Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Even Sarah's ghostwriter is too embarrassed to talk about Palin's new book.

One San Diegan knows all the details of Sarah Palin's soon-to-be released memoir, but don't ask her about it. She can't tell.

Lynn Vincent, Palin's ghostwriter, has signed a non-disclosure agreement.
(Believe me she is not going to want to talk about it after it comes out either. She is going to be too embarrassed about the lies.) She has been hard at work on the book for the past few months with Palin, the former Alaska governor and John McCain's running mate.

So quick did their writing progress that the publisher announced yesterday that the 400-page memoir's release date, originally scheduled for spring, has been moved up to Nov. 17, with an e-book version following on Dec. 26.

After resigning as governor in late July, Palin spent most of August in San Diego working with Vincent on the book, “Going Rogue: An American Life.” Rumors swirled about Palin sightings at Vincent's condo complex in north San Diego County. Palin reportedly was joined here by her family and top aide, Meghan Stapleton. This month, Palin huddled with her editors in New York.
(I understand that Meg was the only one who stayed with her the entire time. What is up with their relationship anyhow?)

Harper, the publisher, announced a first printing of 1.5 million copies, the same quantity as Sen. Ted Kennedy's recently released book, “True Compass.” (The only difference? Kennedy's book is about a lifetime of public service and Palin's is about less than three years of sabotaging Alaska, hurting her family, and single-handedly destroying the Republican party. Oh yeah, there is a comparison for you.)

Just as Palin was relatively unknown when McCain tapped her as his running mate, Vincent hardly is a household name.

For the past 10 years, she has been working for Christian-based World Magazine, from which she took leave to work full time with Palin.

So Sarah's ghostwrite is somebody who regularly places faith over facts. Well what other kind of person could possibly have subjected themselves to the "Palin pile o' lies"?

And what will Lynn Vincent do when she is besieged with interviews wanting to get her opinion on the other books that completely refute Sarah Palin's version of events? I am guessing her ghostwriting career will come to a screeching halt.


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Lynn is going to want to go into the federal witness protection program when the many lies in the book are exposed...

    I am bummed. Nobody celebrated Todd getting his first stamp in his passport book in China.. it may have been Sarah's first stamping also (military bases don't stamp passports).

    Go Todd!!! You are now a world traveler!

  2. "Going Rogue. Why my kids are always losing their underwear."

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I confess. I really and truly want SP to disappear into the irrelavancy she so deserves, yet I am fascinated at the same time. She has that 'can't-help-but-look" factor - like an awful car wreck.

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM


  5. L.A. in S.F.7:29 AM

    I emailed a friend in NYC yesterday, a wise woman who has been in the publishing industry for decades. I asked her why Harpers would push this up so precipitously and then I said rhetorically: who writes 400 words in four months? And she said, "A non-writer."

    Then she said there were two reasons she could think of: concerns about her waning popularity or an impending indictment! And I don't believe my friend has been following the details on these blogs at all. That was just her gut reaction.

    Fingers crossed!

  6. Bill Maher ripped her on Jay Leno last night! Good Job, Bill!

  7. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Free $P Bobblehead with each book purchased. Her head bounces with each lie you read.


  8. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I just ran across this little article about Sarah and thought it was just a hoot!


    "Uh-huh. Sarah Palin -- Sarah Palin -- finished writing a 400-page book just four months after the deal was announced. This is the same Sarah Palin who can barely string together two complete sentences without choking on her own tongue."

  9. I would not buy her book if you paid me. Well, maybe if you paid me really, really well. But I don't think I'd be able to read it without screaming and hollering, tearing out my hair, jabbing sharp objects into my eyeballs, and maybe even throwing shit at spouse.
    We all know the only facts in the book will be where she was born, not when, when her four children were born and the fact that McCain sacrificed half of America foisting her on the public political scene.
    Maybe there will be a silver lining. When poor little Sarah sees that nobody is interested in her book, that they don't come close to selling all of the first edition copies, she'll finally go home and STFU!
    There's always hope.

  10. Anonymous said...@7:00am
    Lynn is going to want to go into the federal witness protection program when the many lies in the book are exposed...

