Monday, September 21, 2009

Palin to talk about US foreign policy to Chinese audience. Following up with tips on building a gas pipe line and the secrets to a healthy marriage.

Former US vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin is expected to speak about US foreign policy and China in her first keynote speech outside North America, Hong Kong organisers said on Monday.

Palin, mocked during last year's presidential campaign for her lack of experience in foreign affairs and for her verbal gaffes, is due to address hundreds of financial big-hitters at the CLSA Investors' Forum on Wednesday.

"We have asked her to address US foreign policy, to discuss her views on governance, healthcare, and of course, China," Jonathan Slone, chief executive officer of the Asia-focused brokerage, said in an interview with AFP.

I had to re-read the article to be sure it was not another parody from the folks at the Onion.

But no, beyond all comprehension, this is serious.

Sarah Palin, the same Sarah Palin who just got her passport for the first time in 2006, and who claimed that her national security experience came through the proximity of Alaska to Russia, is actually being PAID to talk about foreign policy to people in a FOREIGN COUNTRY.

Are they hoping that the language barrier will protect the audience from the "stupid"? Well that won't help because from what I understand most Chinese business people understand English far better than Ex-Governor Palin.

Is she supposed to be the comic relief? I mean that is the only possible excuse isn't it?

Aren't there some topics that she IS knowledgeable about?

Like for instance, controlling the media? As good as the Chinese government is, it simply cannot hold a candle to how well Sarah cowed the local media up here.

Or perhaps she could give instructions on how to take credit for the work of previous administrations, before leaving the blame for your mistakes on the next administration?

Or perhaps she could teach Chinese women how to hide their pregnancies with tight abs? There must be a lot of interest in that subject in a country that does not want women to have more than one baby.

My point is that of all the possible topics that Sarah Palin could talk about, and yes I understand they are limited, foreign policy seems like the most ridiculous. Wouldn't you agree?

Update: By the way what does THIS mean?

But CLSA, an arm of French bank Credit Agricole, decided to close Palin's session to the media after the former Alaska governor indicated that she would have to adjust her speech if reporters were present, Slone said.

"We are very pleased with her attitude towards us. Sarah could have come here and made a media circus," he said.

"But we said to her, 'Look, we want you to give the most information to our clients. Do you feel comfortable doing that with the press around?'

"She said, 'If I do that with the press in the room, I will have to say different things.'"

Does that mean she is planning to lie to the Chinese audience about her time in government and her personal life and does not want any press around to discredit her?


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Love the "tight abs" idea. BTW, notice Heidi Klum on the red carpet at the Emmy's? There is someone with tight abs who is going to have a baby (FOR REAL) next month. Not quite the look Sarah had going. Hard to credibly fake it.

  2. I am amazed that quittypants thinks that our State Dept. will allow her mouth to run amok in China with NO oversight or Press involved. There WILL be film - high tech China will make sure it is leaked. When she spews her anti-American propaganda penned by Murdoch's gang, it WILL be recorded. As always, I hope that will mark the end of her career, but it seems nothing ever does. Winky ex beauty contestant, ex gov. is now an international joke - I am embarrassed for America. Maybe that was the idea - to embarrass us in the eyes of the world. The wheels of justice regarding this ignorant crook are turning too slowly for my taste. Yet I remain confident that she will be exposed for the liar, fraud, crook, and hoax that she is.

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    So Mr. Slone and CLSA are paying the world's biggest idiot six figures to address them on subjects she has absolutely no knowledge of, and they want to manage my money? I don't think so.

  4. Anonymous12:05 PM

    $arah must be on the plane by now. I cannot wait for her big $ talk to be leaked wide! And for the close-ups of her eyes! (Surely they will project her image on a giant screen, unless she is popping out of a big Chinese cake draped with an Alaskan flag?)

  5. I totally agree, Gryphen. TOTALLY.

    Sarah Palin is nothing put a punch line.

  6. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I realize she is entitled to her opinions, but what makes her knowledgeable to speak about anything representing the US or is this strictly her personal opinions and not reflective of this country in her speech? I do not think she has a right or earned a right to speak to any foreign entity about policy in the US.

  7. Gasman12:13 PM

    Let me get this straight, Palin bails on speeches to CPAC and conservative women gathering at the right wing Vatican, the Reagan Library, but she will speak to a group of Chinese Communists?

    She bitched and moaned about Obama palin' around with terrorists. She is being employed by COMMUNISTS! She is a willing dupe of the Chinese Communist Party. No way to spin this one. She is going to CHINA and doing the bidding of CHINESE COMMUNISTS! Her paymasters are COMMIES!

    I can hardly wait to see the spin that the Wan Flea and her other sycophants will try and put on this one.

    As to topics, it doesn't matter. There isn't any topic on which she can speak, to any group on the planet about which she can make a damn bit of sense. The enormity of her ignorance is all encompassing. She is equally uninformed about all subjects.

  8. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Honestly, Palin, who holds no office in this country has no right to speak on foreign policy in a foreign country. Obama should send a note ahead making sure they know that Palin does not speak for America, and anything she says is to be taken as Palins own opinion and nothing representing America. She is not an usthorized American representative, period. This should be taken seriously and press release should be made by the administration. She could very well embarass this country if this is not done ahead of time.

  9. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Also, though, too, then. Yeah, and that, too. It's all about jobs. Wink.

    Hey...why are all these Chinese people here?

  10. NO press? that is to make sure she has a CHANCE to get more of these paid engagements. 1000 offers? LMFAO! Not once her word salad leaks, not until she does the Sunday talk show circuit with REAL questions. "I'll get back to ya" is NOT an answer!

  11. What a joke!!! This is absolutely ridiculous!! She will just be reading a speech someone else wrote for!

    Honestly, WTF!!!!! She doesn't speak for me or any other American I know. She is a nobody now. She is an exGovernor who is now unemployed.

    I really find the whole thing gross. That this quitter is paid that much money to give any speech, but on this???? She better watch her anti-government mouth. What a WASTE of money! People are losing their jobs, their health insurance, poverty and homelessness are at an all time high and a group of rich busness men are paying to have her come and speak?? It's truly disgraceful.
    She is an embarrassment for our country as are her fellow moronic Republican twits.

