Thursday, September 03, 2009

Where is the Palin family? Updated!

Okay I have been working on this for a few days, and I don't have ALL of the answers, but this is what I have thus far:

Todd and Willow are living in Palmer, and Willow is attending classes there.

Sarah and Piper are in an undisclosed location together. (Your guess is as good as mine at this point.)

Bristol was spotted at the Palmer fair with two babies (multiple sources for this) but nobody seems to know just WHERE she is living.

What is fairly clear is that Sarah and Todd are not together at this moment and that Piper is not going to school in Alaska. (Not exactly a big surprise.)(Update: Uh oh, not so fast. Now there is information coming in that Piper may in fact be attending school in the Valley as well. Like I said, I don't have all of the answers yet.)

From what I can gather Bristol has been left in charge of the two babies, though I would assume she is getting some help. Perhaps from her grandparents or other family members. But that is pure conjecture on my part.

I may have some more information after this weekend but I cannot promise any new revelations.


  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    wow, those poor Palin kids.

  2. The Lake Lucille house (that Todd built!) is best guess for Bristol and the babies. Why leave it empty?
    I believe that Bristol's silence was purchased with her having her own "fame" via Candies abstinance spokesperson. That seems to have fizzled away.
    An ignored Bristol, stranded alone, with two babies - I feel so sorry for her. I keep having this fantasy, sort of like "An Officer and a Gentleman," where Levi earns enough money to go get Bristol and the babies and live happily ever after. And both teens tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth, of the real SP.

  3. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Hey Gryphen - here's what I know (I live in the Valley). Willow is attending Colony High School. For whatever reasons, attending Wasilla High - her parents and two older siblings alma mater- wasn't working out. Piper is in third grade at a school in the Valley. She is nine and I don't feel comfortable disclosing which school - it just seems invasive of a nine year old- but she is in school here in the Valley and anyone who knows anything about the Palin family will know exactly which school it is.

    Bristol was at the Fair this weekend with both Trig and Tripp - please people, how bizarre is it that some think these two little boys are one and the same?

    Track has been in the State on a break from military duty.

    Don't know about Todd - but since all five of her kids are here in Alaska - my guess is Sarah is in the State - but just keeping a very low profile. Just a guess.

    How can she keep working on her memoirs about what a hands-on, engaged mom she is if she's out of state the one break her oldest child has from active duty? Or how can she promote herself as the hands-on special needs mom if she's away from Trig for more than a month while he's just 16 months old? It wouldn't make sense.

    I say she's up here somewhere, just wanting to remain anonymous for awhile.

  4. Anonymous5:05 PM

    So who is in their house? Bristol? Anyone? What's in Palmer? And why would Willow and Todd be there instead of Wasilla (especially if Sarah isn't there...?)

  5. WalterNeff5:08 PM

    Who's living in their Wasilla house - John Ziegler?

  6. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I guess Sarah's not in rehab if she's with Piper.

  7. Anonymous5:25 PM

    All I can say is poor, poor Piper. Pat in Texas

  8. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Sarah and Piper are far far away from where they will order a Crunchwrap Supreme from Taco Bell. They could be any place undisclosed. I am speculating it is with great luxury.

    I don't think Jim Palin would take care of the kids. I heard Todd raised his half siblings. The men folk are out of town working for Sarah. Grams Heath might help. Where is Ivy Frye? We've heard Bristol has a boyfriend. He might be a caretaker like Todd?


  9. mommom5:33 PM

    Bristol can't be getting any help from the Heath grandparents,dad is in Idaho and mom is on an island somewhere off the coast,I believe?

  10. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Is Todd in Palmer to be closer to his sister? Isn't she due in court for felony charges soon?

  11. Anonymous 5:04,

    If what you say about Piper is true that is information that I have been unable to get. Which is fine since i don't want to disclose her school either.

    However if she is attending school in he Valley like you say then she must be living with Todd as well, because Sarah is simply not in Alaska.

    Even Chuck Heath admitted as much, saying he did not know where she was.

    The only reason I even posted about the kids was to demonstrate that the family is very splintered right now which lends a lot of credibility to Levi's assertion that the Palins have been on the brink of divorce for quite some time, and to my claim in the Splitsville post that Sarah does not want to live here anymore.