    I agree

  11. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Where is the justice? This person lied to the American people for political gain. She violated ethics while her personnel board let her off the hook. She used her office to promote her religion. And those 254 people who died from lack of services under her administration mean nothing, just a number.

    The book should be called, "The Alaskan Leech."

  12. I am very curious as to why you have not received any communications from palin or her attorney about the allegations a false pregnancy.

    Are they hoping it will not be picked up by the MSM and her book will quash any doubt?
    Has she really gotten a new "handler" that is policing her actions and writings?
    Or is she hoping that being out of the public eye will lessen the impact when the bottom falls out about all the lies?
    I wonder how many lies will be in this book?

    It is totally obscene that she lied about the reason, quit her job costing the state millions of dollars and instead of suffering consequences, will be monetarily rewarded.
    On the other hand, Glenn Beck new book is gathering dust at my local Sams and Borders.

  13. Anonymous8:17 AM

    It's common for ghostwriters to sign nondisclosure statements. I know people who have ghostwritten novels for big name fiction writers. The Big Name gets millions, while the real writer takes home a one-time payment of about $100,000 and has to keep their mouth shut for the rest of her life. It's more common for "auto" biography ghostwriters to get at least some credit.

    But, 400 pages! I'm thinking we're going to see lots of pictures, big print, and plenty of white space.

  14. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Oh, c'mon. I think Lynn is a champ! Just look, she's turned what could only have been about 12 pages of actual substance into a 400 page Sarah-thon. I cannot wait for this fine prose.

    Pat in Texas

  15. Has anyone checked the length of her nose lately or did she have some taken off during her hiatus from public view?

  16. FEDUP!!!8:39 AM

    Well, I am glad they cut the time short.
    400 pages in only 4 months... Can you imagine how much she could have written if given the whole time? War and Peace would dwarf against her prolificness (is that a word?!)

    Poor ghostwriter. I betcha she did not know what kind of word salads she would have to eat! Wonder if she is just stick and bones by now?

  17. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Not for nothing, but an article in the WaPo back when Scarah signed the contract said she had already written 4-5 chapters and kept extensive journals. The reporter wondered at the time why it was going to take a year to get the book out.

  18. No doubt it will be gobbled up by the Conservative Book Club and pumped out at a Dollar to make it an instant number one seller..


  19. From the formerly respectable, WSJ:


    "Oh Rupie, you're so good to little 'ol meeeee!"

  20. Anonymous8:55 AM

    These guys are having a discussion whether or not it's a good idea to even read her book.

    This one guy said he would read it if they re-titled the book to:

    "Palin's Passive Voice: The Inane Story of a Functional-Illiterate."


    "Palin's Patriotism: The Life and Times of an American Quitter."



  21. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I laughed so hard coffee came out my nose when I read the title "going rogue". They may want to google what "going rogue" means in some groups. It may explain Sarah and Meg's close relationship :)

  22. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I suppose "her" book will be a "best-seller" because right-wing organizations often buy cartons of books of some authors (Coulter) that support their political positions, no matter how hateful.

    When it comes out, I plan to go to my nicest Barnes & Nobel store - the one with the big chairs and coffee bar, and look at it there. Then I will decide whether it is a trifling bit of self-congratulatory fluff, and leave it on the shelf, or whether I hate it enough to risk my good reputation and steal it. I haven't the hardened nerves of a career criminal, so I will probably chicken-out, but I am determined not to spend one penny on this book.

  23. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Considering that Chuck the elder says Sarah was asking him about basketball games she played and and what the scores were and suchwise, I can attest that perhaps a good half of the book will be taken up by her hugely successful career as an athlete in high school, and how she was such a good team player that she earned the nick Barracuda (Sarahcuda).

    Gee I can't wait to hear how Great she was at basketball. Whooo hooooo. Can you see how truly excited I am? Uh, no.....you certainly cannot.

    Pretty please will there be a chapter about how she went rogue and had the sports complex and the house all done at the same time, with the same supplies? And one where she went rogue and got pregnant before she got married to Taaahd the love of her life, and how her mother before her did the same? Oh, and then, her daughter, twice? How 'bout a chapter on the truly roguish way she, shall we say "took credit for" Trig? Mr. Trisomy G? (Let us not forget the theory that "Trig" is named after his unfortunate chromosomal error....Trisomy 21, aka Trisomy G, aka Down Syndrome--I apologize but it seems like JUST the sort of joke Sarah would think was funny--and, in hindsight, I guess "Trig" is better than "the retarded one".)