    She will do fine reciting A speech. Isn't that sad? But ask her a few questions and I am sure she doesn't understand it. She is a joke!
    I could go on and on. It's comical and disgusting at the same time. It's also a huge slap in the face to the other organizations she cancelled on.

    Palin is simply not worth millions. They are tryi g to market her as something she's not. This whole thing makes me mad. It's such a waste of money.

  12. And anon 12:23 you are SO right!!!! The last thing we need is Palin spewing get anti Obama garbage in a foreign country. The GOP roasted Obama when he talked to a foreign country before he was president.

    I really hope the devil Palin will disappear after her book!!

  13. But we said to her, 'Look, we want you to give the most information to our clients. Do you feel comfortable doing that with the press around?'

    "She said, 'If I do that with the press in the room, I will have to say different things.'"


    I think that this is the most revealing comment in the entire article.

    Why would she have to say something different if the press was there? Maybe because she would be forced to be honest if the media was covering the event?

    She will go over there and trash President Obama and say whatever she needs to in order to make this country look bad, which is obvious by her claim of having to state something different if the press were there to catch her words.

    I really hope that her talk leaks out so we can all see what she has to say and she is held accountable for what she is telling other nations.


  14. Anonymous1:03 PM

    There is always a possibility that she will unwittingly offend her hosts and host country and be incarcerated. Then Bill Clinton (wink, wink!) will have to go and negotiate for her release.

  15. As much as I would like to know what she says, and how she looks (now!) I kind of wish there would be no press coverage; I don't want to see her visit/speech played up like she is some kind of American ambassador of economics and foreign policy. This is making me mad. BTW Gryphen, did you see my posts on a couple of places that the winner of the dinner with SP already knows her? And ... Huntsville, AL is my hometown (born and raised). But the local news seems to indicate that the dinner will take place in Alaska. I am still waiting to see what other local coverage (if any) is given this. I think the auction on E-bay was definitely rigged.

  16. Gryphen: another comment - I love your comment about the abs, and by the way, did no one think to send Heidi Klum contact info for SP so she would not have looked so pregnant last night on the red carpet?

  17. Bayan1:15 PM

    What if SP has been hiding another secret pregnancy from Todd? Whoops! She'll fly all the way to Hong Kong then, spring a leak and have to use her super strong abdominal and vajayjay muscles to hold it in until she can make it back to wonderful Wasilla.

  18. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Wow. Great post, great comments!

    She'll probably go rogue (someone else will write that speech) and attack TFey's award! She already has a history of dissing the Obama Administration.

  19. Anonymous1:28 PM

    You mentioned that Sarah will talk about governance and health care. When we all stop laughing about the part about not finishing her full term of office, let's move on to health care. Oh, I forgot. She ran her office like a crime boss; remember Troopergate. She does have something in common with Chinese Communists.

    In a country where the rule is one family one child, let's try out that stuff about no sex education regarding birth control. Oh, and if a woman does conceive a second child, guess what the government paid for and authorized solution is- it's abortion, and Sarah is going to talk about health care? In China, it's all government paid health care, something that she opposes here.

    Moving on to foreign policy, well, Track did serve one year in a foreign country. And, Sarah visited soldiers in a foreign country. She had no idea what the American Vice President did, so it is doubful that she has any knowledge regarding other countries' government.

    Does Sarah actually think that they have democratic elections in China, a number of political parties? Is she aware of the fact that some regions of China are more "free" because they are major economic zones? That there are people in China who are considered "minorities' because they are not Han Chinese; they are not given equal treatment. Does she even understand the low level of pay and the poor working conditions that go into making our clothes and othe consumer goods.

    I read that there are other speakers for this program as well, including a guy who used to work at Morgan Stanley. Sarah's going to match her knowledge about investments with him? She's the entertainment and the eye candy. I hope that she packed a short skirt and high heels. And, lipstick. Lots of lipstick.

  20. Anonymous1:30 PM

    There is no other American as qualified to speak to the Chinese as Governor Sarah Palin.

    Afterall, a Chinese can also see Russia from her home.

  21. ManxMamma1:45 PM

    I'm going somewhat OT and I hope you'll forgive me. Lately I've been thinking about the short story, The Man without a Country, and what treason means. And having researched a bit I wondere why Glenn Beck has not yet been charged with sedition. His positions are reprehensible and should be punished. How can this be pursued?

  22. And how can one-baby policy China give audience to a mother of 5(or 4) children and on economics too. Isn't she a sign of conspicuous consumption?

  23. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Ever since being "tapped" by John McCain, Sarah has not given or been available for a national press conference...

    Gryphen and other AK bloggers need to post a clock at the top of their websites counting the days since Sarah gave a press conference.

    She hides behind facebook and will not do press conferences or appear on shows where she will be asked hard questions...

    Sarah is a fake... and is currently just a hired puppet for facebook postings

  24. Anonymous2:11 PM

    What an embarrassment she is. I hope the Chinese won't judge the rest of us by her!
    What in the world are they thinking?
    Kallie in Texas

  25. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Sarah: I work very hard cause I'm no fun.

    Todd: Bwong!

  26. Anonymous2:14 PM

    She'll probably read a wonderful speech written by Kristol or some other dolt. She doesn't need to have any ideas on ANYTHING...she just has to look like a naughty librarian. That's what the guys want.
    My take on that very curious comment about the press.... I think she plans to speek her mind about President Obama. No way could she say anything anti-American on foriegn soil without being blasted. I truly think even the republicans would frown on that. So no press will be allowed to record that. Of course we can hope for some candid cell phone video :)

  27. IDC, IJWTSHG= I don't care, I just want to see her gone. After all of the mess that she said about the president when he went to foreign countries to speak to their people and leaders, she has been persona non grata with me.

  28. Truth speaks.... well truth. Why would she need to say something different? I mean we all know politicians are two faced, but usually they don't come right out and say so.

  29. For any of you that have stopped by please ignore this, but for those of you that haven't:

    "In closing, I want to send out a strong message about our International foreign relations and mutual concern over those authors of “War and Peace.”... In other words, if the world is like a Chinese Box, then China, I'm in your corner no matter where in the world I am. It’s such a little known fact that China shares a common border with America right next to my home state of proud Alaska. So I promise you, that the Russian Bear Putin won’t be rearin’ his head over here while I’m nearby, no matter how long your Continental borders run alongside together. I say, not on Mama Grizzly’s watch!"

