Sunday, September 13, 2009

Maureen Dowd finally has to admit what most of us have already come to realize. Racism is indeed alive and well in America.

The outburst was unexpected from a milquetoast Republican backbencher from South Carolina who had attracted little media attention. Now it has made him an overnight right-wing hero, inspiring “You lie!” bumper stickers and T-shirts.

The congressman, we learned, belonged to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, led a 2000 campaign to keep the Confederate flag waving above South Carolina’s state Capitol and denounced as a “smear” the true claim of a black woman that she was the daughter of Strom Thurmond, the ’48 segregationist candidate for president. Wilson clearly did not like being lectured and even rebuked by the brainy black president presiding over the majestic chamber.

I’ve been loath to admit that the shrieking lunacy of the summer — the frantic efforts to paint our first black president as the Other, a foreigner, socialist, fascist, Marxist, racist, Commie, Nazi; a cad who would snuff old people; a snake who would indoctrinate kids — had much to do with race.

I tended to agree with some Obama advisers that Democratic presidents typically have provoked a frothing response from paranoids — from Father Coughlin against F.D.R. to Joe McCarthy against Truman to the John Birchers against J.F.K. and the vast right-wing conspiracy against Bill Clinton.

But Wilson’s shocking disrespect for the office of the president — no Democrat ever shouted “liar” at W. when he was hawking a fake case for war in Iraq — convinced me: Some people just can’t believe a black man is president and will never accept it.

I also hate to throw the word "racist" around and tried to find another excuse for bizarre tea party protests, claims that Obama was not born in America, and claims that he is a Nazi socialist. I simply could not come up with any reason for such incredible rage and hate issuing forth from the Republican fringe.

Sure they disliked Bill Clinton, and simply dismissed Jimmy Carter, but they absolutely DESPISE President Obama. But why?

He is probably MORE moderate than either Carter or Clinton, smarter by far than George W. Bush, and trying extremely hard to work with both parties. And yet the kind of vitriol he inspires among the Republicans is completely disproportionate in comparison with his policies.

It simply defies logic.

Right up until you add the racism component, and then sadly the puzzle pieces all fit.


  1. My best friend and her son watched the Glenn Beck nutters come to D.C. for their 9/12 hoedown, from two different vantage points on the Metro. "Old, fat, and white," summarized the son. What does that tell us?

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM


    The policies of Bush were far more detrimental to their income bracket and lifestyle (they have relatives serving in the military, don' they?). Why didn't they protest what Bush did to the economy? Why didn't they protest how Bush shredded the constitution? Why didn't they protest a false pretense for war? Their arguments now make NO logical sense.

    Wherever they show up, we must film them. Thanks, Maureen Dowd, for calling the racists out.

  3. Anonymous8:16 AM

    My best hope is that this ugly behavior will fracture the GOP. Playing to the wingnut, racist, far right drives away moderates and independents. They will get louder and nastier as they keep losing followers; this kind of behavior is so ugly that they will be left with just a rabid base. (I can only hope).

    If you need to have a good laugh at how pathetic these people are, go over to Daily Kos. Some one has analyzed the photos that were posted from the 9/12 march. Problem is that the photos were identified from a much earlier rally, and the weather conditions did not match. A museum was built since the photo was taken, and doesn't show up in their march-photos. Flags were flying at half-staff, when that would not be the case yesterday, the day after 9/11. They need to be called out at every turn, which means we have to stay alert.

  4. Disagreeing with the president doesn't make you a racist.Disagreeing with political policies does not make one un-american. I laughed when I heard that infamous scream across the isle. It's old school politics and I like it! I may not agree with the words, I may not care for the politician that spewed them, but it sure makes for fun politics. Do any of you folks ever watch parliament? Those folks are a hoot. They inspire the public with their raw emotional outbursts, and the people vote!
    Maybe we need more outbursts like those. Imagine a congress and senate that is actually passionate about their jobs instead of wheeling and dealing while they screw over the citizens they should be representing.
    BTW, that was what the original teabag protest was about. It was an effort to show the congress and the senate that their constituents were tired of being ignored. It made a point and woke a few politicians up. That was quite sometime ago before it was resurrected and twisted onto what it is now.

  5. SoCalWolfGal8:59 AM

    Sadly Gryphen I had accepted this about six weeks ago when the Town Halls started in early August. The protests that continued to get more and more out of control had nothing to do with health care, or the economy, or any other legitimate issue this country is dealing with. I realized it was an irrefutable fact after hearing one of the women at one of the Town Halls saying she was "skeered" and wanted "her America" back.

    I think it was on your blog that I questioned what was it that she wanted back? Did she want to return to the days of segretation? Would restrooms market "men" "women" and "colored" restore her America? Sadly, I had come to the conculsion that is what the issue was. Plain and simple. That ugly, ugly word. Racism. There it was staring out at me on television in my own living room. Racism.

    I am truly sick in my heart. I lived through the race riots in the South in the early Sixties. I thought we had overcome that, with the exception of a few misguided, ill informed, close minded people. Apparently, I have been proved wrong.

  6. I watched MSNBC earlier today when some young Repub woman was commenting on "post-racial America". I found it interesting that she spoke the phrase multiple times and wondered why the Repubs would be the ones pushing the idea that racism no longer exists in America. Because they want to criticize Obama without being called racists, perhaps?

  7. Of COURSE it is all about RACE. Did you see the pictures of the 30,000-50,000 (NOT 1.5 million) individuals AT this teabagging party (what a totally wonderfully descriptive name for the participants!)

    Approximately 70-75% of the "bags" were over 60 and many were obviously over 70. Many wore VETERANS caps (VA insurance?). I did not see one white face.