    I cannot wait to see if Lynn has written a book or a hagiography. I'm leaning towards hagiography. Look it up, Saint Sarah!

  24. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Urban Dictionary has a very interesting definition of "going rogue". Of course, the rethugs didn't know what "teabagging" meant either.

  25. michelle9:15 AM

    Take a look at what "Going Rogue" means in the Urban Dictionary:


    It appears that this is what Palin is trying to do to this country.

  26. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Heard that Sarah misspelled the name of the book it is really named "Going Rouge: An American Lie."

  27. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Question for those of you who are familiar with Alaska Report. Does the "Rumor Central" tidbit normally change in the course of the day? This a.m. (u.s. Eastern time zone), it was about some scandal headed toward the Palins. Now it's about something else entirely. Thoughts?

  28. mommom9:39 AM

    Remember Quitter calling home to ask dad what the score was in a bsketball game in highschool because she needed for her book? Thats how she got 400 pages. Filler. Lots of useless,unimportant details to stretch the page countLike a lazy,uninspired highschool english student.

  29. Anonymous9:44 AM

    L.A. in S.F........ You have a wise friend. Meg didn't leave her side, heh? I betcha it was Meg who spent most of the time in SD. We all know SP needs a translator. Will they destroy her journals now?

  30. Anonymous9:48 AM

    "The former governor had already written 20,000 words when the book deal was announced, and kept journals that made writing easier, Stapleton said.

    So, Palin got paid per diem and the $125K governor's salary to be governor... instead she was writing her fucking book? Alaskans are stupid for putting up with that bitch.

  31. Anonymous9:49 AM

    DianeDP-Palin and gang will never try to sue anyone about Babygate. That would mean she would have to be deposed and PROVE that she is the biological mother of Trig. Ain't gonna happen.

  32. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I look forward to the critiques of the latest book in the Palin Lies & Makin' Things Up! series.

    Alaskans elected Palin based upon her narcissistic view of her accomplishments and herself. When she did govern, she turned it into a total soap opera...from her porch in Wasilla no less.

    I expected an early release date - it's not too hard to repeat lies about yourself one more time.
    Also, too, Makin' things up comes so naturally to Mrs. Palin, especially with little enablers like Meg around stroking your ego.

  33. Anonymous10:00 AM

    It will be fascinating to see how they handle her promoting this thing. Will she go on any of the morning shows? Oprah? The View? Or is it going to be Fox only?

  34. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Was just watching MSNBC (Andrea), the topic was the new book. Andrea replayed her interview with Sarah (fishing) where Sarah snapped at her, about "You don't understand" thingy. The grin on Andrea Mitchell's face after the replay tells she knows what a rogue is.

    I think the media is finally going to come around, and stop enabling her. When and how will SP promote her new book without media present? How will she evade the press then?

  35. SoCalWolfGal10:23 AM

    Thanks L.A. in S.F@7:29 am for the input from your editor friend in NY. I think her reasons of concern for Palin and Murdoch are spot on. 400 pages of beautiful color pics of $P and her version of "truth, justice and the American Way". I refuse to spend one thin dime on her drivel but thankfully I am sure Gryphen, AKM and Shannyn will provide the highlights. Speaking of AKM, don't miss her wonderful article on HuffPo yesterday: "The Ugly Irony of Palin's Going Rogue".

  36. Anonymous10:35 AM

    zondervan is the relig publishing side of harper collins.

    Zondervan continued to extend its leadership in Christian publishing by publishing seven of the top 10 bestselling Bibles of 2007.

  37. Anonymous write: It will be fascinating to see how they handle her promoting this thing. Will she go on any of the morning shows? Oprah? The View? Or is it going to be Fox only?

    A book tour is usually a requirement for a book deal.

  38. honestyinGov10:39 AM

    Yes... the pushing forward of the book release is just to ' hinky ' on many levels. There must be piles of poo out there ready to hit the fan. Coincidence.... the week after Bree's new Fox tape comes out...HARDLY!