    For the entire text of the leaked CSLA Hong Kong speech, stop by nailinpalinnow and have a chuckle : )

  30. Anonymous2:29 PM

    she's going to attack America on foreign soil, and I don't know why anyone is letting her do it. She's a danger to our country, a danger to national security, and a danger to our foreign policy at large.

    Palin: Destroying the Planet One Gaffe at a Time

  31. Basheert2:36 PM

    There WILL be press - her little screwball antics and demands will be a challenge to the Chi-Com government. But they WILL find a way to leak this.

    How DARE this unemployed grifter attempt to speak as an American to the Chinese people?

    But worst of all is WHY would these supposedly reasonably intelligent individuals want to hear this f**ing moron?

    It has to be a comic relief thing.

  32. Just_a_Mote2:38 PM

    This hateful nitwit being paid by the Chinese to speak on that which she knows nothing about is mind-boggling.

  33. The comment about the media is hilarious! And they think it's because she doesn't want a media circus? That is a laugh!! She just doesn't want the media fact checking her antiObama (and anti American) comments.

    Gee Scarah, for the soldiers ok?.... Please don't go over there and start makin things up and telling lies ok? Stop your lies about death panels, our President and everything else you make things up about. Have some respect for our our country (and those soldiers fightin for our freedoms, ya know?) and don't go lyin to those commies just cuz they are capitalists now. It will still come back and bite ya if you do it because they will be recording you! You betcha! (wink wink)

  34. Aussie Blue Sky2:50 PM

    If they're investment bankers, and they want her to talk about "health care" .... why didn't they invite her to speak about what the bailout does?

  35. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Sarah Palin is so dumb she thinks Genitalia is an Italian Airline.

  36. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I wonder if the State Department and Hilary have any interest in what Palin may offer as US policy? My guess is they would be slightly interested.

  37. Anonymous3:09 PM

    This may be the most concentrated collection of political illiterates in the
    Milky Way.

    She has been given permission to speak about whatever she wants without
    any media to report on it. She has had a MONTH to prepare.

    Maybe you should watch the debate with Joe Biden. It was far from a disaster--and that was with a NATIONAL audience and the media circling like hyenas to gut her.

    Her detractors were sure Biden would gut her--as I'm certain everyone except a few on this forum did.

    This was from the BBC, hardly a Palin friendly out fit:

    "Democrat Joe Biden sought to link Republican presidential candidate John McCain to the policies of President Bush, saying he was "no maverick".

    Republican Sarah Palin defended herself against claims of inexperience and said the McCain ticket would bring change. Voter polls suggested Mr Biden had won but Mrs Palin did better than expected.

    The debate at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, was seen as particularly crucial for Mrs Palin, whose poll ratings have fallen.

    The BBC's Jane O'Brien in Washington says Mrs Palin played to her strengths and her image as a mother in touch with ordinary Americans.
    For the most part she spoke fluently but simply about the economy, climate change and the war in Iraq, our correspondent says, and there were few of the stumbling gaffes that have become the staple of late-night comedy shows.

    Two polls conducted after the debate, by US networks CNN and CBS News, judged Mr Biden the winner. However, the CNN poll found a large majority thought Mrs Palin had done better than expected.

    And this is from the epicenter of Palin contempt, The Atlantic"

    "Whatever the reason--her sense of occasion, a change of coaching staff, who knows?--she did well enough tonight to lift the campaign's head back above water. She defaulted frequently to rehearsed talking points, and to topics she feels most comfortable with--notably energy. But what mattered most was that she never really floundered, and above all she never looked scared. She was herself. Some, certainly not all, of the damage of the past week is erased."

    You people are so blinded by some sort of irrationality you cannot even concede that this is a perfectly spotted opportunity for her to work the room, control the topic, and play to her strength.

    Keep it up. YOU will bury the Obama's presidency. Carl Rove couldn't hurt the guy as much as you are with your half-baked conspiracies
    and Ahab-like obsession with the woman.

  38. Anonymous3:10 PM

    It won't be Palin's opinion that the communists will be hearing, it will be Rupert Murdoch's opinions that she will be reading.

  39. We all know she can deliver a speech, teleprompter and all. No one should give a flying fig what she says in this speech as it will have been WRITTEN FOR HER. I will say it again and again: until this woman can give a coherent and intelligent REAL interview on live television (not with anyone at Fox News), I will not believe for a second that she anything but the blithering idiot that, thankfully, Katie Couric revealed to the U.S. last fall.

  40. "Close the doors so I can get my message out", she said. Scheduled to speak for one hour, ex gov. palin quit her speech after 40 minutes, demanded her money and bags of new shoes, and vanished into the steamy Hong Kong night..." be continued.

  41. "She said, 'If I do that with the press in the room, I will have to say different things.'"

    Which truth do you want? You pay extra for this...

    She really means ""She said, 'If I do that with the press in the room, I will have to wear underwear.'"

  42. Anonymous3:24 PM


    This just in: the state department has no jurisdiction in China or are you
    advocating suppression of free speech.

    You're a political genious, aren't you?

    You want headlines all over Fox, Drudge, in 100,000 blogs. the Wall Street Journal, and Breitbart that says:

    "State department warns Palin: "Watch what you say"

    Oh, and Elizabeth, do you think Obama writes his own speeches or that he wrote dreams of my father without a staff of editors punching it up.

    Have you ever seen a legitimate, world class orator, like Adlai Stevenson or Norman Vincent Peale?

    They never needed teleprompters. Week in and week out for more than 50 years Peale spoke for 30 minutes every Sunday, quoting people from
    Lincoln to FDR and never stumbled over a word.

    Of course, she has a speech writer. EVERY president has. It's widely accepted now that JFK didn't even write "Profiles inCourage".

    Churchill had Norman Shelley stand in for him--not right the speech but actually give Churchill's famous "We shall stand on the beaches" for him during world war II--words which were among the most important words in modern British history.

    David Kusnet wrote speeches for Clinton and Jon Favreau is Obama's go-to guy.