    Now it could be true that she is only out of state temporarily while writing her book, and she will fly up here afterward to reunify her family. Anybody want to offer odds on that happening?

  12. Piper in school? Thank God for that. Gryphen - maybe you are mistaken that Piper is with Scarah?
    I don't think SP is in Alaska - she is just TOO silent. I think she is with Murdoch's "people" and preparing for her big Hong Kong trip. I think she abandonned her family for her "$$higher calling$$," and feels justified doing so. SICK SICK SICK.

  13. Anonymous5:55 PM

    @ ella 5:02:

    yeah, I'd like to see that ending, too! I don't know if it will turn out that way, but it would be nice if it did.

  14. Well, she doesn't seem to be amongst the 2000 people here in Waldport, I don't think she's anywhere in Oregon.

  15. Rumor has it...

    Look no further than poolside on
    rupert murdock's yacht.

    She is being groomed to be his puppet potus.

    Major strings, some say ropes attached!

    Beware people, we are being played like a "Tennessee Banjo"

    My apologies Tennesseans!

  16. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Of course Palin will swoop in like a Mama Bear, after all she needs her stage props for the upcoming speech & her book tour.

    I'll see your moose track and raise ya a double wink during the talent portion of tonight's pageant.

  17. To the Editor--

    Excuse me, but I have to interject something here. Wherever Private Citizen Palin is, I am certain, sure she is not "working" on her book. I hope I'm not shocking anyone, but very few famous people "write" their books. The extreme examples are the athletes who have press conferences following the release of their life stories, and are wholly unable to discuss their book, because they have not even read the damn thing.

    This is not a new phenomena either. I can name LOTS of other names if anyone cares (unfortunately, I think I'm the only one who does), but a more prominent one is Martin Luther King, Jr. According to Taylor Branch (I think it was in Pillar of Fire), King was always afraid that the public would find out that he had not actually written a few of his books. They were written by ghosts. So, Sarah is not writing anything more weighty than checks.

    Just my personal opinion, I think Sarah is at the proverbial undisclosed location, struggling with depression and a form of PTSD. She's longing for the cheering crowds, but as the dates for public appearances draw near, her anxiety becomes too great. So, as a fail-safe, Private Citizen Palin has a dual chain of authority: one hand to confirm speaking invites, and a second to offer a plausible denial when she can't force herself to attend the event.

    As for the latest speaking venture in Hong Kong, for the life of me, I can't imagine what she's going to talk about. My only guess is some ridiculous defense of fossil fuels, with and a quasi-denial of global warming. I mean, what else is she going to talk about? Bonded debentures? Sure. The peril of excessive government spending chasing private investment out of the marketplace? Uh huh. When was the last time Private Citizen Palin said anything about international banking? HINT: It rhymes with "never."

    Maybe she'll talk about Bill Ayers..........

  18. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Dump trucks seen leaving the Palin home last weekend, hauling off truckloads of brush. Comments were that it looks like they are preparing to build a new bulding on the property.

  19. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Yes, I heard that Sally Heath was in the Pribilof Islands. No clue why???

  20. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I'll tell you what is strange. (As if the Palin family isn't strange enough). It is very unlike Sarah to shun photographers. She does love to have her picture taken. And, she has not been shy in the past about doing phone interviews with her favorite (conservative) radio hosts. All we have is her father's word that he hears from her but doesn't know where she is. He's the same guy who told us how brave Sarah spent 8 hours plus leaking amniotic fluid while flying back to Alaska.

    Some one in our family is a serious writer; it took him more than a year to turn out his book. He had piles of notes, tapes, outlines and it still took one solid year of writing. But then, the journalism major could knock that thing out in a month or two. She doesn't even write her face book pages, give me a break.

  21. Anonymous6:14 PM

    yeah, 100-1 against

  22. IMHO abandoning my post as wife, mother and grandma would really piss them all off. You just don't spit in the face of those that matter most. I give her a zero chance of saving the marriage.
    Bristol will have her say eventually, and I bet it won't be flattering to her mother.

  23. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Why would Sarah be out of state writing her book? Lynn Vincent is said to have moved here a couple of months ago , right? So, if the ghost writer is here, the book would be written here. I say there is something else amiss.

  24. Anonymous6:16 PM

    And I don't believe for one minute that Chuck Heath does not know where his daughter is. He knows, he just ain't sayin'.