    So what you have is old, fat, on-the-dole seniors. Now before you jump on me, my husband is a senior citizen and I'm approaching. We both collect Social Security and neither use Medicare or Medicaid. Hubs is eligible for the VA but we have private insurance.

    What is wrong with these people?

    Aside from FINALLY getting to spew their filthy race baiting which they've sat on for years, they are all ON THE FEDERAL DOLE if they are eligible.

    Finally a MSM columnist says the REAL reason for all of this hatred and pre-violence.

    Is it going to take these senior loons shooting people before this stops?

    This is ONLY about RACE. RACE is only fearful if you have been ginned into being afraid (and from what I saw, most of these people are VERY familiar with both Jim Beam, Old Turkey AND gin).

    People are scared. Because the Repuke Party is choosing to scare their stupidest and most vulnerable members. Crazy Crazy Crazy.

    They are all race baiters. They all need to be charged with hate crimes, starting with the Repukes.

    America is in a civil war now, with people who hate the Government but gladly take the money.

    And they nnow have noticed we HAVE a BLACK President.

    The Horror of it.

  8. Anonymous9:37 AM

    This is the perfect moment for this ugly issue to raise its head, because if there ever was a self-made aristocrat (in the best sense of that concept) it is our President Obama.

    And if there ever were people who demonstrate by their actions that they are low-life pond scum (in the worst sense), it is these racist protesters.

    I fervently hope and pray that the good guys stay safe. I do think this blog helps.

  9. Race has to be the primary reason, but there is also the lunatic fundamentalist Christian element. In addition to their being racist, these people hate Obama because he isn't one of them. It's a sad, sad commentary on this country.

  10. Irishgirl9:51 AM

    I just hope as anon at 7:56 says....let us call them out.

  11. Of course, racism is behind these unpatriotic outbursts. What is amazing to me is why so many people are afraid to call it out. It is what it is so let's stop making excuses for it, kodiakgriff.

  12. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:37 AM

    Race is the primary reason! President Obama is HALF WHITE! Not many "half white or black" people in neo-nazi land!
    And yeah fundies too, how many Half white or blacks there???
    And yes these are the "fringe" who want to take over the GOP or third party. They have already taken over the Southern Baptist church,one of the founding features WAS "separation of church and state". Theopalinism has a blog about it. Oh yeah its betcha!

  13. kodiakgriff: Total disagreement here. Although I respect your right to disagree, that is NOT what is going on here. This is not Parliament, Great Britain OR England. We do not have a monarchy - we have a House and a Senate - and there are rules of decorum. This is about someone's nasty behavior on the floor of the House during a joint session of Congress. It is about respecting the OFFICE of the President. Its about a nasty race baiter with a questionable history of over-the-top (LOOK AT ME!!!!!) behavior.

    The original teabag party was about tax on tea - evidently these people have their protests mixed up.

    What "tax" are they protesting? While they sit on their fat sick asses collecting their Veteran's Benefits, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security?

    How DARE they speak for ME and for those of us who were raised by OUR parents to be respectful and allow even individuals such as you the right to speak?

    Then they lie about the numbers? That entire crowd was almost entirely about SENIORS (on the PUBLIC DOLE/PAID FOR BY TAXES) - and they all had a rather tighty-whitey appearance.

    If they got off those fat racists asses and did something productive - they'd even be doing themselves a favor.

    All they do it bitch, complain and toss around their guns. And if you question them, they yell or spit in your face. There will be bloodshed and perhaps then you will be happy that people are "taking part in their government".

    And all the time they are screaming their lily-white racial epithets, they are cashing their Social Security checks and visiting their Medicare doctors.

    Many of us have chosen another route. I spend days volunteering and am also on a Board of Directors of a Foundation that raises money and provides support for burn and trauma patient families. We recently remodeled two houses that offer residency in emergencies for families in crisis while their family members are in-patients.

    Why don't these racist tea-bagging idiots do something constructive with their time? Instead they stand around wearing WWII ballcaps, screaming at black and brown people.

    Hypocritical assho*es.....

    and what is even more scary, these individuals have no clue what they are protesting or talking about. They are completely and totally ignorant.

    They are racist - every drop of blood in their body just screams KILL THE N*GGER.

    I don't think they realize that many of us WHITES are about ready to take our country away from their racist antics.

  14. SoCalWolfGal:

    ITA with you. They are "skeered" - because the Republic Party has voluntarily chosen to frighten their more ignorant members into believing that the BLACK MAN wants "something" and is taking "something" away from them.

    They may be scared but first and foremost, they are the most incredibly STUPID group of low I.Q. individuals I have seen in the past 50 years.

    The South will never rise again. With their collective I.Q., they couldn't get up from a La-Z-Boy Rocker.

  15. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Hey, Kodiakgriff!

    "Disagreeing with the President, doesn't make you a racist," is a right-wing talking point, used to bullet-proof themselves from being called a racist. Rush Limbaugh has used the same line, and we know he's a racist! Of course, they are racist! (Most of them, anyway.) Did you not see the signs some of them were carrying? What's un-American is not disagreeing with his policies, but some of these buttholes are advocating the violent overthrow of the government, and a legitimately elected President, because they are bigots who don't want a black president! THAT is what's un-American.

    These knuckle-draggers were silent for eight years, when GWB was running up the deficit, and wrecking everything! These are the fools who gave GWB his 24% approval rating, when he left office! And, now all of a sudden, here they are! I wonder how many of these morons get social security, or are on medicare, or have kids that go to public school, use the U.S. postal service, and have their trashed picked up, etc. Nice try, by the way, choosing to ignore the racist signs seen at these protests, some of which are now posted on the internet.(Which says a lot about you!)