    Why should these political realities be so hard to swallow?

  43. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I will bet $$ that Romney has someone "inside" recording this little "Mrs. Palin Goes to Hong Kong" gig, at the very least.

  44. Anonymous3:32 PM

    @3:09 & 3:24, why should we listen to your bombastic tirades against us? You can't even spell Rove's first name correctly. So what do you know?

  45. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Great comments! I agree with all of them. What a joke. Didn't she say when she quit that she would be workin' real hard for Alaska and she loved Alaska and wouldn't quit doing everything she could to further her wonderful state and blah...blah...blah....? What happened with that?

    I can't wait to hear or read the text of her ghost-written speech. What a fraud and fake she is.

  46. gregory3:54 PM

    anon @ 3:24 - have you noticed that everyone you mention (especially President Obama) also speaks intelligently in press conferences and/or town halls without a teleprompter? Have you EVER seen scarah make ANY sense or convey any knowledge of the economy, foreign affairs or even geography when a speech has not been written for her? I haven't. NO Press allowed? NO questions? Does that not tell you ANYTHING about this fraud's "capabilities?"

  47. 3:24 PM
    Anonymous said...

    Of course she has a speech writer. You know that. I know that. We all know that. scarah may even know that. Her lemming followers, I think, not so much.

  48. Anonymous4:01 PM

    anonymous 3:24:
    You sound a little breathless in your rant. That's what happens when the adreneline is surging in an effort to match your defensive emotional state. Check your words before you post, you'll sound much more intelligent.

    "of course she has a speech writer, every president has one....?" Excuse me but she's not a president, or a governor, or mayor, or mother, of anything.
    "political 'genious'? 'right' the speech?"

    One has to love it when stupid people rant, no question as to their humanity, it's always the same, just mean.

  49. After the "speech", the palins will star in a new comedy series called "Slope. Modeled after the sitcom "Soap", "Slope" will offer a hilarous view into a typical Alaskan family with 4 or 5 kids, lots of stolen moose stew, the wacky father, the crazy cop brother in law, the family spokemouth, in-laws in trouble with the law, and even some hanky and panky.

    In an atypical Hollywood statement of sorts, all show credits will be redacted.

  50. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I think SP is not necessarily as stupid as everyone thinks. When we start laughing at the supposed stupidity of our opponents, we risk becoming overconfident.
    I think that statement about not being able to say the same speech with the press present is ominous. What sort of backroom deals could she be cutting with these people? What if SP became secretary of state or something similar someday it could bite us all in the butt.
    And yeah, I agree with gasman...she's hanging out with COMMIES? WTF?

  51. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Anonymous, no one disputes that Obama and other political figures use a teleprompter. However, when they are asked a direct question they can answer it intelligently. Palin can only read from a teleprompter, which is why she refuses to do a live interview or press conference.

    The question is not what Palin will say at this conference since we all know she will be reading a teleprompter speech that someone else wrote. The question is if questions will be allowed from the audience afterward.

  52. Anonymous4:14 PM

    @sjk, 4:03! ZOMG! You have got to go pitch SLOPE somewhere! LOL!

  53. SouthernMiss4:23 PM

    Anon 3:09 AKA 3:24
    Your defense of Palin's debate with Biden was a scream! Thanks for the laugh. You joker, you; I'm sure you realize the bar was set so extraordinarily low for Palin she couldn't help but exceed expectations. I have to say, Anon, what really did it for me was when she looked into the camera and gave that folksy, little wink. Absolutely brilliant! I knew right then and there she must have vast foreign policy experience she was just waiting to share with the rest of us when the time was right. I also knew, without a doubt, she farts rainbows.

  54. 3:01 PM Anonymous said...

    "This may be the most concentrated collection of political illiterates in the Milky Way."

    You are talking about the stars in your eyes right?

  55. Anonymous4:25 PM

    The people across the world that control our money, our investments and our insurance coverage are all conservatives. That's why she's speaking and that's how she got this gig.

    As we have all seen with the recent US health debates, the conservatives still rule the ranch and Palin is their darling, whether we libs like it or not. Hell, she single handedly derailed fair health coverage for the American populace with one FaceBook entry! Who are we kidding. Obama is president but he is not in charge and those that are in charge have annointed a new Queen and her name is Sarah and this is her debut.

    Unfortunately....and God, I hope I'm wrong, but all signs lead towards a one term Dem president and then business as usual for the Repubs in 2012.

  56. mlaiuppa4:32 PM

    It's a good thing Palin knows absolutely nothing about foreign policy or any state (or Federal) secrets. Because I can see her getting all diarrhea of the mouth all over the lecturn. That's why she needs to insist that no reporters are present. So there's no one to record the gaffes, faux pas or general ineptitude.

    And you know that some one else is writing this speech.

  57. Anonymous4:35 PM

    you guys, there is no State Dept or US policy aspect to this. She is not really going to China per se, certainly not speaking to any "Chinese Communists" or anything at a government level -- this is an international $$ conference that happens to be in HK. Audience is fund managers and investment bankers from all over. She might as well be in London or Sydney or NYC -- in any financial capital it's the same group of business school guys in suits --these at CLSA are havin' a bit of a laugh at her expense. SP is just one of many many speakers over the 5 days of the conference.

  58. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Its absolutely hysterical (and telling!!!) that the Palinbots actually take the time to come here and call people names!! What does that say about you? A little worried about princess scarah!?

    We have every right to our opinion. The fact that you even think Scarah is qualified for any position of importance says it all about your level of intellect. Hahaha!!!! We don't even have to stoop to calling you names because you do such a great job on your own showing your true colors.

    I'd like to know why her highness hasn't talked to her fans in months. Sarah isn't an important political person. She is am unemployed facebook blogger who doesn't even write her facebook posts. Comparing her responsibilities or level of importance to President Obama or JFK is hysterical!! You really don't see Sarah too clearly do you?

    And come on! Everyone knows why Sarah doesn't want the press there. It's because they fact check the garbage that comes out of her mouth.

    Yes the white trash hillbilly is on her way to China. A waste of money is right. But Sarah is all about the money. Money and prestige-she is a total fraud. Look at all the promises she has kept and she quits every job. She's mentally unstable. Gosh darn I feel sorry for those of you who sent her money. She is a scam artist, an empty headed winky dinky opportunist.

