reading an Alaska magazine article that quoted an aide about SP putting DCheney on hold when her kids showed up at her office. She called him and Rudy the week she resigned. Hey, both were involved with 9/11, too. DCheney was at the helm during a terrorist military training that day. WOW

    Wonder who knew what and when? Anyway, keep up the good work!

  113. Anonymous11:17 AM

    To gregory 10:55, what you say true. Lots of people who dislike Palin still don't want to hear the "sensationalistic" stuff like this. They think it's beneath them. To me, if Palin perpetrated this hoax, she should be exposed. She ran on the fact that she nobly chose to give birth to Trig. She ran as a family values candidate. As a reformer. Not as a huge liar who tried to put over a scam that belongs on an afternoon soap. The thing that is germane to the national interest is that, until she's exposed, she continues to have a public platform to incite the kind of hatred and intolerance that she stirred up on the campaign trail last Fall.

  114. Gryphen, I always know you are on to something when the trolls come out. They are so darn funny....I always get a good chuckle.

    I do agree with poster who asked you to be careful. Its not these ugly little trolls, as they are impotent really, but Palin's head bangers I think.

    I cannot wait for this piece of trash to get her come uppance.


  115. L.A. in S.F.11:49 AM

    The weird thing is, I recently saw a close-up picture of Bristol holding T2 at that fair this summer. Maybe mom's quitter hot dog tour. At any rate, that baby looks NOTHING like Levi. Nothing!! Gryphen, what say you?

    And another request to you and Patrick and anyone else who says they know "for a fact" that SP didn't give birth to T2....tell us what you've got; tell us why you can't yet tell us what you've got; tell us why you know for sure and yet we don't. I mean, I don't believe a word out of that lunatic's mouth, but that doesn't mean I know "for sure." Is there info you are still not sharing with us?

  116. I think that the story is much bigger than Palin faking a pregnancy. It is the complicity of the Republican party and parts of the MSM that supported Palin in the coverup. I don't think that John McCain knew in the beginning, but I think that he found out later on. His shame, and the shame of the Republican party, is that he/they continued the hoax on the American people. This needs to come out. We need to clean house. I strongly believe that a two party system is good for America, but we need two "good" parties. Each can and should keep the other party in check. If one becomes so totally corrupt that they can't do their job, the other party becomes weakened and corrupt as well. IMHO. So keep up the good work bloggers. Thank you Gryphen for the role that you play in bringing this to light.

  117. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Perhaps these folk have been contacted already.. but they are Alaskans (some from Wasilla) that may be willing to "unseal their lips" ?

    ANNE KILKENNY Anne Kilkenny: Letters from Wasilla

    These peoples:
    Organizing for America | Alaskans Against Palin

    Carol Thompson, a primary school teacher in Sarah Palin's hometown of Wasilla, Alaska, has been galled by the mainstream media's infatuation with the governor's rugged yet glamorous Danielle Boone persona. "What amazes me is the fascination with her back story, when Alaska is filled with women who have much more interesting stories than she does," she said. "She's one of hundreds of thousands of very fascinating Alaskan women who hunt and fish and ski and build their own houses. I was living in a tent when I had my child!" Alaska Women Cool to Palin

    These folk: Alaskans against Sarah Palin on Facebook

    This Puma guy As the Fireweed Turns
    I read about here: PUMA For Life: Alaskans Fight Back Against Palin Ethics Complaints
    "Well, finally someone in Alaska is starting to get the ball rolling when it comes to changing the current Alaskan Ethics Act which is being used to ensnarl Sarah Palin and her administration ..."

    These girls: Alaskan women's groups speak out against Palin - Feministing

    Perhaps the Polar Bears?
    Alaskan Glaciers Then And Now - Polar Bears Against Palin (or their human voices.. throw Ashley Judd in the mix?)

    or just any of the man groups out there that think she is bat shit crazy such as
    LGBT Alaskans Come Out Against Sarah Palin | The Bilerico Project
    We know that Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house, but what does she think of LGBT people? The Human Rights Campaign wondered the same thing and sent its Senior Media Center Manager, Michael Cole to Alaska to investigate.

    Spoiler: Michael did not find Palin's rumored gay friend.....

    These Wasilla folk may talk!
    still looking for the video

  118. Basheert12:02 PM

    HI Gryphen: Guess you struck a few nerves, as did Bree.