  16. Sadly, I agree with you. I am in my late 30's, raised in the Midwest (which is more open-minded than you East- and West-Coasters might think) and President Obama is widely supported here. father and I had a bet during the election...he said people of his age would never elect a black man, no matter how "good" he was. My dad is a liberal, college professor - an elite, if you So it wasn't some redneck hick saying's simply what he had gathered from talking to people his age.

    We had many discussions of the role race played in this election, and of course I was happy that race didn't stop PO. But I truly believe that race is what all these crazy, birther, tea-bagging idiots are pissed off about. As you said, Obama is not pushing some crazy left-wing agenda. He is going out of his way to reach out to Repubs. (So much so that it makes us liberal progressives annoyed sometimes!)

    What else can it be? I'm not the church-going type, but I hold PO in my prayers for his well-being.

  17. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I will repost this here; it is a better fit.

    It is all about racism. The fear and hatred involved in being a racist will trump intelligence and logic every time. Corporate America wants to maintain the status quo, and they are using racism to do it. The Republicans in the House and Senate work for the corporations and are willing to use racism as their tool. They are using Rep. politicians and people like Limbaugh and Beck to stir up and spread the fear, hatred, and violence generated by racism. In this way, they hope to maintain control of our country, even though they are in the minority. It is useless to try to use logic or intelligent debate with these people; their fear and hatred of blacks will keep them from listening. They will choose to believe that facts are lies, even when they could personally benefit from the facts. Corporate America has chosen wisely; racism will always beat out facts and logic. Sadly, many Christians have chosen to join in this tactic. And even though the majority of people (Democrats, liberals, whatever) are not moved by this tactic of spreading racist fear and hatred, they may not be able to combat it. Fear is a formidable opponent.

  18. On one point of your title I agree and on the other, disagree.

    "Racism is alive" - very true.

    "and well." No, it is not well. It is sick and threatened and that is why it is lashing out. The old school, wherein the President and the power structure is always white, has seen its day and many of us who are white realize that it is a good thing for that day to pass.

    But there are many others who cannot accept it and they are the ones who lash out.

    And Kodiak G, yes, disagreeing with the President does not make one a racist - but look at what has happened this past summer. This is not disagreeing with the President. This is rabid hate and vitriol disguised as dissent. Yes, there may be some sincere disagreement wrapped in there, too, but that sincerity is drowned out by the hatred.

    And, from what I can gather, this was the first time in the history of the United States that a Congressman has made such a shout out as the one Joe Wilson did. So no, this was not getting us back to anyplace that we should want to go.

  19. I think what makes me the angriest and why I feel so offended is that these race baiters are trying to speak for ME. They seem to believe we are all haters, we all believe their drooling babble.

    This is insane. All of them need to go and get unplugged. I frankly do not care if they protest peacefully. But the venom, hatred and racism is way over the top to most rational thinking adults.

    Many of us came from families where we were taught manners and civility. Even if we disagree with someone, we don't bring racist epithets into the mix.

    How DARE these knuckle dragging senior ignorant morons even ATTEMPT to speak for ME and MY VIEWS.

    Unless and until these idiots opt out of Social Security and Medicare, they aren't worth their shallow arguments. They are simply red meat being pumped into the right wingnutter meat grinder.

    It is a shame but then again, this is everything the Republic Party has right now. What you see, is what is left of the GOP.

    My anger and frustration comes solely from their feeble and ignorant attempts to speak for others. We are capable of speaking for ourselves and voicing our agreement with or disagreement with the Administration without their arrogance lunacy and right wing fundy babbling.

    Many of us cut our teeth on protests. We were anti-war, we protested, we got arrested, we got clubbed by police, to speak our minds about the Vietnam War. This isn't a protest - it's a Retirement Home Convention. If it wasn't so pathetically ignorant, it would be funny.

    All these people sitting around in really inappropriate trailerite clothes, with their WWII ballcaps, their fat beer bellies hanging out, drool and spittle running down their bloated bodies - trying to pretend that this isn't about a BLACK PRESIDENT. That is ALL this is about.


    The racist idiots can go find themselves a sheet - and show us who they really are and what they represent.

  20. WOW! Sometimes I am amazed at what knee-jerk reactions self imagined "progressives" will put in print.
    Everything I wrote earlier is true. Disagreement does not tag anyone as a racist, or as un-american, their actions do.
    The right to disagree is what the very foundation of this great nation was built upon.
    Has anyone of you read the debates that took place during the birth of our nation? How about the debates over abolition and slavery, or the woman's right to vote?
    BTW. I am not a right wing anything, so please do not label me.
    The ORIGINAL tea party was a group of angry citizens trying to make a point. The original TEA BAG movement was for disgruntled citizens to mail each and every one of their senators and congressman a tea bag on tax day. It has now been distorted by a small group of angry people.
    Both sides of both houses are sticking to their political rhetoric and our president is challenged. I give him credit for laboring as he does. I do not always agree with him and I am not a racist, hell I am not even a republican.
    It is not the presidents fault that we cannot get a decent health care plan on paper. He left it up to the houses, and they couldn't do it!
    This guy is so smart, he found a way to show the entire nation what our true political problem is, and the majority of the constituents missed the point!
    The houses are the problem folks. The president does not wield the power, they do.
    For every republican that refuses to compromise there is a democrat or a libertarian also standing fast.
    So if your representatives are not representing your beliefs then send them the tea bag! Email, call, ask 'em what the hell?
    Gryph, keep up the good work. Just please remember that there is bad politics and bad politicians on each side of this fence.

  21. @kodiakgriff...I am sorry to say, I believe your presumption is wrong.

    I live in Canada, and our Pariliament does indeed, use the same model as the Brits. I watch..when I can stomach it. It doesn't rile anybody up. First off...the word lie...or liar would never be used. They sound like silly stupid school boys to tell the truth.