  25. Anonymous6:20 PM

    No one is finding it strange that Bristol has care of both infants? If Willow and Piper are both with Todd, why isn't the baby also with Todd? The fact that Bristol is allegedly caring for Trigg certainly lends some credence to the conspiracy theory that he is, indeed, her child and not Sarah's.

  26. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Why does Sarah not have Trig with her? That should be the biggest question that everyone is asking right now.

    Forget Piper and Willow for now, Trig is a special needs child and Sarah has left him in the care of others while she is busy with her book.

    To me that speaks VOLUMES about the type of person she is. Sorry but when a book deal is more important than your own children, most especially your own special needs child, then you are devoid of anything decent and worthwhile as a parent.

    She trotted that child out all over heck and creation for her own personal political desires. That baby was handed off to anyone and everyone who would hold him. He was up all hours of the day and night. We saw "Mommy Palin" holding him like a sack of potatoes while she was busy with her little blackberries. And now she up and just leaves him behind while she is too busy with the latest thing in her life that she feels will be best for HER!
    That poor child deserves better.


  27. Anonymous6:28 PM

    How does Track get home so much from the Army. Wasn't he home for Christmas?

  28. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Piper is up here going to third grade. Like Todd and Sarah's friends said the first two years she was gov (before the VP pick), "The kids have been farmed out to family and friends to raise." Of course this statement and others like it were always said very hush, hush. It's weird how many people in this Valley are afraid to say the truth about Sarah and the family's difficulty since she first ran for governor. Remember the bus brakes that were cut? I get that the cops couldn't disclose names - but when upwards of half the valley knows all about what happened and who did it - weren't they responsible to speak up and say what they knew about the Palin home life? Don't the valley's silent, knowing population bear some responsibility for Sarah having been elected gov - and then tapped as VP?

    When people know things - even if they are sad and seem scandalous and - mostly just sad - you have to speak up. Nothing less will stop people like Sarah. Good people with a conscience have to decide a conscience isn't enough. Knowing isn't enough. In Sarah's case, the electorate has a right and need to know, too. Conscience should pave the way for pens to be wielded and mouths to be opened.

    I think part of the fear of Valley residents is that they don't want to hurt Todd and the kids and Chuck and Sally and Molly and everyone else. I think enough people now know Sarah needs to be stopped - but no one wants to say anything that will hurt a family that has already been put through the ringer.

    It's conflicting. Maybe it shouldn't be; but it is.

  29. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Sarah has fame, fortune, worshippers...immortality. There is no way she's going back.

  30. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Sarah Palin is hard at work writing her story. That was last week, this week once again without a rational thought she's decided to tackle the cover jacket artwork. Time for Monet Palin to get that jumbo box of Crayola Crayons she received as a parting gift from J Mac put to good use.

  31. ginny6:34 PM

    My BF swears we saw SP in (or near) Wendover UT in a pickup truck, LOL! I think it was just a palinbot, look-alike.

  32. Anonymous6:40 PM

    What an incredibly strange family. She could "write" that book from anywhere - shouldn't need to leave the state to do it. Those poor children.
    Sharon in FL

  33. How much are you offering and what is the spread?????

  34. Anonymous7:02 PM

    What bus brakes?

  35. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Dump trucks? I did read they bought the lot next door. That would be in public records. They might need a helipad.

    I never heard that Lynn Vincent moved to Wasilla. How hard is it to learn where she is?

    It is too bad the whole place is co-dependent. If they cared about the kids they would put honesty first and stop all the toxic bull. Sarah is a rotten mother and they are raising their kids in an unhealthy place.

    She is probably building her Northern White House. You know, like Bush and Reagan had their ranches. They will need housing for security and a pad for the helicopters. Todd's plane and the neighborhood a.port are not adequate.

  36. mommom7:11 PM

    Saras mom is in the Pribiloff Islands.It seems it is seal hunting season there.Does that mean Sarah's mom is too busy clubbing baby seals to watch the kids?

  37. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Speaking of Tennessee....any news on the case in that state regarding the request for disclosure of Palin's Yahoo emails? Oh, so many loose threads.

  38. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Thus sounds like all gossip and anyone can write I live in Wasilla and saw this or that.