    So keep those posts coming! We can smell your fear and anxiety.

  59. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:55 PM

    Anon@3:09 you said:
    Her debate was "far from a disaster"?

    Ummm, many were shocked she made it through. Joe was very gentlemanly even when she rudely reference his deceased wife. Everyone was surprised and then not.... BECAUSE THE BAR HAD BEEN SET SO LOW FOR HER!
    She was busy winkin' & blinkin' you call that serious debate? She said at the beginning she wouldn't answer any thing she didn't want to! They should of called it off, right then and there!
    Sorry, your queen is a loser, and a fake, BABYGATE@! BABYGATE!!! Its almost here!!!!
    If we have a "obsession" with her, as you say (obviously you haven't been to c4p to see obsessions!) Yes we are obsessed about a woman who is a total FAKE, A Quitter, unethical, Liar, tyrant, GREEDY, money hungry GRIFTER!
    And she was not vetted by McCain and could of been our VP! Thank
    goodness many people repub or not freaked when they saw her, and saw her for the fake she is!!!!
    I guess you didn't.... winkin' and blinkin' in the naughty red monkey's you think with your little head....

  60. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Anonymous @ 4:01:

    My B.P. as I sit here is 116.90; pulse 68, respiration 12 a minute. Taht's hardly consistent with adrenal overload.

    For what it's worth, I don't particularly care about "sounding intelligent" and I wear your insults as a badge of honor.

    Furthermore, you're misinterpreting an attack on the collective hate-fueled inability to see the obvious about Palin's China trip with a defense of Palin as a viable spokesperson on international or sino-american relations, the economy, and domestic and international challenges facing China as it emerges as a world power.

    Put simply, finding the incoherence on the forum jaw-droppingly biased is not the same as endorsing Palin--a distinction I don't think you would be capable of seeing with two pairs of binoculars.

    You're so far off into the tall grass you can't even acknowledge the
    observations of THe Atlantic relative to the debate with Biden as having any merit.

    Frankly, I do hope you all continue bloating yourself on Palin-mania. It is an ultimately fatal political pathology that will spread through the left like the great influenza epidemic of the early 20th century.

    By the way, has it occurred to you that the Palins are still married after
    an early report here they were through and that Levi Johnston--what a shock--impeached much of the speculation advanced here?

    Of course not. Both realities challenge delusions that you cannot emotionally afford to abandon no matter how overwhelming the truth that opposes them.

    This was my favorite example of the incredible contradictions which are the life blood of this blog: Levi is considered inherently far more honest than Palin and yet when he implies Palin did give birth to Trig, he is clearly part of a conspiracy to surpress the truth or has been given some quid pro quo by Palin to keep quiet.

    I wonder what it was?

    I got it: she arranged as part of her agreement to speak in China that Levi would be paid $20,000 to appear shirtless on the cover of "Menbox"--China's first mainstream gay magazine.

  61. Sherry5:03 PM

    It's so funny someone mentioned the VP debate because I watched it again. She did not do a good job. She barely held her own . Her winking and facial expressions were amateurish and she was hardly vice presidential or
    presidential. She looked foolish.
    She is the reason I didn't vote for McCain and I am a Republican but I could not have that inept woman anywhere near the white house.

  62. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Hey, anonymous Palin-bots! We know the twit can read a speech. And who cares if she has had a month to prepare? She has had more than a YEAR to "prepare" for a real interview,or press conference, with tough questions. And yet, she still hides behind her Facebook page. Why can't she do a real interview, or a press conference????

    The VP debate was not a real debate! You seem to forget that the McCain campaign asked the Obama campaign if they would agree to a shortened debate format to accomodate the ineptitude of your Queen $arah, because she was too dumb to keep up with Joe Biden. In the VP debate, they were given about 60 seconds to answer questions, and about 2 minutes for discussion. They needed as little time as possible, so that Palin could stick to her talking points. The point is: She still LOST the debate, and smart people saw through her. If the Obama campaign had not agreed to the shortened format, then she would not have had a chance! And she was still a joke even after the debate. She gave SNL lots of material. Barack Obama did not need the format shortened for him. In the presidential debates, they had 5 minutes to answer the questions, and 10 minutes for discussion. Barack Obama won all three debates.

    Also, Barack Obama may use a teleprompter to read speeches but so do lots of people. But,
    Barack Obama has done lots of interviews, and press conferences. He does not use a teleprompter to answer questions, unlike $arah Palin, who hides from the media.

    You right-wing wack-jobs are the ones making up conspiracy
    theories: "Socialism!" "ACORN!" "Communist!" "Secret Muslim!" "Death Panels!" You are the ones behind the "birther" movement. You people are a laughing stock, and don't even realize it. You are the un-Americans who want this president to fail! Most people don't like $arah Palin, and don't think she is qualified to be president! And Barack Obama may be a lot of things, but at least he is not CRAZY, like $arah Palin! Barack Obama is the president, get over it! Love it, or leave it!

  63. Anonymous5:23 PM

    "political 'genious'? 'right' the speech?"

    This is why Palin's followers don't know dumb when they see it. They are just a dumb as she is.

  64. Anonymous5:37 PM

    This comment was pulled from Deceptions but is so true: Headtrip Honey said... Is anyone else amused by Palin's decision to go travelling and make speeches...overseas....considering what she said in her resignation speech?"And so as I thought about this announcement that I wouldn't run for re-election and what it means for Alaska, I thought about how much fun some governors have as lame ducks... travel around the state, to the Lower 48 (maybe), overseas on international trade - as so many politicians do. And then I thought - that's what's wrong - many just accept that lame duck status, hit the road, draw the paycheck, and "milk it"."

  65. Anonymous5:53 PM

    It is not that she will have to say something different if the press is in the room but rather she will have to wear something different. I suspect our Sarah held one of her favorite Neiman Marcus suits back from the garbage bags full of clothing returned to the RNC.

  66. Of course other people use speechwriters. It's just that a lot of those people are also able to put a coherent sentence together on the fly (i.e., in an interview) because they, uh, actually know stuff.

