Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jerry Prevo would like to invite you to come celebrate 38 years of oppressing human rights in Anchorage, Alaska.

You know there are a lot of things of which I am proud.

I am proud that I helped children overcome adversity, learn to read, and set them on the path to becoming educated, well rounded adults.

I am proud that I taught women to defend themselves against those who would victimize them.

I am proud that I have lived my life trying to put the needs of others before my own. I am by no stretch of the imagination perfect, but I do try to be better tomorrow than I was yesterday.

And then there are the things I am not so proud of.

The times when I used aggression against assholes instead of words, when I carelessly broke somebody's heart or let one of my friends down, and not being there for my daughter when I was working two jobs and in a constant state of exhaustion. The memory of those lapses still makes me sad.

So I cannot imagine how badly I would feel if I had spent the majority of my life fighting to keep the rights that I take for granted from others on the grounds that they do not love in a manner I find acceptable. Or that I had used the teachings of Jesus Christ to lend gravitas to my prejudice and hate.

No I could never take pride in that.

But then I am not Jerry Prevo.

Perhaps next Sunday, as Jerry prepares to celebrate his many, many years of fighting against human rights, it would be instructive for him to look up from his podium and witness an audience full of the very people he has spent a lifetime oppressing.

I am just saying.

(H/T to Alaska Commons for the picture.)


  1. This short article is worth reading - it was written in 2005.
    by Nova Stubbs, insurgent49
    "I left the service early and slightly sick to stomach. On my way out I waved to one of the large breasted elderly women wearing a peach pantsuit, and in my mind I knew that she needed to be saved, not from going to hell but from a man who went by the name of Prevo."

  2. Janet in Texas10:45 AM

    Ya know, Gryphen, I am a born again Christian, staunch Democrat, former Republican. I am seriously disgusted with these so called "devout Christians" who are nothing more than Satan in disguise. I will never denounce my Christianity but I will no longer EVER listen to these lunatics. I no longer go to church as I can not stand these lying, hypocrites standing at the podium preaching their holy-than-thou bullshit when they are doing in private exactly what they are preaching against.

    Thanks for all you do, Gryphen. You are the best.


  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    What a wonderful image! A whole church full of all the people he works so hard to oppress... wouldn't it be wonderful if they all turned up???

  4. Gryphen,

    You should be proud! You have led a real Christian life, whether you are one or not.
    You have done great things in your community and for others. Your heart is full of Love.
    I am Proud of You.

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Excellent rendering of your soul; as humans we are here to progress in our spirituality. None of us are perfect but each day we should be progressing to be more enlightened(imo).. Prevo is so "wolves in sheep's covering" - him and you know who... I hope these revealing times we live in today (thanks to you and others), will mark a Renaissance of sorts that changes the world culture for the better. I'm trying not to get depressed about this fringe conservate fanaticism, instead, realizing that this mindset has always been around and swept under the rug. Thank you for providing this blog!

  6. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Janet-- I spent over 10 years as a home Bible teacher. And, Prevo is soooo wrong. I feel like you, I am so sick of him and the UN-Christianity that he teaches.

    Polly in Anchorage, Alaska

  7. phoebes-in-santa fe12:55 PM

    That would be great if they could get into the sanctuary, but maybe it would be best if a lot of members of the LG community showed up wearing black armbands and carrying candles and stood peacefully outside the church. No demonstrations, no picketing, just a mass of peaceful LG's and their families and friends. For blocks and blocks...

  8. Grypen, you feel the way you do because you are blessed with a great sense of humanity. You are kind and thoughtful, and self aware enough to understand you cannot decide what is right for others.

    Prevo on the other hand, isn't even human. He is a robot. I am not even sure people like him believe the stuff they preach. His is a lucrative business. He makes a huge amount of money from those fools sitting in the pews, so why should he care who he hurts. I would like 5 minutes alone with that man, with his mouth taped shut so that I could vent the rage I feel towards him.

    I purchased a second copy of Republican Gommorah, so that I can send it to my sister. She lives far away from me, but I would really like to have a sit down with her. She is gay, and should someone say something cruel to her, I would not be responsible for what I may say to them.

    She is a hard working gal, with a consulting firm of her own. She pays her taxes...keeps a married to a wonderful hard for her community, and is kind and generous to all she meets. I would like to know what she thinks about folks like Prevo. I am sure she is grateful to be Canadian, and I know that on her behalf I sure am.

    People like Jerry Prevo make me sick. He isn't worthy to be in the same room as my sister, and I would give anything to be ablt to tell him so.


  9. All you have to do is look at the picture. Speaks volumns.

  10. Anonymous6:02 PM

    That freak and all the others like him are pure EVIL!


  11. I can almost guarantee you that Prevo is a closeted self hating homosexual. Nobody who has a normal healthy sex life would be that obsessed with homosexuality the way this guy is. Just doesn't happen.

  12. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Virginia Voter 9:04am. You hit the nail right on the head. My "Gaydar" is seldom wrong. I may not recognize all closet gays, but the ones I do usually are.

    I feel sorry for him. Not because he is gay, but because his deep convictions, are tearing him apart inside. He is self hating. He hates the fact that he is gay and the fact that all the praying and bible study cannot change that.

    His only chance for salvation is to rail against it for all his worth. Too bad that someone like him has so much influence. If there ever was an image of Satan, he is it.

  13. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Jerry came from Chicago to Anchorage tonight in first class. He has also been to Hawaii two time this year in first class. Dont his members have a problem with this. His arrogance is amazing.


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