    It's true Sarah needs to be stopped. Trying to protect Todd and kids and others is not a good reason to keep silent because it is making the situation worse. The best thing for Todd and those kids is for the truth to come out And then they can get therapy and go on with their lives!! Can you imagine the emotional toll if carrying those secrets???

    I REALLY feel bad for those kids. People of Wasilla help them please!

  39. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Rupert Murdoch is a creep but he is not stupid.
    He knows Sarah is a diva, crazy and emotionally unstable. He knows she is not capable of being Potus no matter how good "handlers" might be. Rove knows too. Bush had a name. Everyone knows Sarah will never be in public office again (even she knows). Everyone knows but her nutty followers.
    This is good fir RM-he just wants a return on his investment PERIOD. He is NOT grooming her for anything but that. Don't forget she quit after signing the contract.

  40. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I just went to the Borough's website. As of today, the ajoining lots next to Palin's on Lake Lucille is NEVADA and TAYLOR.

  41. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Track may be finished with his tour. The way the military counts is a year boots on the ground. Track(?) was deployed on or around 9/11/08.

  42. Anonymous9:09 PM

    What is the story about the bus brakes???

  43. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Anonymous @ 6:31:

    Thank you for your insights.

    Without being near there at all (Oregon), it was so helpful to hear a voice reminding us that this is, in essence, the story of a family. And it now seems, a tragic story.

    Best wishes.

  44. Anonymous9:14 PM

    For Anonymous @7:12 PM--
    There is a posting at
    Trial date remains October 27

  45. Anonymous 6:09, 7:06 and 7:49 -

    Sarah & Todd bought lot 4, Bl 1, Plat W-1 (current house is on lot 3) from Nevada. Purchase was recorded July 14, 2009.

  46. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Excellent, Curiouser! Good find. I guess they're moving out of state permanently, huh?

  47. Anonymous9:52 PM

    How nice, Bristol takes her two children, Trip & Trig to the fair. Yes Bristol, why don't you just tell the truth before "someone else" does??

  48. They're building a bigger house? But.. they're not together so who is going to live in it? A giant castle just for Winky?

  49. Anonymous10:07 PM

    No, to Anon @ 9:41 pm, all this shows is that the Palins purchased the lot next door to their current home. I would conjecture that signifies their intent to stay and invest together rather than move away and divorce as speculated.

  50. Anonymous 9:41 - Oh, I see why there was confusion. The Palins bought the lot next door to their current Lake Lucille house. Nevada is the first or last name of the previous owner (either Mak Jum Nevada or Nevada Mak Jum) and I was trying to keep it simple. Hope this clears it up.

  51. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Thanks for the link for KnowNews Anonymous 9:11. Intriguing. Maybe big, maybe not, but remains curious.

    Very timely dated midnight Sept. 4th, and still Sept 3rd here on West Coast!

  52. Aussie Blue Sky11:13 PM

    mommom, I read just this week that the elder Heaths like to go to the Aleutians in the summer to do the "scaring off of birds" during peak bird/aviation season. There is of course a huge safety factor there. Looks like old Chuck elected not to go this season - apparently Idaho needed him.

  53. mommom11:41 PM

    I think the name of the person they bought the lot next door from is Nevada

  54. Anonymous1:52 AM

    The bus brakes story happened a several years ago in Eagle River. Several school buses were found with severed brake lines. Some schools were closed while the $60,000.00 repairs were made. Track Palin was one of the minors who were involved. Here's a link about the story.

  55. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Is Bristol in college like Megamouth and Scarah said she would be? How can she be in college taking care of two babies? I wonder if the nanny is living with Bristol. Remember they say that Sarah hired a nanny.

  56. I feel so bad for those Palin kids. I grew up with a tyrannical parent so I know that kids absolutely cannot tell 'family secrets'.
    Even to this day, with both my parents passed, it is difficult to tell.
    That's probably what will happen with the Palin girls. They'll have to wait until Scarah passes away and then do a 'Mommy Dearest' book.
    I hope to God that they have someone who really cares and loves them unconditionally. They'll need all the emotional support they can get when Scarah lets loose again. Maybe this time, she won't drag her kids around with her. She already made her 'family values' point. The GOPer's don't need to keep seeing the kids with every Scarah rally.