  67. first episode of "Slope", ...'If a bear shits in the woods does anybody hear it'...

  68. 2nd episode of "Slope"...'Silence of the Turkeys and other assorted mammals'

    3rd Episode, "Unfiltered Progress, sponsors, and sore ankles".

    4th episode, "Naughty Monkeys and lemonade".

    5th episode,"I quit. Where's my money?"

  69. Anonymous6:05 PM

    @5:00 - I'm not insulting you. I'm saying sincerely: go get a dictionary. Learn it is your friend.


  70. Love, love, love "SLOPE" by SJK6:10 PM

    @sjk, 6:04 - you need at least 13 episode ideas to pitch SLOPE. They prefer 22 at the networks--or they used to. Please keep going!!!! :-)

  71. Anonymous6:27 PM

    For those of you who write that Obama uses a teleprompter, please tune in tonight when Obama is on the Letterman show. No cue cards, no teleprompter; they will talk for 40 minutes. George W. Bush could not sustain conversation for that amount of time ( and make sense). Neither can Sarah. Example: she wrote and delivered a ridiculous "speech" when she announce that she was quitting as governor. I hope she recalls that speech when she lectures the crowd in Hong Kong about "governance."

  72. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Sarah says no press. I just watched the Values Voters thing on TV, and despite the fact that they didn't want press coverage, we managed to see some of those morons putting their feet in their mouths. There is always a camera. They are as small as a ball point pen. Can't wait to see the coverage.

  73. I don't care what your political persuasion is, we are all AMERICANS and she is going to embarrass us ALL.

  74. Gasman6:46 PM

    Anon @ 3:34,
    What the hell is it with wingnuts and teleprompters? Every, I repeat EVERY public figure that speaks for publicly televised speeches in the last 30 years or so USES A F*CKING TELEPROMPTER! Politicians, wannabe politicians, TV news folks, and anyone else routinely reading scripts in front of a camera uses them. It is not a sign of ignorance or an inability to speak, but a concession to television cameras, as it allows you to look directly toward the cameras or the audience. Get off the subject of the damned teleprompters! It is a straw man issue for morons.

    Do you have evidence that Obama did not author "Dreams of My Father?" Is it such a stretch to think that anyone who was Editor of the Harvard Law Review is capable of authoring a book by himself? Would you ask the same question of any other previous Editor of the Harvard Law Review if they were WHITE? The guy does not have to offer up any additional proof for his intellectual bona fides. He has achieved much intellectually and has earned the respect of most people with brains. The reason most modern political figures have speech writers is that they simply do not have time to write their own speeches for all of the events at which they are required to speak. Even Lincoln had help writing most of his speeches. However, Churchill, Lincoln, and even Obama were/are more than capable of authoring their own speeches. Take Obama’s speech on race delivered March of 2008. It has been widely reported that those words were his own, and many have said that it was his finest speech.

    Palin, being unemployed, has nothing but time, so she should be able to write her own speech to her Communist paymasters. But what has she authored, maybe besides a few tweets? I suspect that most of those were ghost written, too

    You think Norman Vincent Peale was a world class orator? You've set the bar mighty low for attaining oratorical greatness. Please provide me with the link for a web search that includes Norman Vincent Peale as a great orator. I certainly couldn't find one. You probably think Paul Harvey would make the list as well.

    True oratorical abilities come not from delivering canned speeches which someone else wrote - which Palin has yet to do without coming off like the verbal stumblebum she is - but in the ability to formulate original ideas and express them verbally. Palin hasn't even come close to that mark. She is an imbecile that is unable to express any idea - hers or anyone else's - in an articulate manner. As for her writing skills, she couldn't make a subject and predicate agree even at gunpoint.

    Palin is about as thick and dull as any person thrust onto the political stage in the entire history of this country. By George W. Bush's own assessment, she was totally unprepared and unfit to be even considered for the vice presidential spot. Her only talents are winkin' and flirtin' at the camera, fancy pageant walkin', acting like a moron in public, and quittin' things she has committed to. She is a has been runner up former beauty queen wannabe who has replaced Viagra for middle aged/elderly Republican males. She is a vapid twit and she shows absolutely no signs of changing that fact.

    That you defend her mental and oratorical skills makes me wonder about your intellectual stature.

  75. Anonymous6:55 PM

    closed door speech? Naw, hubby and I think it's closed audience of Chinese businessmen for a naughty performance showing off her "new and improved" body parts. The visual of SP doing a song and dance out of a large cake made us laugh so loud we woke up the kiddos!

  76. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Yes, until Sarah Palin agrees to let full media (her swipes only proves she is SCARED) with full questions.. nothing pre-planned.. just straight in your face speaking
    I will forever hold her to her nimwitted status

    What is it with the "other side" trying to defend her and coddle her.. do they want a leader that has to be coddled? One that has to be shunned from any type of scrutiny?

    A true leader is one that can put forth no matter the cirucumstance

    Their hugging her like a little puppy is just creepy.. I thought she was the Barracuda!
    Where's your barracuda now?

    Oh that's right, the world is against her and she is too fragile.

  77. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I posted the one I "didn't" proof first..

    and again !

    Yes, until Sarah Palin agrees to let full media (her swipes only proves she is SCARED) with full questions.. nothing pre-planned.. just straight in your face speaking
    I will forever hold her to her dimwitted status

    What is it with the "other side" trying to defend her and coddle her.. do they want a leader that has to be coddled? One that has to be shunned from any type of scrutiny?

    A true leader is one that can put forth no matter the circumstance

    Their hugging her like a little puppy is just creepy.. I thought she was the Barracuda!
    Where's your barracuda now?

    Oh that's right, the world is against her and she is too fragile.

  78. Anonymous7:59 PM

    oopsy.. Posted the un-proofed post.. and again!Yes, until Sarah Palin agrees to let full media (her swipes only proves she is SCARED) with full questions.. nothing pre-planned.. just straight in your face speaking I will forever hold her to her dimwitted statusWhat is it with the "other side" trying to defend her and coddle her.. do they want a leader that has to be coddled?  One that has to be shunned from any type of scrutiny?A true leader is one that can put forth no matter the circumstanceTheir hugging her like a little puppy is just creepy.. I thought she was the Barracuda! Where's your barracuda now?Oh that's right, the world is against her and she is too fragile.

