Sunday, September 13, 2009

Do you have a question for ex-Governor Sarah Palin? Thanks to Vanity Fair you can have that question answered. Well sort of.

Here is a sample from this hysterical parody:

Dear Miss Information: I have to admit I'm a bit confused about this whole "Birther" movement. Wasn't the President born in Hawaii and isn't Hawaii the 50th state? Please help.

Dear Gentle Reader: Glad to. President Obama (not his real name, btw) is actually a citizen of Africa or India (or France, or some other third-world country that, last time I checked, wasn't part of the America I know and love). As for this whole Hawaii/state business, I'm gonna have to get back to ya on that.

Dear Miss Information: While discussing the health care debate with a close friend, he kept telling me about these "death panels" and "end of life" provisions. Frankly, the whole thing sounds pretty far-fetched and hard to believe. Can you clarify?

Dear Gentle Reader: You betcha, friend. While you were sitting in the local Starbucks, sipping your Pumpkin Latte and typing your question on your laptop, some heartless Obama-appointed bureaucrat just yanked your nana's feeding tube out of her nose and slipped her a pass key to the Dirt Nap Motel. That answer it for ya?

To read the rest of this wonderful article just click the title above.


  1. The folks at palingates have done some very fascinating research.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I clicked on the "Are You Smarter Than Sarah Palin" quiz cos I am also smart and read all the newspapers, too. So I thought it was real mean to put in that "gotcha" question about Hamas becuz everybody knows that it's a popular Middle East dip made of chickpeas and tahini. Which goes really well with moose kebabs.

  3. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Dear Miss Information: While looking back at my '08 campaign scrapbook, I noticed that "Death" is your constant companion. Whenever you stood by McCain as the VP nominee, it seemed as if you could try to kill him in order to become president. There was a lot of PR about your wolf killing program. You stood in front of turkeys as they were slaughtered. Your belief in end times is widely known. And now this year you are shouting about death panels. Why do you and death walk hand in hand?
    Dear Gentle Reader: I am a death consort, also, too. I am trying currently to kill the GOP. How am I doin'? (Wink)


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