    "The honourable minister across the perhaps not being as open as he or she could be"...would be the wording I am afraid. Done may I add..with a bit too much pomp and cirmcumstance. Silly and overdone, and in the end it means nothing. Perhaps the Brits get a bit more riled up...I don't watch them.

    We are looking at ourm 3rd election in the same number of years. Canadians just refuse to give the Conservatives a majority govn't and I really don't think they will permit one to the Liberals either. The NDP get the leftovers.

    Our politics are boring...but we have health care and gun control. I can live with this.

  22. Oh...and Kodiakgriff??? It isn't that they disagree with your duly elected president and his is the words they use. As an outsider, I can tell you....most of us saw this for what it was a long time ago. Racism...pure and simple. Bigots all. What kind of a christian who is only disagreeing with her president, proudly holds up a sign the size of Texas that says something like the one displayed at Mudflats today? Have you seen it? How can you call that a disagreement?

  23. The proof in the pudding is the fact that these teabaggers could've cared less about government spending, taxes, and healthcare reform during the Bush administration. They were quiet as a church mouse everytime Bush wanted more money from congress. I don't even think they raised a peep after it was proven that the evidence for the Iraq War was completely wrong. Where is their compassion for the troops who are fighting and dying in an illegal war!? The ignorance is just astounding!

  24. Anonymous1:45 PM

    so, "disagreeing with the president" is what you call lying about the bill, while accusing the president of lying?

    Did you know that Joe Wilson voted to pass federal funding for illegal immigrant's healthcare previously- in 2003?

    Give me a break.

    Joe Wilson lied when he called the President a liar. And, there are actual rules in the House Rule Book, stating no member shall ever accuse another on the floor or the President of lying.

    Joe Wilson is a racist, long-established and watched by HateWatch.

  25. kodiakgriff: I don't believe anyone called you a right winger - we simply identified part of your post as "right wing talking point" which it was.

    Many of us were afraid of this. Our country is filled to the brim with nasty old southern white guys who hate. The only thing I CAN give them credit for, is that they aren't particular WHO they hate.

    For one thing, they hate proper spelling. They wish to remain "Infromed". (I am assuming they do not mean this as a health care term).

    They want to "bury Obamacare with Kennedy" - ah yes, our beloved deceased Liberal Lion of the Senate is a THREAT and why? Because he likes a BLACK President. And because he wants health care for poor people.

    They appear to be (if not) 65, they are at least fast approaching Social Security age (if they aren't already COLLECTING that socialist handout). Or as was stated on Crooks and Liars, it has been determined that the FUTURE of the Repuke Party is a WHITE couple OVER 55 (oh but wait......)

    They are ignorant and their fear has been ginned up by yet ANOTHER group of reprehensible Southern White Guys (that would be the House and the Senate). Now the House and the Senate are also getting massive influxes of $$$ from - wait - the Health Care Industry.

    So yes I will give you that one.

    Second: Many of the 30,000-60,000 individuals yesterday were BUSSED in by FreedomWorks, a Racist Repuke Organization run by Dick Armey. And we all know who he is. Wasn't he just fired by his law firm for conflict of interest?

    Third: They hold their signs upside down (even if they do manage to spell correctly). Do they seriously not realize how incredibly STUPID they look to everyone else?

    However, I draw the line at their lying about how we all feel. Many of us HATE their racist claptrap. Perhaps because most people NOT at that Retired People's Potluck yesterday DO have an I.Q. larger than their shoe size, we see these ignorant racist seniors as pathetic. I could live with pathetic ok?

    But these people are being provoked into responding to fears that are alive only in the mindset of the rightwing rabble. If this country doesn't WANT Obama - then why is he President.

    I'm sorry, these racist wingnuts simply will never accept a black man as President. Regardless of history, the uneducated mouthbreathing southern whiteman racist drooler cannot comprehend anything that vile and disgusting. To him, it is an affront to his "manhood" (all 3" of it).

    That is why this is scary. If they'd all return to their trailers and their moonshine and screwing their livestock we'd all be happier thank you.

    But don't for one second believe that many of us DO see what is going on and will never allow these braindead racist idiots to speak for us. We may not carry misspelled signs upside down, wear WWII ballcaps, and scream racial epithets, but we DO see what these morons are doing to our country and we won't let them speak for US.

  26. Shan: The people at yesterday's Puke Potluck don't even know what day it is. As long as their Social Security Check is direct deposited before they trundle off to their Medicare HMO to get their Plan J drugs, they could care less.

    Except of course, there is a Black man in the White House.

  27. My comment on racism concerned the representative from S.C. I normally don't waste time commenting about fanatics on street corners.
    Laurie-Ann you are right. Canadian politics is usually kinda ho-hum.( No offense intended ours is too) The Brits are a bit more passionate, as are the Aussies from time to time. Passion makes debate lively and entertaining, hence spurs voter interest. If anybody doubts that pull up and watch the late Senator Kennedy in action.
    Our president also used the word lie in his speech. Probably a better format than the man from S.C. , but it was used.
    The good news is that folks like the man from S.C. usually self-resolve, as do the folks standing on the corner, but it will happen quicker if they stop putting them on the news so much.
    Maybe this will help illustrate my point.
    The other day a coworker of mine was driving by the women in black demonstration held every Friday in front of the Kodiak Post Office. BTW the Women in Black of Kodiak are not all women, not usually silent and don't even wear black all the time.
    As my coworker drove by a female demonstrator yelled "you should be ashamed!". This comment was directed at her because she proudly exhibits a Marine Corps decal and a ribbon of support. The support is for her son, stationed in Iraq (again). Not only that, this woman's husband is a local police officer who actually has had to defend the very person screaming at his wife.
    Point is; rude, mean, and just plain boneheaded folks come in every size and color. They also come from every religious and political persuasion. Shoot, some of the responses on these blogs prove that.
    Peace ya'll (and I mean that).