  79. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I must state that Palin is not talking to "commies" she is just giving a speech that happens to be occurring in Hong Kong; one of the financial capitals of the world.

    She's been coached and prepared by people that have more money than our entire extended families will ever see in multiple generations.

    We do not have to worry about her running for public office again. She most likely will not. She has seen true power and she has gained it through the most unlikely source; tweets and facebook entries.

    Face it, she has derailed the health debate and put the "base" out there up in arms regarding "death panels".

    We sit here bitching about her but she is laughing not only "to the bank" with her speaking engagements, but also laughing because she's done what no one else, either bloggers or MSM could do, she's derailed the health plan and set a course for the crazies who don't have a clue what they are truly rallying for.

    Palin has such strong backers now that all of the various "gates" that surround her will never come to fruition....they are being buried deep as I type this and until someone gets someone to actually go on record regarding any of the Palin malfeasances we will never ever be rid of her.

    She might not ever be in office again but she's shown her strength when in comes to stirring the pot and getting results.

    It makes me sick but it is becoming apparent.

  80. Anonymous8:44 PM

    @7:59 - Palin did not derail any health care debate with a Facebook post You give SP way too much credit. Betsy McCaughey has been putting that death panel meme out for years. Other GOP politicians did as well (Grassley). Palin did not derail anything; she plagiarized someone else's idea, as usual, and cruelly frightened her senior supporters.

    SP's "moneyed" neocon backers are fair-weather friends; she owes Murdoch some PDA for her book. Romney has sooooo many more powerful backers than Palin. And Huckabee has Chuck Norris!

    As progressives, it is Romney we should be fearing, not simple Sarah. He's got the money, the status, and a team in position. Plus, he has run before, and he never quit a job as governor to post on Facebook.

    Huckabee was a gov for ten years; he's been around the block a lot longer than SP, too. Those two guys will smash Palin in any GOP Iowa debate in 2010 or 2011; yeah, let's all look forward to her winking her way through that one.

  81. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Anon 7:59 sorry I think you are exaggerating completely. Smart people, conservative or liberal, know what Sarah is and her limits. She couldn't even handle the political pressure of bei f governor of a very small population state. She is being used for money and for her book. She has not changed the health care debate. It's too early to say that. Either you are a Palinbot or totally giving Palin power she is not worthy of. Her poll numbers suck, her followers a small group. Be real

    And anon 5:00, how do you know Sarah and Todd are still together? Do you know them??? Unless you know them personally, you really can't say that. They may be legally together for financial reasons but not together. That is the word around town. Are you an Alaskan? A friend? Or just another misled fan.

  82. Anonymous8:49 PM

    P.S. @7:59 - Glenn Beck, who evidently told Couric that Obama is better for the country than McCain-Palin, is the one who riled up the base on health care, with the corporate/financial support of Fox News. A Fox producer was caught cheerleading at that 9/12 "protest" event.

    Palin is not stirring any pot; she's a has been with a book to sell to Christian Dominionists and other Rapturists.

    She truly has become a punchline, even for the GOP.

  83. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Do you think she is speaking to a Chinese audience?

    CLSA was originated by Australians, an arm of French bank Credit Agricole, There will be people from China and around the world but it is western based. You can be on China's soil but in a particular enclave it can be like being in the west. Most of the patrons are more like Jonathan Slone, chief executive officer of the Asia-focused brokerage, I betcha. It is an aristocratic investment crowd. They want to know how she snickered Rupert with her baby seal stew.

    Of course, her fools don't want anyone to know what happens. She may decide to do lap dances or who knows. She may have a clause that says she can leave at any moment. Who knows the status of her make over?

    They are squeezing the intrigue as far they can. How better to create a myth? As much as I'm cheering for the spy gear to work and to have audible and visual documentation there are no guarantees. I do consider that she and even crafty old Murdoch are walking into a set up.

    I'm not fully convinced she can make it. She might get to Hong Kong but sick from shots or panic attacks. There are always meds. If she shows and is anywhere near healed, her speech will be treacherous. We already know Murdoch's spin whether she shows or not.

    Why do people say she is talking to the Communist Chinese? Are there no pictures of past groups?

    4:25 PM said... The people across the world that control our money, our investments and our insurance coverage are all conservatives. That's why she's speaking and that's how she got this gig.

    4:35 PM said... this is an international $$ conference that happens to be in HK.

    The spin on health care is hype. She did nothing. She is a zero, if people want to believe she is behind the facebook BS that is their problem. What does Sarah have to do with it? She can't come out in public like a genuine person. She is a scaredy cat and can't hold her own in the real world.

  84. Anonymous10:42 PM

    what she said:

    ella said...

    I am amazed that quittypants thinks that our State Dept. will allow her mouth to run amok in China with NO oversight or Press involved. There WILL be film - high tech China will make sure it is leaked. When she spews her anti-American propaganda penned by Murdoch's gang, it WILL be recorded. As always, I hope that will mark the end of her career, but it seems nothing ever does. Winky ex beauty contestant, ex gov. is now an international joke - I am embarrassed for America. Maybe that was the idea - to embarrass us in the eyes of the world. The wheels of justice regarding this ignorant crook are turning too slowly for my taste. Yet I remain confident that she will be exposed for the liar, fraud, crook, and hoax that she is.

  85. sjk... you are cracking me up! I love SLOPE! And every time you say SP has "4 or 5 kids" I laugh out loud.

    How about some more episode plot ideas...

    -- Do you want to see the gun under my bed?

    -- "Moooommmmmmmm....Crunchwrap supremes for dinner AGAAAAIN?!"

  86. FEDUP!!!10:51 PM

    A bit O/T, but not really, since it addresses the teabaggers and sarahsites who know nothing:


    And, Bill Moyers' commentary about their leader.

    (YIPPPIIIIEEE!!! cut/paste works for the first time in ages here for me - Thanks, Gryphen!)

  87. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Marc Faber is scheduled to speak later this week at the CLSA's annual investors conference in Hong Kong together with Republican vice presidential candidate and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and BHP Billiton's former chief executive Chip Goodyear.

