Friday, September 04, 2009

The children of Anchorage WILL be allowed to watch the President's speech. Now that is the Alaska that I know and love!

Anchorage public school teachers can have their classes tune in to President Obama's speech Tuesday despite the protest of some local parents that the speech should be blocked from the classroom.

School Superintendent Carol Comeau said Thursday she instructed teachers that if they want, they can air the speech on education and work it into their curriculum, and that parents can opt to not have their children watch.

I would be very surprised if any of the teachers in Anchorage chose not to have their students participate in this opportunity. The teachers that I have met, regardless of their political affiliations, are all about providing access to information and new experiences. They will not cheat the kids out of something as cool as this.

And I pity any children whose close minded parents pull them from class and keep them from being exposed to an intelligent and reasonable President for the first time in some of their young lives. Let's face it, for many of the grade school kids especially they have only been exposed to George W. Bush and now Obama. Who would you rather they hear an address from?

I am also happy to hear that the teachers in the Valley will be able to decide for themselves as well.

Mat-Su school district spokeswoman Catherine Esary said the Valley district was leaving it up to teachers and schools to decide to watch it or not. Alaska Department of Education spokesman Eric Fry said his non-partisan state agency was also taking a hands-off approach, leaving it up to districts, as it does most decisions.

I know that we have come to believe that the Valley is full of misplaced hillbillies and anti-government survivalists thanks to the example of Sarah Palin, but I know there are many very intelligent and reasonable people also living out there. I would also be surprised if any of those teachers chose to skip the President's address as well.

I would be less surprised to find that more parents kept their children home however, but perhaps that is my own prejudice making that assumption.

Anyhow the speech will be released on Monday, so I will link to it so that people can read the whole thing for themselves. Hopefully if anybody has any doubt of the content or it's purpose they will take the time to at least read it before making a rash decision concerning their child's education.

And did I tell you how proud of my city I am right now? Well too bad, I am telling you again!


  1. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Hooray! Thank you, educators, for putting the value of this incredible educational experience for the kids at the forefront!

  2. YAAAAAYYY! That is some really good news!

  3. FEDUP!!!4:09 PM

    For crying out loud! President Obama is not the first President to address school kids! Every president since at least President Kennedy has done so - even gw! Nobody ever went up in arms like this!

    It is just another sign of how RACIST the Party of NO is! If President Obama was lily-white, even the Party of NO would not say anything!

    I hope this will be the straw that finally brakes the Party of NO's back, and they will FOREVER lose most of their members!

  4. mlaiuppa4:12 PM

    I wonder of Piper will see it from wherever she is registered?

    Naw. Palin will keep her home that day.

  5. SoCalWolfGal4:19 PM

    Well, it is about time that reason instead of panic, hatered and ignorance reign supreme! As has been pointed out on MSNBC this afternoon, it's okay that Ronnie, George the First and DubYah can speak to school kids, but when President Obama is going to speak, it is a Commie Plot! These people are beyond hope.

  6. Ah!! A semblance of sanity prevails..:)

  7. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I'm glad they are finally acting like adults.

    OT - Palin was spotted in San Diego.

    Reesie in VA

  8. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:31 PM

    I have to agree with the rest of the posters...
    If President Obama was all White instead of half white this wouldn't be a issue. Thank god there are some sane people who want their kids to experience the President of the United States talking to Them!

  9. Cool Gryphen...To bad we can't all get along..

  10. Keeping the kiddies out of school Tuesday: let's just say, IF I had school-age kids, I would keep them home Tuesday, so they could watch and listen to the President, since the local School District has decided not to let the kids see and hear it.

    IF I did that...I'd be damned sure the school and the local Board of Education knew exactly WHY they were out that day!

    the whole thing just pisses me off!

  11. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I know I'm preaching to the choir, but we should not sigh with relief that reasoning and rationale have prevailed.

    We should yell with disgust at the vile hatred directed toward the president, and call these perps out for the anti-Christian, racists they are.

  12. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I emailed my middle-schooler's principal, and he wrote back saying he had received my 1 supportive emails to 10 vitriolic ones. Show the schools that there is support from people who understand common sense, respect and logical thought processes.

  13. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I did some reverse-subversion and told my kids to tell their teachers that their parents WANT them to see the speech.

    For every parent that sent a nasty-gram to Ms. Comeau they should be sentenced to a semesters worth of playground monitoring - maybe then they'll know what their kids are really being exposed to at school.

    All this faux outrage in front of children is embarassing.

  14. I sent an email to the ASD School Board at Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 10:45 PM
    2 replied:

    Carol Comeau replied on Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 10:51 PM with a personal Thank you - impressive that she was reading, processing and replying to work email at that time of night!

    Jeff Friedman replied on Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:50 AM with a nice reply.

    The others have not replied.

    I will next send an email to the remaining school board members asking their opinion on the matter.

    I will also state that a no reply will indicate to me that they are against Obama speaking to the schools.

    This is important information to guide my vote in the next school board election.

  15. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I want to give a big thank-you and shout out to the God-less Evangelic Right Wing Extremists for informing this parent of two Alaskan bush students so I too can keep them out of school. Only- to make sure they see this speech given by OUR President and meant for them.
    At 8 a.m. Alaska time Pres. Obama wants to inspire, inform and impress upon our youngest citizens. My kids will be taken out of school for the hour or more so they can also listen to a variety of pundits and discuss this speech with myself as well.
    Then they will write Mr. Obama later in the week to invite him to the only state he has never visited and promise him a warm welcome now that Palin coped out. I have emailed the Y.K.S.D. and spoken to my principal to let them know I consider this speech one of the most important educational opportunities presented to them in this school year. Unfortunately, school begins at 8:30 so it may be up to most parents to make sure the kids DO SEE this speech.
    The principal said they were given this link for lesson also ...lessons/7-16.doc. Will look there for suggested lesson plans.
    The Republican Party is dead. They have been taken over by Raving Rovebotic Rushing To Scarah You Lunatics.

  16. Send the kids or don’t send them…either way, they will find out what was said…with the media and people talking, it will get out…


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