  28. "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." --M. L. King

  29. crystalwolf aka caligrl2:42 PM

    basheert...YEAH! Great Rant! Every word TRUE! I like this part:
    "The South will never rise again. With their collective I.Q., they couldn't get up from a La-Z-Boy Rocker."

    YESSSSSS! You are absolutely Right!!!

  30. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Maureen Dowd is insinuating racism by adding the word "boy" in her thought and in so doing she herself is doing her country a great disservice. She is the racist herself, against her own color and for monetary gain and fame.

    I am not white and am so tired of this race card black people whip out every chance they could, especially in court. If Obama's biography is to be believed, he is half white. He essentially got the best of both sides thus is here today as a President. The fact that he is living in the White House eradicates racism in this country so it is time to quit the crying.

    He lie(d/s), like all politicians. Honest people don't make good politicians. Nor do they make good lawyers. And to criticize him is as normal as to criticize other politicians, or neighbors, colleagues, friends even.

    It is rather interesting that because his skin is the color of his father, not his mother, that he is to be praised always and by his mother's people. What ridiculous logic!

  31. anon@3:25pm -

    For starters, I am NOT black. I am not "playing" any "race card".

    The fact is, we have some mouth-breathing knuckledraggers who never really were able to figure out that Mr. Obama WON the election. Many of these people are vile, contemptible racists. This is not based upon their little outfits or choice of hairnet and bobbypins. This is based upon their very vocal racial epithets they are shouting.

    Bringing guns to rallies is a deliberate attempt to frighten and intimidate whether you have a permit or not. They are not criticizing - they are threatening.

    Yes politicians lie - we all know and accept that. But whether you like it or not, these individuals are being ginned up by the Repuke Party as HATERS. They aren't protesting - they don't know what they are doing. No seriously, half of these people would drool if someone told them it would get the N*G*er out of the White House.

    Anger, protests - we did it all in the 60's. We screamed, we burned buildings, we were shot at Kent State by our own National Guard. We were beaten at the Chicago Convention.

    And it was NOT about race. In fact, many of the true peaceniks were at the very front of the line when it came to desegregation and registering voters in the south, and many paid with their lives.

    As did 5 little girls in a church - because they were BLACK.

    We have a history of nasty racist temper tantrums. Most of us don't like it and find it embarrassing, disgusting and frankly, STUPID (this is now my new favorite word because nothing captures it quite as well).

    Go out and protest, we all support that. More power to you.

    But when we protested against the war - and for Civil Rights - many of us understood what we were doing. And we weren't just going along with what someone told us to do.

    We stopped the war - with some help from a responsible print and TV media showing the blood and gore that is war. We stood up for what we believed in.

    These people have no idea what they are doing there except they got a free bus trip to D.C. And they get to show everyone that - OMG - there really IS a black man in the WH.

    So now they officially have permission to fling racial epithets while they are drinking the beer they buy with their Social Security checks, while Mildred heads down to the Beauty Shop to get a perm. Then they'll head down to the Senior Early Bird Dinner at IHOP.

  32. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I'm sure this is what the racists believe.

    If this "uppity" black man becomes successful, then how many other uppity black people will think that this was nothing but a fluke.

  33. Cowcharge5:52 PM

    Do you people listen to yourselves? "Mouthbreathers", "racists", "idiots", etc. etc. etc. How many insults on this page, from all you "progressives" who NEVER use "hate speech", contain the words "old" and "white"? Not only racist, but discriminatory against seniors (who were by the way, NOT the majority of the upwards of 350,000 people that marched yesterday).

    You take the opportunity to insult veterans as well, with those disgusting WW2 baseball hats? Those same men who risked everything so that self-styled "progressives" like yourselves could feel superior while you joke about the South in your wine bar? Please tell me what is superior about 4th-grade insults like "teabagger"?

    Please tell me how much more rational and reasonable comments like this are: "I'm sorry, these racist wingnuts simply will never accept a black man as President. Regardless of history, the uneducated mouthbreathing southern whiteman racist drooler cannot comprehend anything that vile and disgusting."

    Or this: "All these people sitting around in really inappropriate trailerite clothes, with their WWII ballcaps, their fat beer bellies hanging out, drool and spittle running down their bloated bodies - trying to pretend that this isn't about a BLACK PRESIDENT"

    Or this: "While they sit on their fat sick asses collecting their Veteran's Benefits, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security?"

    Oh so reasonable, rational, and progressive. I can't imagine why someone would decline an opportunity to discuss politics with you.

    Why is it so hard for you to believe that people object to the policies Obama is trying to sneak through, and have to insist that it's all about race?

    I do agree with one person on here. I am also ashamed. Ashamed of who I was protecting when I wore the uniform. Hypocrites, the lot of you.

  34. Basheert said,"As long as their Social Security Check is direct deposited before they trundle off to their Medicare HMO to get their Plan J drugs, they could care less." "they are all ON THE FEDERAL DOLE"

    In 2006 a law was passed that stopped drug coverage from being included in Part J. Part J basicly helps cover preventive care and at home recovery.
    The "Dole" comes from British and Australian welfare payments. Social Security in the US is paid for out of each paycheck. Those on medicare pay $96.40/month for the basic plans. If they want plan J they have to buy extra insurance. In my case I also paid for it by working in a job that harmed my health and having to go on disability. I have several health problems which I struggled with for over twenty years so I could continue to work. Then I got PTSD from workplace bullying and that tipped the scales so I could no longer work.