  88. Anonymous11:46 PM

    I bet this is her next paid gig:

  89. "But CLSA...decided to close Palin's session to the media after the former Alaska governor indicated that she would have to adjust her speech if reporters were present..."

    Oh, she would have to adjust it all right--so that it would make some freaking sense. That mean ol' gotcha media! They just kept reporting all of the idiocy that falls from her mouth and it HAS to stop, because she just doesn't sound *presidential*, ya know.

    Don't worry though, I feel sure some thoughtful attendee will shoot a sneak video and we'll all get to enjoy the world class babble & nonsense. Wonder if she'll talk to the Chinese about the frost heaves though also? Or have some head-scratching convoluted statement about the Great Wall, abstinence, brave American soldiers, and Special! Needs! too?

    This woman is so clueless, she probably thinks dim sum is when you turn the lights down a little.

    p.s. hey Sarah, way to pal around with Communists!

  90. Anonymous3:21 AM

    I say let Sarah talk all she wants. She will put the nails in her own coffin. She has more ambition than ability.

  91. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Is Sarah taking Trig along as a prop, or is he staying home with his mommy?

  92. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Yeah, boy, that VP debate was a real win for Palin. That's why they play that clip where she says "I may not answer the questions or there the way that you or the moderator wants me too, but I'm talkin' to the people directly without the filter of the media!" winky winky.

    Sad attempt to be cute and sexy to avoid answering questions she didn't know the answers to.

    And she even knows it and admits it. Remember when she laughed at Sullivan for being prepared with numbers and stats, saying none of that mattered?

    Sure, it doesn't matter for her clown cult. they just keep on lining up to take the bait and then try to show her off to the rest of the world, who of course, reject her for the right reasons.

    yeah, she should be president. //s

  93. Anonymous4:41 AM

    The people that control our money are not all conservatives.

    That's a rich imagination there and a conservative meme, I'm sure.

    Or, perhaps we should start at the beginning and define conservative. Because it doesn't mean the same thing in other countries as it means here. Here, it means guana crazy moron who deregulates everything in a Galtist adolescent frenzy and someone who has Darwinian fantasies of being the fittest, but uses their God to whip others into order because their ideas are a failure. It also means being a liar, hypocrite, and having no discernible value system at all. In other words, there is no mistake that a conservative will ever apologize for, because of course, there are no vales that are solid-- there is only winning and power and glory, and stealing from others and lying to them, because god wants them to so that they can win.

  94. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Of course Obama wrote his book. My god, the wingnuts can't even add.

    Obama wasn't famous when he wrote his book. No one was gong to buy his book because of the branding, therefore the content had to be good.

    On the other hand, Palin has fans who will buy her poop, so they just need a book with her name on it. This offer came to her after she became an international laughing stock with a very rabid but small fan club.

    Murdoch is just squeezing the moose to see if any more cash falls out before he tosses her away.

  95. Leadfoot, I am open to any and all suggestions!
    Yeah, the 4 or 5 kids thing makes me chuckle, too...

  96. "Does that mean she is planning to lie to the Chinese audience about her time in government and her personal life and does not want any press around to discredit her? "

    YES. If she'd have to adjust her speech for reporters, what else could it possibly be?
    And again, this goes to show how stupid Palin is. Doesn't she think people at the conference will be talking about her speech? What if someone who will be there has a camera that she's not aware of?
    Or maybe it's because (we all know) that Palin is not writing the speech. If reporters are there, they'd ask questions about it. How caould she posssibly answer questions that she doesn't know the answers to? She'll be reading a speech that she has no understanding of. If people come up to her afterwords to talk, Palin is very skilled at just changing the subject. That's probably the area where she'll be the biggest joke.

  97. Yo, Anon who is trying to make i seem as though Palin won the debate against Biden,

    You and your so-called BBC article are a joke. If you have the memory capacity, Palin looked into the camera and said she wasn't going to answer ANY questions. She just went rogue. And if you call what she tried to pull off a debate, then you really need to learn about what a debate actually is.
    She didn't allow one question. She was never, ever on topic. She spoke her usual "word salad" and should have embarrassed any one left who still refers to themselves as republicans. Palin is THE National Joke.

    "You people are so blinded by some sort of irrationality you cannot even concede that this is a perfectly spotted opportunity for her to work the room, control the topic, and play to her strength."

    We are not the people who are blinded. We see President Obama as he actually is. Someone who is trying to make this Country better. Trying to fix as many mistakes as possible thanks to Bush/Cheney and the rest of the Free Market Republicans who crashed our economy.
    Playing to her strengths? HAHAHAHA! What strengths? Her only strengths are her lying and getting away with it. She is a low down, backstabbing, miserable excuse for a human being. And I am being gentle with you.
    You need to go back to watching Glen Beck, reading Malkin and RedState or watching the rest o the yahoo's on Fox. Go troll elsewhere.

    Country First my a$$,

  98. Gasman, Your post at 6:46p.m. was great!

  99. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Honolulu Advertiser:

    Former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin will address fund managers in Hong Kong today in a speech that may augment both her bank account and overseas profile ahead of a possible 2012 White House bid.
    Palin's appearance in Hong Kong has generated a mixed response from the financial community. Investor Marc Faber, a fellow speaker at the CLSA conference who publishes the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report, said he has no plans to attend Palin's presentation.

    "I would not waste my time with hearing what a totally ignorant character has to say about the world," Faber said in an e-mail.

    [According to various news sources, Dr. Marc Faber had been scheduled to speak WITH Sarah.]

    Palin will probably tell investors that Obama's health care plan may saddle the U.S. with a heavy debt burden for years to come, said Uwe Parpart, chief Asia strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald LP in Hong Kong. Investors outside the U.S. have helped finance unprecedented budget deficits, buying 43.1 percent of the $1.41 trillion of notes and bonds sold by the Treasury Department this year, government figures show.

    "There is a lot at stake, and Palin in some ways symbolizes that for a lot of people," said Parpart, who worked for the U.S. White House National Security Council under President Ronald Reagan. "She's certainly a significant spokesperson for this kind of social conservative anti-Obama movement, which has picked up steam recently and chalked up some important successes."

  100. crystalwolf aka caligrl3:22 PM

    Yes I agree! Go Gasman! :)


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