    I have a question that I really haven't heard discussed very much.

    Why would Sarah hide her pregnancy? This is a married woman, over 40, reproducing like a rabbit, and all of a sudden her pregnancy is a secret?


    Was Piper a secret?
    Was Willow a secret?

    What was the purpose of all the hiding and secrecy?

    Her actions didn't make sense from Day 1. The people who are beginning to see that she's just a fake and a fraud are seeing that there is photographic evidence that she was not pregnant with Trig.

    I seriously cannot think of one person I know who has concealed a pregnancy aside from a girl in the 11th grade when I was in high school. You don't conceal a pregnancy without having a reason.

    RE: the amnio

    I believe the letter from the physician stated that based upon a routine blood test during pregnancy, the Down's was detected and confirmed by amnio.

    I am not saying that happened to Sarah. But it would make sense. She would have had an amnio because her physician recommended it based upon an abnormal blood test.

    But again, why would someone in Sarah Palin's position CONCEAL a pregnancy to begin with? Is she afraid people will think she had sex with TAHD?

    If you start with that confusing question, it's easy to go with the explanation that she didn't have Trig to begin with.

    The viciousness of the trolls seems to indicate that someone recently struck gold.

  119. I just sent an email to GretaWire congratulating her are finally proving that Palin was not pregnant in April 08.

    With the link to her footage, in case she forgot, I said, from BreePalin.

    I am sure I was not the first but it is fun knowing there are some emails flying back and forth at FOX!!

  120. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Well, anon@6:41 obviously YOU care a whole lot. Get a grip, buddy. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, same as you. You don't have to be profane. This is the grown-ups playground, so act like an adult or shove off.

  121. honestyinGov12:41 PM

    I see that Andrew Sullivan has linked to Bree's website. Another story on his page was about the SNL skit where they let a swear word slip. They said it was on "Buzzflash". I know nothing about Buzzflash though. Only that you can post video clips there.... and the popular ones go Viral.Maybe you could do a quick 20 second clip from the beginning of the Fox clip. Ask a Question at the end of it. " Does this lady really look 8 months pregnant?" " Is this the biggest HOAX of all time ? "Leave them thinking and let them share with thieir Friends. I think everybody in the US knows ' WHO ' the Lady in the clip is. Check out Buzzflash

  122. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Because the Sarah Palin Fan Club seems to be at work here, reading and/or posting, I would like to address a remark to Sarah and Todd. I'm sure that you'll be happy to relay the message.

    What in the world are you doing to your kids? What do you want them to think about you when they grow older and can start to figure things out. I am reminded of how parents affect their kids when we listen to McKenzie Phillips tell us about her sordid childhood. Even if you do not want to believe the sex part, there is no question that her father turned her on to drugs. What a way to remember Dad, shooting up together.

    McKenzie isn't the only kid who has tried to resolved their problems by coming to terms with some kind of childhood abuse. Dr. Phil regularly has adults who bring up long repressed memories of childhood abuse. The movie, "Mommy Dearest" was the story of movie actress Joan Crawford, as told by her unhappy daughter.

    So, when we hear gossip that Bristol is going to be living next door in her own house, with her own car, we might wonder whose life is it anyway? At what point, years from now, does she try to resolve some troubing psychological issues? Is Bristol capable of writing her own "Mommy Dearest" book? We don't know what Trig will be capable of understanding, but everyone else in that family is sure to be affected by Sarah's erratic behavior. Don't Sarah and Todd care what happens to their kids-- and what those kids will think about their parents in years to come?

  123. Pretty slow bunch around here....

    If all this is true, then certainly Levi would have known and he would have sold the story by now.

  124. Hurry, Gryphen...Faux News could decide to throw Palin to the wolves if it looks like they will get scooped on this story. I don't want Greta to get credit for this expose`.

  125. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Those other birthers are trying to steal the show again. They are running ads in 7 states wanting folks to sign a petition to force PO to produce his original bc. Saw it on Hardball.

  126. Gregory, I put my 2 cents' worth in on that DU thread. I'm a long-time poster there, and I can tell you that most people there don't take SP seriously, although I keep trying to point out that she's a very dangerous person who needs to be watched and fact-checked constantly. They just don't see her as a threat.