    I am on social security disability and find it very difficult to live on the "Dole", in fact it was difficult to the point of being homeless three times and twice living for several months with no heat, hot water, or a way to cook and a hell of a lot more. I also have medicare, but I don't "trundle" off to get my health care because it is very difficult to even find a doctor who will take medicare in Alaska. I went two years without any healthcare when I was first on disability because we have a two year waiting period for medicare for the disabled and I could not afford the Cobra payments from my previous job.

    While I have often said myself that Alaska should be a part of the south (it would fit right in the Gulf of Mexico) let's acknowledge there are a large number of people in the south who are against racism and are very well educated. In fact some of the best oolleges in the country are in the south. I use to spend a lot of time in Mississippi as a child and had to listen to the racist talk of some of my relatives, but others were fully invested in civil rights for blacks. That group changed the face of the south and they should get credit for it. I am much more angry at and afraid of the people who are doing the engineering behind the scenes than I am at people who do not even have a consciouness level high enough to notice misspelled words right on a sign they are holding.
    While I fully agree that there is less racism in the younger generations because they are farther removed from it, there are amung the older people those who marched for civil rights and were involved in protests which even endangered their lives? The foundation for civil rights that we have at this point in time in this country would not exist if it was not for them. The reason you see older retired people protesting is because they don't have jobs. The younger people who agree with them are much more dangerous because they hold their beliefs in secret due to fear about their jobs and will continue to teach hate to their children.
    I disagree with everything Joe Wilson stands for and he should learn to shut up while someone is speaking, especially the president. I fully support his right to disagree with the president even if it is based on racism and ignorance, because I fully believe in our constitution even when someone eles's view is in my opinion crazy or even immoral. I also know President Obama has caused some of the problems. If he was going to ignore the conservatives in formulating a health care bill, which I believe is what should have happened as we are getting a watered down crappy version of reform, that is one thing. But, what has happened is he said he was listening to everyone and then did not. Other groups were excluded also, but it certainly was not pharma, insurance or health care industries, the people who got us in this mess to begin with.

  35. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Labels, I hate labels. Left, right, moderate, centrist, liberal, progressive, so many. I just don't know which one to wear.

    I do know that I am one of those old Southern white women, born and raised in the South all my life. As where my parents, my grandparents, my great grandparents, and so on and so forth, and again.

    I was not raised to be a racist, my parents never said anything that would indicate the hatred I see on the tube or internet today. Black folks were welcomed into our home. Lou Bertha was a black woman my mother let me go see when I was very little. Lou Bertha always saved me a banana from her lunch bag. My eyes always tear when I remember that very special lady.

    I know bigotry is all around; I grew up in "red neck" country. But this country is also a melting pot of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues. Of course, there are folks who believe in their narrow little minds that they own this land. It might blow their minds to learn that they may own their house, the building, but the land itself is sovereign. They are only allowed to occupy the land so long as taxes remain paid and the government allows ownership of occupancy. Such ownership can be passed down through generations or sold to another, but the land itself belongs to the government; set up just like England. It actually protects all Americans in the greater scheme.

    I remember a long time ago hearing that someone said that communism would take over America without a shot being fired, through the children. I thought at the time that how ridiculous.

    Nancy Peloski said there was a problem with the public option last Friday, HuffPost posted a memo found 4 hours later floating around Washington about a fundraiser at a guy's house for Peloski, a known lobbyist for United Health.

    I read over at firedoglake about the Supreme Court having a case before them regarding the SEC and Bank of America. Seems the SEC has no power and the Bank of America cannot prove who was responsible for those bonuses that were paid to those Merrill Lynch elites, they cited the lawyers. No accountability for a corporation, an umbrella for crooks.

    And then I read that CBS found that Wall Street paid $5B over the past ten years to Congress. Wall Street is responsible for the crisis, the bailout, and runs the government.

    Yes, racism is what you see. But only because the race card has been played by corporate elites funding the game. President Obama's father was a black man from another country. So, not only have they used the race card, but the birthers card for the purpose of attacking his Americanism as well. Corporate America funded civil discourse to keep folks ignorant and fighting amongst themselves. To keep folks preoccupied waddling in their own bigotry and not looking at the whole picture. Corporate America with the help of political religious extremists has been gaining power and control, changing laws to benefit corporations over individual rights. So they can keep all the monies for those big jets and nice yachts! To hell with the rest of us.

    Oh, but what do I know, I'm just an old, wrinkled up Southern white woman. Sorry for all the rambling; blame it on my low IQ.

  36. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:35 PM

    You object to the term "teabaggers"? isn't that what ya'll are???
    Many people besides you served in the military to insure free speech including your's and Queen Quitter's.
    The problems is Free speech is turned to HATE SPEECH...are you proud to represent glenn beck, joe wilson and palin?
    If so shame on you.
    Racist hate speech is not what people fought for!

  37. Anonymous8:36 PM


    Actually Americans of the past always fought for freedom.

    What does freedom means? Say anything they want, hate or love or something in between. Support any one they like, Palin, Wilson, or whoever.

  38. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Are you people for real, not one governmant politician would think about putting his or her family on a government run health care plan. In my state taxes are out of control, unemployment is well over that 10% and thank god for free speech. These unemployment numbers are alot higher than 10%. Wait till winter and construction dries up? You liberals really need to take a hard look at your party. From an ex democrat. Leaning libertarian

  39. Anonymous10:27 PM

    @8:49 - Who do you think provides healthcare for your congress reps. and senators? Why, it's THE US GOVERNMENT. Who do you think brings you MEDICARE? Why, lo and behold: IT'S THE US GOVERNMENT.

    Go ahead and lean libertarian--lean as far as you want. But if you fall, I hope you already have health insurance.

