Thursday, September 24, 2009

Last night's Rachel Maddow Show discusses the hanging of a census bureau employee.

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If this in fact turns out to have been a homicide committed by somebody who was terrified that his "guvment" was gathering information in order to take away his freedoms, as promoted by Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly, then I believe that Homeland Security should launch a comprehensive investigation into the anti-American activities promoted by Fox News.

I would love to see the Fox News talking heads being interrogated as to where they received their information, why they believe the country has turned to socialism, and why they do not accept Barack Obama as their President.

Rachel Also addressed Palin's China speech with guest, Nobel Prize winner in economics, Paul Krugman.

You know I have to include this.

Who wouldn't pay big money to watch a debate on economics between Sarah Palin and Paul Krugman? Or is that just mean?


  1. Anonymous7:16 AM

    What I love about Rachel's set-up and Krugman's reply here is that they use Palin and her GOP speechwriters as emblematic of the GOP's pro-banking stance, delineating why the GOP is wrong about consumer protection & regulation.

  2. Anonymous7:25 AM

    In post head, "haning" s/b "hanging."

  3. FEDUP!!!8:19 AM

    Add Michelle Bachman and $arah Palin into the equation for investigation!

    (Gryphen: Title should be 'hanGing', not 'haning'... ;) )

    It sure would be nice if someone could corner $P and make her have an impromptu debate on economics, foreign policy, healthcare, etc!

  4. Don't you just love listening to intelligent, even keel people like PK? What a brain that guy is. I am one of those who would absolutely pay to see that debate.
    Please tell me that even the right is going to wise up to how dumb she is. Most college freshman could take her on in a debate - and some high schoolers I know.
    I want her to go far, far away...
    Thanks, Gryphen, for what you do.

  5. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I am a huge fan of Krugman. I read his The Great Unraveling years ago and I think it is the best description of our national economic system and its downfall. However, no matter how truthful and intelligent that interview was, it was not what it should have been. SP badmouthed the USA and our President to a bunch of Communists for $300,000! If a Democrat had done that, Hannity's head would have exploded on television, just like in the old movie, Scanners!

    Wake up, people! Quit playing nice and take that abominable witch out!

  6. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Don't give Sarah the credibility of being on the same stage as Krugman. Some idiots will think she has real economic credentials.


  7. Umm HELLO people....lets shift from our obsession with Sarah Palin for a moment to focus on the fact that a man was most likely killed for nothing more than being a federal employee. I am outraged.

  8. Anonymous10:34 AM

    FedUp, that would be a comic fantasy, but we know that when confronted with her own ignorance she immediately goes into "you are persecuting me with your gotcha questions".

    I thank all the bloggers that followed the real Mrs. Palin for the last year. Heaven knows what plastic persona the Murdoch team will try to sell to us in the coming months. I wish him the same luck that Mr. McCain had.

  9. Gryphen, you may have already seen this but if not, I thought you'd enjoy it.

  10. Anonymous1:32 PM

    As pointed out on Rachel's show, if a Federal level of investigation is still going on after a week, there is some degree of possibility that he was killed for being a Census worker, and not some personal conflict.

    If so, let's see how quickly Representative Michele Bachmann backs away from her advice to be "armed and dangerous" and the evil Census plan of the "gvment" statements. Thank dog for YouTube. She will not be able to escape herself.

  11. Anonymous4:42 PM

    THANK YOU! I am glad to see you are following this. What a tragedy.

    It would have never happened if the crazies weren't speaking out so loud and irrational.
    They are dangerous people.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.