    I say everybody continue to do what someone suggested earlier. KEEP calling Rick Sanchez at CNN. The little fight with CNN and Fox about the lies from 9-12... keep reminding them. And tell Rick this is Fox's biggest Lie of all time.They were involved in the cover-up. Link the two.The book release story adds even more credibility.The idea about flooding Twitter sounds good as well. Huffpo is dumping links to Bree or Gryphen but I was able to post the Daily Dish link that redirected back to Bree's story.( it stayed posted )Don't add words in the comments the mods will pick up though. Just say read the DD story... with some teaser.Andrew Sullivan's name or links apparently don't set of the filters and Mods,or they are not set to recognize him, at least this time they didn't.
    Push the Fox angle on CNN and now the hasty book release.Rick Sanchez 1(877) 692 - 6609. Toll Free...call as much as you like.

  39. Anonymous10:49 AM

    $arah Palin will get around the media, and the media will continue to enable her, as always. She only does interviews with the same people, over, and over, again: Matt Lauer, Andrea Mitchell, everyone on Fox Noise, she will occasionally show up on CNN, (who are sometimes just as bad as Fox Noise)People Magazine...The same people. Because they are easy on her, and don't ask her any tough questions, that she hasn't already prepared for, and they will let her control the interview. She will never go on The View, or, Oprah Winfrey's show, or talk to David Schuster, on MSNBC, or anthing like that.

  40. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I just read the "Going Rogue" definition in the Urban Dictionary. OMG! Did Ted Haggard give her the title of her book? Or was it Larry Craig?

    These teabagging Christians are just unbelievable, always bringing sexual imagery to the table!

  41. Anonymous11:35 AM

    = 9:36 AM = I don't know how often they change rumor central.

    It sounds like Treasury & Justice are closing in on the crooks & politicians in the fishing industry of the SE coast, & other white collar topics.

    I wonder if it has to do with the July 24, 2009 article?

    Federal indictments for Palin?

  42. I think the term 'going rogue' is used a few times on the sitcom Friends. So what section of Barnes and Noble will Palin's book be in ... wait, I don't think Barnes and Noble sells "that kind" of book.

  43. FEDUP!!!12:05 PM

    She will do her book tour virtually - through FaceBook.
    Like that, she will never have to face ANY questions about ANYthing...

  44. Anonymous12:16 PM

    From the Urban Dictionary -

    Going Rogue

    A male that allows a transexual man to fck him hard in the ass, yet still claims to be straight.

    Chris: dude, why is Hobbes walking funny?
    Ted: I think he got too drunk last night and ended up going rogue.
    Chris: oh no, not with that tranny!!!

  45. I have created two new photo-montages which compare Sarah Palin's appearance on April 8 and April 13, 2008.

    It's very clear that the big belly on April 13 came out of nowhere.

    See here:



  46. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I just keep shaking my head, I can't believe this woman has made it this far.

    The early book release date might indicate her book will expose that baby as her grandchild. If so, will she use sympathy asking forgiveness so folks will look the other way? After all, what's a mom to do? That ol' dansal in distress syndrome, disguised as a pit bull or barracuda, no doubt. A thought to deceive turned into a conspiracy to deceive the American people for political gain. I don't see Jesus in her actions, not at all. If he wanted her to walk on stage as a mother with a baby with DS, she would have. Except for two pictures, no other photo/video evidence supports her allegation. Further, if he wanted her ticket to win the WH, they would have. God is not a deceiver.

  47. "Going Rogue", eh?

    We already know from something Palin said a few months ago that a good part of her book will be based on her journal, which she says she's kept since she was a teen (or maybe earlier).

    Boy, doesn't that get you all tingly, knowing you're going to read AGAIN all about Sarah Palin's adventures on the basketball court, hunting with her father and holding moose eyeballs or some other hazing/rite of passage her father thought up, bossing around her brother and sister, Todd and her getting passionate for the first time and eloping...OH BOY!!!


    It's not like we haven't seen this stuff in some form or other in the past year or so.

    I suppose the book will be some kind of trophy for her "base" fans, like the Kaylene Johnson book was last year, and it'll be displayed proudly next to whatever other artifacts they've collected (yeah, like the bobblehead doll, so appropriate for that type of fan!)