  40. Cowcharge: OK let's run with this ok?

    1) We ARE senior citizens - my husband is "on" Medicare (although as I have stated we do NOT use it as he continues to be covered through employment) and we BOTH do collect Social Security. I have been known to shop at Wal-Mart and Kohls.

    2) Our checks are direct deposited.

    3) I spent hours, days and week doing constructive things. I volunteer at 3 different places and am on a Foundation that provides family assistant to hospital inpatients, REGARDLESS OF THEIR ETHNICITY and REGARDLESS OF THEIR citizenship.

    4) My husband is a vet however he does not run around wearing a stupid baseball hit touting his service. He SAVED LIVES.

    5) Please learn to count. It was widely admitted that the numbers were vastly inflated. There were at the most, 65,000 protesters. I've been to BIG protests (think 'Nam) and we put you to shame just in numbers.

    6) Don't be ashamed. My husband probably saved your life - while you were wearing that proud uniform. If you were even in combat.

    7) Senior citizens as a group tend to be lazy and overweight. They are also afflicted with multiple diseases and health care issues which they get treated with their Medicare Insurance (a Socialized medicine program). Obviously within that relatively SMALL (for a protest) crowd, there were individuals on 25-30 medications a day for high blood pressure, heart disease, Alzheimer's, high cholesterol, VIAGRA, Flomax ... want me to go on?

    Do you have even a remote concept what kind of drain these people are on our system?

    The financial drain we are going down thanks to the chronic and acute illnesses of the elderly?

    If you honestly believe that the Republican wants to PROTECT the Seniors, you really do need therapy. But the fact is, they DO have Medicare and they DO have Social Security. And what do they choose to do?

    They voluntarily are bussed to hold up stupid ignorant misspelled signs about something they don't understand. Unless and until they OPT OUT of all Govt programs, they need to SIT down and STFU.

    Otherwise they are 100% hypocrites.

    Re: their race baiting. It's oozing out of them. It's always been there .... it's just been pushed down because it wasn't politically correct to call someone a n*@@er. Now they are in their hayday.

    So yes many of the individuals at the 35,000 Senior Potluck WERE violent, vicious, vile racists. But I guess I must give them credit - they did take advantage of that FREE bus trip they got to DC via FreedomWorks. It gave them a chance to shoot off their mouths and condemn all those benefits they receive.

    I believe the word you were looking for was HYPOCRISY. All 35,000 of them. NOT 350,000. Even the lies aren't creative. And by the way, the "pictures" of the rally, were taken at the Inauguration. There is now a building that wasn't there during the Inauguration and the weather was wrong.

    So not only Hypocrites, but YOU LIE!

  41. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:39 AM

    Anonymous@8:49 said...

    "Are you people for real, not one governmant politician would think about putting his or her family on a government run health care plan."
    Really? You have to be joking? You REALLY don't believe that? All the politicians have GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE!!! ALL OF THEM! All the Rethugs that don't want YOU to have health care...well they aren't giving theirs up, I haven't heard one Rethug say they will give up their govt healthcare...just shows how stupid y'all are!

    Basheert...RANT ON!!! YEAH!!! :)

  42. Anonymous9:16 AM


    I guess you are not volunteering to do good this morning eh?

    "These people are strains on our system?" Excuse me, there isn't one place on earth where there aren't this type of citizens. Not even in Heaven that oh-so-wonderful-land where only bliss exists.

    I must say you are so self righteous and judgmental and snobbish. To you these protesters don't know what they are doing, to you they are ignorant, ills of society perhaps. Well, excuse me again, when you protested "Nam's war", you were considered all of the above too. I,as an American citizen now, also deem you a traitor, on par with Jane Fonda, and mind you I am speaking as a former "Nam's native". Please refrain yourself from preaching about morality of "unjust war" to me.

    Any one disagrees with your view does not know what s/he is doing, and those agree know. How high and mighty you are! I have news for you: every one knows what s/he is doing all the time, with whichever capacity his/her faculty has.

    Where is the foundation for this worshiping for Obama that has never been given any other President? So Obama can't be called names, can't be ridiculed like Bushes, Clinton, Reagan. He can't be told that he lies? Please come down from your high horse. He is a man whose life has been relatively easy thank to the mixing of breeding. This is the great thing about this country. Else where mixed breeds aren't treated quasi decently (think of the mixed breeds from the Nam's war). He becomes a President and still your group of white liberals not quit feeling guilty.

    You ridicule ignorant whites, how about ignorant blacks, yellows, reds and browns. Where is the freedom with which you exercised for "Nam"? These people, ignorant, "racist", blah blah blah though they are, are not entitled to it?

    And why do you not stay with the topic of this thread--Maureen Dowd's putting words into Wilson's mouth and thoughts in his head? Oh my bad, you too are projecting your own thoughts and words in the mouth and mind of people opposing your view (unless you were there among these protesters spying). And my bad, I forgot that Democrats have had no qualm about exploiting ignorant, less educated, less economically fortunate to further their agenda, which is just the same as other politicians--increasing their power, bank accounts and fame.


  43. crystalwolf aka caligrl3:13 PM brave you anon and call basheert names! Oh she is a "traitor" now?
    "I,as an American citizen now, also deem you a traitor, on par with Jane Fonda, and mind you I am speaking as a former "Nam's native"."
    So WHAT were you before you were a Citizen of the United States?
    And I would call you a traitor, you are like glenn whiney ass titty baby beck, Jane was not a traitor just someone who said the war was wrong. Basheert like all of us are sick and tired of you rupukes whining and crying and being sore losers, and insulting the President of the United States. You are the traitors, racist pigs, why don't y'all go back and hide in under the rocks you lived in for the past 8 yrs??? YOU LOST! GET IT? GFY!

