Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oh you are not going to BELIEVE this!

What is wrong with these people? No matter how much evidence is provided about Obama that confirms his status as a United States citizen, and that he was born in a hospital in the 50th state, they simply will not let it go! has already investigated and dismissed this Republican lie. (You can see the actual document here.) has also verified the authenticity of the document.

You know it seems to smack of desperation. As if THIS is their last hope of stopping Obama from doing a good enough job to make his re-election a certainty.

I would like to say I feel sorry for the people duped into sending these assholes their hard earned money, but if it wasn't them it would be some televangelist or QVC pitchman that would be lining their pockets with their thirty bucks. These kinds of people were born to be fleeced.


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    We have all asked the question before. When will Sarah Palin show us Trig's birth certificate? By now, some one could have forged one, so how about releasing the hospital records to show that the Trig Birthers are are crazy as the Obama Birthers. Ain't gonna happen, is it?

  2. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Well, they are grasping for straws.

    Oh,have you visited Bree Palin?

    Sarah Palin's Guide to Procrastination

    Smoking gun video!!

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Just a bunch of right wing radical zealots, pushing for their own 15 minutes of fame. The only difference between Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate and my Alaska one is mine is in tatters. If I go get a new one it is of the new design and wouldn't looks like the original. Hmmm. Maybe they should consider this simple line of reasoning. It's always a conspiracy to defraud. Typical Republican BS!!

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Hahaha... can't believe his name really is KREEP. Wow. And the SCARY music... (BTW: "Keller" is the German word for "basement") Nuff said

  5. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I agree this "birther" stuff is nonsense. Even if it were true, it's only reflecting badly on its proponents minus any real proof, which they have not presented. -- only theory, conjecture and wishful thinking.

    However, your attitude on this is hard to take seriously, in that you are a "Trig Truther". An equally unproven, rather senseless allegation -- based also more on what you wish were true, than what most probably is.

  6. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Errrm... thirty dollars to send a fax???? Really?

  7. Looselips12:24 PM

    i would like to send that bumper sticker to sarah palin

  8. Anonymous12:37 PM

    oh you just can't make this stuff up!! A guy called KREEP talking to a guy called KELLER (German word for "basement") ... all underscored with a scary soundtrack.... eeeewwww!

  9. Gryphen, I cannot watch the video. Better yet..I refuse to watch it. These people are just too stupid to be believed, and I am sick and tired of contributing to their infamy. I'm glad you post these things, if only so that people from that other site...can perhaps wake up to the fact that they are behaving in mentally disturbed fashion.

    Good lord...I have a hard time wrapping my head around such obvious stupidity. I give Obama credit for a lot of things...not the least of which is his ability to let these things roll of his back. I don't think he loses a lot of sleep over this, because he must know that this only solidifies his base...made up of smart Americans. I am so glad that there are so many of you. Enough at least, to ensure that the future leader of these alley cats gets nowhere near the whitehouse.


  10. Maybe the only way to let the general public know about Sarah Palin's fake pregnancy is to make a commercial, since MSM is too effing afraid to expose her hoax. And include the video that BreePalin discovered on YouTube!

    The greatest satisfaction is the fact that this was from Fox News footage that was later buried because they realized their own production proved that Sarah was not pregnant! Fortunately, someone saved it on YouTube. And then our dear BreePalin discovered it!

  11. I live in one of their target cities: Macon, GA, and I've been looking for the infomercial. I haven't seen it, and there's been no mention of it in the local paper. I seem to remember TPM reporting it would run late night. Macon went for Obama last year, even though the state went to McCain. They don't need to show the informercial here anyway. Most of the dummies who live here are already devoted Fuchs Noose and Limbaugh fans. They already believe this nonsense.
    I'm older than the president, and I don't have the original copy of my bc, either. The Republican Party is in total disarray, and this is the only route they see to regaining seats in Congress in the midterm elections. We must deny them that opportunity. They have to be beat over the head repeatedly and have change forced upon them.