    One point of satisfaction: You know she can't -- or shouldn't -- do this twice. She will have covered everything she has done and knows about in this one book. I suppose it's possible she'll branch out into "Ask Sarah" type stuff, like giving advice on raising a family, family values, how to get ahead in politics...

    OMG, I'm laughing out loud as I type that.

  48. Irishgirl1:38 PM

    Lynn Vincent apparently wrote her last book with Robert Stacy McCain. Ring any bells?

    I can't cut and paste on your site Gryphen..but check out cs.features.csmonitor.com

    I just found it by googling sarah palin on the news.

  49. Anonymous2:08 PM

    400 pages -- 150 of which could be the Index!!

    Anyone hear yet what Rehab the Ghostwriter is in?

  50. Anonymous2:24 PM

    OK, I just had a thought.... Maybe (I hope I hope), this book will be along the same lines as Mckenzie Phillips' biography tell all book. SP can tell all about her 'effed up childhood, her perfectionist father, hopping from college to college because of failing grades and promiscuous behavior...her getting pregnant before marriage as a way to get back at dear old dad. Then touch upon her loveless marriage, and being brain washed by a fanatical religious cult. Then she can tell the truth about her fling with a married guy. Of course she'll come clean about the fake pregnancy and throwing her daughter under the bus because the RNC told her to. And the biggest chapter... how she was used by the Republicans and Christian right and her wake-up call at being used...that's why she quit being governor. I can dream can't I? ;)

  51. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Well, when I heard it was 400 pages, I got to wondering who wrote the other 300, but that is pretty clear now.
    While not particularly defending SP, I would urge caution in getting worked up about the 'lies' in the book. Unless something gets leaked, we don't know what has been written.
    And remember, millions of neoconservatives will buy this book and treat it as the SP gospel, keeping it right next to their NIV bible.

  52. Of course Sarah will not go on MSNBC, why should she waste her time. Their ratings are so low they know all the people personally who watch them.

    Her book made #1 seller on Barnes & Nobles today and will be #1 tonight or tomorrow on Amazon.

    It is so disgusting to see people filled with such hate. My get a life.

  53. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Why do people use the stock phrase "Get a life" when they are putting someone down for their differing views? I am a farmer, dog trainer, volunteer at the local food bank, and work with handicapped kids, in addition to having a family and many friends. I think my life is just fine, thank you very much! I don't believe a word Palin says.
    The Pecan Farmer

  54. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Why do people who troll sites filled with people they know disagree with them, bother to post something like "get a life"?

    Projection is the conservative's friend...

  55. Anonymous6:32 PM

    OMG. Is juju back here???
    The total end of Palin's career is indeed near!!!! This is the sign I have been looking for!

  56. Anonymous6:47 PM

    *reads the Urban Dictionary definition of "going rogue"*

    Sarah? Have you ever seen The Princess Bride?

    "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." -Inigo Montoya

  57. Heck, juju, Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum "By The Numbers" books have hit #1 at Barnes & Nobles and Amazon, too -- they're even in the same category as Palin's book, too -- FICTION!!!.


    Geez, girl, slink back to Seefourpee, you're outclassed.

  58. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I have to repost this-found it on the comments on CNN (I know, I know)...
    A gentleman from Illinois replied in answer to the question, "What would you like to read about in Palin's book?" "Oh, man-isn't that like asking about the nutritional value in a bag of Pork Rinds?"


  59. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I'm surprised that the publisher is counting on selling over a million of these books. A large portion of the target demographic has to be illiterate.

    . . . oh snap . . . sorry

  60. It is my hope and prayer that somehow, someway she has to talk to the savior of publishing, Oprah Winfrey, on her book tour.

    I think that interview would be beyond amazing. Because even when Oprah is nice, she still allows people to reveal their true natures.

    Because unlike that unemployed grandmother on Facebook, Oprah is quite excellent at what she does.

  61. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Let's all sit at the bookstore and skim through it for a good laugh, then review it on amazon and all the other online book review sites.

  62. If I see it at Costco, I'll speed-read through it (and maybe dogear a few pages in most of the books stacked up there). I sure won't buy it.

    Our local library doesn't have the Kaylene Johnson Palin biography, so I imagine this book won't be on the bookshelves either. Wise use of library funds...

  63. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Wouldn't this be a more appropriate cover for her book:



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