  44. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Bill Clinton did the same thing. Daddy Bush was going to be another in a long line of Republican Presidents. They were so pissed when Clinton won the hatred that was poured on him was breath taking.

    Combine the lost entitlement and racism and you get a critical mass of petty anger and hatred.

  45. Anonymous4:14 PM

    You tell em.

    From a fellow mudpup

    Another Anon mentions the fake photos. One that has gone up showing the mall filled has several items that affect the date.
    Construction cranes at the Natural History museum date from around 1994, and there is no Native American Museum, built around 2002.

    The posting with that photo calm 1.5M. DC cops, who have lots of experience, more like 70K.

    The RepoTaliban just can’t not lie. They even lie about lying.

  46. Anonymous4:24 PM

    “He is a man whose life has been relatively easy thank to the mixing of breeding."

    Are we talking hybrid strength, here?

    Anybody want to take a shot at explaining what in the wide world that sentence means.

    If the commenter is referring to quotas, that's a racists remark and in any case should be proven to be true. Did Obama get into Harvard Law on the basis of his grades or on the basis of his mixing of breeding?

    And becoming a top graduate from one of the highest ranked law schools isn't the result of quotas, but it might be a result of hybrid strength. So is the writer suggesting we should all produce racially mixed children?

    I bet not.

  47. Anonymous4:33 PM

    And also on the list of Government run healthcare. The military, all of them, active and retired. Tricare also a government proped up insurance for retired military who choose to use it. And they do mostly choose to use it becasue it is less expensive and pays out better than other policies do.

    And of course there is the enture Civil Service insurance for over a million government empolyees, not just Congress.

    Gee, I think that's about 5 diffent Government run insurance groups, covering millions of Americans, and how many of those millions actually turn down that benifit??

  48. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Anon @ 4:24

    I am not suggesting any thing, merely bringing up that point to prove that this country is great.

    If I am a racist yellow American then I have the right to--freedom of speech is what it's called.

    I can use this phrase of yours "So is the writer suggesting we should all produce racially mixed children?" and interpret that you too are racist. For if race doesn't matter to you, why shouldn't we all produce racially mixed children? Aren't human human, regardless of color? If so, why use the adverb "racially" as if it is something unpleasant? How is that for projecting your thoughts through the words you typed? Am I as respectable as Maureen Dowd yet?

  49. Oh for heaven's sake.

    anon@9:16: Sorry to disagree but yes, Government programs are paid for by all of us. Never have a problem with it. But most people don't enjoy having to sit and listen to some ignorant hick yell "keep your government hands off my Medicare". It is nothing BUT ignorance. And yes they ARE a drain on the system but no one cares because that is what the program was set up to do, keep people in touch with medical care even though they have no resources.

    So what do they choose to do? They start screaming that they are worried the Gubment is gonna interfere with their Medicare. If you don't call that IGNORANCE, what do you call it?

    I notice that you ridicule my volunteerism - and yet you offer nothing to indicate you do anything for anyone but yourself? Jump in any time here....

    Why do you assume that I "worship" Obama (that would be PRESIDENT OBAMA to you)? Because I support the current President? Who WON the election? So what is it to you?

    And here's your "money" quote: "thanks to his "mixing of breeding"? I'm sorry, is this a reflection on his "pedigree". Was he crossbred like a mare?

    I'm not the only one who is laughing at these "ignorant masses" - and no I don't respect people who toss around Hitler and Nazi like it was an acceptable comparison.

    And about those "ignorant whites" ... did you see a black, yellow, red or anything OTHER than white at this HUGE march? I did not choose to exclude color - THEY did. Or rather those persons of color have chosen to not spend time with mouth breathing Republican idiots.

    Your BIG LIE was called me a Democrat. You have NO clue how I am registered to vote do you? Get off YOUR high horse and admit you are, quite simply, a fool.

    Regarding "stay on topic" - if I plan to listen to that Republican directive, it will be from Gryphen and not from someone like you. If he is dissatisfied with my posting - I'm sure I will be slapped on my hand with a ruler.

    Your hypocrisy is showing. And no, I try very hard to NOT lie - it is a good example for my children and grandchildren. Can you say the same?

    I SUPPORT Barack Obama as elected President. Obviously you do not. I put up with EIGHT long years of your Repuke bullshit and I am done with it. I don't even have to respond to your idiocy. The fact that you believe someone either "benefits" or "not" from their "mixed breeding" indicates you need a new career. Can I suggest breeding hamsters?

  50. Oh for Gods sake - anon@5:02, go play someplace else ok?

    This is not about you. Why don't you go jump into the dialogue about WHY the American people cannot see the movie Creation about Charles Darwin because the mouth-breathers will swallow their tongues?

    Of course the country is great. But obviously you had nothing to do with it. So aside from recommending people go produce mixed race children to PROVE they are open minded and that makes it great - you have suggested NOTHING new, novel, or creative.

    I just wishe trolls with talking points would realize that after you have spewed, you must have some BACKUP points that actually LEAD to a conclusion.

  51. South Carolina has a long list of dignitaries that includes Lauren Caitlin Upton (Miss Teen USA 2007 pageant contestant), Board of Education Chair, Kristin Maguire, Governor (and avid Appalachian hiker), Mark Sanford and now Joe “the hater not a debater” Wilson or the “screamer not the dreamer” as others have dubbed him. I did enjoy him cut and running through his apology, which only goes to show that he stands for nothing. He is just another good old boy where in the morning these married men preach to you that there should be prayer in our schools and in the evening they are on their cell phones setting up a date with their other women on the side, hypocrisy has been bred in. I am not surprised that he felt compel to yell like he was at some Friday night game. So long Joey, you too will be seeing the unemployment lines.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.