  57. Poor Bristol, even if Trig is not hers (and I believe he is) where is the loving extended family the Palins touted as being there to help her with one baby, and now she has charge of two??!! Of course she can't attend college and take care of two little ones, a more mature woman would have a stressful time doing that. What happened to her big "Cnadies" abstinence tour, or was that all made up after she slipped up in that one interview and stated abstinence doesn't work. I feel sorry for Trig most of all, if no one is investing themselves in his PT his life is being limited from the beginning, what a shame. Regular PT as an infant and toddler can make nountains of difference on what a DS child will be able to do later in life.

  58. Jus' sayin'7:01 AM

    Isent Palmer where palin's boy toy lived?

  59. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Excellent, Curiouser! Good find~~~~~ I'll second that!

    They are expanding the property. That doesn't speak to the marriage. It says that Sarah and the handlers have reasons. Could it be a center or a new C-street type gathering place? There is still no zoning in Wasilla? They can put in underground bunkers and bunkhouses and the public won't know. I wonder who is paying.

    If it's a happy family story why not show their excitement now? It's more secrets. When it comes out, it won't be the whole truth.

    We've endured front seats to the Palin family circus and it leaves such a bad taste. The kids are not only mistreated by the people who are to guard and guide them, there are masses of people who don't care about them. No shortage on lip service but Sarah's teams only see her and an image and what they want. I don't see anyone in the radius of the Palins or Wasilla that care much for kids. They are all self interested adults.

    Sincere people can believe Piper is in school if a rumor was put out like that. No one can be named and there is not enough back up. It would be nice for Piper if she isn't on one of her mother's wild trips. Sarah is a creep. She would put her in a school and take her out on whims if she wants. I have never seen Sarah able to be with out a prop for long. They most likely have her on meds, but not the ones she was using before. Low doses won't put her out so far that she won't want her old props. She has already had to give up twitter and has little time to watch Wedding Show TV. If she has had her mind set on a new lover, she would leave Piper with others. I think she yanks Piper around, she's with Sarah when Sarah wants. She goes away when not convenient for the project.

    The older kids would have a next to impossible time changing the course of their lives. There have no doubt been bargains. They may all be offered their domain in the expanded fortress center.

  60. Is there an institution in Palmer for the housing of violent mental patients? If so, I would look for Sarah there.

    Her obvious psychological problems seemed to be cresting just when she made her official resignation speech. Her only public appearance after that (that i read about) was the NRA event when she was presented with a deadly weapon. Would she have been capable of using that weapon on someone? I believe she would. Even if all she did was threaten to use it, that's a felony. She obviously has no access to her favorite form of communication (blackberry); she hasn't been seen; her facebook entries are not hers. If she's not in an institution with heavy security, then she's on Rupert Murdoch's yacht with heavy security.

    I was very glad to read that all of her children have been seen in Alaska. When psycho parents go off the edge, it's usually one of their children who are killed or maimed. grammy

  61. Anonymous8:30 AM

    grammy, kids can get in the way.

    How solid is the rumor that Piper is in Alaska?

  62. Anonymous8:35 AM

    To Anon at 1:52am - Most of what you share is right except that it was not in Eagle River - it was in the Matanuska Susitna Borough and the cut brake lines forced the entire district - servicing thousands of school children - to be shut down. The cut lines weren't discovered until that morning, when many parents had already made the hour long drive into Anchorage for work. It caused a major mess for everyone - besides being extremely dangerous. This occurred when Sarah was running for governor so you can know that it was kept way under wraps. But if you were asking the citizenry of a state to trust you with running the the state - and then this happened in the middle of it - don't you think it might have been an opportunity to do some self evaluation and reflection and consider that one's own children might need you more than one's state needed you?

    Just like last August - wouldn't it have been the appropriate time to stop and consider that one's 17 year old, unwed, high school, pregnant teenage daughter needed you and your love and protection and care - more than the nation needed you?

    This is what I'll never get about Sarah - and it's why at a basic level I have precious little respect for her - she consistently puts her ambitions ahead of and at the cost of her own children.

  63. Anonymous9:29 AM

    to above poster at 8:35 --

    Most of us cannot fathom the concept of literally OWNING our children.
    There are some females to whom that is absolutely how things work.
    "I grew you, and therefore I own you."

    My mother in law is one of them, which is probably why I find the Perils
    of Sarah so compelling. In their worldview, nothing could be more natural than how they relate to their offspring. They literally think that, if you do not rule your children, then your children will rule you.

