Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Jon Stewart has a little something to say about the Value Voters Summit and Tom Delay's recent attempt to come out to America.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Moral Kombat
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You know after watching this, and being several chapters into Max Blumenthal's "Republican Gomorrah", I am left wondering just how many homosexuals are in the Republican party? If they could all be led out of their conservative closets and into the accepting light of liberalism is it possible the GOP might simply cease to exist?

Worth a try don't you think?


  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    DeLay, for one, is definitely out of the closet. (Not that there's anything wrong with that).

  2. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Hey, isn't this the wrong clip? I found the right one on the Daily Show site; it's called "Mortal Kombat."

  3. Ooops, wrong video. LOL!

  4. Oops! Sorry for the mix up, this should be the right video now.

  5. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Comment yesterday by another Republican, "I have a husband. I could really use a wife." Perhaps there is another one in the closet.

  6. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Oh, wow, that was hilarious. And as I feared Delay did not get kicked off DWTS last night so there's more of him to come.

    As for Sen. Coburn staffer - he's demented. If 10-12 year old boys don't actively fight off their homosexual impulses they will grow up to be gay? Trash talking gays is the only thing preventing them from growing up to be gay Americans? I think this guy is telling us a little too much about his inner life as a boy . . .

  7. Gryphen, I've been reading the book Republican Gommorah backwards. I know that's wierd, but I had to do the SP chapter first. Am almost to the beginning and am astonished at the number of Gay men in the Republican party. I'm going to make a list. Anyone want to contribute a name?

  8. I too was surprised at the number of gay men in the Repub party. Most of them in fairly laudable positions. No problem there, as I am the proud sister of an openly gay woman. The problem for me is the hypocrisy. These people are willing to sell their brothers and sisters down the river for the sake of Jim Dobson and the like? That is what I do not get. They make me sick. Not because of who they are, but because of what they are. Useless excuses for human beings. The lowest of the low. Un freaking believable.

  9. This is SO wonderful and so funny. The more that they claim to hate gays, the clearer is the self suppression signal! Why do you think Jeff Gannon (gay prostitute and phony journalist) made frequent overnight visits to the Bush White House ?? It is well documented. Another tell sign-- worship of guns and militarism. We are reaching a moment-- perhaps a spiritual shift-- where we can all appreciate the masculine and the feminine aspects of ourselves and be clear on our sexual identity -- whatever it may be.

  10. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Hillllaarous! Way too funny for words. Sarah needs an adoring sycophant! Could you imagine her on dancing? Someone should suggest that next! What a move!



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