Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Rahel Maddow continues her investigation of the ACORN witchhunt.

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Rachel seems almost completely alone as she points out the hypocrisy and "ginned up" charges being brought against ACORN. I wish that there were more in the MSM that had her courage.

I had a conversation with one of my liberal friends about ACORN, and even THEY thought ACORN should be investigated and that they were suspect. That is how successful the smear campaign against ACORN has been.

Look I agree that those low level workers who gave the faux "hooker and pimp" FOX News operatives the illegal advice should be fired and some education is clearly needed for the people who are manning their offices, but that does not mean the whole organization is corrupt. Far from it.

And be aware that the same smear used against ACORN is also being used against President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the Census Bureau, health care reform, and it was even used against me!

This is what FOX and the Republicans do. They simply repeat a lie over and over again in the hopes that after people hear it enough times they will accept it as fact.

But we are progressives. Facts are something we ferret out, not something that is shoveled into out brains by large prejudicial media outlets. Remember? We are the smart ones.


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Well MSNBC just said that Palin is LOVED by a lot, mostly southerners. Said GOP wants to "use" her for campaign help. Said people have high regard for her and her MORALS.
    PLEASE stop this insanity.

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Acorn helps sign up poor voters. The GOP doesn't care about those voters. If they put Acorn out of business, it will benefit the GOP.

  3. Anonymous11:27 AM

    About the new study:


  4. Anonymous11:28 AM

    To read the new study which profiles the ACORN smears:


  5. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Interesting.... it is smears when there is video proof of something a liberal puke does, but "facts" when liberal make up information about conservatives. Oh no, it must be a great right wing conspiracy, right????????

    Let's face it you are just a sick, demented, lonely excuse for a human being who has nothing but hatred to spew at the world.

  6. Anonymous3:24 PM

    ACORN is one of the few voices speaking out against the ghastly treatment of people who live in poverty. It also trains and employs people who would otherwise have little hope of ever learning job skills. So naturally one should expect some employment issues. But the truth is that some of the filmed workers went to the police with information after the taping, including the one told about prostitution of girls. The police confirmed that contact was made.

    ACORN has been under repub attack for years because the voters it registers tend to vote Democratic. One of the wrongfully fired DOJ attorneys said he lost his job because he refused to bring bogus cases of voter fraud against ACORN. He said his investigation could find no evidence to support that claim, so the Bush administration fired him.

  7. ginny3:26 PM

    I've been wanting to watch this all day, thanks for posting!
    So sick of the witch hunt against ACORN, and it's nice to see someone out there trying to provide fact-based reporting on this!


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