  127. Anonymous1:40 PM

    To all the trolls: Would you explain how she is flat in the video and a few days later, gives birth to a six pound baby?

    How do you explain the lack of belly, 5 days before she is photographed with a HUGE belly?

    Just tell me what you think the explanation is. Don't worry about what we do with our lives or how we should get one, just tell us, how do YOU explain it?

  128. Anonymous1:51 PM

    @John Doe, no offense, but you're the "slow one." This is not about Levi. It is about Sarah Palin. Did you look at the footage yet?

  129. L.A. in S.F. at 11:49

    You obviously got something mixed up there. I for my part have never said that I "know 'for a fact' that SP didn't give birth to T2 (=Tripp)".

    I have no reason to believe at this point that there is something seriously wrong with the T2 pregnancy. I don't know what Gryphen's opinion is on this matter.

    What I have said repeatedly is that I do know for a fact that Sarah Palin did not give birth to Trig (T1).

  130. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Um, she looks pregnant in that video to me, just very good at hiding it. Look at her posture and the clothes she is wearing. Sheesh you people.

  131. Anonymous3:06 PM

    This story won’t go any further than the blogasphere and won’t have the impact that one would hope for in mainstream media or the public at large. Who cares at this point other than those who have been fervently trying to find the truth about this poor excuse for a mother, woman, ex-governor, and all around disreputable con artist, selfish, self-serving, mentally challenged, faux human being, bully and ignoramus (and these are her good qualities)?

    It’s been a little over a year since this dimwit was rudely foisted on the unsuspecting public and became the darling of the public who were ignorant, stupid, hate-filled --much like herself-- and, of course, there were those moneyed, corrupt and demented politicos who were behind the scenes maneuvering her into position for their own nefarious purposes.

    Despite any and all controversy, questionable ethics, utterly simplistic, and very strange use/abuse of the English language, this Palin Puppet has a rabid base of similarly stupid, non-thinking, ignorant, adoring misfits who see her as their personal savior and believe anything she says and will defend her until the Rapture or whenever the cows come home--whichever is first. Doesn’t matter that she uses anyone or anything in life to her advantage. To them, she is Perfect and they blindly love their Sarah. She who can do no wrong. Gagging a bit here.

    Honestly, I don’t think mainstream America or MSM care too much about who is or isn’t Trig’s mother. Even if this became highly visible, I am certain there is at least one or more prepared rebuttals, reasons, lies already in place that will vindicate the Blessed Sarah. She will be in line for sainthood because of whatever she did was out of love for daughter, Trig, family, blah, blah, blah--and we will be aghast, frustrated, and dumbfounded that she got another free ride.

    Unless, of course, the revelation is so bizarre and twisted that it piques our extreme “you’re kidding, even she couldn’t/wouldn’t, shouldn’t have done that because this is too over the top, too crazy to even think of doing” type of response.

    Let’s hope that Rex has the twisted and bizarre; otherwise, let’s hope for a lovely federal indictment that will disable the Palin travesty and clearly reveal who this person really is to those who don't already know.

  132. I have to wonder how many times in the past politicians have used some kind of manipulation to make us think they are something that they are not. It would have been very easy to do before the internet. Now information just flies around and bloggers can post pictures and videos and thousands of people can evaluate the information. The news media in this country has always sensored some of the information. They kept JFK's adventures with women under raps and they knew about it.
    Maybe they are actually happy everyone focused on Bristol because it got us off the trail of the true story. Perhaps all the threats of law suits were just part of the act. Now that we have more information about what is really motivating her it makes sense that she would use a downs baby as a prop and she certainly treats him like one.

  133. Anonymous3:46 PM

    @2:57 - you need to look at the series of photos. Palin's bump goes mysteriously up and down in a few days time.

  134. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Just curious here, what happened to BreePalin site? It's been removed from Immoral Majority. The entire site is gone

  135. L.A. in S.F.4:31 PM

    Oops, I usually proof my comments, but didn't this time. No, Patrick et al, I meant T1. How do you know "for a fact" that SP didn't give birth to T1? I know she didn't to T2. Geesh, what a f'n weird bunch of people. Them, not you! Anyway, so back to my original question: how do you know for a fact about the fake T1 pregnancy? :-)

  136. Anonymous4:36 PM


    I found myself in the same position (older and pregnant) as Sarah and I did not disclose my pregnancy. The doctor told me I would have to have an amnio test and decide whether to abort or continue the pregnancy. Several of my friends and family were birthers so I did not reveal the pregnancy until I had received the test results and had decided to continue the pregnancy.

