Thursday, September 03, 2009

From the lack of compassion at town halls to Glenn Beck's burgeoning mental illness Countdown was a potpourri of frightening segments today.

First up we have the insanity of yelling at a disabled woman during a town hall focused on health care reform. I believe the sign at the entrance must have read "Leave your empathy outside before entering the hall."

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What is wrong with this country?

You knew it was coming. Keith ridicules Glenn Beck and his irrational fear of New York architecture. Oh boy does Keith have fun with this one!

There were lots of other important segments today as well, including the possible loss of the public option and coverage of Teddy Kennedy's memoirs. I did not want to put ALL of them on my site today, but if you are interested I encourage you to click the title of this post to visit the Countdown homepage.


  1. mommom7:29 PM

    Thank you,thank you thank you!!! I really needed that!! I laughed till my sides hurt.

    Glenn Beck works at Rockefeller Center!!!!

    Blazing Saddles was perfect!!

  2. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Let me be the first to say -- I wish Olbermann had responded to Beck with some dignity and gravitas. Maybe with information or a point of view that debunked, rather than mocked, the flow of lies and misinterpretations that Beck unloaded. Instead, KO delivered a flow of childish rubbish.

    If I'm going to be labelled a progressive, that's cool. But I want a media representative and a news source that is balanced and adult.

    It was a classy move to hold the blogger who accused Beck of crime to honest standards. The 360 Olbermann then performed was nauseating and worthy of O'Reilly -- who KO once ripped to shreds for decrying the media's propensity for stalking, then moving directly into his next story -- in which his minions were stalking a woman.

    Olbermann is letting his ego take over entire segments of the show, and that wastes our time. We watch Countdown for news, not personality-based stunts that belong on FOX.

  3. Anonymous8:41 PM

    To anonymous 7:53

    Lighten up a bit!

    Keith did this as his last segment which is always a comedic view of something happening in current events. He spent the rest of his hour seriously addressing news events and chose his last bit to make fun of Beck and his insane ideas. Dignity and gravitas are not needed when addressing that idiot.

  4. How did Papa Heath get a cameo at the end of the second video?

  5. The right wing fringe is truly sick and didn't listen to what their mma taught them. Glen Beck should be committed.

  6. thanks for blogging this mess...GB to HCR mess...I think we can still fight for PublicOption- but it is up to us to fight- we need to- timing is critical. I have blog all updated about HCR....and links etc.thank you.

  7. Anonymous2:18 AM

    That was funny! The perfect thing for 6 am inside the Beltway.

  8. Aussie Blue Sky2:27 AM

    Keith Olbermann is never going to put Jon Stewart out of a job.

  9. We have a hammer and a sickle in our garden shed. Can it be very long now before Glenn Beck finds out who we really are?

  10. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Beck as OD'd on David Icke.

  11. Gryphen and everyone. Read Gail Collins' editorial in NYT. she FEELS SORRY for Palin and knocks Levi around. Someone needs to set her straight. I guess she doesn't know how to use google.

  12. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what road we are heading down. 1968 is very very vivid in my mind right now. I had a tiny baby and was absolutely frightened beyond belief as to what was being fomented in my country. And many things were the same.

    Racial hatred, anti-war, crazy politicians. When you add people like Savage and especially Beck, it is a caustic mix and it will become dangerous. It is what people DO when they allow their racist hatred, emotions, and lack of brains to mix. It is toxic.

    It will result in violence and bloodshed - that is just my prediction. The ugliness I see from the uneducated hating fundy right is not representative of who and what we are.

    But people will be whipped into killing. From what I've seen on TV, these guys have a lot of guns and very few brains.

    God Help our Country. And FAUX news will pay the price when this goes down.

  13. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:41 AM

    basheert-Agree totally with you...unfortunately about the sorry state this country is in...set off b/c the rethugs lost & to boot... a half white man is president. Frank Schaffer of "Crazy for God" said on Rachel's show, "this election has unhinged them" and its true.
    These self righteous "christian" idiots, "you reap what you sow" and they are sowing the seeds of hatred and violence, strife, ruining the country, and then again the law of karma, what you put out comes back....lets hope karma boomerangs on these racist hateful people!

  14. Anonymous2:00 PM

    anon, it is impossible to respond or debunk that kind of craziness. It never had a foundation to begin with to debunk. Beck makes no sense. This is the funniest thing I've ever seen on TV. I can't believe anyone can watch him and believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

    His argument was non-existent. He strung together a bunch of crap, said it was connected without ever giving one reason let alone fact to back it up, and then ended with a quivering voice of doom and fear.

    It's not possible to debunk crazy. Mocking is the only recourse.

    Otherwise, anyone with a brain would go insane. We can't all lower ourselves to his level to accommodate him and his followers.

    I refuse to do that to myself.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.