  12. Anonymous1:15 PM

    It really doesn't matter about his birth certificate. His MOTHER was an american at the time of his birth. That makes him one. Hellooooooooooo

  13. Anonymous1:24 PM

    OT, sorry, but you have not as yet responded in this blog about the confusion you experienced after you read the entire article in Vanity Fair featuring Levi.

    On September 10, 2009 you stated that, "Essentially much of what Levi says in the article is in direct opposition to things I have learned over the last five months. I don't know what that means yet.

    I am still very confident in my sources but I also had a lot of faith in young Levi. So now I am going to have to try and get to the bottom of why there is a disparity between what he reports and what my sources report. I hope to have that figured out to my satisfaction in a day or so."

    Forgive me if I have simply missed your reply. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

  14. ginny1:46 PM

    What was with all of the weird, bad editing of this video? LOL! What morons!

  15. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Please, someone save that video!

  16. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Actually it's a money-making scheme not unlike those from Nigeria.

    Tap into people's anger and get them to part with some money.

  17. Anonymous at 12:17--Sooner or later the truth will come out about who's the "Baby Mama" starring Tina Fey & Amy Poehler, another movie with that fake belly. Funny movie but I couldn't help thinking of $palin through the whole movie!!!

  18. Bayan2:29 PM

    Thou shall not bear false witness - isn't that what "Christians" are supposed to do?
    How many lies can you spot in this little commercial? I can't believe they aired this? It looks like fraud to me - asking the gullible people to call in and send money?

  19. I really don't believe Levi is T1's father either, he has been led by $$$arah and Bristol to believe that he is, they needed him for the convention and when she lost there was no longer a need so he was thrown to the curb or he knows who the real father is and is being paid to keep his mouth shut and divert attention.

  20. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Not to mention that McCain wasn't born in the US. Oh yeah, that's different because he would be a naturalized US citizen; whereas, if Obama were actually born in Kenya to an American mother, .....wait, oh yeah that's right! He would be a naturalized citizen as well. But then we know Obama was born in Hawaii so it doesn't matter. But McCain is the questionable one. What a bunch of hypocrites.

  21. mlaiuppa8:35 PM

    Man. These white christian fundamentalists just can't accept a president that isn't white.

    They'd do the same to Hillary because they wouldn't accept a woman president. (Unless it was Sarah Palin. That ol' sauce/gander thing.)

  22. Gasman8:46 PM

    These people are loons. Unfortunately, these cousin loving imbeciles that believe in every moronic conspiracy theory promulgated by FauxNews are becoming a statistically significant demographic within the Republican Party. It will be one of these buffoons that will likely engage in some act of violence in their belief that aliens, fascist/commies, and vegetarians are taking over THEIR country.

    As their bleating becomes more shrill and insane by the moment, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Republican shepherds are not able to manage their sheeple flock. How do they think that this will play out to their advantage and propel them to power?

    In that regard, they are as deluded as the peawits they lead.

  23. Anon@5:00pm there is a big difference between a natural born citizen and a naturalized citizen but
    Even if Obama was born in Kenya he would still be a natural born citizen according to US law.

    Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)

    NATURALIZED CITIZEN - One who, being born an alien, has lawfully become a citizen of the United States Under the constitution and laws. He has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the...

  24. I know what their T-Shirts should say9:15 PM

    These nutjobs don't want to admit that the governor of Hawaii (a Republican) is correct in saying that Obama's certificate is legit...Or that the concomitant birth announcements in the Honolulu papers were real...Or that you could even become an Illinois State Senator or U.S. Senator without having been thoroughly vetted...Or...WHY DON'T THEY JUST WEAR T-SHIRTS THAT SAY "STUPID, RACIST & PROUD OF IT"? Pay $30 and you can wear one of these shirts, too?

  25. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Lol...people sending their money to someone fleecing them. Hmmm.


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