  137. Anonymous4:52 PM

    You need only to read Chris Hedges book on American Fascists and the Christians Right War on America. It will really open your eyes to this group.

  138. LA in SF: Isn't this enough of a fact?

    Or how about this?

    Or this?

    There are so many other photos that show the same thing.

  139. Anonymous11:29 PM

    "Still digging" seems to be your motto. Lol. Btw. I have a co-worker who hardly showed until her last month. So much for your theory.

  140. LA in SF

    My first guestblog on palingates should answer your question why I know for a fact that Sarah is not the bio-mother of Trig:

  141. Anonymous @ 11:29

    I am always amazed to hear palinbots like you talk about having co-workers or friends who didn't show until their last month of pregnancy. You lie! I have never seen a woman as slim as Sarah while pregnant with her 5th child not showing until the last month of pregnancy. I can't even believe that you believe yourself. Got to be sincere ignorance on your part. No, this is definitely conscientious stupidity.

    "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." --M. L. King

  142. Anonymous12:50 PM

    i am still pondering why pro-lifer girl Palin had amnio in the first place

    Amniocentesis increases the risk of miscarriage with as many as anywhere from one in 200 to one in 500 babies born prematurely. The procedure also carries a low risk of uterine infection, maternal or fetal hemorrhaging, and there is a risk that the needle used during amniocentesis can hit a crucial fetal area and cause permanent damage.

    Pro lifers say that is a big no no
    Ok maybe you will "find something out" .. but if you are adamant the baby is a gift from above .. what's the point of "finding something out" if there runs the risk of miscarriage (ending God's precious gift)

    Ok .. perhaps it could show something that could be prevented? or something that can prepare the doctors in advance when time for delivery comes?

    I grew up in a whacko church, went to pro life rallies.. and amnio was always said to be a big fat NO NO.. why did
    Sarah do it.. is she a pretend Christian after all? She doesn't even attend church.. So she spits out the word God now and then and all of the sudden she gets all the evangelicals doing the hail mary dance

    and Bristol living next door.. the house to be built.. what the hecklah? Perhaps Palin's house has high security and they want to keep her from paparazzi or threats.. who knows but from an emotional standpoint.. Fine, get your 18 yr old daughter a place of her own.. but do something like an apartment .. away from the parents.. that is what 18 year olds want.. freedom.. privacy

    Great.. now the Palin's can peep out the window and see whose car is parked in Bristol's driveway.. like building a small commune. I think she is being bribed with gifts.. keep your mouth shut girl.. but mah.. I can get alot of money if I tell my story.. how much money do you think? Fine.. we will build you a house, hire a full time nanny... you dont have to work.. what more can you want?

    That family is so arse backwards..
    When is Todd gonna blow? He aint getting any younger.. I am sure there are flocks of young booties that would shower him with affection (think the John guy from the 8 kids and Kate show) ..
    He's gotta blow soon.. I can't wait for that sneaky tabloid shot of him and ms. thang thang dining for lunch with her hand on his thigh...

    and Palin will be a 50 year old bitty in just a few short years.. but Todd.. women like their men aged and seasoned :) I know that sounds creepy but it is true... he's quite the looker.. gots some baggage but still

  143. Anonymous7:59 PM

    They'll find Sarah Palin's lesbian friend when O.J. finds the "real" killer of Nicole.

    If Sarah makes any headway in her pursuit of the GOP nomination for president in 2012, I believe that the rest of the GOP will see to it that this story is publicized (maybe on Fox?). I'm sure that McCain and the rest of the GOP know about it. If he's still alive in 3 years, it will get done.

  144. Anonymous3:52 PM

    When you marry the Elan Frank video and stills to the AlaskaHDTV video shot on February 20 - two months before she delivered (and only two weeks before she announced her 'pregnancy') - and you see a FLAT stomach with Palin tripping around the slippery streets of Juneau in high heeled boots - I just don't see how anyone, no matter how enamored they may be of her, can possibly believe she gave birth on April 18.

    She's supposed to be 6-7 months pregnant in this video???

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