    The adults these kids become are seriously screwed up.

  64. Sarah Palin is locked away in a basement while the RNC is controlling her Facebook site. She has somehow created her own Facebook page without their knowledge, saying "they didn't think I could figure out this Facebook thing". She also seems to be quoting the Stepford Wives.

  65. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The Palins own a interest in a couple of cabins in Alaska per their financial disclosure. If I were working on a book, I would escape to a cabin so that I could write, but still be close enough to home to spend some time with my children.
    If anyone wants to see the status of improvements on the lot next to the house, you might use Google Earth to view what is going on.

  66. @ Anonymous said...
    Yes, I heard that Sally Heath was in the Pribilof Islands. No clue why???

    6:13 PM

    --Perhaps Sarah is with her...??

  67. Anonymous11:09 AM

    So, they bought the plot next to their house.
    Big deal.
    They simply want to provide (bribe) Bristol with her own house, and to be able to control her better than if she would move away or even out-of-state!

  68. Anonymous11:17 AM

    $arah does not write any book - remember, they admitted hiring one of those religious right wingers (don't remember her name) as her ghost-writer.

  69. Anonymous12:07 PM

    regarding the lot next door:

    my guess is that sarah thinks now that she's going to become a global star that she needs a guest house. this is so all the "important" people can come visit her and she'll have a place for them to stay.

  70. "If anyone wants to see the status of improvements on the lot next to the house, you might use Google Earth to view what is going on."

    Google Earth uses satellite images from anywhere from 1 year to 5 years old to paste together their "Earth". They aren't real time images (you'd have to be a spy to have access to those! :) )

  71. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Poor Bristol. Stuck with the kids, like most oldest daughters in big families. I bet in 10 or 20 years she'll be a prochoice feminist.
    I kinda also feel sorry for Sarah in a way. If she hadn't been a public figure and a loud prolifer, she might have been able to have an abortion when she found out she was having a DS baby. Now she's stuck with him. She may even be questioning her own beliefs in this area by now; she might be finally seeing how "prolife" really means "stay home and take care of your kids now, little lady".
    RM or whoever's "handling" her will dangle the 2012 run for the presidency in front of her like bait and then yank it away when they're done with her. If they aren't done with her already...

  72. Jackie4:59 PM

    While building permits are still not required in Wasilla - land use permits are now a requirement in the MatSu Borough of which Wasilla is a part.

  73. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I believe that she has been stashed somewhere by Rupert so that she can practice the speech, writted by Rupert syncophants, that she is supposed to deliver in Hong Kong, China, on Sept. 21 - 25. Practice and re-practice is supposed to make it perfect.

    Sarah Palin is supposed to be the keynote speaker at a forum organized by CLSA, a Hong Kong-based brokerage firm, and will address the company's clients and delegates. Murdoch and his pals are a big part of the CLSA.

    So, I do believe that Murdoch is the reason Palin has been quite. I also believe that Murcoch is trying to prepare Palin for a run at the presidency. She is someone that Murdoch can control just as he controls many politicians and most of the so-called media.

    Another thing that I just cannot fathom: Palin has signed with Washington Speakers Bureau and is sorting through more than 1,070 invitations she has received for paid speeches and political appearances.

    What kind of organizations, other that right-wing, be offering more than 1,070 invitation for her to speak?


  74. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:30 PM

    OK Gryphen...palins face at the bottom of the blog is not funny. Can you get rid of it?
    I know its probably beyond your control but,
    I just want to smack her fricken face!

  75. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Can someone keep up with the land use permits?

    Has anyone photographed the vacant lot from the lake?

    I've seen websites that were of gates and entrances of celebrity homes. Where are the images posted of the entrance and land around the Palin estate.

    It will be interesting to watch how it changes over time.

    Do her fans make treks to be outside the gates of the queendom?

    How far in is the guard house?

  76. soul food11:55 AM

    Yeah.. So, they bought the plot next to their house.

    I lived near a heavyweight politician's vacation home. It was a nice quiet community before.

    Get ready for the helicopters and all that comes with a real heavyweight.

    Her area is perfect because they do not care about the environment and more poison won't be noticed until more babies are still born, crib death or born without arms or have extra limbs. That should be after 2012. No big deal.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.